Race Condition竞争条件

news2025/3/10 11:22:01

Race Condition

  • Question – why was there no race condition in the first solution (where at most N – 1) buffers can be filled?
  • Processes P0 and P1 are creating child processes using the fork() system call
  • Race condition on kernel variable next_available_pid which represents the next available process identifier (pid)
  • Unless there is a mechanism to prevent P0 and P1 from accessing  the variable next_available_pid  the same pid could be assigned to two different processes!

进程 P0 和 P1 正在使用 fork() 系统调用创建子进程

内核变量 next_available_pid 代表下一个可用进程标识符 (pid) 的竞赛条件

除非有机制阻止 P0 和 P1 访问变量 next_available_pid,否则相同的 pid 可能被分配给两个不同的进程!


Memory Barrier

• Memory model are the memory guarantees a computer architecture makes to application programs. • Memory models may be either:

• Strongly ordered – where a memory modification of one processor is immediately visible to all other processors. • Weakly ordered – where a memory modification of one processor may not be immediately visible to all other processors.

• A memory barrier is an instruction that forces any change in memory to be propagated (made visible) to all other processors.

内存模型是计算机体系结构为应用程序提供的内存保证。- 内存模型可以是

- 强有序 - 一个处理器的内存修改会立即被所有其他处理器看到。- 弱有序--一个处理器的内存修改可能不会立即被所有其他处理器看到。

- 内存障碍是一种指令,它强制将内存中的任何变化传播(使其可见)到所有其他处理器。

Memory Barrier Instructions

• When a memory barrier instruction is performed, the system ensures that all loads and stores are completed before any subsequent load or store operations are performed.

• Therefore, even if instructions were reordered, the memory barrier ensures that the store operations are completed in memory and visible to other processors before future load or store operations are performed.


- 因此,即使指令被重新排序,内存屏障也能确保存储操作在内存中完成,并在今后执行加载或存储操作前对其他处理器可见。

Memory Barrier Example

• Returning to the example of slides 6.17 - 6.18 • We could add a memory barrier to the following instructions to ensure Thread 1 outputs 100:

• Thread 1 now performs while (!flag) memory_barrier(); print x

• Thread 2 now performs x = 100; memory_barrier(); flag = true • For Thread 1 we are guaranteed that the value of flag is loaded before the value of x. • For Thread 2 we ensure that the assignment to x occurs before the assignment flag.

Synchronization Hardware

• Many systems provide hardware support for implementing the critical section code.

• Uniprocessors – could disable interrupts

• Currently running code would execute without preemption

• Generally too inefficient on multiprocessor systems

• Operating systems using this not broadly scalable

• We will look at three forms of hardware support:

1. Hardware instructions 2. Atomic variables Hardware Instructions

• Special hardware instructions that allow us to either test-and-modify the content of a word, or to swap the contents of two words atomically (uninterruptedly.) • Test-and-Set instruction • Compare-and-Swap instruction

Atomic Variables

• Typically, instructions such as compare-and-swap are used as building blocks for other synchronization tools. • One tool is an atomic variable that provides atomic (uninterruptible) updates on basic data types such as integers and booleans.

• For example: • Let sequence be an atomic variable • Let increment() be operation on the atomic variable sequence • The Command: increment(&sequence); ensures sequence is incremented without interruption:

Mutex Locks

• Previous solutions are complicated and generally inaccessible to application programmers • OS designers build software tools to solve critical section problem • Simplest is mutex lock

• Boolean variable indicating if lock is available or not • Protect a critical section by

• First acquire() a lock • Then release() the lock • Calls to acquire() and release() must be atomic • Usually implemented via hardware atomic instructions such as compare-and-swap. • But this solution requires busy waiting • This lock therefore called a spinlock


• Synchronization tool that provides more sophisticated ways (than Mutex locks) for processes to synchronize their activities.

• Semaphore S – integer variable • Can only be accessed via two indivisible (atomic) operations • wait() and signal()

• Originally called P() and V() Semaphore (Cont.)

• Definition of the wait() operation wait(S) { while (S value--; if (S->value < 0) { add this process to S->list; block(); } } signal(semaphore *S) { S->value++; if (S->value list; wakeup(P); } }

Problems with Semaphores • Incorrect use of semaphore operations:

• signal(mutex) …. wait(mutex) • wait(mutex) … wait(mutex) • Omitting of wait (mutex) and/or signal (mutex) • These – and others – are examples of what can occur when semaphores and other synchronization tools are used incorrectly.




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