
news2025/2/22 20:37:22




二、AGX Orin 系统刷机步骤

三、AGX Orin 系统备份



        NVIDIA AGX Orin 是一款高性能的嵌入式计算平台,专为边缘计算和 AI 应用而设计。为了确保系统的稳定性和适应不同的应用场景,用户可能需要对 AGX Orin 进行系统刷机和备份操作。本文将详细介绍如何完成这些操作,帮助您更好地管理和维护 AGX Orin 设备。



  1. NVIDIA Jetson SDK Manager:这是 NVIDIA 提供的刷机工具,可以在 官方页面 下载。
  2. USB 线缆:用于将 AGX Orin 连接到主机电脑。
  3. Ubuntu 系统电脑:建议使用 Ubuntu 18.04 或 20.04 版本作为主机电脑。
  4. 存储设备:用于备份系统镜像的外部存储设备,如 USB 盘或外置硬盘。

二、AGX Orin 系统刷机步骤

        AGX-Orin刷机方式有两种,一种使用官方Jetson SDK Manager刷写方式,使用nvidia提供装刷机软件进行刷机,该方式在第一篇博文中有介绍,本文主要介绍在ubuntu20.04系统中使用命令的方式进行刷机,具体刷机步骤如下:


  ubuntu20.04系统环境配置:在Linux_for_Tegra目录下执行sudo ./tools/l4t_flash_prerequisites.sh脚本,安装ubuntu系统所需的库,脚本内容如下所示:

sudo apt-get update && \
sudo apt-get install -y abootimg \
                        binfmt-support \
                        binutils \
                        cpp \
                        device-tree-compiler \
                        dosfstools \
                        lbzip2 \
                        libxml2-utils \
                        nfs-kernel-server \
                        python3-yaml \
                        qemu-user-static \
                        sshpass \
                        udev \
                        uuid-runtime \
                        whois \
                        openssl \
                        cpio \
                        rsync \

SYSTEM_VER="$(grep "DISTRIB_RELEASE" </etc/lsb-release | cut -d= -f 2 | sed 's/\.//')"

# Install lz4c utility required for compressing bpmp-fw-dtb.
# For Ubuntu 18.04 and older version, run "sudo apt-get install liblz4-tool".
# For Ubuntu 20.04 and newer version, run "sudo apt-get install lz4".
if [ "${SYSTEM_VER}" -lt 2004 ]; then
        sudo apt-get install -y liblz4-tool
        sudo apt-get install -y lz4

        执行以下命令应用Jetson二进制文件,sudo ./apply_binaries.sh脚本位于Linux_for_Tegra目录下:

b、连接 AGX Orin

  • 使用 USB 线缆将 AGX Orin 连接到主机电脑。
  • 将 AGX Orin 置于恢复模式(Recovery Mode)。通常的步骤是先关机,按住恢复按键(Recovery Button),然后按下电源键启动。


        SDK命令刷机主要是采用flash.sh进行刷机操作,其中flash.sh位于JetPack SDK开发包中,脚本位置在:


cftc@cftc-virtual-machine:~/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_5.1.3_Linux_JETSON_AGX_ORIN_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra$ ./flash.sh --help

