Agile Software Development

news2025/2/21 12:37:19

  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools.(个人和协作超过过程和工具)

  • working software over comprehensive documentation.(工作软件超过完全文档)

  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation.(客户协作超过合同谈判)

  • Responding to change over following a plan.(随机应变)


is a agile project management framework.

Scrum sprints

a sprint is a short, time boxed period.

product backlog

  • is a prioritized list of work for the development team.

  • the most important items are shown at the top of the product backlog

agile roadmaps

  • is a plan of action for how a product or solution will evolve over time

  • product team use roadmap to outline future product functionality and when new features will be released

agile sprint reviews

  • is a fundamental ceremony in agile development.

  • it marks the end of a sprint

Stand-up meeting

  • daily meeting to discuss progress and identify blockers

  • three questions:

    • What did I work on yesterday?

    • What am I working on today?

    • What issues are blocking me?

Scrum Master & their Responsibilities

  • the Scrum master serves to facilitate Scrum to the larger team(ensure the Scrum framework are followed)

    • fostering communication

    • protecting the team

    • tool maintenance

    • reporting

    • meeting facilitation

    • agile coaching

    • team support

    • remove blockers

  • He or she is committed to the Scrum methodology, agile principles, and best practices—but should also remain flexible and open to opportunities for the team to improve their workflow.

agile retrospective

is an excellent opportunity for agile team to evaluate itself and create future plan.

agile Scrum roles and responsibilities

three roles:

  1. product owner:

    • setting clear direction

  2. Scrum master

    • holding it all together

  3. development team members

Scrum of Scrums

is a scaled agile technique that offers a way to connect mutiple teams who need to work together to deliver complex solutoins.

Calculate Communication Channels


Scrum Metrics

  • Return on Investment(ROI,投资回报率)

  • Monthly active revenue(MAU,月活动收益)

  • Team Velocity

  • Sprint burn down/up

Backlog Refinement Guide

  • is the process of reviewing, ranking, and editing your product bcaklog

  • it's help your developteam build only the features and functionalities that the customer want and the bussiness needs.

Scrum Events

  • Sprint Planning

  • Daily Scrum

  • Sprint Review

  • Sprint Retrospective

agile workflow

the waterfall model

refers to the Software Development Process that follows a series of sequential steps, staring with requirements analysis, followed by: product design --> coding --> testing --> go_live

agile epics: definiton, examples, and templates

an agile epic is a body of a work that can be broken down into user stores based on the need of customers or end-users.

User stories

user stores are development tasks often expressed as persona + need + purpose

structure: As a [persona], I [want to], [so that].

Story Points & Estimation

  • units of measure for expressing an estimate of the overall effort required to fully implement a product backlog item or any other piece of work.

  • how team assign story points depeneds on:

    • work complexity

    • the amount of work

    • risk or uncertainty

Product Management

How to create a Product Requirement Document(PRD)

it's defines the requirements of a paticular product, including the product's purpose, features, functionality, and behavior.

Minimum Viable Product(MVP)

the first version of a product needs to provide the Core Functionality for the Core Users,but otherwise keep evething simple.

Most Descible Product(MDP)

the first version of a product needs to provide users with the product they want most.(not only the Core functionality)

Acceptance Criteria

  • is a set of conditions that is required to be met before deliverables are accepted.

  • Requirements found in acceptance criteria for a given component of the system are usually very detailed

Portfolio(投资组合) & Project & Product

  1. a portfolio is a collection or set of projects, programs, or initiatives that an organization or individual manages as a group.

  2. Project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service or result

  3. "Product" refers to a software application, system, or solution that is developed, maintained, and delivered to meet specific user needs or solve particular problems

Introduction to Version Control


a system that records changes to a file or set of files over time.


Allows you to revert back to specific versions, track changes, and collaborate effectively.

Basic Terminology:

Repository, Commit, Branch, Merge.


the activites of writing and Refining, Estimating(估计), and Prioritizing PBI(Project Backlog Items)

Errors, Failures, Risks and Hazards

  • Errors are the root causes that lead to failures

  • failures occur when a system doesn't perform as intended or fails to deliver a required service

  • bug is defined as the failure of the test

  • by definition unexpected behavior

Iron Triangle

These are Budget(Cost), Scope and Schedule(Time)

Planning Poker

Each team member has a set of cards with the values and select the one they estimate for each Story

Product Lifecircle Management(PLM)

  1. product design and development

    • Research

    • Design

    • Developmetn

  2. Manufacturing

    • Product builds

    • Quality assurance testing

    • Procurement

    • Plant operations

  3. Distribution

    • Inventory control:

    • Product launch activities

    • Product projections

    • Logistics

    • Supplier collaboration

MoSCoW Prioritization Method

can be understood as shorthand for the four priorities:

  • Mo: Must have

  • S: Should have

  • Co: Could have

  • W: won't have

Balance Sheet


A snapshot of a company's finacial condition at specific moment in time


  • Assets: what the company owns

  • Liabilities: what the company owes

  • Shareholders' Equity: the company's net worth

Income Statement


Summarizes a company's revenues and expenses over a period.


  • Revenues (income from sales)

  • Expenses (costs incurred to earn revenue)

  • Net Income (Revenue - Expenses) 净收入

Cash Flow Statement


Records the cash inflows and outflows during a period.


  • Operating Activities (day-to-day operations)

  • Investing Activities (purchase/sale of assets)

  • Financing Activities (borrowing, repaying loans)

Type of Cost

Fixed Costs(固定成本):

Cost that do not change with the level of production or output

Variable Costs

Costs that vary with the level of production or output

Computer Ethics

is a set of rules an principles that guide how people should behave when using computers and technology.

Genaral Data Protection Regulation

  • A comprehensive set of regulations enforced in the EU to protect personal data.

  • It emphasizes consent, data subject rights, and strict data handling and processing guidelines.




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