【Linux 驱动】IMX6ULL pinctrl驱动

news2025/3/12 11:59:44

1. 概述

  • Linux 驱动讲究驱动分离与分层,pinctrl 和 gpio 子系统就是驱动分离与分层思想下的产物。
  • pinctrl顾名思义就是引脚控制,用来配置比如引脚mux复用信息,引脚电器属性(比如上/下拉、速度、驱动能力等)信息。
  • gpio顾名思义就是控制gpio的输入输出,以及高低电平。不过,大多数的芯片并没有单独的IOMUX模块,引脚的复用、配置等,而是在GPIO模块内部实现的。

2. pin controller的数据结构

2.1 pinctrl_dev

 * struct pinctrl_dev - pin control class device
 * @node: node to include this pin controller in the global pin controller list
 * @desc: the pin controller descriptor supplied when initializing this pin
 *	controller
 * @pin_desc_tree: each pin descriptor for this pin controller is stored in
 *	this radix tree
 * @gpio_ranges: a list of GPIO ranges that is handled by this pin controller,
 *	ranges are added to this list at runtime
 * @dev: the device entry for this pin controller
 * @owner: module providing the pin controller, used for refcounting
 * @driver_data: driver data for drivers registering to the pin controller
 *	subsystem
 * @p: result of pinctrl_get() for this device
 * @hog_default: default state for pins hogged by this device
 * @hog_sleep: sleep state for pins hogged by this device
 * @mutex: mutex taken on each pin controller specific action
 * @device_root: debugfs root for this device
struct pinctrl_dev {
	struct list_head node;
	struct pinctrl_desc *desc;    //提供具体操作方法和抽象包括pincrtl_ops函数,pinmux操作函数和pin的描述等
	struct radix_tree_root pin_desc_tree;
	struct list_head gpio_ranges;
	struct device *dev;
	struct module *owner;
	void *driver_data;
	struct pinctrl *p;
	struct pinctrl_state *hog_default;
	struct pinctrl_state *hog_sleep;
	struct mutex mutex;
	struct dentry *device_root;

2.2 pinctrl_desc

 * struct pinctrl_desc - pin controller descriptor, register this to pin
 * control subsystem
 * @name: name for the pin controller
 * @pins: an array of pin descriptors describing all the pins handled by
 *	this pin controller
 * @npins: number of descriptors in the array, usually just ARRAY_SIZE()
 *	of the pins field above
 * @pctlops: pin control operation vtable, to support global concepts like
 *	grouping of pins, this is optional.
 * @pmxops: pinmux operations vtable, if you support pinmuxing in your driver
 * @confops: pin config operations vtable, if you support pin configuration in
 *	your driver
 * @owner: module providing the pin controller, used for refcounting
 * @num_custom_params: Number of driver-specific custom parameters to be parsed
 *	from the hardware description
 * @custom_params: List of driver_specific custom parameters to be parsed from
 *	the hardware description
 * @custom_conf_items: Information how to print @params in debugfs, must be
 *	the same size as the @custom_params, i.e. @num_custom_params
struct pinctrl_desc {
	const char *name;
	struct pinctrl_pin_desc const *pins;        //描述一个pin控制器的引脚
	unsigned int npins;                         //描述该控制器有多少个引脚
	const struct pinctrl_ops *pctlops;          //引脚操作函数,有描述引脚,获取引脚等,全局控制函数
	const struct pinmux_ops *pmxops;            //引脚复用相关的操作函数
	const struct pinconf_ops *confops;          //引脚配置相关的操作函数
	struct module *owner;
	unsigned int num_custom_params;
	const struct pinconf_generic_params *custom_params;
	const struct pin_config_item *custom_conf_items;

2.3 pinctrl_pin_desc

 * struct pinctrl_pin_desc - boards/machines provide information on their
 * pins, pads or other muxable units in this struct
 * @number: unique pin number from the global pin number space
 * @name: a name for this pin
 * @drv_data: driver-defined per-pin data. pinctrl core does not touch this
struct pinctrl_pin_desc {
	unsigned number;     //引脚序号
	const char *name;    //引脚名称
	void *drv_data;

