QML学习——Qt Quick Extras Examples 1.4(八)

news2025/2/22 2:47:26

Qt Quick Extras Examples


01 A car dashboard
  • 样例演示:

  • 在这里插入图片描述

  • 说明:

    • ValueSource组件控制数值相关的动画,例如图中数值的变化;
    • TurnIndicator组件是控制左右方向灯的闪烁和背景,里面使用了Canvas来绘制样式;
    • IconGaugeStyle是对DashboardGaugeStyle的封装,里面绘制了带图标仪表盘的样式,用于左边油量表和水温表的样式;
    • DashboardGaugeStyle是对CircularGaugeStyle的封装,用于中间的速度仪表的样式;
    • TachometerStyle是对DashboardGaugeStyle的封装,用于右边转速表的样式;



import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4
import QtQuick.Extras 1.4

import "./Component"

Rectangle {
    id: root
    width: 1024
    height: 600

    color: "#161616"

    ValueSource {
        id: valueSource

    // Dashboards are typically in a landscape orientation, so we need to ensure
    // our height is never greater than our width.
    Item {
        id: container
        width: root.width
        height: Math.min(root.width, root.height)
        anchors.centerIn: parent

        Row {
            id: gaugeRow
            spacing: container.width * 0.02
            anchors.centerIn: parent

            TurnIndicator {
                id: leftIndicator
                anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                width: height
                height: container.height * 0.1 - gaugeRow.spacing

                direction: Qt.LeftArrow
                on: valueSource.turnSignal === Qt.LeftArrow

            Item {
                width: height
                height: container.height * 0.25 - gaugeRow.spacing
                anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter

                CircularGauge {
                    id: fuelGauge
                    value: valueSource.fuel
                    maximumValue: 1
                    y: parent.height / 2 - height / 2 - container.height * 0.01
                    width: parent.width
                    height: parent.height * 0.7

                    style: IconGaugeStyle {
                        id: fuelGaugeStyle

                        icon: "qrc:/Icons/Used_Images/Icons/02_10-fuel-icon.png"
                        minWarningColor: Qt.rgba(0.5, 0, 0, 1)

                        tickmarkLabel: Text {
                            color: "white"
                            visible: styleData.value === 0 || styleData.value === 1
                            font.pixelSize: fuelGaugeStyle.toPixels(0.225)
                            text: styleData.value === 0 ? "E" : (styleData.value === 1 ? "F" : "")

                CircularGauge {
                    value: valueSource.temperature
                    maximumValue: 1
                    width: parent.width
                    height: parent.height * 0.7
                    y: parent.height / 2 + container.height * 0.01

                    style: IconGaugeStyle {
                        id: tempGaugeStyle

                        icon: "qrc:/Icons/Used_Images/Icons/03_10-temperature-icon.png"
                        maxWarningColor: Qt.rgba(0.5, 0, 0, 1)

                        tickmarkLabel: Text {
                            color: "white"
                            visible: styleData.value === 0 || styleData.value === 1
                            font.pixelSize: tempGaugeStyle.toPixels(0.225)
                            text: styleData.value === 0 ? "C" : (styleData.value === 1 ? "H" : "")

            CircularGauge {
                id: speedometer
                value: valueSource.kph
                anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                maximumValue: 280
                // We set the width to the height, because the height will always be
                // the more limited factor. Also, all circular controls letterbox
                // their contents to ensure that they remain circular. However, we
                // don't want to extra space on the left and right of our gauges,
                // because they're laid out horizontally, and that would create
                // large horizontal gaps between gauges on wide screens.
                width: height
                height: container.height * 0.5

                style: DashboardGaugeStyle {}

            CircularGauge {
                id: tachometer
                width: height
                height: container.height * 0.25 - gaugeRow.spacing
                value: valueSource.rpm
                maximumValue: 8
                anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter

                style: TachometerStyle {}

            TurnIndicator {
                id: rightIndicator
                anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                width: height
                height: container.height * 0.1 - gaugeRow.spacing

                direction: Qt.RightArrow
                on: valueSource.turnSignal === Qt.RightArrow


import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4

CircularGaugeStyle {
    tickmarkInset: toPixels(0.04)
    minorTickmarkInset: tickmarkInset
    labelStepSize: 20
    labelInset: toPixels(0.23)

    property real xCenter: outerRadius
    property real yCenter: outerRadius
    property real needleLength: outerRadius - tickmarkInset * 1.25
    property real needleTipWidth: toPixels(0.02)
    property real needleBaseWidth: toPixels(0.06)
    property bool halfGauge: false

    function toPixels(percentage) {
        return percentage * outerRadius;

    function degToRad(degrees) {
        return degrees * (Math.PI / 180);

    function radToDeg(radians) {
        return radians * (180 / Math.PI);

    function paintBackground(ctx) {
        if (halfGauge) {
            ctx.rect(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height / 2);

        ctx.fillStyle = "black";
        ctx.ellipse(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height);

        ctx.lineWidth = tickmarkInset;
        ctx.strokeStyle = "black";
        ctx.arc(xCenter, yCenter, outerRadius - ctx.lineWidth / 2, outerRadius - ctx.lineWidth / 2, 0, Math.PI * 2);

        ctx.lineWidth = tickmarkInset / 2;
        ctx.strokeStyle = "#222";
        ctx.arc(xCenter, yCenter, outerRadius - ctx.lineWidth / 2, outerRadius - ctx.lineWidth / 2, 0, Math.PI * 2);

        var gradient = ctx.createRadialGradient(xCenter, yCenter, 0, xCenter, yCenter, outerRadius * 1.5);
        gradient.addColorStop(0, Qt.rgba(1, 1, 1, 0));
        gradient.addColorStop(0.7, Qt.rgba(1, 1, 1, 0.13));
        gradient.addColorStop(1, Qt.rgba(1, 1, 1, 1));
        ctx.fillStyle = gradient;
        ctx.arc(xCenter, yCenter, outerRadius - tickmarkInset, outerRadius - tickmarkInset, 0, Math.PI * 2);

    background: Canvas {
        onPaint: {
            var ctx = getContext("2d");

        Text {
            id: speedText
            font.pixelSize: toPixels(0.3)
            text: kphInt
            color: "white"
            horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
            anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
            anchors.top: parent.verticalCenter
            anchors.topMargin: toPixels(0.1)

            readonly property int kphInt: control.value
        Text {
            text: "km/h"
            color: "white"
            font.pixelSize: toPixels(0.09)
            anchors.top: speedText.bottom
            anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter

    needle: Canvas {
        implicitWidth: needleBaseWidth
        implicitHeight: needleLength

        property real xCenter: width / 2
        property real yCenter: height / 2

        onPaint: {
            var ctx = getContext("2d");

            ctx.moveTo(xCenter, height);
            ctx.lineTo(xCenter - needleBaseWidth / 2, height - needleBaseWidth / 2);
            ctx.lineTo(xCenter - needleTipWidth / 2, 0);
            ctx.lineTo(xCenter, yCenter - needleLength);
            ctx.lineTo(xCenter, 0);
            ctx.fillStyle = Qt.rgba(0.66, 0, 0, 0.66);

            ctx.moveTo(xCenter, height)
            ctx.lineTo(width, height - needleBaseWidth / 2);
            ctx.lineTo(xCenter + needleTipWidth / 2, 0);
            ctx.lineTo(xCenter, 0);
            ctx.fillStyle = Qt.lighter(Qt.rgba(0.66, 0, 0, 0.66));

    foreground: null


import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4
import QtQuick.Extras 1.4

