ubuntu x86_64系统上安装运行aarch系统的虚拟机

news2025/2/23 2:26:57

创建sda.qcow2 虚拟磁盘

sudo qemu-system-aarch64 -M virt-4.0 -m 4G -cpu cortex-a57  -bios /usr/share/qemu-efi-aarch64/QEMU_EFI.fd -cdrom ~/下载/openEuler-24.03-LTS-aarch64-dvd.iso -drive if=none,file=sda.qcow2,id=hd0 -device virtio-blk-device,drive=hd0

在系统启动入口按 ‘e’,修改启动参数,删除console=tty0,这一步是为了让虚拟机进入到字符安装界面,不删除的话,默认进图形化安装界面,而apt 下载安装的qemu-system-aarch64不支持图形化
ctrl + x 继续安装
待除了8以外,其他项都是 [x],以后,配置完成,输入:b 启动安装



Starting installer, one moment...
anaconda 36.16.5-34.oe2403 for openEuler 24.03-LTS started.
 * installation log files are stored in /tmp during the installation
 * shell is available on TTY2 and in second TMUX pane (ctrl+b, then press 2)
 * when reporting a bug add logs from /tmp as separate text/plain attachments
08:35:34 Not asking for VNC because we don't have a network

X or window manager startup failed, falling back to text mode.

1) [x] Language settings                 2) [x] Time settings
       (English (United States))                (Asia/Shanghai timezone)
3) [!] Installation source               4) [!] Software selection
       (Processing...)                          (Processing...)
5) [!] Installation Destination          6) [x] Network configuration
       (Processing...)                          (Unknown)
7) [!] Root password                     8) [!] User creation
       (Root account is disabled)               (No user will be created)

Please make a selection from the above ['b' to begin installation, 'q' to quit,
'r' to refresh]: 3
Installation source

Choose an installation source type.
2) local ISO file
3) Network

Please make a selection from the above ['c' to continue, 'q' to quit, 'r' to

1) [x] Language settings                 2) [x] Time settings
       (English (United States))                (Asia/Shanghai timezone)
3) [!] Installation source               4) [!] Software selection
       (Processing...)                          (Processing...)
5) [!] Installation Destination          6) [x] Network configuration
       (Automatic partitioning                  (Unknown)
7) [!] Root password                     8) [!] User creation
       (Root account is disabled)               (No user will be created)

Please make a selection from the above ['b' to begin installation, 'q' to quit,
'r' to refresh]: 4
Software selection

Base environment

1) [x] Minimal Install                  3) [ ] Virtualization Host
2) [ ] Server

Please make a selection from the above ['c' to continue, 'q' to quit, 'r' to
refresh]: c
Software selection

Additional software for selected environment

1) [ ] Container Management             6) [ ] Scientific Support
2) [ ] Development Tools                7) [ ] Security Tools
3) [ ] Headless Management              8) [ ] Standard
4) [ ] Legacy UNIX Compatibility        9) [ ] System Tools
5) [ ] Network Servers

Please make a selection from the above ['c' to continue, 'q' to quit, 'r' to
refresh]: c

1) [x] Language settings                 2) [x] Time settings
       (English (United States))                (Asia/Shanghai timezone)
3) [!] Installation source               4) [!] Software selection
       (Processing...)                          (Processing...)
5) [!] Installation Destination          6) [x] Network configuration
       (Automatic partitioning                  (Unknown)
7) [!] Root password                     8) [!] User creation
       (Root account is disabled)               (No user will be created)

Please make a selection from the above ['b' to begin installation, 'q' to quit,
'r' to refresh]: 
Root password

1) [ ] SM3 encrypt

Please make a selection from the above ['c' to continue, 'q' to quit, 'r' to
refresh]: c
Root password

Please select new root password. You will have to type it twice.

Password (confirm): 

1) [x] Language settings                 2) [x] Time settings
       (English (United States))                (Asia/Shanghai timezone)
3) [x] Installation source               4) [x] Software selection
       (Local media)                            (Minimal Install)
5) [!] Installation Destination          6) [x] Network configuration
       (Automatic partitioning                  (Unknown)
7) [x] Root password                     8) [ ] User creation
       (Root password is set)                   (No user will be created)

Please make a selection from the above ['b' to begin installation, 'q' to quit,
'r' to refresh]: 5
Probing storage...
Installation Destination

1) [x] DISK: 1024 GiB (vdb)

1 disk selected; 1024 GiB capacity; 1024 GiB free

Please make a selection from the above ['c' to continue, 'q' to quit, 'r' to
refresh]: 1
Installation Destination

1) [ ] DISK: 1024 GiB (vdb)

No disks selected; please select at least one disk to install to.

Please make a selection from the above ['c' to continue, 'q' to quit, 'r' to
refresh]: 1
Installation Destination

1) [x] DISK: 1024 GiB (vdb)

1 disk selected; 1024 GiB capacity; 1024 GiB free

Please make a selection from the above ['c' to continue, 'q' to quit, 'r' to
refresh]: c
Partitioning Options

1) [ ] Replace Existing Linux system(s)
2) [x] Use All Space
3) [ ] Use Free Space
4) [ ] Manually assign mount points

Installation requires partitioning of your hard drive. Select what space to use
for the install target or manually assign mount points.

Please make a selection from the above ['c' to continue, 'q' to quit, 'r' to
refresh]: 2
Partitioning Options

1) [ ] Replace Existing Linux system(s)
2) [x] Use All Space
3) [ ] Use Free Space
4) [ ] Manually assign mount points

Installation requires partitioning of your hard drive. Select what space to use
for the install target or manually assign mount points.

Please make a selection from the above ['c' to continue, 'q' to quit, 'r' to
refresh]: c
Partition Scheme Options

1) [ ] Standard Partition
2) [ ] Btrfs
3) [x] LVM
4) [ ] LVM Thin Provisioning

Select a partition scheme configuration.

Please make a selection from the above ['c' to continue, 'q' to quit, 'r' to
refresh]: 1
Partition Scheme Options

1) [x] Standard Partition
2) [ ] Btrfs
3) [ ] LVM
4) [ ] LVM Thin Provisioning

Select a partition scheme configuration.

Please make a selection from the above ['c' to continue, 'q' to quit, 'r' to
refresh]: c
Saving storage configuration...
Checking storage configuration...


1) [x] Language settings                 2) [x] Time settings
       (English (United States))                (Asia/Shanghai timezone)
3) [x] Installation source               4) [x] Software selection
       (Local media)                            (Minimal Install)
5) [x] Installation Destination          6) [x] Network configuration
       (Automatic partitioning                  (Unknown)
7) [x] Root password                     8) [ ] User creation
       (Root password is set)                   (No user will be created)

Please make a selection from the above ['b' to begin installation, 'q' to quit,
'r' to refresh]: b

Setting up the installation environment
Configuring storage
Creating disklabel on /dev/vdb
Creating swap on /dev/vdb3
Creating ext4 on /dev/vdb5
Creating ext4 on /dev/vdb4
Creating ext4 on /dev/vdb2
Creating efi on /dev/vdb1
Running pre-installation scripts
Running pre-installation tasks




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