2024-07-19 Unity插件 Odin Inspector10 —— Misc Attributes

news2025/2/21 6:39:07


  • 1 说明
  • 2 其他特性
    • 2.1 CustomContextMenu
    • 2.2 DisableContextMenu
    • 2.3 DrawWithUnity
    • 2.4 HideDuplicateReferenceBox
    • 2.5 Indent
    • 2.6 InfoBox
    • 2.7 InlineProperty
    • 2.8 LabelText
    • 2.9 LabelWidth
    • 2.10 OnCollectionChanged
    • 2.11 OnInspectorDispose
    • 2.12 OnInspectorGUI
    • 2.13 OnInspectorInit
    • 2.14 OnStateUpdate
    • 2.15 OnValueChanged
    • 2.16 TypeSelectorSettings
    • 2.17 TypeRegistryItem
    • 2.18 PropertyTooltip
    • 2.19 SuffixLabel

1 说明

​ 本文介绍 Odin Inspector 插件中其他特性的使用方法。

2 其他特性

2.1 CustomContextMenu


  • string menuItem

    菜单栏(“/ ”分隔子菜单)。

  • string action


// CustomContextMenuExamplesComponent.cs

using Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using UnityEngine;

public class CustomContextMenuExamplesComponent : MonoBehaviour
    [InfoBox("A custom context menu is added on this property. Right click the property to view the custom context menu.")]
    [CustomContextMenu("Say Hello/Twice", "SayHello")]
    public int MyProperty;

    private void SayHello() {
        Debug.Log("Hello Twice");

2.2 DisableContextMenu

禁用 Odin 提供的所有右键单击上下文菜单,不会禁用 Unity 的上下文菜单。

  • bool disableForMember = true


  • bool disableCollectionElements = false


// DisableContextMenuExamplesComponent.cs

using Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using UnityEngine;

public class DisableContextMenuExamplesComponent : MonoBehaviour
    [InfoBox("DisableContextMenu disables all right-click context menus provided by Odin. It does not disable Unity's context menu.", InfoMessageType.Warning)]
    public int[] NoRightClickList = new int[] { 2, 3, 5 };

    [DisableContextMenu(disableForMember: false, disableCollectionElements: true)]
    public int[] NoRightClickListOnListElements = new int[] { 7, 11 };

    [DisableContextMenu(disableForMember: true, disableCollectionElements: true)]
    public int[] DisableRightClickCompletely = new int[] { 13, 17 };

    public int NoRightClickField = 19;

2.3 DrawWithUnity

禁用特定成员的 Odin 绘图,而使用 Unity 的旧绘图系统进行绘制。

  1. 此特性并不意味着“完全禁用对象的 Odin”;本质上只是调用 Unity 的旧属性绘图系统,Odin 仍然最终负责安排对象的绘制。
  2. 其他特性的优先级高于此特性。
  3. 如果存在另一个特性来覆盖此特性,则不能保证会调用 Unity 绘制属性。
// DrawWithUnityExamplesComponent.cs

using Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using UnityEngine;

public class DrawWithUnityExamplesComponent : MonoBehaviour
    [InfoBox("If you ever experience trouble with one of Odin's attributes, there is a good chance that DrawWithUnity will come in handy; it will make Odin draw the value as Unity normally would.")]
    public GameObject ObjectDrawnWithOdin;

    public GameObject ObjectDrawnWithUnity;

2.4 HideDuplicateReferenceBox

如果由于遇到重复的引用值,而使此属性以其他方式绘制为对另一个属性的引用,则 Odin 将隐藏引用框。


// HideDuplicateReferenceBoxExamplesComponent.cs

using Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using UnityEngine;

