Gobject tutorial 十

news2024/10/6 22:33:07

参考:GLib – 2.0: The Main Event Loop

The Main Event Loop


新类型的事件源可以通过函数g_source_attach来添加。为了使多个相互独立的事件源集能在不同的线程中进行处理,每个事件源都会关联一个GMainContext。一个GMainContext只能在一个线程中运行,但, 事件源可以添加到一个线程中的GmainContext,而从另外一个线程中移除。


struct _GSource
  /*< private >*/
  gpointer callback_data;
  GSourceCallbackFuncs *callback_funcs;

  const GSourceFuncs *source_funcs;
  guint ref_count;

  GMainContext *context;

  gint priority;
  guint flags;
  guint source_id;

  GSList *poll_fds;
  GSource *prev;
  GSource *next;

  char    *name;

  GSourcePrivate *priv;

由定义可以看到,事件源的定义中包含 GMainContext,结构体中还包含成员priority,这表示每个事件源都被指定一个优先级,默认的优先级是G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT,其值为0,当优先级的值小于0表示高优先级,高优先级的事件源优先处理。

GMainLoop 用于表示主事件循环。它由函数g_main_loop_new()函数创建。在为其添加完事件后,调用函数g_main_loop_run()来运行主事件循环。从代码层面上看,GMainLoop就是一个loop,在loop中它,循环会运行GMainContext来持续检查事件源中的事件并对事件进行分发。最终,会有一个事件源中的事件导致函数g_main_loop_quit()被调用,这就意味着程序退出主循环,函数g_main_loop_run()返回。


struct _GMainLoop
  GMainContext *context;
  gboolean is_running; /* (atomic) */
  gint ref_count;  /* (atomic) */
 * g_main_loop_run:
 * @loop: a #GMainLoop
 * Runs a main loop until g_main_loop_quit() is called on the loop.
 * If this is called for the thread of the loop's #GMainContext,
 * it will process events from the loop, otherwise it will
 * simply wait.
g_main_loop_run (GMainLoop *loop)
  g_atomic_int_set (&loop->is_running, TRUE);
  while (g_atomic_int_get (&loop->is_running))
    g_main_context_iterate_unlocked (loop->context, TRUE, TRUE, self);

 Creating new source types



GSource *g_source_new             (GSourceFuncs   *source_funcs,
                                   guint           struct_size);


typedef struct _GdkMacosEventSource
  GSource     source;
  GdkDisplay *display;
} GdkMacosEventSource;



 * GSourceDummyMarshal:
 * This is just a placeholder for #GClosureMarshal,
 * which cannot be used here for dependency reasons.
typedef void (*GSourceDummyMarshal) (void);

struct _GSourceFuncs
  gboolean (*prepare)  (GSource    *source,
                        gint       *timeout_);/* Can be NULL */
  gboolean (*check)    (GSource    *source);/* Can be NULL */
  gboolean (*dispatch) (GSource    *source,
                        GSourceFunc callback,
                        gpointer    user_data);
  void     (*finalize) (GSource    *source); /* Can be NULL */

  /*< private >*/
  /* For use by g_source_set_closure */
  GSourceFunc     closure_callback;        
  GSourceDummyMarshal closure_marshal; /* Really is of type GClosureMarshal */

Customizing the main loop iteration

函数g_main_context_iteration()就能实现单纯的GMainContext迭代。然而,很多时候,我们需要对主事件循环的运行增加精确控制。比如说,GMainLoop在迭代时使用了另外一个主事件循环,此时,你可以调用g_main_context_iteration()的组成函数g_main_context_prepare(), g_main_context_query(), g_main_context_check() and g_main_context_dispatch()。

State of a Main Context


 Main Contexts

What is GMainContext?



struct _GMainContext
  /* The following lock is used for both the list of sources
   * and the list of poll records
  GMutex mutex;
  GCond cond;
  GThread *owner;
  guint owner_count;
  GMainContextFlags flags;
  GSList *waiters;

  gint ref_count;  /* (atomic) */

  GHashTable *sources;              /* guint -> GSource */

  GPtrArray *pending_dispatches;
  gint timeout;			/* Timeout for current iteration */

  guint next_id;
  GList *source_lists;
  gint in_check_or_prepare;

