OpenAI Assistants API:如何使用代码或无需代码创建您自己的AI助手

news2025/3/12 17:14:04

It's now easier than ever to create your own AI Assistant that can handle a lot of computing tasks for you. See how you can get started with the OpenAI AI Assistant API.

现在比以往任何时候都更容易创建您自己的AI助手,它可以为您处理许多计算任务。了解如何使用OpenAI AI助手API开始操作。

New updates on 17th of April 2024 from OpenAI


OpenAI announced significant updates to the Assistants API. The update includes enhancements aimed at improving the capabilities and performance of the assistant.

OpenAI宣布了对Assistants API的重大更新。此次更新包括旨在提高助手功能和性能的改进。

  • Knowledge retrieval now supports up to 10,000 files.  知识检索支持高达10,000个文件
  • More control over token and model configuration.  对令牌和模型配置拥有更多的控制权。
  • Streaming support.   流式传输支持。

It's been a few days since OpenAI's DevDay and lots of interesting features and updates have been announced. Today, we're specifically interested in the new AI Assistant feature. So without further ado, let's get started!


"You just ask the computer for what you need, and it'll do all of these tasks for you." - Sam Altman - CEO, OpenAI

“你只需要向电脑提出你需要什么,它就会为你完成所有这些任务。”——萨姆·阿尔特曼(Sam Altman),OpenAI 首席执行官

AI Assistants        AI助手

An AI Assistant performs actions based on a given set of instructions and tools. You can think of an AI Assistant as a digital assistant (or agent) that you hire to solve specific problems for your use case.


AI Assistants are hosted within the OpenAI platform and use a chosen large language model to think, communicate, and take action.


We're going to see how to create an AI Assistant that reads a PDF file and converts it to a Twitter thread.


We'll call it X Threads Converter.        我们将它称为“X线程转换器”。

How do I create an AI Assistant?        我如何创建一个AI助手?

There are two ways to do this:        有2种方式

    • Using the OpenAI Web Interface   使用OpenAI的Web界面 
    • Using the OpenAI Assistants API   使用OpenAI Assistants API

Method 1: Using the OpenAI Web Interface        方法1:使用OpenAI的Web界面

For this method, we do not need to write any code since everything will be done using the Web Interface provided by the OpenAI platform.


Let's go ahead and create our X Threads Converter AI Assistant using the Web Interface. Follow the steps below:


Step 1: Log into your OpenAI account        登录openai 账号
Step 2: On the left side navigation bar, you'll see the new Assistants tab:


Step 3: Click on the Assistants tab:        点击 助手 页签

As you can see, I don't have any assistants yet. We're going to create a new one.


Step 4: Click on Create. You'll see the following options:


To create a new assistant, we'll need to enter the following:


  • Name: Let's call it X Threads Converter.    名称:让我们将其命名为“X线程转换器”。
  • Instructions: Use the following instructions: "You are a helpful assistant. Given a set of files, you extract the most interesting information and restructure it into Threads format for Twitter."


  • Model: Select one of the supported OpenAI models. I will choose the new gpt-4-1106-preview model.


  • Tools: We're just going to enable Retrieval for this example. This is because our assistant will need to retrieve the contents from the uploaded files.


  • Files: You can upload any supported file here. I uploaded a PDF version of this post. If you want to do the same, just open the link in your browser and save it as PDF.


Step 5: Click on Save. Your configuration should look like this:


That's it! Go ahead and click on the Save button. Our X Threads Converter will be ready in a few seconds.


Step 6: Try it out in the Playground:        步骤6:在测试区尝试一下:

Click on the "Test in Playground" button. The Playground is a chat interface where you can test and optimize your Assistant.


Let's ask our shiny new assistant to "Create the X Threads Post" click "Add and run" and see what happens.

让我们向这个闪亮的新助手发出“创建X Threads帖子”的请求,点击“添加并运行”,看看会发生什么。

The AI Assistant will take a few seconds to think and process your request.


Behind the scenes, the following is happening:


  1. The contents of the PDF are converted to Vector Embeddings

PDF的内容被转换为向量嵌入(Vector Embeddings)

  • Our Vector Embeddings are stored in a Vector Database

我们的向量嵌入(Vector Embeddings)被存储在向量数据库中。

  • The Query is used to find relevant and similar embeddings


  • The relevant parts are sent to the chosen large language model


  • The LLM will process and return the final output


You should end up with something like this:


X Threads Converter        X 线程转换器

Based on the text extracted from the uploaded PDF, I will create a Twitter thread format for you. However, due to the length limitations of Twitter posts (280 characters each), the thread will summarize the content in concise tweets.


That's impressive! In no time we were able to build an assistant that can create a Twitter Thread given any PDF file. More importantly, we wrote exactly zero lines of code.


