1. 安装WSL2
2. windows下安装VSCode
3. VSCode安装插件Remote Development
北京时间2019年5月3日,在 PyCon 2019 大会上,微软发布了 VS Code Remote,开启了远程开发的新时代!这次发布包含了三款核心的全新插件,它们可以帮助开发者在容器,物理或虚拟机,以及 Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) 中实现无缝的远程开发。通过安装 Remote Development Extension Pack ,你可以快速上手远程开发。
The Remote Development extension pack 介绍
The Remote Development extension pack allows you to open any folder in a container, on a remote machine, or in the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) and take advantage of VS Code’s full feature set. Since this lets you set up a full-time development environment anywhere.
No source code needs to be on your local machine to gain these benefits since Remote Development runs commands and extensions directly on the remote machine.
This Remote Development extension pack includes three extensions:
- Remote - SSH - Work with source code in any location by opening folders on a remote machine/VM using SSH. Supports x86_64, ARMv7l (AArch32), and ARMv8l (AArch64) glibc-based Linux, Windows 10/Server (1803+), and macOS 10.14+ (Mojave) SSH hosts.
- Dev Containers - Work with a separate toolchain or container based application by opening any folder mounted into or inside a container.
- WSL - Get a Linux-powered development experience from the comfort of Windows by opening any folder in the Windows Subsystem for Linux.
远程开发扩展包允许您打开容器、远程计算机或Windows Subsystem for Linux(WSL)中的任何文件夹,并利用VS Code的全部功能集。由于这允许您在任何地方设置全职开发环境。
远程-SSH-通过使用SSH打开远程计算机/VM上的文件夹,在任何位置使用源代码。支持x86_64、ARMv7l(AArch32)和ARMv8l(AAarch64)基于glibc的Linux、Windows 10/Server(1803+)和macOS 10.14+(Mojave)SSH主机。
WSL-通过打开Windows Subsystem for Linux中的任何文件夹,从舒适的Windows中获得Linux驱动的开发体验。
Remote Development 包括以下三个组件
4. 在Ubuntu下cd到t1文件夹
user@DESKTOP-HUKL678:~/t1$ code .
wsl控制台,在相应目录下使用“code . ”命令,就会在当前目录下打开vs code,并以此目录做为工作区。
期间会提示“Installing VS Code Server”,安装linux端的vs code小型服务端,用以与window下vc code会话通信。