
news2025/3/10 16:32:50



  • 一、前言
  • 二、开发环境
  • 三、系统界面展示
  • 四、代码参考
  • 五、论文参考
  • 六、系统视频
  • 结语








  • 开发语言:Java/Python
  • 数据库:MySQL
  • 系统架构:B/S
  • 后端:SpringBoot/SSM/Django/Flask
  • 前端:Vue


  • 付费自习室管理系统界面展示:


  • 项目实战代码参考:
import os,sys
from django.http import JsonResponse, HttpResponse
from django.apps import apps

def index(request):
    if request.method in ["GET", "POST"]:
        msg = {"code": 200, "msg": "success", "data": []}
        # allModels = apps.get_app_config('main').get_models()
        # for m in allModels:
        #     print(m.__tablename__)
        #     print(dir(m))
        #     # for col in m._meta.fields:
        #     #     print("col name============>",col.name)
        #     #     print("col type============>",col.get_internal_type())
        # print(allModels)

        return JsonResponse(msg)

def test(request, p1):
    if request.method in ["GET", "POST"]:
        msg = {"code": 200, "msg": "success", "data": []}
        print("=================>index  ", p1)
        return JsonResponse(msg)

def null(request,):
    if request.method in ["GET", "POST"]:
        msg = {"code": 200, "msg": "success", "data": []}
        return JsonResponse(msg)

def check_suffix(filelName,path1):
        image_data = open(path1, "rb").read()
        image_data = "no file"
    if '.js' in filelName:
        return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/javascript")
    elif '.jpg' in filelName or '.jpeg' in filelName or '.png' in filelName or '.gif' in filelName:
        return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="image/png")
    elif '.css' in filelName:
        return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/css")
    elif '.ttf' in filelName or '.woff' in filelName:
        return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/octet-stream")
    elif '.mp4' in filelName:
        return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="video/mp4")
    elif '.mp3' in filelName:
        return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="audio/mp3")
    elif '.csv' in filelName:
        return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/CSV")
    elif '.doc' in filelName:
        return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/msword")
    elif '.docx' in filelName:
        return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document")
    elif '.xls' in filelName:
        return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/vnd.ms-excel")
    elif '.xlsx' in filelName:
        return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet")
    elif '.ppt' in filelName:
        return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/vnd.ms-powerpoint")
    elif '.pptx' in filelName:
        return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation")
    elif '.zip' in filelName:
        return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/x-zip-compressed")
    elif '.rar' in filelName:
        return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/octet-stream")
        return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/html")

def admin_lib2(request, p1, p2):
    if request.method in ["GET", "POST"]:
        fullPath = request.get_full_path()
        print("{}=============>".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), fullPath)
        path1 = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "templates/front/admin/lib/", p1, p2)

        return check_suffix(eval(eval(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name).__code__.co_varnames[-3]),path1)
        # try:
        #     image_data = open(path1, "rb").read()
        # except:
        #     image_data="no file"
        # if '.js' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/javascript")
        # elif '.jpg' in p2 or '.jpeg' in p2 or '.png' in p2 or '.gif' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="image/png")
        # elif '.css' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/css")
        # elif '.ttf' in p2 or '.woff' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/octet-stream")
        # elif '.mp4' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="video/mp4")
        # elif '.mp3' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="audio/mp3")
        # else:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/html")

def admin_lib3(request, p1, p2, p3):
    if request.method in ["GET", "POST"]:
        fullPath = request.get_full_path()
        print("{}=============>".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), fullPath)
        path1 = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "templates/front/admin/lib/", p1, p2, p3)

        return check_suffix(eval(eval(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name).__code__.co_varnames[-3]),path1)
        # try:
        #     image_data = open(path1, "rb").read()
        # except:
        #     image_data="no file"
        # if '.js' in p3:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/javascript")
        # elif '.jpg' in p3 or '.jpeg' in p3 or '.png' in p3 or '.gif' in p3:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="image/png")
        # elif '.css' in p3:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/css")
        # elif '.ttf' in p3 or '.woff' in p3:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/octet-stream")
        # elif '.mp4' in p3:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="video/mp4")
        # elif '.mp3' in p3:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="audio/mp3")
        # else:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/html")

def admin_lib4(request, p1, p2, p3, p4):
    if request.method in ["GET", "POST"]:
        fullPath = request.get_full_path()
        print("{}=============>".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), fullPath)
        path1 = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "templates/front/admin/lib/", p1, p2, p3, p4)