2.4 pinctrl_ops

 * struct pinctrl_ops - global pin control operations, to be implemented by
 * pin controller drivers.
 * @get_groups_count: Returns the count of total number of groups registered.
 * @get_group_name: return the group name of the pin group
 * @get_group_pins: return an array of pins corresponding to a certain
 *	group selector @pins, and the size of the array in @num_pins
 * @pin_dbg_show: optional debugfs display hook that will provide per-device
 *	info for a certain pin in debugfs
 * @dt_node_to_map: parse a device tree "pin configuration node", and create
 *	mapping table entries for it. These are returned through the @map and
 *	@num_maps output parameters. This function is optional, and may be
 *	omitted for pinctrl drivers that do not support device tree.
 * @dt_free_map: free mapping table entries created via @dt_node_to_map. The
 *	top-level @map pointer must be freed, along with any dynamically
 *	allocated members of the mapping table entries themselves. This
 *	function is optional, and may be omitted for pinctrl drivers that do
 *	not support device tree.
struct pinctrl_ops {
	int (*get_groups_count) (struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev);    //获取组数
	const char *(*get_group_name) (struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev,    //获取组名
				       unsigned selector);
	int (*get_group_pins) (struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev,        //获取某组的引脚
			       unsigned selector,
			       const unsigned **pins,
			       unsigned *num_pins);
	void (*pin_dbg_show) (struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev, struct seq_file *s,    //用以debugfs提供每个引脚的信息
			  unsigned offset);
	int (*dt_node_to_map) (struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev,        //解析设备树节点,转换成pinctrl_map,重点
			       struct device_node *np_config,
			       struct pinctrl_map **map, unsigned *num_maps);
	void (*dt_free_map) (struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev,        //释放map
			     struct pinctrl_map *map, unsigned num_maps);

2.5 pinmux_ops

 * struct pinmux_ops - pinmux operations, to be implemented by pin controller
 * drivers that support pinmuxing
 * @request: called by the core to see if a certain pin can be made
 *	available for muxing. This is called by the core to acquire the pins
 *	before selecting any actual mux setting across a function. The driver
 *	is allowed to answer "no" by returning a negative error code
 * @free: the reverse function of the request() callback, frees a pin after
 *	being requested
 * @get_functions_count: returns number of selectable named functions available
 *	in this pinmux driver
 * @get_function_name: return the function name of the muxing selector,
 *	called by the core to figure out which mux setting it shall map a
 *	certain device to
 * @get_function_groups: return an array of groups names (in turn
 *	referencing pins) connected to a certain function selector. The group
 *	name can be used with the generic @pinctrl_ops to retrieve the
 *	actual pins affected. The applicable groups will be returned in
 *	@groups and the number of groups in @num_groups
 * @set_mux: enable a certain muxing function with a certain pin group. The
 *	driver does not need to figure out whether enabling this function
 *	conflicts some other use of the pins in that group, such collisions
 *	are handled by the pinmux subsystem. The @func_selector selects a
 *	certain function whereas @group_selector selects a certain set of pins
 *	to be used. On simple controllers the latter argument may be ignored
 * @gpio_request_enable: requests and enables GPIO on a certain pin.
 *	Implement this only if you can mux every pin individually as GPIO. The
 *	affected GPIO range is passed along with an offset(pin number) into that
 *	specific GPIO range - function selectors and pin groups are orthogonal
 *	to this, the core will however make sure the pins do not collide.
 * @gpio_disable_free: free up GPIO muxing on a certain pin, the reverse of
 *	@gpio_request_enable
 * @gpio_set_direction: Since controllers may need different configurations
 *	depending on whether the GPIO is configured as input or output,
 *	a direction selector function may be implemented as a backing
 *	to the GPIO controllers that need pin muxing.
struct pinmux_ops {
	int (*request) (struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev, unsigned offset);   
	int (*free) (struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev, unsigned offset);
	int (*get_functions_count) (struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev);
	const char *(*get_function_name) (struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev,
					  unsigned selector);
    /*获取指定function所占用的pin group(可以有多个)。*/
	int (*get_function_groups) (struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev,
				  unsigned selector,
				  const char * const **groups,
				  unsigned * const num_groups);
    /*将指定的pin group(group_selector)设置为指定的function(func_selector)。*/
	int (*set_mux) (struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev, unsigned func_selector,
			unsigned group_selector);
	int (*gpio_request_enable) (struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev,
				    struct pinctrl_gpio_range *range,
				    unsigned offset);
	void (*gpio_disable_free) (struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev,
				   struct pinctrl_gpio_range *range,
				   unsigned offset);
	int (*gpio_set_direction) (struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev,
				   struct pinctrl_gpio_range *range,
				   unsigned offset,
				   bool input);