#if UNITY_EDITOR // Editor namespaces can only be used in the editor.
using Sirenix.Utilities.Editor;

public class HideDuplicateReferenceBoxExamplesComponent : SerializedMonoBehaviour
    public ReferenceTypeClass firstObject;

    public ReferenceTypeClass withReferenceBox;

    public ReferenceTypeClass withoutReferenceBox;

    public void CreateData() {
        this.firstObject                    = new ReferenceTypeClass();
        this.withReferenceBox               = this.firstObject;
        this.withoutReferenceBox            = this.firstObject;
        this.firstObject.recursiveReference = this.firstObject;

    public class ReferenceTypeClass
        public ReferenceTypeClass recursiveReference;

#if UNITY_EDITOR // Editor-related code must be excluded from builds
        [OnInspectorGUI, PropertyOrder(-1)]
        private void MessageBox() {
            SirenixEditorGUI.WarningMessageBox("Recursively drawn references will always show the reference box regardless, to prevent infinite depth draw loops.");

#if UNITY_EDITOR // Editor-related code must be excluded from builds
    [OnInspectorGUI, PropertyOrder(0)]
    private void MessageBox1() {
        SirenixEditorGUI.Title("The first reference will always be drawn normally", null, TextAlignment.Left, true);

    [OnInspectorGUI, PropertyOrder(2)]
    private void MessageBox2() {
        SirenixEditorGUI.Title("All subsequent references will be wrapped in a reference box", null, TextAlignment.Left, true);

    [OnInspectorGUI, PropertyOrder(4)]
    private void MessageBox3() {
        SirenixEditorGUI.Title("With the [HideDuplicateReferenceBox] attribute, this box is hidden", null, TextAlignment.Left, true);

2.5 Indent


  • int indentLevel = 1


// IndentExamplesComponent.cs

using Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using UnityEngine;

public class IndentExamplesComponent : MonoBehaviour
    [Title("Nicely organize your properties.")]
    public int A;

    public int B;

    public int C;

    public int D;

    [Title("Using the Indent attribute")]
    public int E;

    public int F;

    public int G;

2.6 InfoBox


  • string message


  • SdfIconType icon


  • string visibleIfMemberName = null

    用于显示或隐藏消息框的 bool 成员名称。

  • InfoMessageType infoMessageType = InfoMessageType.Info


// InfoBoxExamplesComponent.cs

using Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using UnityEngine;

public class InfoBoxExamplesComponent : MonoBehaviour
    [Title("InfoBox message types")]
    [InfoBox("Default info box.")]
    public int A;

    [InfoBox("Warning info box.", InfoMessageType.Warning)]
    public int B;

    [InfoBox("Error info box.", InfoMessageType.Error)]
    public int C;

    [InfoBox("Info box without an icon.", InfoMessageType.None)]
    public int D;

    [Title("Conditional info boxes")]
    public bool ToggleInfoBoxes;

    [InfoBox("This info box is only shown while in editor mode.", InfoMessageType.Error, "IsInEditMode")]
    public float G;

    [InfoBox("This info box is hideable by a static field.", "ToggleInfoBoxes")]
    public float E;

    [InfoBox("This info box is hideable by a static field.", "ToggleInfoBoxes")]
    public float F;

    [Title("Info box member reference and attribute expressions")]
    [InfoBox("@\"Time: \" + DateTime.Now.ToString(\"HH:mm:ss\")")]
    public string InfoBoxMessage = "My dynamic info box message";

    private static bool IsInEditMode() {
        return !Application.isPlaying;

2.7 InlineProperty


  • int LabelWidth


// InlinePropertyExamplesComponent.cs

using Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using System;
using UnityEngine;

public class InlinePropertyExamplesComponent : MonoBehaviour
    public Vector3 Vector3;

    public Vector3Int MyVector3Int;

    [InlineProperty(LabelWidth = 13)]
    public Vector2Int MyVector2Int;

    [InlineProperty(LabelWidth = 13)]
    public struct Vector3Int
        public int X;

        public int Y;

        public int Z;

    public struct Vector2Int
        public int X;

        public int Y;

2.8 LabelText

更改对象在 Inspector 窗口中显示的标签内容。

  • string text


  • SdfIconType icon


// LabelTextExamplesComponent.cs

using Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using UnityEngine;

public class LabelTextExamplesComponent : MonoBehaviour
    public int MyInt1 = 1;

    public int MyInt2 = 12;

    public int MyInt3 = 123;