DashboardGaugeStyle {
    id: fuelGaugeStyle
    minimumValueAngle: -60
    maximumValueAngle: 60
    tickmarkStepSize: 1
    labelStepSize: 1
    labelInset: toPixels(-0.25)
    minorTickmarkCount: 3

    needleLength: toPixels(0.85)
    needleBaseWidth: toPixels(0.08)
    needleTipWidth: toPixels(0.03)

    halfGauge: true

    property string icon: ""
    property color minWarningColor: "transparent"
    property color maxWarningColor: "transparent"
    readonly property real minWarningStartAngle: minimumValueAngle - 90
    readonly property real maxWarningStartAngle: maximumValueAngle - 90

    tickmark: Rectangle {
        implicitWidth: toPixels(0.06)
        antialiasing: true
        implicitHeight: toPixels(0.2)
        color: "#c8c8c8"

    minorTickmark: Rectangle {
        implicitWidth: toPixels(0.03)
        antialiasing: true
        implicitHeight: toPixels(0.15)
        color: "#c8c8c8"

    background: Item {
        Canvas {
            anchors.fill: parent
            onPaint: {
                var ctx = getContext("2d");


                if (minWarningColor != "transparent") {
                    ctx.lineWidth = fuelGaugeStyle.toPixels(0.08);
                    ctx.strokeStyle = minWarningColor;
                    ctx.arc(outerRadius, outerRadius,
                        // Start the line in from the decorations, and account for the width of the line itself.
                        outerRadius - tickmarkInset - ctx.lineWidth / 2,
                        degToRad(minWarningStartAngle + angleRange / (minorTickmarkCount + 1)), false);
                if (maxWarningColor != "transparent") {
                    ctx.lineWidth = fuelGaugeStyle.toPixels(0.08);
                    ctx.strokeStyle = maxWarningColor;
                    ctx.arc(outerRadius, outerRadius,
                        // Start the line in from the decorations, and account for the width of the line itself.
                        outerRadius - tickmarkInset - ctx.lineWidth / 2,
                        degToRad(maxWarningStartAngle - angleRange / (minorTickmarkCount + 1)),
                        degToRad(maxWarningStartAngle), false);

        Image {
            source: icon
            anchors.bottom: parent.verticalCenter
            anchors.bottomMargin: toPixels(0.3)
            anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
            width: toPixels(0.3)
            height: width
            fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit


import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4
import QtQuick.Extras 1.4

DashboardGaugeStyle {
    id: tachometerStyle
    tickmarkStepSize: 1
    labelStepSize: 1
    needleLength: toPixels(0.85)
    needleBaseWidth: toPixels(0.08)
    needleTipWidth: toPixels(0.03)

    tickmark: Rectangle {
        implicitWidth: toPixels(0.03)
        antialiasing: true
        implicitHeight: toPixels(0.08)
        color: styleData.index === 7 || styleData.index === 8 ? Qt.rgba(0.5, 0, 0, 1) : "#c8c8c8"

    minorTickmark: null

    tickmarkLabel: Text {
        font.pixelSize: Math.max(6, toPixels(0.12))
        text: styleData.value
        color: styleData.index === 7 || styleData.index === 8 ? Qt.rgba(0.5, 0, 0, 1) : "#c8c8c8"
        antialiasing: true

    background: Canvas {
        onPaint: {
            var ctx = getContext("2d");

            ctx.lineWidth = tachometerStyle.toPixels(0.08);
            ctx.strokeStyle = Qt.rgba(0.5, 0, 0, 1);
            var warningCircumference = maximumValueAngle - minimumValueAngle * 0.1;
            var startAngle = maximumValueAngle - 90;
            ctx.arc(outerRadius, outerRadius,
                // Start the line in from the decorations, and account for the width of the line itself.
                outerRadius - tickmarkInset - ctx.lineWidth / 2,
                degToRad(startAngle - angleRange / 8 + angleRange * 0.015),
                degToRad(startAngle - angleRange * 0.015), false);

        Text {
            id: rpmText
            font.pixelSize: tachometerStyle.toPixels(0.3)
            text: rpmInt
            color: "white"
            horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
            anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
            anchors.top: parent.verticalCenter
            anchors.topMargin: 20

            readonly property int rpmInt: valueSource.rpm
        Text {
            text: "x1000"
            color: "white"
            font.pixelSize: tachometerStyle.toPixels(0.1)
            anchors.top: parent.top
            anchors.topMargin: parent.height / 4
            anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
        Text {
            text: "RPM"
            color: "white"
            font.pixelSize: tachometerStyle.toPixels(0.1)
            anchors.top: rpmText.bottom
            anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter


import QtQuick 2.2

Item {
    // This enum is actually keyboard-related, but it serves its purpose
    // as an indication of direction for us.
    property int direction: Qt.LeftArrow
    property bool on: false

    property bool flashing: false

    scale: direction === Qt.LeftArrow ? 1 : -1
//! [1]
    Timer {
        id: flashTimer
        interval: 500
        running: on
        repeat: true
        onTriggered: flashing = !flashing
//! [1]
//! [2]
    function paintOutlinePath(ctx) {
        ctx.moveTo(0, height * 0.5);
        ctx.lineTo(0.6 * width, 0);
        ctx.lineTo(0.6 * width, height * 0.28);
        ctx.lineTo(width, height * 0.28);
        ctx.lineTo(width, height * 0.72);
        ctx.lineTo(0.6 * width, height * 0.72);
        ctx.lineTo(0.6 * width, height);
        ctx.lineTo(0, height * 0.5);
//! [2]
    Canvas {
        id: backgroundCanvas
        anchors.fill: parent

        onPaint: {
            var ctx = getContext("2d");


            ctx.lineWidth = 1;
            ctx.strokeStyle = "pink";
//! [3]
    Canvas {
        id: foregroundCanvas
        anchors.fill: parent
        visible: on && flashing

        onPaint: {
            var ctx = getContext("2d");


            ctx.fillStyle = "green";
//! [3]


import QtQuick 2.2
//! [0]
Item {
    id: valueSource
    property real kph: 0
    property real rpm: 1
    property real fuel: 0.85
    property string gear: {
        var g;
        if (kph == 0) {
            return "P";
        if (kph < 30) {
            return "1";
        if (kph < 50) {
            return "2";
        if (kph < 80) {
            return "3";
        if (kph < 120) {
            return "4";
        if (kph < 160) {
            return "5";
    property int turnSignal: gear == "P" && !start ? randomDirection() : -1
    property real temperature: 0.6
    property bool start: true
//! [0]

    function randomDirection() {
        return Math.random() > 0.5 ? Qt.LeftArrow : Qt.RightArrow;

    SequentialAnimation {
        running: true
        loops: 1

        // We want a small pause at the beginning, but we only want it to happen once.
        PauseAnimation {
            duration: 1000

        PropertyAction {
            target: valueSource
            property: "start"
            value: false

        SequentialAnimation {
            loops: Animation.Infinite
//! [1]
            ParallelAnimation {
                NumberAnimation {
                    target: valueSource
                    property: "kph"
                    easing.type: Easing.InOutSine
                    from: 0
                    to: 30
                    duration: 3000
                NumberAnimation {
                    target: valueSource
                    property: "rpm"
                    easing.type: Easing.InOutSine
                    from: 1
                    to: 6.1
                    duration: 3000
//! [1]
            ParallelAnimation {
                // We changed gears so we lost a bit of speed.
                NumberAnimation {
                    target: valueSource
                    property: "kph"
                    easing.type: Easing.InOutSine
                    from: 30
                    to: 26
                    duration: 600
                NumberAnimation {
                    target: valueSource
                    property: "rpm"
                    easing.type: Easing.InOutSine
                    from: 6
                    to: 2.4
                    duration: 600
            ParallelAnimation {
                NumberAnimation {
                    target: valueSource
                    property: "kph"
                    easing.type: Easing.InOutSine
                    to: 60
                    duration: 3000
                NumberAnimation {
                    target: valueSource
                    property: "rpm"
                    easing.type: Easing.InOutSine
                    to: 5.6
                    duration: 3000
            ParallelAnimation {
                // We changed gears so we lost a bit of speed.
                NumberAnimation {
                    target: valueSource
                    property: "kph"
                    easing.type: Easing.InOutSine
                    to: 56
                    duration: 600
                NumberAnimation {
                    target: valueSource
                    property: "rpm"
                    easing.type: Easing.InOutSine
                    to: 2.3
                    duration: 600
            ParallelAnimation {
                NumberAnimation {
                    target: valueSource
                    property: "kph"
                    easing.type: Easing.InOutSine
                    to: 100
                    duration: 3000
                NumberAnimation {
                    target: valueSource
                    property: "rpm"
                    easing.type: Easing.InOutSine
                    to: 5.1
                    duration: 3000
            ParallelAnimation {
                // We changed gears so we lost a bit of speed.
                NumberAnimation {
                    target: valueSource
                    property: "kph"
                    easing.type: Easing.InOutSine
                    to: 96
                    duration: 600
                NumberAnimation {
                    target: valueSource
                    property: "rpm"
                    easing.type: Easing.InOutSine
                    to: 2.2
                    duration: 600

            ParallelAnimation {
                NumberAnimation {
                    target: valueSource
                    property: "kph"
                    easing.type: Easing.InOutSine
                    to: 140
                    duration: 3000
                NumberAnimation {
                    target: valueSource
                    property: "rpm"
                    easing.type: Easing.InOutSine
                    to: 6.2
                    duration: 3000

            // Start downshifting.