2.6 pinconf_ops

 * struct pinconf_ops - pin config operations, to be implemented by
 * pin configuration capable drivers.
 * @is_generic: for pin controllers that want to use the generic interface,
 *	this flag tells the framework that it's generic.
 * @pin_config_get: get the config of a certain pin, if the requested config
 *	is not available on this controller this should return -ENOTSUPP
 *	and if it is available but disabled it should return -EINVAL
 * @pin_config_set: configure an individual pin
 * @pin_config_group_get: get configurations for an entire pin group
 * @pin_config_group_set: configure all pins in a group
 * @pin_config_dbg_parse_modify: optional debugfs to modify a pin configuration
 * @pin_config_dbg_show: optional debugfs display hook that will provide
 *	per-device info for a certain pin in debugfs
 * @pin_config_group_dbg_show: optional debugfs display hook that will provide
 *	per-device info for a certain group in debugfs
 * @pin_config_config_dbg_show: optional debugfs display hook that will decode
 *	and display a driver's pin configuration parameter
struct pinconf_ops {
	bool is_generic;
	int (*pin_config_get) (struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev,    //获取单个引脚配置
			       unsigned pin,
			       unsigned long *config);
	int (*pin_config_set) (struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev,    //配置单个引脚
			       unsigned pin,
			       unsigned long *configs,
			       unsigned num_configs);
	int (*pin_config_group_get) (struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev,    //获取某组引脚配置
				     unsigned selector,
				     unsigned long *config);
	int (*pin_config_group_set) (struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev,    //配置某组引脚
				     unsigned selector,
				     unsigned long *configs,
				     unsigned num_configs);
	int (*pin_config_dbg_parse_modify) (struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev,    //用以debugfs修改pin配置信息
					   const char *arg,
					   unsigned long *config);
	void (*pin_config_dbg_show) (struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev,    //用以debugfs提供pin配置信息
				     struct seq_file *s,
				     unsigned offset);
	void (*pin_config_group_dbg_show) (struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev,    //用以debugfs提供group配置信息
					   struct seq_file *s,
					   unsigned selector);
	void (*pin_config_config_dbg_show) (struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev,    //用以debugfs解析并显示pin的配置
					    struct seq_file *s,
					    unsigned long config);

2.7 pinctrl_map

 * struct pinctrl_map - boards/machines shall provide this map for devices
 * @dev_name: the name of the device using this specific mapping, the name
 *	must be the same as in your struct device*. If this name is set to the
 *	same name as the pin controllers own dev_name(), the map entry will be
 *	hogged by the driver itself upon registration
 * @name: the name of this specific map entry for the particular machine.
 *	This is the parameter passed to pinmux_lookup_state()
 * @type: the type of mapping table entry
 * @ctrl_dev_name: the name of the device controlling this specific mapping,
 *	the name must be the same as in your struct device*. This field is not
 * @data: Data specific to the mapping type
struct pinctrl_map {
	const char *dev_name;    //设备名称
	const char *name;        //该pinctrl_map对应的状态(default、idle、sleep等
	enum pinctrl_map_type type;    //pinctrl_map的类型,包括mux group、config group、config pins等
	const char *ctrl_dev_name;    //pinctrl device的名称,根据该名称可获取到soc pin controller对应的pinctrl device
	union {
		struct pinctrl_map_mux mux;    //引脚复用的内容,该数据结构中包含function名称、group名称,通过function、group就可以确定进行引脚复用的引脚id与引脚复用值等信息
		struct pinctrl_map_configs configs;    //引脚配置相关的内容,包括group或者pin的名称,以及该group、pin的配置信息,实现引脚配置操作。
	} data;

3 client的数据结构

3.1  dev_pin_info

 * struct dev_pin_info - pin state container for devices
 * @p: pinctrl handle for the containing device
 * @default_state: the default state for the handle, if found
struct dev_pin_info {
	struct pinctrl *p;
	struct pinctrl_state *default_state;
#ifdef CONFIG_PM
	struct pinctrl_state *sleep_state;
	struct pinctrl_state *idle_state;

