【学习笔记】卫星通信NTN 3GPP标准化进展分析(六)- 参考标准

news2025/2/22 7:19:55


本文来自3GPP Joern Krause, 3GPP MCC (May 14,2024)

Non-Terrestrial Networks (NTN) (3gpp.org)


【学习笔记】卫星通信NTN 3GPP标准化进展分析(一)-基本信息-CSDN博客icon-default.png?t=N7T8https://blog.csdn.net/u011376987/article/details/141790786?spm=1001.2014.3001.5501

【学习笔记】卫星通信NTN 3GPP标准化进展分析(二)- 3GPP Release16 内容-CSDN博客icon-default.png?t=N7T8https://blog.csdn.net/u011376987/article/details/141791684?spm=1001.2014.3001.5501【学习笔记】卫星通信NTN 3GPP标准化进展分析(三)- 3GPP Release17 内容-CSDN博客icon-default.png?t=N7T8https://blog.csdn.net/u011376987/article/details/141791743?spm=1001.2014.3001.5501

【学习笔记】卫星通信NTN 3GPP标准化进展分析(四)- 3GPP Release18内容-CSDN博客icon-default.png?t=N7T8https://blog.csdn.net/u011376987/article/details/141791799?spm=1001.2014.3001.5501

【学习笔记】卫星通信NTN 3GPP标准化进展分析(五)- 3GPP Release19 研究计划-CSDN博客icon-default.png?t=N7T8https://blog.csdn.net/u011376987/article/details/141791831?spm=1001.2014.3001.5501

【学习笔记】卫星通信NTN 3GPP标准化进展分析(六)- 参考标准-CSDN博客icon-default.png?t=N7T8https://blog.csdn.net/u011376987/article/details/141791904?spm=1001.2014.3001.5501


Pure Satellite/NTN specific specifications:

TR 38.811, "Study on New Radio (NR) to support non-terrestrial networks", REL-15 SI FS_NR_nonterr_nw, RAN

TR 22.822, "Study on using satellite access in 5G", REL-16 SI FS_5GSAT, SA1

TR 38.821, "Study on solutions for NR to support non-terrestrial networks (NTN)", REL-16 SI FS_NR_NTN_solutions, RAN3

TR 23.737, "Study on architecture aspects for using satellite access in 5G", SI FS_5GSAT_ARCH, SA2; note: SI started in REL-16 but ended in REL-17

TR 38.863, "Non-terrestrial networks (NTN) related RF and co-existence aspects", REL-17 WI NR_NTN_solutions, RAN4

TS 38.101-5, "NR; User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception; Part 5: Satellite access Radio Frequency (RF) and performance requirements", REL-17 WI  NR_NTN_solutions, RAN4

TS 38.108, "NR; Satellite Access Node radio transmission and reception", REL-17 WI NR_NTN_solutions, RAN4

TS 38.181, "NR; Satellite Access Node conformance testing", REL-17 WI NR_NTN_solutions, RAN4

TS 38.521-5, "NR; User Equipment (UE) conformance specification; Radio transmission and reception; Part 5: Satellite access Radio Frequency (RF) and performance", REL-17 WI NR_NTN_solutions_plus_CT-UEConTest, RAN5

TR 38.882 "Study on requirements and use cases for network verified UE location for Non-Terrestrial-Networks (NTN) in NR", REL-18 SI FS_NR_NTN_netw_verif_UE_loc, RAN

TR 37.911, "Study on self-evaluation towards the IMT-2020 submission of the 3GPP Satellite Radio Interface Technology", REL-18 SI FS_IMT2020_SAT_eval, SA1

TR 22.926, "Guidelines for extraterritorial 5G Systems (5GS)" REL-18 SI FS_5GET, SA1

Generic specifications including Satellite/NTN aspects:

TS 22.261, "Service requirements for the 5G system", stage 1 spec from SA1

TS 23.501, "System architecture for the 5G System (5GS)", stage 2 spec from SA2, esp. clauses 5.4.10 and 5.4.11

TS 38.300, "NR; NR and NG-RAN Overall description; Stage-2", RAN2, esp. clause 16.14

Note: Stage 3 aspects are distributed over several specifications (like any other 3GPP feature).