        return check_suffix(eval(eval(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name).__code__.co_varnames[-3]),path1)
        # try:
        #     image_data = open(path1, "rb").read()
        # except:
        #     image_data="no file"
        # if '.js' in p4:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/javascript")
        # elif '.jpg' in p4 or '.jpeg' in p4 or '.png' in p4 or '.gif' in p4:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="image/png")
        # elif '.css' in p4:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/css")
        # elif '.ttf' in p4 or '.woff' in p4:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/octet-stream")
        # elif '.mp4' in p4:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="video/mp4")
        # elif '.mp3' in p4:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="audio/mp3")
        # else:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/html")

def admin_page(request, p1):
    if request.method in ["GET", "POST"]:
        fullPath = request.get_full_path()
        print("{}=============>".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), fullPath)
        path1 = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "templates/front/admin/page/", p1)

        return check_suffix(eval(eval(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name).__code__.co_varnames[-3]),path1)
        # try:
        #     image_data = open(path1, "rb").read()
        # except:
        #     image_data="no file"
        # if '.js' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/javascript")
        # elif '.jpg' in p1 or '.jpeg' in p1 or '.png' in p1 or '.gif' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="image/png")
        # elif '.css' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/css")
        # elif '.ttf' in p1 or '.woff' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/octet-stream")
        # elif '.mp4' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="video/mp4")
        # elif '.mp3' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="audio/mp3")
        # else:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/html")

def admin_page2(request, p1, p2):
    if request.method in ["GET", "POST"]:
        fullPath = request.get_full_path()
        print("{}=============>".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), fullPath)
        path1 = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "templates/front/admin/page/", p1, p2)

        return check_suffix(eval(eval(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name).__code__.co_varnames[-3]),path1)
        # try:
        #     image_data = open(path1, "rb").read()
        # except:
        #     image_data="no file"
        # if '.js' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/javascript")
        # elif '.jpg' in p2 or '.jpeg' in p2 or '.png' in p2 or '.gif' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="image/png")
        # elif '.css' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/css")
        # elif '.ttf' in p2 or '.woff' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/octet-stream")
        # elif '.mp4' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="video/mp4")
        # elif '.mp3' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="audio/mp3")
        # else:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/html")

def admin_pages(request, p1):
    if request.method in ["GET", "POST"]:
        fullPath = request.get_full_path()
        print("{}=============>".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), fullPath)
        path1 = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "templates/front/admin/pages/", p1)

        return check_suffix(eval(eval(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name).__code__.co_varnames[-3]),path1)
        # try:
        #     image_data = open(path1, "rb").read()
        # except:
        #     image_data="no file"
        # if '.js' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/javascript")
        # elif '.jpg' in p1 or '.jpeg' in p1 or '.png' in p1 or '.gif' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="image/png")
        # elif '.css' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/css")
        # elif '.ttf' in p1 or '.woff' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/octet-stream")
        # elif '.mp4' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="video/mp4")
        # elif '.mp3' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="audio/mp3")
        # else:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/html")

def admin_pages2(request, p1, p2):
    if request.method in ["GET", "POST"]:
        fullPath = request.get_full_path()
        print("{}=============>".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), fullPath)
        path1 = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "templates/front/admin/pages/", p1, p2)

        return check_suffix(eval(eval(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name).__code__.co_varnames[-3]),path1)

        # try:
        #     image_data = open(path1, "rb").read()
        # except:
        #     image_data="no file"
        # if '.js' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/javascript")
        # elif '.jpg' in p2 or '.jpeg' in p2 or '.png' in p2 or '.gif' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="image/png")
        # elif '.css' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/css")
        # elif '.ttf' in p2 or '.woff' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/octet-stream")
        # elif '.mp4' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="video/mp4")
        # elif '.mp3' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="audio/mp3")
        # else:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/html")

def admin_file1(request, p1):
    if request.method in ["GET", "POST"]:
        fullPath = request.get_full_path()
        print("{}=============>".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), fullPath)
        path1 = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "templates/front/admin/", p1)

        return check_suffix(eval(eval(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name).__code__.co_varnames[-3]),path1)

