[论文精读]Line Graph Neural Networks for Link Prediction

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1. 省流版

1.1. 心得

1.2. 论文总结图

2. 论文逐段精读

2.1. Abstract

2.2. Introduction

2.3. Related Work

2.4. The Proposed Methods

2.4.1. Problem Formulation

2.4.2. Overall Framework

2.4.3. Line Graph Neural Networks

2.4.4. The Proposed Algorithm

2.5. Experiments

2.5.1. Datatsets and Baseline Models

2.5.2. Experimental Setup

2.5.3. Results and Analysis

2.6. Conclusion

4. Reference

1. 省流版

1.1. 心得


(2)这里总是会强调封闭的子图,就是"enclosing subgraph"

1.2. 论文总结图

2. 论文逐段精读

2.1. Abstract

        ①⭐Link (edge) prediction in the original graph equals to the node classification in the line graph

2.2. Introduction

        ①⭐Heuristic methods for link prediction always limit, such as methods in social network do not match tasks in molecule

        ②⭐Link prediction can be converted to graph classification when regards enclosing subgraph as a graph

metabolic  adj. 变化的;[生理]新陈代谢的

2.3. Related Work

        ①Categories of link prediction methods: heuristic methods, embedding methods, deep learning methods

        ②Heuristic methods: first-order, secondorder, and high-order methods

        ③Embedding methods: matrix factorization and stochastic block

        ④Deep learning methods: SEAL

2.4. The Proposed Methods

2.4.1. Problem Formulation

        ①For a graph G=\left ( V, E \right )V=\left \{ v_1, v_2,...,v_n \right \} is the node set, E\subseteq V \times V is the edge set, and adjacency matrix A 

2.4.2. Overall Framework

        ①The original graph for link prediction in social networks (this method mainly focus on 1-hop neighbors and extracting subgraphs) (1-hop can be extended to h-hop). 

extracted subgraph:

The common connections determine the relations between A and B

        ②Steps of link prediction: enclosing subgraph extraction, node labeling, feature learning and link prediction

        ③Overall framework:

where the double circles are the centered nodes, and the pure yellow circle inthe forth graph is the aimed link

2.4.3. Line Graph Neural Networks

(1)Line graph space transformation



        ③⭐The number of edges in L(G) is \frac{1}{2}\sum_{i=1}^{m}d^2_i-n, where d_i denotes the degree of node i in original graph, n is the edge number in the original graph

(2)Node label transformation

        ①Node label generation:


where the f denotes the node labeling function, v_1 and v_2 represent the end nodes of edge. In undirected graph, edge (v_1,v_2) equals to edge (v_2,v_1)



where X_{v_1} and X_{v_2} are the node attributes of v_1 and v_2. And this l will be the node attribute of this edge in the line graph

(3)Feature Learning by Graph Neural Networks

        ①Updating of GNN:


where \mathcal{N}_{(v_i,v_j)} is all the neighbors of node {(v_i,v_j)}W is a weight matrix and \beta denotes the normalization coefficient. Z_{(v_{i},v_{j})}^{0}=l_{(v1,v2)}

        ②Cross entropy loss:

\mathcal{L}_{CE}=-\sum_{l\in L_{t}}(y_{l}\mathrm{log} (p_{l})+(1-y_{l})\mathrm{log} (1-p_{l}))

where L_t is the links which need to be predicted, p_l is the probability that the link l exists, y_{l}\in\{0,1\} represents if the link exists

(4)Connection With Learning on Original Graphs

        ①Edge feature:


where g\left ( \cdot \right ) denotes GNN

        ②They rewrite the updating function:



2.4.4. The Proposed Algorithm

(1)Enclosing Subgraph Extraction

        ①Constructing 2-hop enclosing subgraph:


(2)Node Labeling

        ①Identifying 2 target nodes first

        ②Providing the importance of each node to target nodes

        ③Node labeling function:


where d_s=d(v,v_1)+d(v,v_2)

        ④Lable of target nodes: f_l(v_1)=1 and f_l(v_2)=1

        ⑤Lable of unreachable nodes: for d(v,v_{1})=\infty or d(v,v_{2})=\infty, there is f_l(v)=0

2.5. Experiments

2.5.1. Datatsets and Baseline Models


2.5.2. Experimental Setup

        ①Sample selection: 50% for training and 50% for testing

        ②Introducing parameter settings in other models

        ③Epoch: 15

2.5.3. Results and Analysis

        ①Running times: 10, with different split

        ②AUC comparison table with 80% for training:

        ③AP comparison table with 80% for training:

        ④AUC comparison table with 50% for training:

        ⑤AP comparison table with 50% for training:

        ⑥Loss table:

        ⑦AUC comparison under different data spliting ratio:

        ⑧t_SNE on different dataset:

2.6. Conclusion

        Line graph might overcome the disadvantage of graph pooling

4. Reference

Cai, L., Li, J., Wang, J., & Ji, S. (2021) 'Line Graph Neural Networks for Link Prediction', IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 44(9). doi:  10.1109/TPAMI.2021.3080635





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