    [InfoBox("Use $ to refer to a member string.")]
    public string LabelText = "The label is taken from the number 3 above";

    [InfoBox("Use @ to execute an expression.")]
    public string DateTimeLabel;

    [LabelText("Test", SdfIconType.HeartFill)]
    public int LabelIcon1 = 123;

    [LabelText("", SdfIconType.HeartFill)]
    public int LabelIcon2 = 123;

2.9 LabelWidth


  • float width


// LabelWidthExampleComponent.cs

using Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using UnityEngine;

public class LabelWidthExampleComponent : MonoBehaviour
    public int DefaultWidth;

    public int Thin;

    public int Wide;

2.10 OnCollectionChanged

通过 Inspector 窗口更改集合时,触发指定事件回调。



  • string before/after

    更改前 / 后触发的事件回调。

// OnCollectionChangedExamplesComponent.cs

using Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

#if UNITY_EDITOR // Editor namespaces can only be used in the editor.
using Sirenix.OdinInspector.Editor;

public class OnCollectionChangedExamplesComponent : SerializedMonoBehaviour
    [InfoBox("Change the collection to get callbacks detailing the changes that are being made.")]
    [OnCollectionChanged("Before", "After")]
    public List<string> list = new List<string>() { "str1", "str2", "str3" };

    [OnCollectionChanged("Before", "After")]
    public HashSet<string> hashset = new HashSet<string>() { "str1", "str2", "str3" };

    [OnCollectionChanged("Before", "After")]
    public Dictionary<string, string> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>() { { "key1", "str1" }, { "key2", "str2" }, { "key3", "str3" } };

#if UNITY_EDITOR // Editor-related code must be excluded from builds
    public void Before(CollectionChangeInfo info, object value) {
        Debug.Log("Received callback BEFORE CHANGE with the following info: " + info + ", and the following collection instance: " + value);

    public void After(CollectionChangeInfo info, object value) {
        Debug.Log("Received callback AFTER CHANGE with the following info: " + info + ", and the following collection instance: " + value);

2.11 OnInspectorDispose

对象在 Inspector 窗口中被释放时(更改对象或 Inspector 窗口被隐藏 / 关闭)执行回调。

  • string action


// OnInspectorDisposeExamplesComponent.cs

using Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using UnityEngine;

public class OnInspectorDisposeExamplesComponent : MonoBehaviour
    [OnInspectorDispose("@UnityEngine.Debug.Log(\"Dispose event invoked!\")")]
    [ShowInInspector, InfoBox("When you change the type of this field, or set it to null, the former property setup is disposed. The property setup will also be disposed when you deselect this example."), DisplayAsString]
    public BaseClass PolymorphicField;
    public abstract class BaseClass { public override string ToString() { return this.GetType().Name; } }
    public class A : BaseClass { }
    public class B : BaseClass { }
    public class C : BaseClass { }

2.12 OnInspectorGUI

在 Inpsector 代码运行时调用指定方法。使用此选项为对象添加自定义 Inspector GUI。

  • string action


// OnInspectorGUIExamplesComponent.cs

using Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using UnityEngine;

public class OnInspectorGUIExamplesComponent : MonoBehaviour
    [OnInspectorInit("@Texture = Sirenix.Utilities.Editor.EditorIcons.OdinInspectorLogo")]
    [OnInspectorGUI("DrawPreview", append: true)]
    public Texture2D Texture;

    private void DrawPreview() {
        if (this.Texture == null) return;


#if UNITY_EDITOR // Editor-related code must be excluded from builds
    private void OnInspectorGUI() {
        UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("OnInspectorGUI can also be used on both methods and properties", UnityEditor.MessageType.Info);

2.13 OnInspectorInit

对象在 Inspector 窗口中被初始化时(打开 / 显示 Inspector 窗口)执行回调。

  • string action


// OnInspectorInitExamplesComponent.cs

using Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using System;
using UnityEngine;