Other references:

"NTN & Satellite in Rel-17 & 18", by Munira Jaffar & Nicolas Chuberre, see also 3GPP Highlights newsletter no.3, page 24


AF                           Application Function

AMF                       Access and Mobility Management Function

AS                           Access Stratum

GEO                        Geostationary Earth Orbit

gNB                        Node providing NR user plane and control plane protocol terminations towards the UE, and connected via the NG interface to the 5GC

GSO                        Geosynchronous Orbit

GNSS                      Global Navigation Satellite System

HAPS                      High Altitude Platform Station

HEO                        Highly Elliptical Orbit

LEO                        Low Earth Orbit

MEO                       Medium Earth Orbiting

NG-RAN                 Next Generation Radio Access Network
(set of gNBs connected to the 5GC through the NG interface)

NGSO                     Non-Geostationary Satellite Orbit

NRM                       Network Resource Model

NTN                        Non-Terrestrial Networks (incl. satellites, UAVs, drones, ballons)

PCI                          Physical Cell Identifier

PLMN                     Public Land Mobile Network

RA                          Random Access

RRC                        Radio Resource Control

RRM                       Radio Resource Management

RTT                         Round Trip Time

SAN                        Satellite Access Node

SSB                         SS/PBCH block

SSC                         Satellite Service Customer

SMTC                     SS/PBCH Block Measurement Timing Configuration

SNO                        Satellite Network Operator

SSB                         SS/PBCH block

TA                           Timing Advance

TAC                        Tracking Area Code

TAI                          Tracking Area Indicator

TN                           Terrestrial Network

TNL                         Transport Network Layer

UAV                        Uncrewed/Uncrewed Aerial Vehicle

UPF                        User Plane Function

VSAT                      Very Small Aperture Terminal


Airborne vehicles: Uncrewed Aircraft Systems (UAS) encompassing tethered UAS (TUA), Lighter than Air UAS (LTA), Heavier than Air UAS (HTA), all operating in altitudes typically between 8 and 50 km including High Altitude Platforms (HAPs)

Geostationary Earth orbit: Circular orbit at 35,786 kilometres above the Earth's equator and following the direction of the Earth's rotation. An object in such an orbit has an orbital period equal to the Earth's rotational period and thus appears motionless, at a fixed position in the sky, to ground observers.

High Altitude Platform Station: airborne vehicle embarking the NTN payload placed at an altitude between 8 and 50 km.

Low Earth Orbit: Orbit around the around Earth with an altitude between 500 kilometres (orbital period of about 88 minutes), and 2,000 kilometres (orbital period of about 127 minutes).

Medium Earth Orbit: region of space around the Earth above low Earth orbit and below geostationary Earth Orbit.

Non-Geosynchronous orbit: earth-centered orbit with an orbital period that does not match Earth's rotation on its axis. This includes Low and Medium Earth Orbit (LEO and MEO).

Non Geostationary Satellites: Satellites (LEO and MEO) orbiting around the Earth with a period that varies approximately between 1.5 hour and 10 hours. It is necessary to have a constellation of several Non Geostationary satellites associated with handover mechanisms to ensure a service continuity.

Non-terrestrial networks: Networks, or segments of networks, using an airborne or space-borne vehicle to embark a transmission equipment relay node or base station.

NTN Gateway: an earth station located at the surface of the earth, providing connectivity to the NTN payload using the feeder link. An NTN Gateway is a TNL node.

NTN payload: a network node, embarked on board a satellite or high altitude platform station, providing connectivity functions, between the service link and the feeder link. In the current version of this specification, the NTN payload is a TNL node.

Regenerative payload: payload that transforms and amplifies an uplink RF signal before transmitting it on the downlink. The transformation of the signal refers to digital processing that may include demodulation, decoding, re-encoding, re-modulation and/or filtering.

Satellite: a space-borne vehicle embarking a bent pipe payload or a regenerative payload telecommunication transmitter, placed into Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) typically at an altitude between 500 km to 2000 km, Medium-Earth Orbit (MEO) typically at an altitude between 8000 to 20000 km, or Geostationary-satellite Earth Orbit (GEO) at 35 786 km altitude.

Satellite Access Node (SAN): node providing NR user plane and control plane protocol terminations towards NTN Satellite capable UE, and connected via the NG interface to the 5GC. It encompass a transparent NTN payload on board a NTN platform, a gateway and gNB functions.

Space-borne vehicles: Satellites including Low Earth Orbiting (LEO) satellites, Medium Earth Orbiting (MEO) satellites, Geostationary Earth Orbiting (GEO) satellites as well as Highly Elliptical Orbiting (HEO) satellites

Service link: wireless link between the NTN payload and UE





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