  GPollRec *poll_records;
  guint n_poll_records;
  GPollFD *cached_poll_array;
  guint cached_poll_array_size;

  GWakeup *wakeup;

  GPollFD wake_up_rec;

/* Flag indicating whether the set of fd's changed during a poll */
  gboolean poll_changed;

  GPollFunc poll_func;

  gint64   time;
  gboolean time_is_fresh;


  1. 准备事件源。这个步骤用于确定事件源中是否有准备好立即分发事件的事件源





 * g_main_context_iteration:
 * @context: (nullable): a #GMainContext (if %NULL, the global-default
 *   main context will be used)
 * @may_block: whether the call may block.
 * Runs a single iteration for the given main loop. This involves
 * checking to see if any event sources are ready to be processed,
 * then if no events sources are ready and @may_block is %TRUE, waiting
 * for a source to become ready, then dispatching the highest priority
 * events sources that are ready. Otherwise, if @may_block is %FALSE
 * sources are not waited to become ready, only those highest priority
 * events sources will be dispatched (if any), that are ready at this
 * given moment without further waiting.
 * Note that even when @may_block is %TRUE, it is still possible for
 * g_main_context_iteration() to return %FALSE, since the wait may
 * be interrupted for other reasons than an event source becoming ready.
 * Returns: %TRUE if events were dispatched.
g_main_context_iteration (GMainContext *context, gboolean may_block)
  gboolean retval;

  if (!context)
    context = g_main_context_default();
  LOCK_CONTEXT (context);
  retval = g_main_context_iterate_unlocked (context, may_block, TRUE, G_THREAD_SELF);
  UNLOCK_CONTEXT (context);
  return retval;

/* HOLDS context lock */
static gboolean
g_main_context_iterate_unlocked (GMainContext *context,
                                 gboolean      block,
                                 gboolean      dispatch,
                                 GThread      *self)

  g_main_context_prepare_unlocked (context, &max_priority);
  while ((nfds = g_main_context_query_unlocked (
            context, max_priority, &timeout, fds,
            allocated_nfds)) > allocated_nfds)

  g_main_context_poll_unlocked (context, timeout, max_priority, fds, nfds);
  some_ready = g_main_context_check_unlocked (context, max_priority, fds, nfds);
  if (dispatch)
    g_main_context_dispatch_unlocked (context);

  return some_ready;


static void
g_main_context_poll_unlocked (GMainContext *context,
                              int           timeout,
                              int           priority,
                              GPollFD      *fds,
                              int           n_fds)

      poll_func = context->poll_func;


g_main_context_set_poll_func (GMainContext *context,
			      GPollFunc     func)
  if (!context)
    context = g_main_context_default ();
  g_return_if_fail (g_atomic_int_get (&context->ref_count) > 0);

  LOCK_CONTEXT (context);
  if (func)
    context->poll_func = func;
    context->poll_func = g_poll;

  UNLOCK_CONTEXT (context);

 * g_poll:
 * @fds: file descriptors to poll
 * @nfds: the number of file descriptors in @fds
 * @timeout: amount of time to wait, in milliseconds, or -1 to wait forever
 * Polls @fds, as with the poll() system call, but portably. (On
 * systems that don't have poll(), it is emulated using select().)
 * This is used internally by #GMainContext, but it can be called
 * directly if you need to block until a file descriptor is ready, but
 * don't want to run the full main loop.
 * Each element of @fds is a #GPollFD describing a single file
 * descriptor to poll. The @fd field indicates the file descriptor,
 * and the @events field indicates the events to poll for. On return,
 * the @revents fields will be filled with the events that actually
 * occurred.
 * On POSIX systems, the file descriptors in @fds can be any sort of
 * file descriptor, but the situation is much more complicated on
 * Windows. If you need to use g_poll() in code that has to run on
 * Windows, the easiest solution is to construct all of your
 * #GPollFDs with g_io_channel_win32_make_pollfd().
 * Returns: the number of entries in @fds whose @revents fields
 * were filled in, or 0 if the operation timed out, or -1 on error or
 * if the call was interrupted.
 * Since: 2.20
g_poll (GPollFD *fds,
	guint    nfds,
	gint     timeout)
  return poll ((struct pollfd *)fds, nfds, timeout);





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