        # try:
        #     image_data = open(path1, "rb").read()
        # except:
        #     image_data="no file"
        # if '.js' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/javascript")
        # elif '.jpg' in p1 or '.jpeg' in p1 or '.png' in p1 or '.gif' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="image/png")
        # elif '.css' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/css")
        # elif '.ttf' in p1 or '.woff' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/octet-stream")
        # elif '.mp4' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="video/mp4")
        # elif '.mp3' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="audio/mp3")
        # else:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/html")

def admin_file2(request, p1, p2):
    if request.method in ["GET", "POST"]:
        fullPath = request.get_full_path()
        print("{}=============>".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), fullPath)
        path1 = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "templates/front/admin/", p1, p2)
        if not  os.path.isfile(path1):
            path1 = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "templates/front/admin/dist/", p1, p2)

        return check_suffix(eval(eval(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name).__code__.co_varnames[-3]),path1)
        # try:
        #     image_data = open(path1, "rb").read()
        # except:
        #     image_data="no file"
        # if '.js' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/javascript")
        # elif '.jpg' in p2 or '.jpeg' in p2 or '.png' in p2 or '.gif' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="image/png")
        # elif '.css' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/css")
        # elif '.ttf' in p2 or '.woff' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/octet-stream")
        # elif '.mp4' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="video/mp4")
        # elif '.mp3' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="audio/mp3")
        # else:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/html")

def admin_file3(request, p1, p2, p3):
    if request.method in ["GET", "POST"]:
        fullPath = request.get_full_path()
        print("{}=============>".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), fullPath)
        path1 = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "templates/front/admin/", p1, p2, p3)

        if not  os.path.isfile(path1):
            path1 = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "templates/front/admin/dist/", p1, p2,p3)

        return check_suffix(eval(eval(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name).__code__.co_varnames[-3]),path1)
        # try:
        #     image_data = open(path1, "rb").read()
        # except:
        #     image_data="no file"
        # if '.js' in p3:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/javascript")
        # elif '.jpg' in p3 or '.jpeg' in p3 or '.png' in p3 or '.gif' in p3:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="image/png")
        # elif '.css' in p3:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/css")
        # elif '.ttf' in p3 or '.woff' in p3:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/octet-stream")
        # elif '.mp4' in p3:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="video/mp4")
        # elif '.mp3' in p3:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="audio/mp3")
        # else:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/html")

def admin_file4(request, p1, p2, p3, p4):
    if request.method in ["GET", "POST"]:
        fullPath = request.get_full_path()
        print("{}=============>".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), fullPath)
        path1 = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "templates/front/admin/", p1, p2, p3, p4)
        if not  os.path.isfile(path1):
            path1 = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "templates/front/admin/dist/", p1, p2,p3,p4)

        return check_suffix(eval(eval(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name).__code__.co_varnames[-3]),path1)
        # try:
        #     image_data = open(path1, "rb").read()
        # except:
        #     image_data="no file"
        # if '.js' in p4:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/javascript")
        # elif '.jpg' in p4 or '.jpeg' in p4 or '.png' in p4 or '.gif' in p4:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="image/png")
        # elif '.css' in p4:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/css")
        # elif '.ttf' in p4 or '.woff' in p4:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/octet-stream")
        # elif '.mp4' in p4:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="video/mp4")
        # elif '.mp3' in p4:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="audio/mp3")
        # else:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/html")

def front_pages(request, p1):
    if request.method in ["GET", "POST"]:
        fullPath = request.get_full_path()
        print("{}=============>".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), fullPath)
        path1 = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "templates/front/pages/", p1)

        return check_suffix(eval(eval(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name).__code__.co_varnames[-3]),path1)
        # try:
        #     image_data = open(path1, "rb").read()
        # except:
        #     image_data="no file"
        # if '.js' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/javascript")
        # elif '.jpg' in p1 or '.jpeg' in p1 or '.png' in p1 or '.gif' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="image/png")
        # elif '.css' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/css")
        # elif '.ttf' in p1 or '.woff' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/octet-stream")
        # elif '.mp4' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="video/mp4")
        # elif '.mp3' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="audio/mp3")
        # else:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/html")

def front_pages2(request, p1, p2):
    if request.method in ["GET", "POST"]:
        fullPath = request.get_full_path()
        print("{}=============>".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), fullPath)
        path1 = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "templates/front/pages/", p1, p2)

        return check_suffix(eval(eval(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name).__code__.co_varnames[-3]),path1)