3.2 pinctrl_state

 * struct pinctrl_state - a pinctrl state for a device
 * @node: list node for struct pinctrl's @states field
 * @name: the name of this state
 * @settings: a list of settings for this state
struct pinctrl_state {
	struct list_head node;
	const char *name;
	struct list_head settings;

4. pincontroller构造过程

4.1. platform匹配过程

4.2. probe过程 


4.3. struct pinctrl_ops

4.3.1. get_groups_count(获取组数)

static int imx_get_groups_count(struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev)
	struct imx_pinctrl *ipctl = pinctrl_dev_get_drvdata(pctldev);
	const struct imx_pinctrl_soc_info *info = ipctl->info;

	return info->ngroups;

4.3.2 get_group_name(获取组的名字)

static const char *imx_get_group_name(struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev,
				       unsigned selector)
	struct imx_pinctrl *ipctl = pinctrl_dev_get_drvdata(pctldev);
	const struct imx_pinctrl_soc_info *info = ipctl->info;

	return info->groups[selector].name;

 4.3.3 get_group_pins(获取组的引脚)

static int imx_get_group_pins(struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev, unsigned selector,
			       const unsigned **pins,
			       unsigned *npins)
	struct imx_pinctrl *ipctl = pinctrl_dev_get_drvdata(pctldev);
	const struct imx_pinctrl_soc_info *info = ipctl->info;

	if (selector >= info->ngroups)
		return -EINVAL;

	*pins = info->groups[selector].pin_ids;
	*npins = info->groups[selector].npins;

	return 0;

4.3.4 dt_node_to_map (将设备树节点转为map结构体)

static int imx_dt_node_to_map(struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev,
			struct device_node *np,
			struct pinctrl_map **map, unsigned *num_maps)
	struct imx_pinctrl *ipctl = pinctrl_dev_get_drvdata(pctldev);
	const struct imx_pinctrl_soc_info *info = ipctl->info;
	const struct imx_pin_group *grp;
	struct pinctrl_map *new_map;
	struct device_node *parent;
	int map_num = 1;
	int i, j;

	 * first find the group of this node and check if we need create
	 * config maps for pins
    /* 通过节点名称找到组 */
	grp = imx_pinctrl_find_group_by_name(info, np->name);
	if (!grp) {
		dev_err(info->dev, "unable to find group for node %s\n",
		return -EINVAL;

    /* 是否需要配置 */
	for (i = 0; i < grp->npins; i++) {
		if (!(grp->pins[i].config & IMX_NO_PAD_CTL))

    /* 申请map内存 */
	new_map = kmalloc(sizeof(struct pinctrl_map) * map_num, GFP_KERNEL);
	if (!new_map)
		return -ENOMEM;

	*map = new_map;
	*num_maps = map_num;

	/* create mux map */
	parent = of_get_parent(np);
	if (!parent) {
		return -EINVAL;

    /* 第0个设置为复用 */
	new_map[0].type = PIN_MAP_TYPE_MUX_GROUP;
	new_map[0].data.mux.function = parent->name;
	new_map[0].data.mux.group = np->name;

	/* create config map */
    /* 配置map */
	for (i = j = 0; i < grp->npins; i++) {
		if (!(grp->pins[i].config & IMX_NO_PAD_CTL)) {
			new_map[j].type = PIN_MAP_TYPE_CONFIGS_PIN;
			new_map[j].data.configs.group_or_pin =
					pin_get_name(pctldev, grp->pins[i].pin);
			new_map[j].data.configs.configs = &grp->pins[i].config;
			new_map[j].data.configs.num_configs = 1;

	dev_dbg(pctldev->dev, "maps: function %s group %s num %d\n",
		(*map)->data.mux.function, (*map)->data.mux.group, map_num);

	return 0;


 4.3.5 dt_free_map

static void imx_dt_free_map(struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev,
				struct pinctrl_map *map, unsigned num_maps)

4.4 struct pinmux_ops

4.4.1 imx_pmx_get_funcs_count(获取功能的个数)

static int imx_pmx_get_funcs_count(struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev)
	struct imx_pinctrl *ipctl = pinctrl_dev_get_drvdata(pctldev);
	const struct imx_pinctrl_soc_info *info = ipctl->info;

	return info->nfunctions;