            // Fifth to fourth gear.
            ParallelAnimation {
                NumberAnimation {
                    target: valueSource
                    property: "kph"
                    easing.type: Easing.Linear
                    to: 100
                    duration: 5000

                NumberAnimation {
                    target: valueSource
                    property: "rpm"
                    easing.type: Easing.InOutSine
                    to: 3.1
                    duration: 5000

            // Fourth to third gear.
            NumberAnimation {
                target: valueSource
                property: "rpm"
                easing.type: Easing.InOutSine
                to: 5.5
                duration: 600

            ParallelAnimation {
                NumberAnimation {
                    target: valueSource
                    property: "kph"
                    easing.type: Easing.InOutSine
                    to: 60
                    duration: 5000
                NumberAnimation {
                    target: valueSource
                    property: "rpm"
                    easing.type: Easing.InOutSine
                    to: 2.6
                    duration: 5000

            // Third to second gear.
            NumberAnimation {
                target: valueSource
                property: "rpm"
                easing.type: Easing.InOutSine
                to: 6.3
                duration: 600

            ParallelAnimation {
                NumberAnimation {
                    target: valueSource
                    property: "kph"
                    easing.type: Easing.InOutSine
                    to: 30
                    duration: 5000
                NumberAnimation {
                    target: valueSource
                    property: "rpm"
                    easing.type: Easing.InOutSine
                    to: 2.6
                    duration: 5000

            NumberAnimation {
                target: valueSource
                property: "rpm"
                easing.type: Easing.InOutSine
                to: 6.5
                duration: 600

            // Second to first gear.
            ParallelAnimation {
                NumberAnimation {
                    target: valueSource
                    property: "kph"
                    easing.type: Easing.InOutSine
                    to: 0
                    duration: 5000
                NumberAnimation {
                    target: valueSource
                    property: "rpm"
                    easing.type: Easing.InOutSine
                    to: 1
                    duration: 4500

            PauseAnimation {
                duration: 5000
02 Flat Style



#include <QtGui/QGuiApplication>
#include <QtQml/QQmlApplicationEngine>
#include <QtGui/QFontDatabase>
#include <QtCore/QDir>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);
    if (qgetenv("QT_QUICK_CONTROLS_1_STYLE").isEmpty()) {
#ifdef QT_STATIC
        // Need a full path to find the style when built statically
        qputenv("QT_QUICK_CONTROLS_1_STYLE", ":/ExtrasImports/QtQuick/Controls/Styles/Flat");
        qputenv("QT_QUICK_CONTROLS_1_STYLE", "Flat");
    QQmlApplicationEngine engine;
    if (engine.rootObjects().isEmpty())
        return -1;
    return app.exec();


import QtQml 2.14 as Qml
import QtQuick 2.4
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles.Flat 1.0 as Flat
import QtQuick.Extras 1.4
import QtQuick.Extras.Private 1.0

ApplicationWindow {
    id: window
    width: 480
    height: 860
    title: "Flat Example"
    visible: true

    readonly property bool contentLoaded: contentLoader.item
    readonly property alias anchorItem: controlsMenu
    property int currentMenu: -1
    readonly property int textMargins: Math.round(32 * Flat.FlatStyle.scaleFactor)
    readonly property int menuMargins: Math.round(13 * Flat.FlatStyle.scaleFactor)
    readonly property int menuWidth: Math.min(window.width, window.height) * 0.75

    onCurrentMenuChanged: {
        xBehavior.enabled = true;

    onMenuWidthChanged: anchorCurrentMenu()

    function anchorCurrentMenu() {
        switch (currentMenu) {
        case -1:
            anchorItem.x = -menuWidth;
        case 0:
            anchorItem.x = 0;
        case 1:
            anchorItem.x = -menuWidth * 2;

    Item {
        id: container
        anchors.fill: parent

        Item {
            id: loadingScreen
            anchors.fill: parent
            visible: !contentLoaded

            Timer {
                running: true
                interval: 100
                // TODO: Find a way to know when the loading screen has been rendered instead
                // of using an abritrary amount of time.
                onTriggered: contentLoader.sourceComponent = Qt.createComponent("Content.qml")

            Column {
                anchors.centerIn: parent
                spacing: Math.round(10 * Flat.FlatStyle.scaleFactor)

                BusyIndicator {
                    anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter

                Label {
                    text: "Loading Light Flat UI..."
                    width: Math.min(loadingScreen.width, loadingScreen.height) * 0.8
                    height: font.pixelSize
                    anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
                    renderType: Text.QtRendering
                    font.pixelSize: Math.round(26 * Flat.FlatStyle.scaleFactor)
                    horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
                    fontSizeMode: Text.Fit
                    font.family: Flat.FlatStyle.fontFamily
                    font.weight: Font.Light

        Rectangle {
            id: controlsMenu
            x: container.x - width
            z: contentContainer.z + 1
            width: menuWidth
            height: parent.height

            // Don't let the menus become visible when resizing the window
            Qml.Binding {
                target: controlsMenu
                property: "x"
                value: container.x - controlsMenu.width
                when: !xBehavior.enabled && !xNumberAnimation.running && currentMenu == -1
                restoreMode: Binding.RestoreBinding

            Behavior on x {
                id: xBehavior
                enabled: false
                NumberAnimation {
                    id: xNumberAnimation
                    easing.type: Easing.OutExpo
                    duration: 500
                    onRunningChanged: xBehavior.enabled = false

            Rectangle {
                id: controlsTitleBar
                width: parent.width
                height: toolBar.height
                color: Flat.FlatStyle.defaultTextColor

                Label {
                    text: "Controls"
                    font.family: Flat.FlatStyle.fontFamily
                    font.pixelSize: Math.round(16 * Flat.FlatStyle.scaleFactor)
                    renderType: Text.QtRendering
                    color: "white"
                    anchors.left: parent.left
                    anchors.leftMargin: menuMargins
                    anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter

            ListView {
                id: controlView
                width: parent.width
                anchors.top: controlsTitleBar.bottom
                anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
                clip: true
                currentIndex: 0
                model: contentLoaded ? contentLoader.item.componentModel : null
                delegate: MouseArea {
                    id: delegateItem
                    width: parent.width
                    height: 64 * Flat.FlatStyle.scaleFactor
                    onClicked: {
                        if (controlView.currentIndex != index)
                            controlView.currentIndex = index;

                        currentMenu = -1;

                    Rectangle {
                        width: parent.width
                        height: Flat.FlatStyle.onePixel
                        anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
                        color: Flat.FlatStyle.lightFrameColor

                    Label {
                        text: delegateItem.ListView.view.model[index].name
                        font.pixelSize: Math.round(15 * Flat.FlatStyle.scaleFactor)
                        font.family: Flat.FlatStyle.fontFamily
                        renderType: Text.QtRendering
                        color: delegateItem.ListView.isCurrentItem ? Flat.FlatStyle.styleColor : Flat.FlatStyle.defaultTextColor
                        anchors.left: parent.left
                        anchors.leftMargin: menuMargins
                        anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter

                Rectangle {
                    width: parent.height
                    height: 8 * Flat.FlatStyle.scaleFactor
                    rotation: 90
                    anchors.left: parent.right
                    transformOrigin: Item.TopLeft

                    gradient: Gradient {
                        GradientStop {
                            color: Qt.rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15)
                            position: 0
                        GradientStop {
                            color: Qt.rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)
                            position: 0.5
                        GradientStop {
                            color: Qt.rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)
                            position: 1

        Item {
            id: contentContainer
            anchors.top: parent.top
            anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
            anchors.left: controlsMenu.right
            width: parent.width

            ToolBar {
                id: toolBar
                visible: !loadingScreen.visible
                width: parent.width
                height: 54 * Flat.FlatStyle.scaleFactor
                z: contentLoader.z + 1
                style: Flat.ToolBarStyle {
                    padding.left: 0
                    padding.right: 0

                RowLayout {
                    anchors.fill: parent

                    MouseArea {
                        id: controlsButton
                        Layout.preferredWidth: toolBar.height + textMargins
                        Layout.preferredHeight: toolBar.height
                        onClicked: currentMenu = currentMenu == 0 ? -1 : 0

