跟《经济学人》学英文:2024年08月10日这期 A history-lover’s guide to the market panic over AI

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A history-lover’s guide to the market panic over AI

Past technologies offer clues to what comes next



Andrew Odlyzko, a professor of mathematics at the University of

Minnesota, has a side hustle: he has become one of the world’s foremost

experts on the history of speculative bubbles. Part of his time is spent at the

Bank of England, where he photographs pages from thousands of

handwritten ledgers which he later scours for clues about earlier episodes of

excess. He hopes that generative artificial intelligence (AI) will one day take

the drudgery out of the task. It is not lost on him that the latest speculative

mania revolves around the technology itself.

明尼苏达大学的数学教授Andrew Odlyzko还有一个副业:他已经成为世界上研究投机泡沫历史的最重要的专家之一。他的一部分时间是在英格兰银行度过的,在那里他拍摄了成千上万的手写分类账,后来他从这些分类账中寻找早期过度行为的线索。他希望有一天,生成式人工智能(AI)将把这一苦差事从这项任务中解脱出来。他没有忘记,最近的投机狂热围绕着技术本身。


side hustle:副业


ledgers:美 [ˈlɛdʒərz] 分类账;(ledger的复数)


scour for clues:搜寻线索

drudgery:美 [ˈdrʌdʒəri] 苦工;单调乏味的工作;辛苦无趣的劳动

mania:美 [ˈmeɪniə] 狂热;癖好;疯狂;极端热情



In recent days the standard-bearers of generative AI, including Nvidia, a

chipmaker, and tech giants such as Amazon and Microsoft, have plummeted

in value. That has left sceptics, who had warned of a bubble in the

technology, feeling terribly clever. Many pointed to two earlier periods of

frenzied over-investment: the railway manias of the 19th century and the

telecommunications bubble of the late 1990s. In both cases, the capital

expenditures were similar to the huge amounts that big-tech firms are

promising to spend on the data centres at the heart of the AI revolution.





Professor Odlyzko is an authority on both episodes. His research on the

railway manias of 19th-century Britain is widely cited. Before becoming an

academic, he worked at Bell Labs, a famed research outfit, where he was

one of the first to question the fallacy that internet usage was doubling every

100 days. Yet he dismisses the idea that railways or the internet are useful

guides to thinking about generative AI. They start from different positions, he

says. Both railway and telecoms firms knew early on how profit could be

generated: the first by taking traffic from other forms of transport; the

second by eclipsing other forms of communication and entertainment. It was

estimates of the size of the potential bonanza that proved hallucinatory.

Generative AI is different. Its disruptive potential is clear, but as yet no one

knows what its main uses will be, or how it will make money. Professor

Odlyzko sees better parallels with the telegraph and electricity booms of

19th-century America. “Engines that Move Markets”, by Alasdair Nairn, is a

history of investment bubbles and a useful primer on both episodes. Sadly, it

will not reassure today’s investors.





research outfit:研究机构

fallacy:美 [ˈfæləsi] 谬误;谬论;

bonanza:美 [bəˈnænzə] 富饶;兴盛;发财(或成功)的机遇;繁荣;生意兴隆;财富




Deployment of the telegraph provides a rough facsimile of how the tech

giants approach generative AI. At the beginning, telegraphs mostly helped

make trains run more smoothly. Railway barons such as Cornelius

Vanderbilt built telegraph networks alongside their existing tracks, much as

today’s tech giants have weaved generative AI into their existing cloud

offerings. Stand-alone telegraph companies had a difficult time at first. In

the mid-19th century massive investments were accompanied by fierce price

wars, as companies sought to protect their fiefs. The pay-off came only after

the civil war, when commercial use of the telegraph soared and companies

such as Western Union became profitmaking machines.



facsimile: 美 [fækˈsɪməli] 复制品;仿制品;复印件 注意发音

barons:美 [ˈbærənz] 男爵;巨头;(baron的复数)

fief:英 [fiːf] 活动范围;领域


The early history of electric lighting looks more pertinent to Nvidia. Like

generative AI, it aroused popular excitement early on; for centuries, people

had wanted a cheaper and cleaner alternative to burning candles or oil for

light. Like Nvidia’s AI chips, known as graphics-processing units (GPUs), one

technology took an early lead. That was arc lighting, which Charles Brush,

an American entrepreneur, helped pioneer. He established the Anglo

American Brush Electric Light Corp, whose shares soared when it licensed

its technology to companies that Brush had helped finance. The gush of

profits made it seem inevitable that the business would prosper. Naysayers

were derided as unimaginative.