4.4.2 get_function_name(获取功能的名字)

static const char *imx_pmx_get_func_name(struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev,
					  unsigned selector)
	struct imx_pinctrl *ipctl = pinctrl_dev_get_drvdata(pctldev);
	const struct imx_pinctrl_soc_info *info = ipctl->info;

	return info->functions[selector].name;

4.4.3 imx_pmx_get_groups (获取组)

static int imx_pmx_get_groups(struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev, unsigned selector,
			       const char * const **groups,
			       unsigned * const num_groups)
	struct imx_pinctrl *ipctl = pinctrl_dev_get_drvdata(pctldev);
	const struct imx_pinctrl_soc_info *info = ipctl->info;

	*groups = info->functions[selector].groups;
	*num_groups = info->functions[selector].num_groups;

	return 0;

4.4.4 set_mux (设置复用)

static int imx_pmx_set(struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev, unsigned selector,
		       unsigned group)
	struct imx_pinctrl *ipctl = pinctrl_dev_get_drvdata(pctldev);
	const struct imx_pinctrl_soc_info *info = ipctl->info;
	const struct imx_pin_reg *pin_reg;
	unsigned int npins, pin_id;
	int i;
	struct imx_pin_group *grp;

	 * Configure the mux mode for each pin in the group for a specific
	 * function.
	grp = &info->groups[group];
	npins = grp->npins;

	dev_dbg(ipctl->dev, "enable function %s group %s\n",
		info->functions[selector].name, grp->name);

	for (i = 0; i < npins; i++) {
		struct imx_pin *pin = &grp->pins[i];
		pin_id = pin->pin;
		pin_reg = &info->pin_regs[pin_id];

		if (pin_reg->mux_reg == -1) {
			dev_err(ipctl->dev, "Pin(%s) does not support mux function\n",
			return -EINVAL;

		if (info->flags & SHARE_MUX_CONF_REG) {
			u32 reg;
			reg = readl(ipctl->base + pin_reg->mux_reg);
			reg &= ~(0x7 << 20);
			reg |= (pin->mux_mode << 20);
			writel(reg, ipctl->base + pin_reg->mux_reg);
		} else {
			writel(pin->mux_mode, ipctl->base + pin_reg->mux_reg);
		dev_dbg(ipctl->dev, "write: offset 0x%x val 0x%x\n",
			pin_reg->mux_reg, pin->mux_mode);

		 * If the select input value begins with 0xff, it's a quirky
		 * select input and the value should be interpreted as below.
		 *     31     23      15      7        0
		 *     | 0xff | shift | width | select |
		 * It's used to work around the problem that the select
		 * input for some pin is not implemented in the select
		 * input register but in some general purpose register.
		 * We encode the select input value, width and shift of
		 * the bit field into input_val cell of pin function ID
		 * in device tree, and then decode them here for setting
		 * up the select input bits in general purpose register.
		if (pin->input_val >> 24 == 0xff) {
			u32 val = pin->input_val;
			u8 select = val & 0xff;
			u8 width = (val >> 8) & 0xff;
			u8 shift = (val >> 16) & 0xff;
			u32 mask = ((1 << width) - 1) << shift;
			 * The input_reg[i] here is actually some IOMUXC general
			 * purpose register, not regular select input register.
			val = readl(ipctl->base + pin->input_reg);
			val &= ~mask;
			val |= select << shift;
			writel(val, ipctl->base + pin->input_reg);
		} else if (pin->input_reg) {
			 * Regular select input register can never be at offset
			 * 0, and we only print register value for regular case.
			if (ipctl->input_sel_base)
				writel(pin->input_val, ipctl->input_sel_base +
				writel(pin->input_val, ipctl->base +
				"==>select_input: offset 0x%x val 0x%x\n",
				pin->input_reg, pin->input_val);

	return 0;

4.4.5 gpio_request_enable (引脚使能)

static int imx_pmx_gpio_request_enable(struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev,
			struct pinctrl_gpio_range *range, unsigned offset)
	struct imx_pinctrl *ipctl = pinctrl_dev_get_drvdata(pctldev);
	const struct imx_pinctrl_soc_info *info = ipctl->info;
	const struct imx_pin_reg *pin_reg;
	struct imx_pin_group *grp;
	struct imx_pin *imx_pin;
	unsigned int pin, group;
	u32 reg;