                        Column {
                            id: controlsIcon
                            anchors.left: parent.left
                            anchors.leftMargin: textMargins
                            anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                            spacing: Math.round(2 * Flat.FlatStyle.scaleFactor)

                            Repeater {
                                model: 3

                                Rectangle {
                                    width: Math.round(4 * Flat.FlatStyle.scaleFactor)
                                    height: width
                                    radius: width / 2
                                    color: Flat.FlatStyle.defaultTextColor

                    Text {
                        text: "Light Flat UI Demo"
                        font.family: Flat.FlatStyle.fontFamily
                        font.pixelSize: Math.round(16 * Flat.FlatStyle.scaleFactor)
                        horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
                        color: "#666666"
                        Layout.fillWidth: true

                    MouseArea {
                        id: settingsButton
                        Layout.preferredWidth: controlsButton.Layout.preferredWidth
                        Layout.preferredHeight: controlsButton.Layout.preferredHeight
                        onClicked: currentMenu = currentMenu == 1 ? -1 : 1

                        SettingsIcon {
                            width: Math.round(32 * Flat.FlatStyle.scaleFactor)
                            height: Math.round(32 * Flat.FlatStyle.scaleFactor)
                            anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                            anchors.right: parent.right
                            anchors.rightMargin: textMargins - Math.round(8 * Flat.FlatStyle.scaleFactor)

            Loader {
                id: contentLoader
                anchors.left: parent.left
                anchors.right: parent.right
                anchors.top: toolBar.bottom
                anchors.bottom: parent.bottom

                property QtObject settingsData: QtObject {
                    readonly property bool checks: disableSingleItemsAction.checked
                    readonly property bool frames: !greyBackgroundAction.checked
                    readonly property bool allDisabled: disableAllAction.checked
                property QtObject controlData: QtObject {
                    readonly property int componentIndex: controlView.currentIndex
                    readonly property int textMargins: window.textMargins

                MouseArea {
                    enabled: currentMenu != -1
                    // We would be able to just set this to true here, if it weren't for QTBUG-43083.
                    hoverEnabled: enabled
                    anchors.fill: parent
                    preventStealing: true
                    onClicked: currentMenu = -1
                    focus: enabled
                    z: 1000

        Rectangle {
            id: settingsMenu
            z: contentContainer.z + 1
            width: menuWidth
            height: parent.height
            anchors.left: contentContainer.right

            Rectangle {
                id: optionsTitleBar
                width: parent.width
                height: toolBar.height
                color: Flat.FlatStyle.defaultTextColor

                Label {
                    text: "Options"
                    font.family: Flat.FlatStyle.fontFamily
                    font.pixelSize: Math.round(16 * Flat.FlatStyle.scaleFactor)
                    renderType: Text.QtRendering
                    color: "white"
                    anchors.left: parent.left
                    anchors.leftMargin: menuMargins
                    anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter

            Action {
                id: disableAllAction
                checkable: true
                checked: false

            Action {
                id: disableSingleItemsAction
                checkable: true
                checked: false

            Action {
                id: greyBackgroundAction
                checkable: true
                checked: false

            ListView {
                id: optionsListView
                width: parent.width
                anchors.top: optionsTitleBar.bottom
                anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
                clip: true
                interactive: delegateHeight * count > height

                readonly property int delegateHeight: 64 * Flat.FlatStyle.scaleFactor

                model: [
                    { name: "Disable all", action: disableAllAction },
                    { name: "Disable single items", action: disableSingleItemsAction },
                    { name: "Grey background", action: greyBackgroundAction },
                    { name: "Exit", action: null }
                delegate: Rectangle {
                    id: optionDelegateItem
                    width: parent.width
                    height: optionsListView.delegateHeight

                    Rectangle {
                        width: parent.width
                        height: Flat.FlatStyle.onePixel
                        anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
                        color: Flat.FlatStyle.lightFrameColor

                    Loader {
                        sourceComponent: optionText !== "Exit"
                            ? optionsListView.checkBoxComponent : optionsListView.exitComponent
                        anchors.fill: parent
                        anchors.leftMargin: menuMargins

                        property string optionText: optionsListView.model[index].name
                        property int optionIndex: index

                property Component checkBoxComponent: Item {
                    Label {
                        text: optionText
                        font.family: Flat.FlatStyle.fontFamily
                        font.pixelSize: Math.round(15 * Flat.FlatStyle.scaleFactor)
                        fontSizeMode: Text.Fit
                        renderType: Text.QtRendering
                        verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
                        color: Flat.FlatStyle.defaultTextColor
                        height: parent.height
                        anchors.left: parent.left
                        anchors.right: checkBox.left
                        anchors.rightMargin: Flat.FlatStyle.twoPixels

                    CheckBox {
                        id: checkBox
                        checked: optionsListView.model[optionIndex].action.checked
                        anchors.right: parent.right
                        anchors.rightMargin: menuMargins
                        anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                        onCheckedChanged: optionsListView.model[optionIndex].action.checked = checkBox.checked

                property Component exitComponent: MouseArea {
                    anchors.fill: parent
                    onClicked: Qt.quit()

                    Label {
                        text: optionText
                        font.family: Flat.FlatStyle.fontFamily
                        font.pixelSize: Math.round(15 * Flat.FlatStyle.scaleFactor)
                        renderType: Text.QtRendering
                        color: Flat.FlatStyle.defaultTextColor
                        anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter

                Rectangle {
                    width: parent.height
                    height: 8 * Flat.FlatStyle.scaleFactor
                    rotation: -90
                    anchors.right: parent.left
                    transformOrigin: Item.TopRight

                    gradient: Gradient {
                        GradientStop {
                            color: Qt.rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15)
                            position: 0
                        GradientStop {
                            color: Qt.rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)
                            position: 0.5
                        GradientStop {
                            color: Qt.rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)
                            position: 1
03 Gallery
  • 当需要有连续的model时:

    • 可以等model创建完成后再添加item

    • model: ListModel {
          Component.onCompleted: {
              for (var i = 2000; i < 2100; ++i) {
                  append({value: i.toString()});
  • 需要用不同字体时,可以在root组件创建一个空字体,然后在对应的组件来根据root字体来按比例缩放:

    • root中最外层的字体:

    • Text {
          id: textSingleton
      FontMetrics {
          id: fontMetrics
          font.family: "Arial"
    • 要使用时:

    • Xxxx{
          Label {
              font.pixelSize: textSingleton.font.pixelSize * 1.25
              font.family: fontMetrics.font.family
    • 如果是外部字体,也可以导入使用,例如:

    • FontLoader {
      	id: openSans
          source: "qrc:/fonts/OpenSans-Regular.ttf"
      Label {
          font.pixelSize: textSingleton.font.pixelSize * 1.25
      	font.family: openSans.name //use name!
  • 当有组件类似功能时,可以使用同一种Control来管理;

  • TestAllExtraGallery.qml
import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4
import QtQuick.Extras 1.4
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15

import "./Viewer/"
import "./Customizer/"
import "./Style/"

Rectangle {
    id: root
    width: 480
    height: 600
    color: "#161616"
    clip: true

    function toPixels(percentage) {
        return percentage * Math.min(root.width, root.height);

    property bool isScreenPortrait: height > width
    property color lightFontColor: "#222"                   //亮色模式字体统一颜色
    property color darkFontColor: "#e7e7e7"                 //暗色模式字体颜色
    readonly property color lightBackgroundColor: "#cccccc" //亮色背景颜色
    readonly property color darkBackgroundColor: "#161616"  //暗色背景颜色
    property real customizerPropertySpacing: 10             //设置中自定义控制组件的间隔
    property real colorPickerRowSpacing: 8

    //01 CircularGauge仪表盘组件,由CircularGaugeView单独管理
    property Component circularGauge: CircularGaugeView {}

    //02 DelayButton延迟按钮组件,由ControlView统一管理
    property Component delayButton: ControlView {
        darkBackground: false

        control: ColumnLayout { //加个布局方便随主界面大小变化而变化
            // width: parent.width
            // height: (delayButtonColumn.height - delayButtonColumn.spacing) / 2
            // spacing: height * 0.025
            width: controlBounds.width
            height: controlBounds.height - spacing
            spacing: root.toPixels(0.05)