pertinent:美 [ˈpɜːrtnənt] 相关的;切题的;



naysayers:美 ['neɪ.seɪərs] 老是唱反调的人;拒绝者;否定者


Neither story ended well. Just as it had reached commercial success, Western

Union’s telegraph was gazumped by Alexander Graham Bell’s telephone,

which many of the best minds of the time had dismissed. The company’s

profitability declined from then on. As for electricity, it eventually became

clear that arc lighting was too expensive to make business sense, and the

“Brush bubble” burst. Thomas Edison proved the superiority of incandescent

lighting. His company eventually became General Electric, a beacon of

American enterprise throughout the 20th century. It is too early to say

whether Nvidia’s Jensen Huang will go down in history as a Brush or an




gazump:美 [ɡəˈzəmp] 抢先一步(导致他人失去机会或优势);报出更高价格并购得;

在这里,“gazump” 是指在交易过程中被别人抢先一步,导致自己失去机会或优势。具体来说,Western Union 的电报业务被亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔的电话抢了风头,导致其商业成功被取代,利润从此下降。


  • Gazump: 抢先一步(导致他人失去机会或优势)

例句: 英文: The startup’s innovative app was gazumped by a bigger company that launched a similar product first. 中文: 这家初创公司的创新应用程序被一家更大的公司抢先一步推出了类似的产品,从而失去了机会。

通过这段话,作者描述了 Western Union 的电报业务被电话取代的过程,同时也对电气照明技术的发展进行了讨论,并提到 Nvidia 的 Jensen Huang 是否能像爱迪生那样取得历史性的成功还尚未可知。

incandescent:美 [ˌɪnkənˈdɛs(ə)nt] 白热的;白炽的;炽热发光的;

incandescent lighting:白炽灯照明


go down in history:载入史册


Professor Odlyzko makes two additional points. First, many of the previous

investment booms were backed by government spending. This time the

generative-AI capital outlays come from big-tech firms that are, as he puts it,

“insanely rich”. There is little danger of their coffers running dry. That said,

his second point is that if demand for generative-AI products fails to

materialise soon, the tech giants might start to reduce their spending on

Nvidia’s GPUs. The risk for the chipmaker is not only from receiving fewer

orders. The tech firms could also dump surplus GPUs on the second-hand

market, further depressing prices. Nvidia’s share price could crater, he says.





Materialize: 实现,变为现实。例如:If the plans materialize, the new stadium will be built by next year. 如果计划实现,新体育场将在明年建成。

second-hand market:二手市场

depressing prices:压低价格

crater:美 [ˈkreɪtər] 暴跌

Crater: 暴跌,大幅下降。例如:The stock market cratered after the economic crisis hit. 经济危机袭来后,股市暴跌。


Dump: 倾销,大量抛售。例如:The company decided to dump its excess inventory at a discount. 公司决定以折扣价倾销其过剩库存。

The only certainty is surprise


Let’s be humble. As Roy Amara, an American futurist, said, “We tend to

overestimate the effect of a technology in the short run and underestimate

the effect in the long run.” No one knows for sure what generative AI’s “killer

app” will be. Professor Odlyzko notes that few expected passenger trains to

be more important than freight during the railway boom. They were.

Likewise email became the surprise success of the early internet era.



One more lesson from history is that booms and busts are often accompanied

by wider economic uncertainty and changes in the cost of capital. That

appears to be true in the current turmoil. With luck, all the latest sell-off will

do is skim froth off the top of an overhyped market. Still, investors should

brace for more volatility as this promising but nascent technology gathers

steam. ■




nascent: 美 [ˈnæsnt] 新生的;初生的;发展中的;刚开始的;

gather steam:获得动力,技术逐渐成熟

在这里,“gather steam” 是指逐渐获得动力、增加影响力或变得更加活跃。在这个语境中,它指的是生成型人工智能这种有前景但尚处于初期阶段的技术逐渐发展和成熟。


  • Gather steam: 获得动力,逐渐兴起。例如:The new initiative is starting to gather steam as more people get involved. 随着更多人的参与,这项新计划开始逐渐兴起。







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