视频生成【文章汇总】SVD, Sora, Latte, VideoCrafter12, DiT...

news2025/1/12 16:01:51

视频生成【文章汇总】SVD, Sora, Latte, VideoCrafter12, DiT...

    • 数据集
    • 指标
  • 【arXiv 2024】MiraData: A Large-Scale Video Dataset with Long Durations and Structured Captions
  • 【CVPR 2024】VBench : Comprehensive Benchmark Suite for Video Generative Models
  • 【arxiv 2024】xxx
  • 【arxiv 2024】xxx
  • 【arxiv 2024】xxx
  • 【arxiv 2024】xxx
  • 【arxiv 2024】xxx
  • 【arxiv 2024】xxx



【arXiv 2024】MiraData: A Large-Scale Video Dataset with Long Durations and Structured Captions

Authors: Xuan Ju, Yiming Gao, Zhaoyang Zhang, Ziyang Yuan, Xintao Wang, Ailing Zeng, Yu Xiong, Qiang Xu, Ying Shan

Abstract Sora's high-motion intensity and long consistent videos have significantly impacted the field of video generation, attracting unprecedented attention. However, existing publicly available datasets are inadequate for generating Sora-like videos, as they mainly contain short videos with low motion intensity and brief captions. To address these issues, we propose MiraData, a high-quality video dataset that surpasses previous ones in video duration, caption detail, motion strength, and visual quality. We curate MiraData from diverse, manually selected sources and meticulously process the data to obtain semantically consistent clips. GPT-4V is employed to annotate structured captions, providing detailed descriptions from four different perspectives along with a summarized dense caption. To better assess temporal consistency and motion intensity in video generation, we introduce MiraBench, which enhances existing benchmarks by adding 3D consistency and tracking-based motion strength metrics. MiraBench includes 150 evaluation prompts and 17 metrics covering temporal consistency, motion strength, 3D consistency, visual quality, text-video alignment, and distribution similarity. To demonstrate the utility and effectiveness of MiraData, we conduct experiments using our DiT-based video generation model, MiraDiT. The experimental results on MiraBench demonstrate the superiority of MiraData, especially in motion strength.

【Paper】 > 【Github_Code】 > 【Project】 > 【中文解读,待续】

【CVPR 2024】VBench : Comprehensive Benchmark Suite for Video Generative Models

Authors: Ziqi Huang, Yinan He, Jiashuo Yu, Fan Zhang, Chenyang Si, Yuming Jiang, Yuanhan Zhang, Tianxing Wu, Qingyang Jin, Nattapol Chanpaisit, Yaohui Wang, Xinyuan Chen, Limin Wang, Dahua Lin, Yu Qiao, Ziwei Liu

Abstract Video generation has witnessed significant advancements, yet evaluating these models remains a challenge. A comprehensive evaluation benchmark for video generation is indispensable for two reasons: 1) Existing metrics do not fully align with human perceptions; 2) An ideal evaluation system should provide insights to inform future developments of video generation. To this end, we present VBench, a comprehensive benchmark suite that dissects "video generation quality" into specific, hierarchical, and disentangled dimensions, each with tailored prompts and evaluation methods. VBench has three appealing properties: 1) Comprehensive Dimensions: VBench comprises 16 dimensions in video generation (e.g., subject identity inconsistency, motion smoothness, temporal flickering, and spatial relationship, etc). The evaluation metrics with fine-grained levels reveal individual models' strengths and weaknesses. 2) Human Alignment: We also provide a dataset of human preference annotations to validate our benchmarks' alignment with human perception, for each evaluation dimension respectively. 3) Valuable Insights: We look into current models' ability across various evaluation dimensions, and various content types. We also investigate the gaps between video and image generation models. We will open-source VBench, including all prompts, evaluation methods, generated videos, and human preference annotations, and also include more video generation models in VBench to drive forward the field of video generation.

【Paper】 > 【Github_Code】 > 【Project】 > 【中文解读,待续】

【arxiv 2024】xxx



【Paper】 > 【Github_Code】 > 【Project】 > 【中文解读,待续】

【arxiv 2024】xxx



【Paper】 > 【Github_Code】 > 【Project】 > 【中文解读,待续】

【arxiv 2024】xxx



【Paper】 > 【Github_Code】 > 【Project】 > 【中文解读,待续】

【arxiv 2024】xxx



【Paper】 > 【Github_Code】 > 【Project】 > 【中文解读,待续】

【arxiv 2024】xxx



【Paper】 > 【Github_Code】 > 【Project】 > 【中文解读,待续】

【arxiv 2024】xxx



【Paper】 > 【Github_Code】 > 【Project】 > 【中文解读,待续】





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