            DelayButton {
                id: delayButton
                Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
                Layout.fillWidth: true
                Layout.fillHeight: true
                text: "Alarm"
                //Quick Contral 1 通过这种方式更改按钮中字体的大小:
                style: DelayButtonStyle {
                    label: Text {
                        renderType: Text.NativeRendering
                        verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
                        horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
                        font.pointSize: 20
                        font.bold: true
                        font.family: "Source Code Pro"
                        color: "blue"
                        text: delayButton.text

    //03 Dial旋钮组件,由ControlView统一管理
    property Component dial: ControlView {
        darkBackground: false

        control: Column {
            id: dialColumn
            width: controlBounds.width
            height: controlBounds.height - spacing
            spacing: root.toPixels(0.05)

            ColumnLayout {
                id: volumeColumn
                width: parent.width
                height: (dialColumn.height - dialColumn.spacing) / 2
                spacing: height * 0.025

                Dial {
                    id: volumeDial
                    Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
                    Layout.fillWidth: true
                    Layout.fillHeight: true
                    onPressedChanged: console.log("current value:" + value);

                        Determines whether the dial animates its rotation to the new value when
                        a single click or touch is received on the dial.
                    property bool animate: customizerItem.animate

                    Behavior on value {
                        enabled: volumeDial.animate && !volumeDial.pressed
                        NumberAnimation {
                            duration: 300
                            easing.type: Easing.OutSine

                ControlLabel {
                    id: volumeText
                    text: "Volume"
                    Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter

            ColumnLayout {
                id: trebleColumn
                width: parent.width
                height: (dialColumn.height - dialColumn.spacing) / 2
                spacing: height * 0.025

                Dial {
                    id: dial2
                    Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
                    Layout.fillWidth: true
                    Layout.fillHeight: true

                    stepSize: 1
                    maximumValue: 10

                    style: DialStyle {
                        labelInset: outerRadius * 0

                ControlLabel {
                    id: trebleText
                    text: "Treble"
                    Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter

        customizer: Column {
            spacing: customizerPropertySpacing

            property alias animate: animateCheckBox.checked

            CustomizerLabel {
                text: "Animate" + (animateCheckBox.checked ? " On" : " Off")

            CustomizerSwitch {
                id: animateCheckBox

    //04 Gauge刻度计组件,由ControlView统一管理
    property Component gauge: ControlView {
        // darkBackground: false

        control: Gauge {
            id: gauge
            width: orientation === Qt.Vertical ? implicitWidth : controlBounds.width
            height: orientation === Qt.Vertical ? controlBounds.height : implicitHeight
            anchors.centerIn: parent

            minimumValue: 0
            value: customizerItem.value
            maximumValue: 100
            //根据 设置中的自定义控制区中 手动设定的方向 来控制 中间刻度计区域的方向
            orientation: customizerItem.orientationFlag ? Qt.Vertical : Qt.Horizontal
            tickmarkAlignment: orientation === Qt.Vertical
                               ? (customizerItem.alignFlag ? Qt.AlignLeft : Qt.AlignRight)
                               : (customizerItem.alignFlag ? Qt.AlignTop : Qt.AlignBottom)

        customizer: Column {
            spacing: customizerPropertySpacing

            property alias value: valueSlider.value
            property alias orientationFlag: orientationCheckBox.checked
            property alias alignFlag: alignCheckBox.checked

            CustomizerLabel {
                text: "Value"

            CustomizerSlider {
                id: valueSlider
                minimumValue: 0
                value: 50
                maximumValue: 100

            CustomizerLabel {
                text: "Vertical orientation"

            CustomizerSwitch {
                id: orientationCheckBox
                checked: true

            CustomizerLabel {
                text: controlItem.orientation === Qt.Vertical ? "Left align" : "Top align"

            CustomizerSwitch {
                id: alignCheckBox
                checked: true

    //05 PieMenu圆盘形菜单组件,由PieMenuControlView单独管理
    property Component pieMenu: PieMenuControlView {}

    //06 StatusIndicator状态指示灯组件,由ControlView统一管理
    property Component statusIndicator: ControlView {
        id: statusIndicatorView
        darkBackground: false

        control: ColumnLayout { //使得两个状态指示灯能随主窗口拉伸而拉伸
            id: indicatorLayout
            width: statusIndicatorView.controlBounds.width * 0.25
            height: statusIndicatorView.controlBounds.height * 0.75
            anchors.centerIn: parent

            Timer {
                id: recordingFlashTimer
                running: true
                repeat: true
                interval: 1000

            Repeater {
                model: ListModel {
                    id: indicatorModel
                    ListElement {
                        name: "Power"
                        indicatorColor: "#35e02f"
                    ListElement {
                        name: "Recording"
                        indicatorColor: "red"

                ColumnLayout {
                    Layout.preferredWidth: indicatorLayout.width
                    spacing: 0

                    StatusIndicator {
                        id: indicator
                        color: indicatorColor
                        Layout.preferredWidth: statusIndicatorView.controlBounds.width * 0.07
                        Layout.preferredHeight: Layout.preferredWidth
                        Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
                        on: true

                        Connections {
                            target: recordingFlashTimer
                            function onTriggered() {
                                if (name == "Recording")
                                    indicator.active = !indicator.active
                    ControlLabel {
                        id: indicatorLabel
                        text: name
                        Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
                        Layout.maximumWidth: parent.width
                        horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter

    //07 ToggleButton状态按钮组件,由ControlView统一管理
    property Component toggleButton: ControlView {
        id: toggleButtonView
        darkBackground: false

        control: ColumnLayout {
            id: toggleButtonLayout
            width: controlBounds.width
            height: controlBounds.height - spacing
            spacing: root.toPixels(0.05)

            ToggleButton {
                Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
                Layout.fillWidth: true
                Layout.fillHeight: true
                text: checked ? "On" : "Off"

    //08 Tumbler滚动选择器组件,由ControlView统一管理
    property Component tumbler: ControlView {
        id: tumblerView
        darkBackground: false

        control: Tumbler { //注意,这里是Extra1.4的Tumbler,不是QuickControls2的Tumbler
            id: tumbler
            anchors.centerIn: parent

            // TODO: Use FontMetrics with 5.4
            //需要有这个字符度规(衡量标准)不然会ReferenceError: characterMetrics is not defined
            Label {
                id: characterMetrics
                font.bold: true
                font.pixelSize: textSingleton.font.pixelSize * 1.25
                font.family: openSans.name
                visible: false
                text: "D"

            readonly property real delegateTextMargins: characterMetrics.width * 1.5
            readonly property var days: [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]

            TumblerColumn {
                id: tumblerDayColumn
                // model: ListModel {}

                function updateModel() {
                    var previousIndex = tumblerDayColumn.currentIndex;
                    var newDays = tumbler.days[monthColumn.currentIndex];

                    if (!model) {
                        var array = [];
                        for (var i = 0; i < newDays; ++i) {
                            array.push(i + 1);
                        model = array;
                    } else {
                        // If we've already got days in the model, just add or remove
                        // the minimum amount necessary to make spinning the month column fast.
                        var difference = model.length - newDays;
                        if (model.length > newDays) {
                            console.log("diff:" + difference);
                            var deleteArr = model.splice(model.length - difference, difference);
                            console.log("deleteArr:" + deleteArr + " new:" + model);
                        } else {
                            var lastDay = model[model.length - 1];
                            for (i = lastDay; i < lastDay - difference; ++i) {
                                model.push(i + 1);
                        tumblerDayColumn.model = model;
                    // tumblerDayColumn.currentIndex = Math.min(newDays - 1, previousIndex);
                    tumbler.setCurrentIndexAt(0, Math.min(newDays - 1, previousIndex));
            TumblerColumn {
                id: monthColumn
                width: characterMetrics.width * 3 + tumbler.delegateTextMargins
                model: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]
                onCurrentIndexChanged: {
                    console.log("monthTumblerColumn: onCurrentIndexChanged(): currentIndex:" + currentIndex + " role:" + role + " value:" + model[currentIndex]);
            TumblerColumn {
                width: characterMetrics.width * 4 + tumbler.delegateTextMargins
                model: ListModel {
                    Component.onCompleted: {
                        for (var i = 2000; i < 2100; ++i) {
                            append({value: i.toString()});

    property var componentMap: {
        "CircularGauge": circularGauge,
        "DelayButton": delayButton,
        "Dial": dial,
        "Gauge": gauge,
        "PieMenu": pieMenu,
        "StatusIndicator": statusIndicator,
        "ToggleButton": toggleButton,
        "Tumbler": tumbler