        # try:
        #     image_data = open(path1, "rb").read()
        # except:
        #     image_data="no file"
        # if '.js' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/javascript")
        # elif '.jpg' in p2 or '.jpeg' in p2 or '.png' in p2 or '.gif' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="image/png")
        # elif '.css' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/css")
        # elif '.ttf' in p2 or '.woff' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/octet-stream")
        # elif '.mp4' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="video/mp4")
        # elif '.mp3' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="audio/mp3")
        # else:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/html")

def layui1(request, p1):
    if request.method in ["GET", "POST"]:
        fullPath = request.get_full_path()
        print("{}=============>".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), fullPath)
        path1 = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "templates/front/layui/", p1)

        return check_suffix(eval(eval(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name).__code__.co_varnames[-3]),path1)
        # try:
        #     image_data = open(path1, "rb").read()
        # except:
        #     image_data="no file"
        # if '.js' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/javascript")
        # elif '.jpg' in p1 or '.jpeg' in p1 or '.png' in p1 or '.gif' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="image/png")
        # elif '.css' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/css")
        # elif '.ttf' in p1 or '.woff' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/octet-stream")
        # elif '.mp4' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="video/mp4")
        # elif '.mp3' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="audio/mp3")
        # else:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/html")

def layui2(request, p1, p2):
    if request.method in ["GET", "POST"]:
        fullPath = request.get_full_path()
        print("{}=============>".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), fullPath)
        path1 = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "templates/front/layui/", p1, p2)
        print("layui2 path1========================>",path1)

        return check_suffix(eval(eval(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name).__code__.co_varnames[-3]),path1)
        # try:
        #     image_data = open(path1, "rb").read()
        # except:
        #     image_data="no file"
        # if '.js' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/javascript")
        # elif '.jpg' in p2 or '.jpeg' in p2 or '.png' in p2 or '.gif' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="image/png")
        # elif '.css' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/css")
        # elif '.ttf' in p2 or '.woff' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/octet-stream")
        # elif '.mp4' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="video/mp4")
        # elif '.mp3' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="audio/mp3")
        # else:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/html")

def layui3(request, p1, p2, p3):
    if request.method in ["GET", "POST"]:
        fullPath = request.get_full_path()
        print("{}=============>".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), fullPath)
        path1 = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "templates/front/layui/", p1, p2, p3)
        print("layui3 path1========================>",path1)

        return check_suffix(eval(eval(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name).__code__.co_varnames[-3]),path1)
        # try:
        #     image_data = open(path1, "rb").read()
        # except:
        #     image_data="no file"
        # if '.js' in p3:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/javascript")
        # elif '.jpg' in p3 or '.jpeg' in p3 or '.png' in p3 or '.gif' in p3:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="image/png")
        # elif '.css' in p3:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/css")
        # elif '.ttf' in p3 or '.woff' in p3:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/octet-stream")
        # elif '.mp4' in p3:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="video/mp4")
        # elif '.mp3' in p3:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="audio/mp3")
        # else:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/html")

def layui4(request, p1, p2, p3, p4):
    if request.method in ["GET", "POST"]:
        fullPath = request.get_full_path()
        print("{}=============>".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), fullPath)
        path1 = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "templates/front/layui/", p1, p2, p3, p4)
        print("layui4 path1========================>",path1)

        return check_suffix(eval(eval(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name).__code__.co_varnames[-3]),path1)
        # try:
        #     image_data = open(path1, "rb").read()
        # except:
        #     image_data="no file"
        # if '.js' in p4:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/javascript")
        # elif '.jpg' in p4 or '.jpeg' in p4 or '.png' in p4 or '.gif' in p4:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="image/png")
        # elif '.css' in p4:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/css")
        # elif '.ttf' in p4 or '.woff' in p4:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/octet-stream")
        # elif '.mp4' in p4:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="video/mp4")
        # elif '.mp3' in p4:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="audio/mp3")
        # else:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/html")

def pages1(request, p1):
    if request.method in ["GET", "POST"]:
        fullPath = request.get_full_path()
        print("{}=============>".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), fullPath)
        path1 = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "templates/front/pages/", p1)

        return check_suffix(eval(eval(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name).__code__.co_varnames[-3]),path1)

        # try:
        #     image_data = open(path1, "rb").read()
        # except:
        #     image_data="no file"
        # if '.js' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/javascript")
        # elif '.jpg' in p1 or '.jpeg' in p1 or '.png' in p1 or '.gif' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="image/png")
        # elif '.css' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/css")
        # elif '.ttf' in p1 or '.woff' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/octet-stream")
        # elif '.mp4' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="video/mp4")
        # elif '.mp3' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="audio/mp3")
        # else:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/html")

def pages2(request, p1, p2):
    if request.method in ["GET", "POST"]:
        fullPath = request.get_full_path()
        print("{}=============>".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), fullPath)
        path1 = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "templates/front/pages/", p1, p2)

        return check_suffix(eval(eval(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name).__code__.co_varnames[-3]),path1)

