HiDiff: 用于医学图像分割的混合扩散框架| 文献速递-基于深度学习的多模态数据分析与生存分析

news2024/12/23 7:22:27



HiDiff: Hybrid Diffusion Framework for Medical Image Segmentation

HiDiff: 用于医学图像分割的混合扩散框架












To effectively, efficiently, and interactively synergize thestrengths of existing discriminative segmentors and the proposed BBDM, we propose a novel hybrid diffusion frameworkfor medical image segmentation, as shown in Fig. 2. In thissection, we first elaborate on existing discriminative segmentors and the proposed diffusion refiner in Secs. II-A and II-B,respectively. Finally, we detail our hybrid diffusion frameworkwith an alternate-collaborative training strategy in Sec. II-C.




This paper proposed a novel hybrid diffusion framework,HiDiff, for medical image segmentation, which can synergizethe strengths of existing discriminative segmentation modelsand new generative diffusion models, i.e. BBDM. The noveltyof our BBDM lies in three-fold: (i) effective: Bernoulli-baseddiffusion kernel to enhance the diffusion models in modelingthe discrete targets of the segmentation task, (ii) efficient: thebinarized diffusion refiner to significantly improve efficiencyfor inference with negligible computational costs, and (iii)interactive: cross transformer to enable interactive exchangebetween the diffusion generative feature and the discriminativefeature. We train HiDiff in an alternate-collaborative manner,which can mutually boost the discriminative segmentor andthe diffusion refiner during training. Extensive experimentalresults and detailed ablation studies validated the superior performance of HiDiff and the effectiveness of key componentsin HiDiff. We highlight that HiDiff is a principled frameworkfully compatible with existing DL-based segmentation models.

本文提出了一种用于医学图像分割的新型混合扩散框架 HiDiff,它能够协同现有判别分割模型和新的生成扩散模型(即 BBDM)的优势。我们的 BBDM 的创新之处在于以下三点:(i) 有效性:基于伯努利的扩散核以增强扩散模型在分割任务离散目标建模中的能力;(ii) 高效性:二值化扩散优化器显著提高推理效率,同时几乎不增加计算成本;(iii) 交互性:交叉转换器实现了扩散生成特征和判别特征之间的互动交换。我们以交替协作的方式训练 HiDiff,在训练过程中相互促进判别分割器和扩散优化器。大量实验结果和详细的消融研究验证了 HiDiff 的卓越性能和关键组件的有效性。我们强调,HiDiff 是一个与现有基于 DL 的分割模型完全兼容的基本框架。



Fig. 1. Conceptual illustration of our HiDiff. We train our HiDiff in analternate-collaborative manner to synergize the strengths of existingdiscriminative segmentation and generative diffusion models.

图 1. HiDiff 的概念示意图。我们以交替协作的方式训练 HiDiff,以协同现有判别分割模型和生成扩散模型的优势。


Fig. 2. Overview of the proposed HiDiff for medical image segmentation. Our HiDiff involves two key components: discriminative segmentor anddiffusion refiner, where the discriminative segmentor provides a segmentation mask prior for diffusion models while the diffusion refiner effectively,efficiently, and interactively refines the segmentation mask. Furthermore, we binarize our diffusion refiner and introduce a binary cross transformerto interactively exchange the discriminative and diffusion generative features, effectively refining the segmentation mask with negligible resources.

图 2. 提出的 HiDiff 用于医学图像分割的概述。HiDiff 包含两个关键组件:判别分割器和扩散优化器。判别分割器为扩散模型提供分割掩码先验,而扩散优化器则有效、高效且互动地优化分割掩码。此外,我们将扩散优化器二值化,并引入二值交叉转换器,以互动方式交换判别和生成扩散特征,从而以极少的资源有效地优化分割掩码。


Fig. 3. Illustration of the proposed binarized cross transformer block and its constituent binarized cross multi-head attention modules.

图 3. 提出的二值交叉转换器块及其组成的二值交叉多头注意力模块的示意图。


Fig. 4. Qualitative results of different segmentation methods for two cases, 0038 and 0008, from the Synapse testing set.

图 4. 来自 Synapse 测试集的两个案例(0038 和 0008)的不同分割方法的定性结果。


Fig. 5. Qualitative results of different segmentation methods for four cases from the BraTS testing set

图 5. 来自 BraTS 测试集的四个案例中不同分割方法的定性结果。


Fig. 6. Qualitative results of different segmentation methods for fourcases from the Kvasir-SEG and CVC-ClinicDB testing sets.

图 6.来自 Kvasir-SEG 和 CVC-ClinicDB 测试集的四个案例中不同分割方法的定性结果。


Fig. 7. Qualitative results of different segmentation methods for fourcases from the Drive and CHASE DB1 testing sets.

图 7.来自 DRIVE 和 CHASE_DB1 测试集的四个案例中不同分割方法的定性结果。


Fig. 8. Cross-dataset qualitative results of different segmentationmethods for four cases from the MSD testing set.