#if UNITY_EDITOR // Editor namespaces can only be used in the editor.
using Sirenix.Utilities.Editor;

public class OnInspectorInitExamplesComponent : MonoBehaviour
    // Display current time for reference.
    [ShowInInspector, DisplayAsString, PropertyOrder(-1)]
    public string CurrentTime {
        get {
#if UNITY_EDITOR // Editor-related code must be excluded from builds
            return DateTime.Now.ToString();

    // OnInspectorInit executes the first time this string is about to be drawn in the inspector.
    // It will execute again when the example is reselected.
    [OnInspectorInit("@TimeWhenExampleWasOpened = DateTime.Now.ToString()")]
    public string TimeWhenExampleWasOpened;

    // OnInspectorInit will not execute before the property is actually "resolved" in the inspector.
    // Remember, Odin's property system is lazily evaluated, and so a property does not actually exist
    // and is not initialized before something is actually asking for it.
    // Therefore, this OnInspectorInit attribute won't execute until the foldout is expanded.
    [FoldoutGroup("Delayed Initialization", Expanded = false, HideWhenChildrenAreInvisible = false)]
    [OnInspectorInit("@TimeFoldoutWasOpened = DateTime.Now.ToString()")]
    public string TimeFoldoutWasOpened;

2.14 OnStateUpdate

在 Inspector 窗口中每帧监听对象的状态。


  • string action


// AnotherPropertysStateExampleComponent.cs

using Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class AnotherPropertysStateExampleComponent : MonoBehaviour
    public List<string> list;

    [OnStateUpdate("@#(list).State.Expanded = $value")]
    public bool ExpandList;

2.15 OnValueChanged

适用于属性和字段,每当通过 Inspector 窗口更改对象时,都会调用指定的函数。


// OnValueChangedExamplesComponent.cs

using Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using UnityEngine;

public class OnValueChangedExamplesComponent : MonoBehaviour
    public Shader Shader;

    [ReadOnly, InlineEditor(InlineEditorModes.LargePreview)]
    public Material Material;

    private void CreateMaterial() {
        if (this.Material != null) {

        if (this.Shader != null) {
            this.Material = new Material(this.Shader);

2.16 TypeSelectorSettings

提供 Type 类型的绘制选择器。

  • bool ShowCategories

    下拉选择 Type 时是否分类显示可选项。

  • bool PreferNamespaces


  • bool ShowNoneItem

    是否显示 “None”。

  • string FilterTypesFunction


// TypeSelectorSettingsExampleComponent.cs

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using UnityEngine;

public class TypeSelectorSettingsExampleComponent : MonoBehaviour
    public Type Default;

    [Title("Show Categories"), ShowInInspector, LabelText("On")]
    [TypeSelectorSettings(ShowCategories = true)]
    public Type ShowCategories_On;

    [ShowInInspector, LabelText("Off")]
    [TypeSelectorSettings(ShowCategories = false)]
    public Type ShowCategories_Off;

    [Title("Prefer Namespaces"), ShowInInspector, LabelText("On")]
    [TypeSelectorSettings(PreferNamespaces = true, ShowCategories = true)]
    public Type PreferNamespaces_On;

    [ShowInInspector, LabelText("Off")]
    [TypeSelectorSettings(PreferNamespaces = false, ShowCategories = true)]
    public Type PreferNamespaces_Off;

    [Title("Show None Item"), ShowInInspector, LabelText("On")]
    [TypeSelectorSettings(ShowNoneItem = true)]
    public Type ShowNoneItem_On;

    [ShowInInspector, LabelText("Off")]
    [TypeSelectorSettings(ShowNoneItem = false)]
    public Type ShowNoneItem_Off;

    [Title("Custom Type Filter"), ShowInInspector]
    [TypeSelectorSettings(FilterTypesFunction = nameof(TypeFilter), ShowCategories = false)]
    public Type CustomTypeFilterExample;

    private bool TypeFilter(Type type) {
        return type.GetInterfaces().Any(i => i.IsGenericType && i.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IEnumerable<>));