        # try:
        #     image_data = open(path1, "rb").read()
        # except:
        #     image_data="no file"
        # if '.js' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/javascript")
        # elif '.jpg' in p2 or '.jpeg' in p2 or '.png' in p2 or '.gif' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="image/png")
        # elif '.css' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/css")
        # elif '.ttf' in p2 or '.woff' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/octet-stream")
        # elif '.mp4' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="video/mp4")
        # elif '.mp3' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="audio/mp3")
        # else:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/html")

def front_file1(request, p1):
    if request.method in ["GET", "POST"]:
        fullPath = request.get_full_path()
        print("{}=============>".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), fullPath)
        path1 = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "templates/front/", p1)

        return check_suffix(eval(eval(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name).__code__.co_varnames[-3]),path1)

        # try:
        #     image_data = open(path1, "rb").read()
        # except:
        #     image_data="no file"
        # if '.js' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/javascript")
        # elif '.jpg' in p1 or '.jpeg' in p1 or '.png' in p1 or '.gif' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="image/png")
        # elif '.css' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/css")
        # elif '.ttf' in p1 or '.woff' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/octet-stream")
        # elif '.mp4' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="video/mp4")
        # elif '.mp3' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="audio/mp3")
        # else:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/html")

def front_file2(request, p1, p2):
    if request.method in ["GET", "POST"]:
        fullPath = request.get_full_path()
        print("{}=============>".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), fullPath)
        path1 = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "templates/front/", p1, p2)

        return check_suffix(eval(eval(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name).__code__.co_varnames[-3]),path1)

        # try:
        #     image_data = open(path1, "rb").read()
        # except:
        #     image_data="no file"
        # if '.js' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/javascript")
        # elif '.jpg' in p2 or '.jpeg' in p2 or '.png' in p2 or '.gif' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="image/png")
        # elif '.css' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/css")
        # elif '.ttf' in p2 or '.woff' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/octet-stream")
        # elif '.mp4' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="video/mp4")
        # elif '.mp3' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="audio/mp3")
        # else:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/html")

def schema_front1(request, p1):
    if request.method in ["GET", "POST"]:
        fullPath = request.get_full_path()
        print("{}=============>".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), fullPath)
        path1 = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "templates/front/", p1)

        return check_suffix(eval(eval(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name).__code__.co_varnames[-3]),path1)
        # try:
        #     image_data = open(path1, "rb").read()
        # except:
        #     image_data="no file"
        # if '.js' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/javascript")
        # elif '.jpg' in p1 or '.jpeg' in p1 or '.png' in p1 or '.gif' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="image/png")
        # elif '.css' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/css")
        # elif '.ttf' in p1 or '.woff' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/octet-stream")
        # elif '.mp4' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="video/mp4")
        # elif '.mp3' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="audio/mp3")
        # else:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/html")

def schema_front2(request, p1, p2):
    if request.method in ["GET", "POST"]:
        fullPath = request.get_full_path()
        print("{}=============>".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), fullPath)
        path1 = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "templates/front/", p1, p2)

        return check_suffix(eval(eval(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name).__code__.co_varnames[-3]),path1)

        # try:
        #     image_data = open(path1, "rb").read()
        # except:
        #     image_data="no file"
        # if '.js' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/javascript")
        # elif '.jpg' in p2 or '.jpeg' in p2 or '.png' in p2 or '.gif' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="image/png")
        # elif '.css' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/css")
        # elif '.ttf' in p2 or '.woff' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/octet-stream")
        # elif '.mp4' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="video/mp4")
        # elif '.mp3' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="audio/mp3")
        # else:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/html")

def schema_front3(request, p1, p2, p3):
    if request.method in ["GET", "POST"]:
        fullPath = request.get_full_path()
        print("{}=============>".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), fullPath)
        path1 = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "templates/front/", p1, p2, p3)

        return check_suffix(eval(eval(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name).__code__.co_varnames[-3]),path1)
        # try:
        #     image_data = open(path1, "rb").read()
        # except:
        #     image_data="no file"
        # if '.js' in p3:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/javascript")
        # elif '.jpg' in p3 or '.jpeg' in p3 or '.png' in p3 or '.gif' in p3:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="image/png")
        # elif '.css' in p3:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/css")
        # elif '.ttf' in p3 or '.woff' in p3:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/octet-stream")
        # elif '.mp4' in p3:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="video/mp4")
        # elif '.mp3' in p3:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="audio/mp3")
        # else:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/html")

def schema_front4(request, p1, p2, p3, p4):
    if request.method in ["GET", "POST"]:
        fullPath = request.get_full_path()
        print("{}=============>".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), fullPath)
        path1 = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "templates/front/", p1, p2, p3, p4)

        return check_suffix(eval(eval(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name).__code__.co_varnames[-3]),path1)