	/* Currently implementation only for shared mux/conf register */
	if (!(info->flags & SHARE_MUX_CONF_REG))
		return -EINVAL;

	pin_reg = &info->pin_regs[offset];
	if (pin_reg->mux_reg == -1)
		return -EINVAL;

	/* Find the pinctrl config with GPIO mux mode for the requested pin */
	for (group = 0; group < info->ngroups; group++) {
		grp = &info->groups[group];
		for (pin = 0; pin < grp->npins; pin++) {
			imx_pin = &grp->pins[pin];
			if (imx_pin->pin == offset && !imx_pin->mux_mode)
				goto mux_pin;

	return -EINVAL;

	reg = readl(ipctl->base + pin_reg->mux_reg);
	reg &= ~(0x7 << 20);
	reg |= imx_pin->config;
	writel(reg, ipctl->base + pin_reg->mux_reg);

	return 0;

4.4.6 gpio_set_direction(设置引脚方向)

static int imx_pmx_gpio_set_direction(struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev,
	   struct pinctrl_gpio_range *range, unsigned offset, bool input)
	struct imx_pinctrl *ipctl = pinctrl_dev_get_drvdata(pctldev);
	const struct imx_pinctrl_soc_info *info = ipctl->info;
	const struct imx_pin_reg *pin_reg;
	u32 reg;

	 * Only Vybrid has the input/output buffer enable flags (IBE/OBE)
	 * They are part of the shared mux/conf register.
	if (!(info->flags & SHARE_MUX_CONF_REG))
		return -EINVAL;

	pin_reg = &info->pin_regs[offset];
	if (pin_reg->mux_reg == -1)
		return -EINVAL;

	/* IBE always enabled allows us to read the value "on the wire" */
	reg = readl(ipctl->base + pin_reg->mux_reg);
	if (input)
		reg &= ~0x2;
		reg |= 0x2;
	writel(reg, ipctl->base + pin_reg->mux_reg);

	return 0;

4.5 struct pinconf_ops

4.5.1 pin_config_get(获取配置)

static int imx_pinconf_get(struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev,
			     unsigned pin_id, unsigned long *config)
	struct imx_pinctrl *ipctl = pinctrl_dev_get_drvdata(pctldev);
	const struct imx_pinctrl_soc_info *info = ipctl->info;
	const struct imx_pin_reg *pin_reg = &info->pin_regs[pin_id];

	if (pin_reg->conf_reg == -1) {
		dev_err(info->dev, "Pin(%s) does not support config function\n",
		return -EINVAL;

	*config = readl(ipctl->base + pin_reg->conf_reg);

	if (info->flags & SHARE_MUX_CONF_REG)
		*config &= 0xffff;

	return 0;

4.5.2 pin_config_set(配置引脚)

static int imx_pinconf_set(struct pinctrl_dev *pctldev,
			     unsigned pin_id, unsigned long *configs,
			     unsigned num_configs)
	struct imx_pinctrl *ipctl = pinctrl_dev_get_drvdata(pctldev);
	const struct imx_pinctrl_soc_info *info = ipctl->info;
	const struct imx_pin_reg *pin_reg = &info->pin_regs[pin_id];
	int i;

	if (pin_reg->conf_reg == -1) {
		dev_err(info->dev, "Pin(%s) does not support config function\n",
		return -EINVAL;

	dev_dbg(ipctl->dev, "pinconf set pin %s\n",

	for (i = 0; i < num_configs; i++) {
		if (info->flags & SHARE_MUX_CONF_REG) {
			u32 reg;
			reg = readl(ipctl->base + pin_reg->conf_reg);
			reg &= ~0xffff;
			reg |= configs[i];
			writel(reg, ipctl->base + pin_reg->conf_reg);
		} else {
			writel(configs[i], ipctl->base + pin_reg->conf_reg);
		dev_dbg(ipctl->dev, "write: offset 0x%x val 0x%lx\n",
			pin_reg->conf_reg, configs[i]);
	} /* for each config */

	return 0;

5. client节点的pinctrl构造过程


        dev->pins = devm_kzalloc(dev, sizeof(*(dev->pins)), GFP_KERNEL);
        dev->pins->p = devm_pinctrl_get(dev);
                                    ret = pinctrl_dt_to_map(p);
                                    for_each_maps(maps_node, i, map) {
                                        ret = add_setting(p, map);
        dev->pins->default_state = pinctrl_lookup_state(dev->pins->p,





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