2.17 TypeRegistryItem

为类型注册 Inspector 窗口的显示器。

  • string Name = null


  • string CategoryPath = null


  • SdfIconType Icon = SdfIconType.None


  • float lightIconColorR/G/B/A = 0.0f

    在浅色模式下图标颜色的 RGBA 分量。

  • float darkIconColorR/G/B/A = 0.0f

    在深色模式下图标颜色的 RGBA 分量。

  • int Priority = 0


// TypeRegistryItemSettingsExampleComponent.cs

using System;
using Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using UnityEngine;

public class TypeRegistryItemSettingsExampleComponent : MonoBehaviour
    private const string CATEGORY_PATH  = "Sirenix.TypeSelector.Demo";
    private const string BASE_ITEM_NAME = "Painting Tools";
    private const string PATH           = CATEGORY_PATH + "/" + BASE_ITEM_NAME;

    [TypeRegistryItem(Name = BASE_ITEM_NAME, Icon = SdfIconType.Tools, CategoryPath = CATEGORY_PATH, Priority = Int32.MinValue)]
    public abstract class Base
    { }

    [TypeRegistryItem(darkIconColorR: 0.8f, darkIconColorG: 0.3f,
                      lightIconColorR: 0.3f, lightIconColorG: 0.1f,
                      Name = "Brush", CategoryPath = PATH, Icon = SdfIconType.BrushFill, Priority = Int32.MinValue)]
    public class InheritorA : Base
        public Color Color          = Color.red;
        public float PaintRemaining = 0.4f;

    [TypeRegistryItem(darkIconColorG: 0.8f, darkIconColorB: 0.3f,
                      lightIconColorG: 0.3f, lightIconColorB: 0.1f,
                      Name = "Paint Bucket", CategoryPath = PATH, Icon = SdfIconType.PaintBucket, Priority = Int32.MinValue)]
    public class InheritorB : Base
        public Color Color          = Color.green;
        public float PaintRemaining = 0.8f;

    [TypeRegistryItem(darkIconColorB: 0.8f, darkIconColorG: 0.3f,
                      lightIconColorB: 0.3f, lightIconColorG: 0.1f,
                      Name = "Palette", CategoryPath = PATH, Icon = SdfIconType.PaletteFill, Priority = Int32.MinValue)]
    public class InheritorC : Base
        public ColorPaletteItem[] Colors = {
            new ColorPaletteItem(Color.blue, 0.8f),
            new ColorPaletteItem(Color.red, 0.5f),
            new ColorPaletteItem(Color.green, 1.0f),
            new ColorPaletteItem(Color.white, 0.6f),

    [PolymorphicDrawerSettings(ShowBaseType = false)]
    public Base PaintingItem;

    public struct ColorPaletteItem
        public Color Color;
        public float Remaining;

        public ColorPaletteItem(Color color, float remaining) {
            this.Color     = color;
            this.Remaining = remaining;

2.18 PropertyTooltip

在 Inspector 窗口中鼠标悬停在对象上时创建工具提示。

注意:类似于 Unity 的 TooltipAttribute,但可以应用于属性。

  • string tooltip


// PropertyTooltipExamplesComponent.cs

using Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using UnityEngine;

public class PropertyTooltipExamplesComponent : MonoBehaviour
    [PropertyTooltip("This is tooltip on an int property.")]
    public int MyInt;

    [InfoBox("Use $ to refer to a member string.")]
    public string Tooltip = "Dynamic tooltip.";

    [Button, PropertyTooltip("Button Tooltip")]
    private void ButtonWithTooltip() {
        // ...