        # try:
        #     image_data = open(path1, "rb").read()
        # except:
        #     image_data="no file"
        # if '.js' in p4:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/javascript")
        # elif '.jpg' in p4 or '.jpeg' in p4 or '.png' in p4 or '.gif' in p4:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="image/png")
        # elif '.css' in p4:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/css")
        # elif '.ttf' in p4 or '.woff' in p4:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/octet-stream")
        # elif '.mp4' in p4:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="video/mp4")
        # elif '.mp3' in p4:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="audio/mp3")
        # else:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/html")

def assets1(request, p1):
    if request.method in ["GET", "POST"]:
        fullPath = request.get_full_path()
        print("{}=============>".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), fullPath)
        path1 = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "templates/front/assets/", p1)

        return check_suffix(eval(eval(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name).__code__.co_varnames[-3]),path1)

        # try:
        #     image_data = open(path1, "rb").read()
        # except:
        #     image_data="no file"
        # if '.js' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/javascript")
        # elif '.jpg' in p1 or '.jpeg' in p1 or '.png' in p1 or '.gif' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="image/png")
        # elif '.css' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/css")
        # elif '.ttf' in p1 or '.woff' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/octet-stream")
        # elif '.mp4' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="video/mp4")
        # elif '.mp3' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="audio/mp3")
        # elif '.map' in p1:
        #     return JsonResponse({})
        # else:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/html")

def assets2(request, p1, p2):
    if request.method in ["GET", "POST"]:
        fullPath = request.get_full_path()
        print("{}=============>".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), fullPath)
        path1 = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "templates/front/assets/", p1, p2)

        return check_suffix(eval(eval(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name).__code__.co_varnames[-3]),path1)
        # try:
        #     image_data = open(path1, "rb").read()
        # except:
        #     image_data="no file"
        # if '.js' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/javascript")
        # elif '.jpg' in p2 or '.jpeg' in p2 or '.png' in p2 or '.gif' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="image/png")
        # elif '.css' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/css")
        # elif '.ttf' in p2 or '.woff' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/octet-stream")
        # elif '.mp4' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="video/mp4")
        # elif '.mp3' in p2:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="audio/mp3")
        # elif '.map' in p2:
        #     return JsonResponse({})
        # else:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/html")

def assets3(request, p1, p2, p3):
    if request.method in ["GET", "POST"]:
        fullPath = request.get_full_path()
        print("{}=============>".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), fullPath)
        path1 = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "templates/front/assets/", p1, p2, p3)

        return check_suffix(eval(eval(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name).__code__.co_varnames[-3]),path1)
        # try:
        #     image_data = open(path1, "rb").read()
        # except:
        #     image_data="no file"
        # if '.js' in p3:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/javascript")
        # elif '.jpg' in p3 or '.jpeg' in p3 or '.png' in p3 or '.gif' in p3:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="image/png")
        # elif '.css' in p3:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/css")
        # elif '.ttf' in p3 or '.woff' in p3:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/octet-stream")
        # elif '.mp4' in p3:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="video/mp4")
        # elif '.mp3' in p3:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="audio/mp3")
        # elif '.map' in p3:
        #     return JsonResponse({})
        # else:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/html")

def assets4(request, p1, p2, p3, p4):
    if request.method in ["GET", "POST"]:
        fullPath = request.get_full_path()
        print("{}=============>".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), fullPath)
        path1 = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "templates/front/assets/", p1, p2, p3, p4)

        return check_suffix(eval(eval(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name).__code__.co_varnames[-3]),path1)
        # try:
        #     image_data = open(path1, "rb").read()
        # except:
        #     image_data="no file"
        # if '.js' in p4:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/javascript")
        # elif '.jpg' in p4 or '.jpeg' in p4 or '.png' in p4 or '.gif' in p4:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="image/png")
        # elif '.css' in p4:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/css")
        # elif '.ttf' in p4 or '.woff' in p4:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/octet-stream")
        # elif '.mp4' in p4:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="video/mp4")
        # elif '.mp3' in p4:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="audio/mp3")
        # elif '.map' in p4:
        #     return JsonResponse({})
        # else:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/html")

def css1(request, p1):
    if request.method in ["GET", "POST"]:
        fullPath = request.get_full_path()
        print("{}=============>".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), fullPath)
        path1 = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "templates/front/css/", p1)

        return check_suffix(eval(eval(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name).__code__.co_varnames[-3]),path1)