    Text {
        id: textSingleton

    FontLoader {
        id: openSans
        source: "qrc:/Others/Used_Others/01_11used_OpenSans-Regular.ttf"

    StackView {
        id: stackView
        anchors.fill: parent

        initialItem: ListView {
            model: ListModel {
                ListElement {
                    title: "CircularGauge"
                ListElement {
                    title: "DelayButton"
                ListElement {
                    title: "Dial"
                ListElement {
                    title: "Gauge"
                ListElement {
                    title: "PieMenu"
                ListElement {
                    title: "StatusIndicator"
                ListElement {
                    title: "ToggleButton"
                ListElement {
                    title: "Tumbler"

            delegate: Button {
                width: stackView.width
                height: root.height * 0.125
                text: title

                style: BlackButtonStyle {
                    fontColor: root.darkFontColor
                    rightAlignedIconSource: "qrc:/Icons/Used_Images/Icons/09_11used_PieMenuControlView_go.png"

                onClicked: {
                    if (stackView.depth == 1) {
                        // Only push the control view if we haven't already pushed it...
                        stackView.push({item: componentMap[title]});
  • Viewer

    • CircularGaugeView.qml

    • import QtQuick 2.15
      import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
      import QtQuick.Extras 1.4
      import "../Style/"
      import "../Customizer/"
      ControlView {
          id: controlView
          darkBackground: customizerItem.currentStyleDark
          property color fontColor: darkBackground ? "white" : "black"
          property bool accelerating: false
          Keys.onSpacePressed: accelerating = true
          Keys.onReleased: {
              if (event.key === Qt.Key_Space) {
                  accelerating = false;
                  event.accepted = true;
          Button {
              id: accelerate
              text: "Accelerate"
              anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
              anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
              height: root.height * 0.125
              onPressedChanged: accelerating = pressed
              style: BlackButtonStyle {
                  background: BlackButtonBackground {
                      pressed: control.pressed
                  label: Text {
                      text: control.text
                      color: "white"
                      font.pixelSize: Math.max(textSingleton.font.pixelSize, root.toPixels(0.04))
                      font.family: openSans.name
                      horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
                      verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
          control: CircularGauge {
              id: gauge
              minimumValue: customizerItem.minimumValue
              maximumValue: customizerItem.maximumValue
              width: controlBounds.width
              height: controlBounds.height
              value: accelerating ? maximumValue : 0
              style: styleMap[customizerItem.currentStylePath]
              // This stops the styles being recreated when a new one is chosen.
              property var styleMap: {
                  var styles = {};
                  for (var i = 0; i < customizerItem.allStylePaths.length; ++i) {
                      var path = customizerItem.allStylePaths[i];
                      styles[path] = Qt.createComponent(path, gauge);
              // Called to update the style after the user has edited a property.
              Connections {
                  target: customizerItem
                  function onMinimumValueAngleChanged() { __style.minimumValueAngle = customizerItem.minimumValueAngle }
                  function onMaximumValueAngleChanged() { __style.maximumValueAngle = customizerItem.maximumValueAngle }
                  function onLabelStepSizeChanged() { __style.tickmarkStepSize = __style.labelStepSize = customizerItem.labelStepSize }
              Behavior on value {
                  NumberAnimation {
                      easing.type: Easing.OutCubic
                      duration: 6000
          customizer: Column {
              readonly property var allStylePaths: {
                  var paths = [];
                  for (var i = 0; i < stylePicker.model.count; ++i) {
              property alias currentStylePath: stylePicker.currentStylePath
              property alias currentStyleDark: stylePicker.currentStyleDark
              property alias minimumValue: minimumValueSlider.value
              property alias maximumValue: maximumValueSlider.value
              property alias minimumValueAngle: minimumAngleSlider.value
              property alias maximumValueAngle: maximumAngleSlider.value
              property alias labelStepSize: labelStepSizeSlider.value
              id: circularGaugeColumn
              spacing: customizerPropertySpacing
              readonly property bool isDefaultStyle: stylePicker.model.get(stylePicker.currentIndex).name === "Default"
              Item {
                  id: stylePickerBottomSpacing
                  width: parent.width
                  height: stylePicker.height + textSingleton.implicitHeight
                  StylePicker {
                      id: stylePicker
                      currentIndex: 1
                      model: ListModel {
                          ListElement {
                              name: "Default"
                              path: "../Style/CircularGaugeDefaultStyle.qml"
                              dark: true
                          ListElement {
                              name: "Dark"
                              path: "../Style/CircularGaugeDarkStyle.qml"
                              dark: true
                          ListElement {
                              name: "Light"
                              path: "../Style/CircularGaugeLightStyle.qml"
                              dark: false
              CustomizerLabel {
                  text: "Minimum angle"
              CustomizerSlider {
                  id: minimumAngleSlider
                  minimumValue: -180
                  value: -145
                  maximumValue: 180
                  width: parent.width
              CustomizerLabel {
                  text: "Maximum angle"
              CustomizerSlider {
                  id: maximumAngleSlider
                  minimumValue: -180
                  value: 145
                  maximumValue: 180
              CustomizerLabel {
                  text: "Minimum value"
              CustomizerSlider {
                  id: minimumValueSlider
                  minimumValue: 0
                  value: 0
                  maximumValue: 360
                  stepSize: 1
              CustomizerLabel {
                  text: "Maximum value"
              CustomizerSlider {
                  id: maximumValueSlider
                  minimumValue: 0
                  value: 240
                  maximumValue: 300
                  stepSize: 1
              CustomizerLabel {
                  text: "Label step size"
              CustomizerSlider {
                  id: labelStepSizeSlider
                  minimumValue: 10
                  value: 20
                  maximumValue: 100
                  stepSize: 20
    • ControlLabel.qml

    • import QtQuick 2.15
      import QtQuick.Extras 1.4
      Text {
          font.pixelSize: Math.max(textSingleton.font.pixelSize, Math.min(32, root.toPixels(0.045)))
          color: "#4e4e4e"
          styleColor: "#ffffff"
          style: Text.Raised
    • ControlView.qml

    • import QtQuick 2.15
      import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
      Rectangle {
          id: view
          color: darkBackground ? "transparent" : lightBackgroundColor
          Keys.onReleased: {
              if (event.key === Qt.Key_Back) {
                  event.accepted = true;
          property bool darkBackground: true
          property Component control
          property Component customizer
          property alias controlItem: controlLoader.item
          property alias customizerItem: customizerLoader.item
          property bool isCustomizerVisible: false
          property real margin: root.toPixels(0.05)
          property rect controlBounds: Qt.rect(largestControlItem.x + controlBoundsItem.x,
              largestControlItem.y + controlBoundsItem.y, controlBoundsItem.width, controlBoundsItem.height)
          Item {
              id: largestControlItem
              x: margin
              y: margin
              width: isCustomizerVisible ? widthWhenCustomizing : widthWhenNotCustomizing
              height: isCustomizerVisible ? heightWhenCustomizing : heightWhenNotCustomizing
              readonly property real widthWhenCustomizing: (!isScreenPortrait ? parent.width / 2 : parent.width) - margin * 2
              readonly property real heightWhenCustomizing: (isScreenPortrait ? parent.height / 2 : parent.height - toolbar.height) - margin * 2
              readonly property real widthWhenNotCustomizing: parent.width - margin * 2
              readonly property real heightWhenNotCustomizing: parent.height - toolbar.height - margin * 2
              Item {
                  id: controlBoundsItem
                  x: parent.width / 2 - controlBoundsItem.width / 2
                  y: customizer && customizerItem.visible ? 0 : (isScreenPortrait ? (parent.height / 2) - (controlBoundsItem.height / 2) : 0)
                  width: Math.min(parent.widthWhenCustomizing, parent.widthWhenNotCustomizing)
                  height: Math.min(parent.heightWhenCustomizing, parent.heightWhenNotCustomizing)
                  Behavior on x {
                      id: controlXBehavior
                      enabled: false
                      NumberAnimation {}
                  Behavior on y {
                      id: controlYBehavior
                      enabled: false
                      NumberAnimation {}
                  Loader {
                      id: controlLoader
                      sourceComponent: control
                      anchors.centerIn: parent
                      property alias view: view
          Flickable {
              id: flickable
              // Hide the customizer on the right of the screen if it's not visible.
              x: (isScreenPortrait ? 0 : (isCustomizerVisible ? largestControlItem.x + largestControlItem.width + margin : view.width)) + margin
              y: (isScreenPortrait ? largestControlItem.y + largestControlItem.height : 0) + margin
              width: largestControlItem.width
              height: parent.height - y - toolbar.height - margin
              anchors.leftMargin: margin
              anchors.rightMargin: margin
              visible: customizerLoader.opacity > 0
              flickableDirection: Flickable.VerticalFlick
              clip: true
              contentWidth: width
              contentHeight: customizerLoader.height
              Behavior on x {
                  id: flickableXBehavior
                  enabled: false
                  NumberAnimation {}
              Behavior on y {
                  id: flickableYBehavior
                  enabled: false
                  NumberAnimation {}
              Loader {
                  id: customizerLoader
                  sourceComponent: customizer
                  opacity: 0
                  width: flickable.width
                  property alias view: view
                  Behavior on opacity {
                      NumberAnimation {
                          duration: 300
          ControlViewToolbar {
              id: toolbar
              onCustomizeClicked: {
                  controlXBehavior.enabled = !isScreenPortrait;
                  controlYBehavior.enabled = isScreenPortrait;
                  isCustomizerVisible = !isCustomizerVisible;
                  if (isScreenPortrait) {
                      flickableXBehavior.enabled = false;
                      flickableYBehavior.enabled = true;
                  } else {
                      flickableXBehavior.enabled = true;
                      flickableYBehavior.enabled = false;
                  customizerLoader.opacity = isCustomizerVisible ? 1 : 0;
          FlickableMoreIndicator {
              flickable: flickable
              atTop: true
              gradientColor: view.darkBackground ? darkBackgroundColor : lightBackgroundColor
          FlickableMoreIndicator {
              flickable: flickable
              atTop: false
              gradientColor: view.darkBackground ? darkBackgroundColor : lightBackgroundColor
    • ControlViewToolbar.qml