2.19 SuffixLabel


  • string label


  • SdfIconType icon


  • bool overlay = false


  • string IconColor


// SuffixLabelExamplesComponent.cs

using Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using UnityEngine;

public class SuffixLabelExamplesComponent : MonoBehaviour
    public GameObject GameObject;

    [InfoBox("Using the Overlay property, the suffix label will be drawn on top of the property instead of behind it.\n" +
             "Use this for a neat inline look.")]
    [SuffixLabel("ms", Overlay = true)]
    public float Speed;

    [SuffixLabel("radians", Overlay = true)]
    public float Angle;

    [InfoBox("The Suffix attribute also supports referencing a member string field, property, or method by using $.")]
    [SuffixLabel("$Suffix", Overlay = true)]
    public string Suffix = "Dynamic suffix label";

    [InfoBox("The Suffix attribute also supports expressions by using @.")]
    [SuffixLabel("@DateTime.Now.ToString(\"HH:mm:ss\")", true)]
    public string Expression;

    [SuffixLabel("Suffix with icon", SdfIconType.HeartFill)]
    public string IconAndText1;

    public string OnlyIcon1;

    [SuffixLabel("Suffix with icon", SdfIconType.HeartFill, Overlay = true)]
    public string IconAndText2;

    [SuffixLabel(SdfIconType.HeartFill, Overlay = true)]
    public string OnlyIcon2;





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1 .了解优先级队列 优先级队列是一种容器适配器&#xff0c;根据一些严格的弱排序标准&#xff0c;专门设计使其第一个元素始终是它所包含的元素中最大的元素。 此上下文类似于堆&#xff0c;其中可以随时插入元素&#xff0c;并且只能检索最大堆元素&#xff08;优先级队列中顶…


一、创建JavaWeb项目 1.新建项目File->New->Project 2. 选择JavaWeb应用在New Project窗口中选择Java后勾选Java EE中的Web Application后点击next即可 3.设置项目名称后点击finish即可 4.至此项目创建完成&#xff0c;检查文件是否齐全&#xff0c;开始配置Tomcat 二、…


消息传递是什么 Objective-C是一种动态类型语言&#xff0c;这意味着在编译时并不确定对象的具体类型&#xff0c;而是在运行时决定。消息传递机制允许程序在运行时向对象发送消息&#xff0c;对象再决定如何响应这些消息。 当你通过对象调用方法时&#xff0c;例如像这样[ob…

React 从入门到实战 一一开发环境基础搭建(小白篇)

React 从入门到实战一一开发环境基础搭建&#xff08;小白篇&#xff09; React 介绍什么是 react &#xff1f;react 主要功能react 框架特点 开发工具渲染测试 React 介绍 最近两年&#xff0c;react 也愈来愈火热&#xff0c;想要在里面分一杯羹&#xff0c;那肯定逃不过 r…

CentOS 7开启SSH连接

1. 安装openssh-server 1.1 检查是否安装openssh-server服务 yum list installed | grep openssh-server如果有显示内容&#xff0c;则已安装跳过安装步骤&#xff0c;否则进行第2步 1.2 安装openssh-server yum install openssh-server2. 开启SSH 22监听端口 2.1 打开ssh…


目录 1.关闭AliYunDunUpdate&#xff0c;AliYunDun&#xff0c;AliYunDunMonitor。 2.发现报错如下 3.打开阿里云安全中心控制台 4.成功解决 2.开启云盾命令 “如果您在解决类似问题时也遇到了困难&#xff0c;希望我的经验分享对您有所帮助。如果您有任何疑问或者想分享您…


我一战二战复习都听了李永乐的线代课&#xff0c;二战的时候只听了一遍强化&#xff0c;个人感觉没有很乱&#xff0c;永乐大帝的课逻辑还是很清晰的。 以下是我听向量这一章后根据听课内容和讲义例题总结的部分思维导图&#xff0c;永乐大帝讲课的时候也会特意点到线代前后联…

spark shell

1.进行shell命令行 spark-shell 2.创建RDD 2.1 读取文件创建RDD 2.1.1读取linux文件系统的文件创建RDD --需要保证每一个worker中都有该文件 val data1 sc.textFile("file:/opt/file/word.txt") 2.1.2读取hdfs文件系统上的文件创建RDD val data2sc.textFile("…