        # try:
        #     image_data = open(path1, "rb").read()
        # except:
        #     image_data="no file"
        # if '.js' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/javascript")
        # elif '.jpg' in p1 or '.jpeg' in p1 or '.png' in p1 or '.gif' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="image/png")
        # elif '.css' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/css")
        # elif '.ttf' in p1 or '.woff' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/octet-stream")
        # elif '.mp4' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="video/mp4")
        # elif '.mp3' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="audio/mp3")
        # else:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/html")

def js1(request, p1):
    if request.method in ["GET", "POST"]:
        fullPath = request.get_full_path()
        print("{}=============>".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), fullPath)
        path1 = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "templates/front/js/", p1)

        return check_suffix(eval(eval(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name).__code__.co_varnames[-3]),path1)

        # try:
        #     image_data = open(path1, "rb").read()
        # except:
        #     image_data="no file"
        # if '.js' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/javascript")
        # elif '.jpg' in p1 or '.jpeg' in p1 or '.png' in p1 or '.gif' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="image/png")
        # elif '.css' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/css")
        # elif '.ttf' in p1 or '.woff' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/octet-stream")
        # elif '.mp4' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="video/mp4")
        # elif '.mp3' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="audio/mp3")
        # else:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/html")

def img1(request, p1):
    if request.method in ["GET", "POST"]:
        fullPath = request.get_full_path()
        print("{}=============>".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), fullPath)
        path1 = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "templates/front/img/", p1)

        return check_suffix(eval(eval(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name).__code__.co_varnames[-3]),path1)

        # try:
        #     image_data = open(path1, "rb").read()
        # except:
        #     image_data="no file"
        # if '.js' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/javascript")
        # elif '.jpg' in p1 or '.jpeg' in p1 or '.png' in p1 or '.gif' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="image/png")
        # elif '.css' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/css")
        # elif '.ttf' in p1 or '.woff' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="application/octet-stream")
        # elif '.mp4' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="video/mp4")
        # elif '.mp3' in p1:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="audio/mp3")
        # else:
        #     return HttpResponse(image_data, content_type="text/html")
def front_modules(request, p1):
    if request.method in ["GET", "POST"]:
        fullPath = request.get_full_path()
        print("{}=============>".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), fullPath)
        path1 = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "templates/front/modules/", p1)

        return check_suffix(eval(eval(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name).__code__.co_varnames[-3]),path1)


  • 计算机毕业设计选题推荐-付费自习室管理系统论文参考:










【论文分享】Heterogeneous Isolated Execution for Commodity GPUs 2019‘ASPLOS

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C的发展史 C是由Bjarne Stroustrup在20世纪80年代初期于贝尔实验室开发的一种编程语言。它的设计初衷是作为C语言的一个超集,通过添加面向对象编程的特性来增强C语言。C支持多种编程范式,包括过程化编程、面向对象编程和泛型编程。 C的历史可以追溯到1…


29.函数指针数组 30.void指针是不能直接解引用,也不能-整数。 void*是无具体类型的指针,可以接受任何类型的地址。 31.qsort:使用快速排序的思想实现一个排序函数(升序) 32. 33.地址的字节是4/8 34.char arr[]{a,b} sizeof(arr[0]1)答案是4&#xff0…


在万象公文试用阶段,我们收集并汇总了用户反馈的一系列问题。现在我们针对这些问题进行一一解答,希望可以帮助大家提升万象公文的使用体验。 1、信创版插件在WPS中不显示或显示不全 安装前,如果WPS未彻底关闭,插件不会触发加载&a…


随着远程办公和居家办公的普及,如何高效、安全地远程控制办公室电脑成为许多职场人士的需求。Splashtop作为一款专业的远程控制软件,提供了强大的功能,使用户能够随时随地访问和操作办公室的电脑,实现高效的远程办公体验。 Splas…