    • import QtQuick 2.15
      import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
      import "../Style/"
      BlackButtonBackground {
          anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
          anchors.left: parent.left
          anchors.right: parent.right
          height: root.height * 0.125
          signal customizeClicked
          gradient: Gradient {
              GradientStop {
                  color: "#333"
                  position: 0
              GradientStop {
                  color: "#222"
                  position: 1
          Button {
              id: back
              width: parent.height
              height: parent.height
              anchors.left: parent.left
              anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
              iconSource: "qrc:/Icons/Used_Images/Icons/07_11used_PieMenuControlView_back.png"
              onClicked: stackView.pop()
              style: BlackButtonStyle {
          Button {
              id: customize
              width: parent.height
              height: parent.height
              anchors.right: parent.right
              anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
              iconSource: "qrc:/Icons/Used_Images/Icons/08_11used_PieMenuControlView_settings.png"
              visible: customizer
              style: BlackButtonStyle {
              onClicked: customizeClicked()
    • FlickableMoreIndicator.qml

    • import QtQuick 2.15
      Rectangle {
          anchors.top: atTop ? flickable.top : undefined
          anchors.bottom: atTop ? undefined : flickable.bottom
          anchors.left: isScreenPortrait ? parent.left : parent.horizontalCenter
          anchors.right: parent.right
          height: 30
          visible: flickable.visible
          opacity: atTop
              ? (flickable.contentY > showDistance ? 1 : 0)
              : (flickable.contentY < flickable.contentHeight - showDistance ? 1 : 0)
          scale: atTop ? 1 : -1
          readonly property real showDistance: 0
          property Flickable flickable
          property color gradientColor
          /*! \c true if this indicator is at the top of the item */
          property bool atTop
          Behavior on opacity {
              NumberAnimation {
          gradient: Gradient {
              GradientStop {
                  position: 0.0
                  color: gradientColor
              GradientStop {
                  position: 1.0
                  color: "transparent"
    • PieMenuControlView.qml

    • import QtQuick 2.15
      import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
      import QtQuick.Extras 1.4
      import "../Style/"
      Rectangle {
          id: view
          color: customizerItem.currentStyleDark ? "#111" : "#555"
          Behavior on color {
              ColorAnimation {}
          Keys.onReleased: {
              if (event.key === Qt.Key_Back) {
                  event.accepted = true;
          property bool darkBackground: true
          property Component mouseArea
          property Component customizer: Item {
              property alias currentStylePath: stylePicker.currentStylePath
              property alias currentStyleDark: stylePicker.currentStyleDark
              StylePicker {
                  id: stylePicker
                  currentIndex: 0
                  width: Math.round(Math.max(textSingleton.implicitHeight * 6 * 2, parent.width * 0.5))
                  anchors.centerIn: parent
                  model: ListModel {
                      ListElement {
                          name: "Default"
                          path: "../Style/PieMenuDefaultStyle.qml"
                          dark: false
                      ListElement {
                          name: "Dark"
                          path: "../Style/PieMenuDarkStyle.qml"
                          dark: true
          property alias controlItem: pieMenu
          property alias customizerItem: customizerLoader.item
          Item {
              id: controlBoundsItem
              width: parent.width
              height: parent.height - toolbar.height
              visible: customizerLoader.opacity === 0
              Image {
                  id: bgImage
                  anchors.centerIn: parent
                  height: 48
                  Text {
                      id: bgLabel
                      anchors.top: parent.bottom
                      anchors.topMargin: 20
                      anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
                      text: "Tap to open"
                      color: "#999"
                      font.pointSize: 20
              MouseArea {
                  id: touchArea
                  anchors.fill: parent
                  onClicked: pieMenu.popup(touchArea.mouseX, touchArea.mouseY)
              PieMenu {
                  id: pieMenu
                  triggerMode: TriggerMode.TriggerOnClick
                  width: Math.min(controlBoundsItem.width, controlBoundsItem.height) * 0.5
                  height: width
                  style: Qt.createComponent(customizerItem.currentStylePath)
                  MenuItem {
                      text: "Zoom In"
                      onTriggered: {
                          bgImage.source = iconSource
                          bgLabel.text = text + " selected"
                      iconSource: "qrc:/Icons/Used_Images/Icons/04_11used_PieMenuControlView_zoomIn.png"
                  MenuItem {
                      text: "Zoom Out"
                      onTriggered: {
                          bgImage.source = iconSource
                          bgLabel.text = text + " selected"
                      iconSource: "qrc:/Icons/Used_Images/Icons/05_11used_PieMenuControlView_zoomOut.png"
                  MenuItem {
                      text: "Info"
                      onTriggered: {
                          bgImage.source = iconSource
                          bgLabel.text = text + " selected"
                      iconSource: "qrc:/Icons/Used_Images/Icons/06_11used_PieMenuControlView_info.png"
          Loader {
              id: customizerLoader
              sourceComponent: customizer
              opacity: 0
              anchors.left: parent.left
              anchors.right: parent.right
              anchors.leftMargin: 30
              anchors.rightMargin: 30
              y: parent.height / 2 - height / 2 - toolbar.height
              visible: customizerLoader.opacity > 0
              property alias view: view
              Behavior on y {
                  NumberAnimation {
                      duration: 300
              Behavior on opacity {
                  NumberAnimation {
                      duration: 300
          ControlViewToolbar {
              id: toolbar
              onCustomizeClicked: {
                  customizerLoader.opacity = customizerLoader.opacity == 0 ? 1 : 0;
  • Style

    • BlackButtonBackground.qml

    • import QtQuick 2.15
      import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
      import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4
      Rectangle {
          property bool pressed: false
          gradient: Gradient {
              GradientStop {
                  color: pressed ? "#222" : "#333"
                  position: 0
              GradientStop {
                  color: "#222"
                  position: 1
          Rectangle {
              height: 1
              width: parent.width
              anchors.top: parent.top
              color: "#444"
              visible: !pressed
          Rectangle {
              height: 1
              width: parent.width
              anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
              color: "#000"
    • BlackButtonStyle.qml