Usage: sudo ./flash.sh [options] <target_board> <rootdev>
        target board: Valid target board name.
        rootdev: Proper root device.
        -c <cfgfile> ---------- Flash partition table config file.
        -d <dtbfile> ---------- device tree file.
        -f <flashapp> --------- Path to flash application (tegraflash.py)
        -h -------------------- print this message.
        -i <enc rfs key file>-- key for disk encryption support.
        -k <partition id> ----- partition name or number specified in flash.cfg.
        -m <mts preboot> ------ MTS preboot such as mts_preboot_si.
        -n <nfs args> --------- Static nfs network assignments
                                <Client IP>:<Server IP>:<Gateway IP>:<Netmask>
        -o <odmdata> ---------- ODM data.
        -r -------------------- skip building and reuse existing system.img.
        -t <tegraboot> -------- tegraboot binary such as nvtboot.bin
        -u <PKC key file>------ PKC key used for odm fused board.
        -v <SBK key file>------ Secure Boot Key (SBK) key used for ODM fused board.
        -w <wb0boot> ---------- warm boot binary such as nvtbootwb0.bin
        -x <tegraid> ---------- Tegra CHIPID.
        -B <boardid> ---------- BoardId.
        -C <cmdline> ---------- Kernel commandline arguments.
                                Each option in this kernel commandline gets
                                higher preference over the values set by
                                flash.sh. In case of NFS booting, this script
                                adds NFS booting related arguments, if -i option
                                is omitted.
        -F <flasher> ---------- Flash server such as cboot.bin.
        -G <file name> -------- Read partition and save image to file.
        -I <initrd> ----------- initrd file. Null initrd is default.
        -K <kernel> ----------- Kernel image file such as zImage or Image.
        -L <bootloader> ------- Bootloader such as cboot.bin or u-boot-dtb.bin.
        -M <mts boot> --------- MTS boot file such as mts_si.
        -N <nfsroot> ---------- i.e. <my IP addr>:/my/exported/nfs/rootfs.
        -R <rootfs dir> ------- Sample rootfs directory.
        -S <size> ------------- Rootfs size in bytes. Valid only for internal
                                rootdev. KiB, MiB, GiB short hands are allowed,
                                for example, 1GiB means 1024 * 1024 * 1024 bytes.
        -T <ext num sectors> ---The number of the sectors of the external storage device.
                                The default value is 122159104 if this option is not set.
        -Z -------------------- Print configurations and then exit.
        --no-flash ------------ perform all steps except physically flashing the board.
                                This will create a system.img.
        --external-device------ Generate flash images for external devices
        --sparseupdate--------- only flash partitions that have changed. Currently only support SPI flash memory
        --no-systemimg -------- Do not create or re-create system.img.
        --bup ----------------- Generate bootloader update payload(BUP).
        --single-image-bup <part name> Generate specified single image BUP, this must work with --bup.
        --bup-type <type> ----- Generate specific type bootloader update payload(BUP), such as bl or kernel.
        --multi-spec----------- Enable support for building multi-spec BUP.
        --clean-up------------- Clean up BUP buffer when multi-spec is enabled.
        --usb-instance <id> --- Specify the USB instance to connect to;
                                <id> = USB port path (e.g. 3-14).
        --no-root-check ------- Typical usage of this script require root permissions.
                                Pass this option to allow running the script as a
                                regular user, in which case only specific combinations
                                of command-line options will be functional.
        --uefi-keys <keys_conf> Specify UEFI keys configuration file.
        --rcm-boot ------------ Do RCM boot instead of physically flashing the board.
        --sign ---------------- Sign images and store them under "bootloader/signed"
                                directory. The board will not be physically flashed.
        --image --------------- Specify the image to be written into board.
        --boot-chain-flash <c>  Flash only a specific boot chain (ex. "A, "B", "all").
                                Defaults to "all", inputs are case insensitive.
                                Not suitable for production.
        --boot-chain-select <c> Specify booting chain (ex. "A" or "B") after the board is flashed.
                                Defaults to "A", inputs are case insensitive.
        --pv-crt -------------- The certificate for the key that is used to sign cpu_bootloader
        --with-systemimg ------ Generate system images also when using -k option
        --pv-enc <enc_key>----- The encryption key that is used to encrypt cpu_bootloader.
        --uefi-enc <uefi_enc_key> Key file (0x19: 16-byte; 0x23: 32-byte) to encrypt UEFI payloads
        --uda-dir-------------- Directory to store user data that will be encrypted in UDA partition.
        --separate-rcmboot-binary ------ Enable use of different binaries for rcmboot and coldboot.
        --generic-passphrase -- Use generic passphrase for disk encryption.
        --disable-random-iv --- Disable generation of random IV, SALT1, SALT2 and DERSTR.
        --read-info ----------- Read and display board related info, fuse info (based on fuse_t234.xml),
                                and EEPROM content.
        --reuse-uuid ---------  Reuse uuid which is already generated first time.

        flash.sh主要包含烧写参数、板卡配置、烧写分区等重要参数输入,具体参数请参考--help 参数说明,烧写命令如下所示:

sudo ./flash.sh -r jetson-agx-orin-devkit mmcblk0p1



sudo ./flash.sh -k kernel y-c8-agx-orin-3550 mmcblk0p1


sudo ./flash.sh -r -k kernel-dtb y-c8-agx-orin-3550 mmcblk0p1

 更新MB1_BCT 配置文件:

sudo ./flash.sh -k MB1_BCT y-c8-agx-orin-3550 mmcblk0p1

三、AGX Orin 系统备份


  1. 连接存储设备

    • 将外部存储设备连接到 AGX Orin,确保存储空间足够大以保存整个系统镜像。
  2. 创建备份镜像

sudo  ./flash.sh  -r  -k   APP -G  system_n102.img  y-c8-agx-orin-3550  mmcblk0p1


  1. -k APP:表示的是文件系统分区名称;
  2. -G system_n102.img:指定备份文件系统文件名称;




        通过以上步骤,您可以成功地为 NVIDIA AGX Orin 刷写系统并创建备份。这些操作不仅能帮助您保持系统的更新和安全,还能在遇到问题时快速恢复系统。定期进行系统备份是保障系统稳定运行的重要措施,建议大家在进行重要更改前都进行备份操作。

        如果您在操作过程中遇到任何问题,可以查阅 NVIDIA 的官方文档或寻求社区支持。希望这篇教程对您有所帮助!




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