图 8. 不同分割方法在 MSD 测试集中四个案例的跨数据集定性结果。


Fig. 9. Cross-dataset qualitative results of different methods on thepolyps segmentation task.

图 9. 在息肉分割任务中,不同方法的跨数据集定性结果。


Fig. 10. Qualitative results of different segmentation methods for threecases from the small organ subset of the Synapse testing set.

图 10. 来自 Synapse 测试集小器官子集的三个案例中不同分割方法的定性结果。


Fig. 11. Qualitative results of different segmentation methods for threecases from the small tumor subset of the BraTS testing set.

图 11. 来自 BraTS 测试集小肿瘤子集的三个案例中不同分割方法的定性结果。


Fig. 12. Quantitative results of our HiDiff with three different discriminative segmentors: U-Net, SwinU-Net, and MERIT. HD95 is representedas HD95(NaN Ratio).

图 12. 我们的 HiDiff 与三种不同判别分割器(U-Net、SwinU-Net 和 MERIT)的定量结果。HD95 以 HD95(NaN 比率) 表示。


Fig. 13. Qualitative case study on the effectiveness of diffusion refinement process for four cases from the Synapse testing set (0025, 0004, 0002,and 0036).

图 13. 来自 Synapse 测试集(0025、0004、0002 和 0036)的四个案例中扩散优化过程有效性的定性案例研究。



TABLE Iquantitative results on the synapse testing set. the hd95 is represented as hd95(nan ratio). i, ii, and iii represent discriminative, generative diffusion, and integrated methods, respectively.

表 ISynapse 测试集上的定量结果。HD95 以 HD95(NAN 比率) 表示。I、II 和 III 分别代表判别方法、生成扩散方法和集成方法。


TABLE II  quantitative results on the brats testing set. hd95 is represented as hd95(nan ratio). i, ii, and iii represent discriminative, generative diffusion, and integrated methods, respectively.

表 II  BraTS 测试集上的定量结果。HD95 以 HD95(NAN 比率) 表示。I、II 和 III 分别代表判别方法、生成扩散方法和集成方法。


TABLE III quantitative results on the kvasir-seg and cvc-clinicdb testing sets. nan ratios are omitted because they are all 0.

表 III KVASIR-SEG 和 CVC-CLINICDB 测试集上的定量结果。NAN 比率省略,因为它们均为 0。


TABLE IVquantitative results on the drive and chase_db1 testing sets. nan ratios are omitted because they are all 0.

表 IVDRIVE 和 CHASE_DB1 测试集上的定量结果。NAN 比率省略,因为它们均为 0。


TABLE Vcross-dataset quantitative results of ct organ segmentation task. nan ratios are omitted because they are all 0.

表 VCT 器官分割任务的跨数据集定量结果。NAN 比率省略,因为它们均为 0。


TABLE VI cross-dataset quantitative results of the polyps segmentation task using the kvasir-seg and cvc-clinicdb datasets. hd95 is represented as hd95(nan ratio).

表 VI使用 KVASIR-SEG 和 CVC-ClinicDB 数据集进行息肉分割任务的跨数据集定量结果。HD95 以 HD95(NAN 比率) 表示。


TABLE VII quantitative results on a small organ subset of the synapse testing set. the hd95 is represented as hd95(nan ratio).

表 VIISynapse 测试集小器官子集上的定量结果。HD95 以 HD95(NAN 比率) 表示


TABLE VIIIquantitative results on a small tumor subset of the brats testing set. the hd95 is represented as hd95(nan ratio).

表 VIIIBraTS 测试集小肿瘤子集上的定量结果。HD95 以 HD95(NAN 比率) 表示。


TABLE IX ablation results of diffusion refinement. nan ratios are omitted because they are all 1.04%

表 IX扩散优化的消融结果。NAN 比率省略,因为它们均为 1.04%。


TABLE X  ablation results of training strategy, focal loss, x-former, and binarization. v1, v2, v3, v4, and v5 represent 5 implementations. nan ratios are omitted because they are all 1.04%.

表 X训练策略、Focal Loss、X-Former 和二值化的消融结果。V1、V2、V3、V4 和 V5 代表 5 种实现。NAN 比率省略,因为它们均为 1.04%。


TABLE XI flops (×1010) and storage (mb) of different methods. note that for integrated methods, flops are presented as flops of discriminative segmentor + flops of a single forward process of the diffusion refiner × diffusion steps, and storage is presented as storage of discriminative segmentor + storage of diffusion refiner.

表 XI不同方法的 FLOPS(×1010)和存储(MB)。注意,对于集成方法,FLOPS 表示为判别分割器的 FLOPS + 单次前向过程的扩散优化器 FLOPS × 扩散步骤,存储表示为判别分割器的存储 + 扩散优化器的存储。




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