    • import QtQuick 2.15
      import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
      import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4
      ButtonStyle {
          property color fontColor
          property url rightAlignedIconSource
          background: BlackButtonBackground {
              pressed: control.pressed
          label: Item {
              implicitWidth: row.implicitWidth
              implicitHeight: row.implicitHeight
              baselineOffset: row.y + text.y + text.baselineOffset
              Row {
                  id: row
                  anchors.left: control.text.length === 0 ? undefined : parent.left
                  anchors.leftMargin: control.text.length === 0 ? 0 : textSingleton.implicitHeight
                  anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                  anchors.horizontalCenter: control.text.length === 0 ? parent.horizontalCenter : undefined
                  Image {
                      source: control.iconSource
                      width: Math.min(sourceSize.width, height)
                      height: text.implicitHeight
                      fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
                  Text {
                      id: text
                      text: control.text
                      color: fontColor
                      font.pixelSize: control.height * 0.25
                      font.family: openSans.name
                      horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
                      verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
                      anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
              Loader {
                  active: rightAlignedIconSource.toString().length !== 0
                  anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                  anchors.right: parent.right
                  anchors.rightMargin: textSingleton.implicitHeight
                  sourceComponent: Image {
                      width: Math.min(sourceSize.width, height)
                      height: text.implicitHeight
                      fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
                      source: rightAlignedIconSource
    • CircularGaugeDarkStyle.qml

    • import QtQuick 2.15
      import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4
      CircularGaugeStyle {
          id: root
          tickmarkStepSize: 10
          minorTickmarkCount: 1
          labelStepSize: 20
          tickmarkInset: outerRadius * 0.06
          minorTickmarkInset: tickmarkInset
          labelInset: outerRadius * 0.23
          background: Image {
              source: "qrc:/StylesPic/Used_Images/Pictures/02_11used_CircularGaugeDarkStyle_background.png"
          needle: Image {
              id: needleImage
              transformOrigin: Item.Bottom
              source: "qrc:/StylesPic/Used_Images/Pictures/03_11used_CircularGaugeDarkStyle_needle.png"
              scale: {
                  var distanceFromLabelToRadius = labelInset / 2;
                  var idealHeight = outerRadius - distanceFromLabelToRadius;
                  var originalImageHeight = needleImage.sourceSize.height;
                  idealHeight / originalImageHeight;
          foreground: Item {
              Image {
                  anchors.centerIn: parent
                  source: "qrc:/StylesPic/Used_Images/Pictures/04_11used_CircularGaugeDarkStyle_center.png"
                  scale: (outerRadius * 0.25) / sourceSize.height
          tickmark: Rectangle {
              implicitWidth: outerRadius * 0.02
              antialiasing: true
              implicitHeight: outerRadius * 0.05
              color: "#888"
          minorTickmark: Rectangle {
              implicitWidth: outerRadius * 0.01
              antialiasing: true
              implicitHeight: outerRadius * 0.02
              color: "#444"
          tickmarkLabel: Text {
              font.pixelSize: Math.max(6, outerRadius * 0.1)
              text: styleData.value
              color: "white"
    • CircularGaugeDefaultStyle.qml

    • import QtQuick 2.15
      import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4
      CircularGaugeStyle {
          labelStepSize: 20
    • CircularGaugeLightStyle.qml

    • import QtQuick 2.15
      import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4
      CircularGaugeStyle {
          id: root
          tickmarkStepSize: 10
          minorTickmarkCount: 2
          labelStepSize: 40
          tickmarkInset: outerRadius * 0.06
          minorTickmarkInset: tickmarkInset
          labelInset: outerRadius * 0.23
          background: Image {
              source: "qrc:/StylesPic/Used_Images/Pictures/05_11used_CircularGaugeDarkStyle_background-light.png"
          needle: Image {
              id: needleImage
              source: "qrc:/StylesPic/Used_Images/Pictures/06_11used_CircularGaugeDarkStyle_needle-light.png"
              transformOrigin: Item.Bottom
              scale: {
                  var distanceFromLabelToRadius = labelInset / 2;
                  var idealHeight = outerRadius - distanceFromLabelToRadius;
                  var originalImageHeight = needleImage.sourceSize.height;
                  idealHeight / originalImageHeight;
          foreground: Item {
              Image {
                  anchors.centerIn: parent
                  source: "qrc:/StylesPic/Used_Images/Pictures/07_11used_CircularGaugeDarkStyle_center-light.png"
                  scale: (outerRadius * 0.25) / sourceSize.height
          tickmark: Rectangle {
              implicitWidth: outerRadius * 0.01
              antialiasing: true
              implicitHeight: outerRadius * 0.04
              color: "#999"
          minorTickmark: Rectangle {
              implicitWidth: outerRadius * 0.01
              antialiasing: true
              implicitHeight: outerRadius * 0.02
              color: "#bbb"
          tickmarkLabel: Text {
              font.family: "qrc:/Others/Used_Others/01_11used_OpenSans-Regular.ttf"
              font.pixelSize: Math.max(6, outerRadius * 0.1)
              text: styleData.value
              color: "#333"
    • PieMenuDarkStyle.qml

    • import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4
      PieMenuStyle {
          backgroundColor: "#222"
          shadowColor: Qt.rgba(1, 1, 1, 0.26)
    • PieMenuDefaultStyle.qml

    • import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4
      PieMenuStyle {
    • StylePicker.qml

    • import QtQuick 2.15
      import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
      import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4
      import QtQuick.Extras 1.4
      ListView {
          id: stylePicker
          width: parent.width
          height: root.height * 0.06
          interactive: false
          spacing: -1
          orientation: ListView.Horizontal
          readonly property string currentStylePath: stylePicker.model.get(stylePicker.currentIndex).path
          readonly property bool currentStyleDark: stylePicker.model.get(stylePicker.currentIndex).dark !== undefined
              ? stylePicker.model.get(stylePicker.currentIndex).dark
              : true
          ExclusiveGroup {
              id: styleExclusiveGroup
          delegate: Button {
              width: Math.round(stylePicker.width / stylePicker.model.count)
              height: stylePicker.height
              checkable: true
              checked: index === ListView.view.currentIndex
              exclusiveGroup: styleExclusiveGroup
              onCheckedChanged: {
                  if (checked) {
                      ListView.view.currentIndex = index;
              style: ButtonStyle {
                  background: Rectangle {
                      readonly property color checkedColor: currentStyleDark ? "#444" : "#777"
                      readonly property color uncheckedColor: currentStyleDark ? "#222" : "#bbb"
                      color: checked ? checkedColor : uncheckedColor
                      border.color: checkedColor
                      border.width: 1
                      radius: 1
                  label: Text {
                      text: name
                      color: currentStyleDark ? "white" : (checked ? "white" : "black")
                      font.pixelSize: root.toPixels(0.04)
                      font.family: openSans.name
                      anchors.centerIn: parent
                      horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
                      verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
  • Customizer

    • CustomizerLabel.qml

    • import QtQuick 2.15
      Text {
          color: darkBackground ? root.darkFontColor : root.lightFontColor
          font.pixelSize: root.toPixels(0.04)
          font.family: openSans.name
          anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
    • CustomizerSlider.qml

    • import QtQuick 2.15
      import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
      import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4
      Slider {
          id: slider
          width: parent.width
          height: root.toPixels(0.1)
          style: SliderStyle {
              handle: Rectangle {
                  height: root.toPixels(0.06)
                  width: height
                  radius: width/2
                  color: "#fff"
              groove: Rectangle {
                  implicitHeight: root.toPixels(0.015)
                  implicitWidth: 100
                  radius: height/2
                  border.color: "#333"
                  color: "#222"
                  Rectangle {
                      height: parent.height
                      width: styleData.handlePosition
                      implicitHeight: 6
                      implicitWidth: 100
                      radius: height/2
                      color: "#555"
    • CustomizerSwitch.qml

    • import QtQuick 2.15
      import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
      Switch {
          anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter






引言 Hadoop分布式文件系统&#xff08;HDFS&#xff0c;Hadoop Distributed File System&#xff09;是Hadoop框架的核心组件之一&#xff0c;它提供了高可靠性、高可用性和高吞吐量的大规模数据存储和管理能力。本文将从HDFS的定义、架构、工作原理、应用场景以及常用…

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文章目录 1. 样本期望和方差1.1 样本期望 E ( X ) \mathrm{E}(X) E(X)1.2 样本期望 D ( X ) \mathrm{D}(X) D(X) 2. Markov 不等式&Chebyshev不等式2.1 Markov不等式公式 概述2.2 Markov不等式公式 证明&#xff1a;2.3 Markov不等式公式 举例&#xff1a;2.4 Chebyshev不…


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上位机图像处理和嵌入式模块部署(mcu 项目1:固件编写)

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