【python】灰色预测 GM(1,1) 模型

文章目录 前言python代码 前言 用 python 复刻上一篇博客的 Matlab 代码。 【学习笔记】灰色预测 GM(1,1) 模型 —— Matlab python代码 # %% import numpy as np import statsmodels.api as sm import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.pylab import mplmpl.rcPa…

吐血整理 ChatGPT 3.5/4.0 新手使用手册~

都知道ChatGPT很强大,聊聊天、写论文、搞翻译、写代码、写文案、审合同等等,无所不能~ 那么到底怎么使用呢?其实很简单了,国内AI产品发展也很快,很多都很好用了~ 我一直在用,建议收藏下来~ 有最先进、最…


前言 “计算机专业 一定要优先报 网络安全 它是未来国家发展的大方向” 为什么推荐学网络安全? “没有网络安全就没有国家安全。”当前,网络安全已被提升到国家战略的高度,成为影响国家安全、社会稳定至关重要的因素之一。 01 高需求和就…

mq: 找不到或无法加载主类 Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_102\jre\lib\ext

错误:mq: 找不到或无法加载主类 Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_102\jre\lib\ext 原因:JAVA_HOME的环境变量包含空格 JAVA_HOMEC:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_131 解决方法:修改runserver.cmd和runbroker.cmd文件

html+css+js网页制作 电商小米商城6个页面 ui还原度百分之99

htmlcssjs网页制作 电商小米商城6个页面 ui还原度百分之99 网页作品代码简单,可使用任意HTML编辑软件(如:Dreamweaver、HBuilder、Vscode 、Sublime 、Webstorm、Text 、Notepad 等任意html编辑软件进行运行及修改编辑等操作)。 …

动态规划篇-代码随想录算法训练营第三十七天| 打家劫舍Ⅰ,打家劫舍Ⅱ,打家劫舍Ⅲ

打家劫舍Ⅰ 题目链接:. - 力扣(LeetCode) 讲解视频: 动态规划,偷不偷这个房间呢?| LeetCode:198.打家劫舍 题目描述: 你是一个专业的小偷,计划偷窃沿街的房屋。每间…


目录 一.前言 二.程序日志定位 三.Mysql事务定位 四.程序代码定位 五.微服务注册异常定位 六.异常进程定位 6.1.进程的线程信息分析 6.2.进程的堆内存分析 七.总结 一.前言 系统收到客户大面积反馈,登系统反应慢,打不开,登录不上等问题,随即展开排查。 二.程序日志定…


TOC springboot513基于SpringBoot的宽带业务管理系统的设计与实现pf 第1章 绪论 1.1 课题背景 二十一世纪互联网的出现,改变了几千年以来人们的生活,不仅仅是生活物资的丰富,还有精神层次的丰富。在互联网诞生之前,地域位置往…

20240823 每日AI必读资讯

脑后插管打CS拼抢三杀!马斯克脑机接口最新进展,意念玩《黑神话》指日可待? - 马斯克旗下脑机接口公司 Neuralink 取得新突破 - 脑机接口试验第二人Alex 成功用意念打CS2、画CAD! - 为了缓解植入物稳定问题,Neuralin…


例题 这里32位代表32个bit,1字节8bit,32位有4字节 2GB2*1024*1024*1024个字节 可寻址范围公式内存/字长2*1024*1024*1024/4/1024512

python模块 - os系统交互模块

目录 前言: ​编辑 一、os.path模块 1、获取文件路径信息 os.path.abspath(): 获取绝对路径 os.path.dirname(): 获取目录名 os.path.basename(): 获取文件名 os.path.split(): 分割目录和文件名 os.path.join(): 拼接路径 2、判断路径信息 os.path.exists(): 判断路径…


参考 注册表添加桌面右键二级菜单_注册表右键二级菜单怎么设置-CSDN博客 Windows 右键菜单自定义配置_windows右键菜单内容修改-CSDN博客 注意事项 如需配置二级菜单,新增的项中,默认的键值一定需要为空(要显示未设置),否则无法展示出二级…


思路如下: 初始化总和为0 遍历对象数组 检查当前对象是否包含指定属性 如果是,则将属性值加到总和中 注意:这里假设属性值是可以进行加法运算的(如数字、字符串表示的数字等) 对于非数值类型,你可…


加班嘛,赶稿嘛,参加工作的人都懂那种无形的压力和烦躁。 因为家里空间有限,我平常都是直接在客厅用台式电脑加急改写方案,但今天晚上家里来了几位叔,他们边吃饭边聊着秦始皇的话题,都70多分钟了&#xff0c…