Method 2: Using the OpenAI Assistants API        方法2:使用OpenAI助手API

Let's go ahead and create our X Threads Converter AI Assistant using the OpenAI Assistants API:

让我们继续使用OpenAI助手API来创建我们的X Threads Converter AI助手:

Step 1: Install the Official OpenAI Python SDK        步骤1:安装官方OpenAI Python SDK

In your terminal, type the below and hit return:        在您的终端中,输入以下命令并按下回车键:

pip install openai

To verify that the OpenAI SDK has been successfully installed, run the following command:

为了验证OpenAI SDK已成功安装,请运行以下命令:

pip show openai
Step 2: Import Required Packages        步骤2:导入所需的包

Great, now we can create a new directory for our project. In your terminal type the following commands:


  • Create a new directory: mkdir openai-ai-assistant-demo

创建一个新目录:mkdir openai-ai-assistant-demo

  • cd into the new directory and create file: cd openai-ai-assistant-demo && touch

进入新目录并创建assistant.py文件:cd openai-ai-assistant-demo && touch

  • Open the file and import the OpenAI SDK

打开assistant.py文件并导入OpenAI SDK

from openai import OpenAI
Step 3: Create the OpenAI Client        步骤3:创建OpenAI客户端

We'll now create the OpenAI client. Make sure to replace with your own OpenAI API Key.

现在我们将创建OpenAI客户端。请确保使用您自己的OpenAI API密钥进行替换。

client = OpenAI(
Step 4: Prepare the PDF File for Upload        步骤4:准备PDF文件以进行上传

Next, place the PDF file in the openai-ai-assistant-demo directory. In my case, the file name is document.pdf.


Let's create the file using the OpenAI SDK using client.files.create:

让我们使用client.files.create通过OpenAI SDK创建文件:

file = client.files.create(
  file=open("document.pdf", "rb"),

file_id =

Here, we specify the purpose property as 'assistants' so that the file becomes accessible by the Assistants API.


Step 5: Define the Required AI Assistant Tools        步骤5:定义所需的AI助手工具

We create our tools variable which is a list of required tools that the AI Assistant will have access to. In this case, we only need the retrieval tool.


tools = [
        "type": "retrieval"

Step 6: Create our AI Assistant using client.beta.assistants.create:


Finally, we'll use the client.beta.assistants.create and pass the following parameters:


assistant = client.beta.assistants.create(
    name="X Threads Converter",
    instructions="You are a helpful assistant. Given a set of files, you extract the most interesting information and restructure it into Threads format for Twitter.",

assistant_id =

The values used in the above code are exactly the same as the ones used to create the AI Assistant using the web interface in the previous example (Method 1).


Step 7: Run the Code        步骤7:运行代码

To create our X Threads Converter AI Assistant, execute the file:

创建我们的X Threads Converter AI助手,执行assistant.py文件:


Once done, refresh the Assistants page​ and we can see our new X Threads Converter AI Assistant in the Assistants list.

一旦完成,刷新助手页面,我们就可以在助手列表中看到我们新的X Threads Converter AI助手了。

Once AI Assistant is up and running. We can take it for a spin in the Playground just like we did in Method 1.


How do I Use an AI Assistant?        我如何使用AI助手?

The Playground provided by OpenAI is a great tool to test our AI Assistant quickly. But, how do you actually use the AI Assistant using the API?


Let's explore how AI Assistants work and go over two important concepts: Threads and Runs.


What are Threads?        什么是线程?

Each thread represents a conversation. A thread contains a list of messages each belonging to the user and the large language model.


That conversation with your spouse on WhatsApp? That's a thread.


The task we want to send to our assistant: "Create the X Threads Post." is represented as a message within a thread.

我们想要发送给助手的任务:“创建X Threads帖子。”在线程中表示为一条消息。

What are Runs?        什么是运行?

A Run represents the execution of a thread. A Run also needs to know which AI Assistant to use for that execution. Once initialized, the Run will determine which steps are needed to complete the task.


To create a run we'll need to supply the thread_id and assistant_id parameters.


Creating a Thread        创建一个线程

To create a Thread, we'll need to initialize it with a list of messages. For our example, there's only one message, which is: "Create the X Threads Post.".

要创建一个线程,我们需要用消息列表来初始化它。对于我们的示例,只有一条消息,即:“Create the X Threads Post.”。

Since our AI Assistant needs to process data from a PDF file, we'll also need to specify the file that it needs to use. We can find the file id on this page. Alternatively, the id property is accessible after you initialize the file object in Step 4 by calling


Let's create our thread using client.beta.threads.create:


thread = client.beta.threads.create(
      "role": "user",
      "content": "Create the X Thread Post.",
      "file_ids": [file_id]

thread_id =

We'll need the thread_id property below when creating the Run.


Creating a Run        创建一个运行

Let's create our Run using the client.beta.threads.runs.create method:


run = client.beta.threads.runs.create(

run_id =

The assistant_id could be accessed using the id property after the assistant variable is created in Step 6.


Note: Using the API, you can retrieve all required IDs. For instance, the assistant_id could be retrieved by listing all the assistants and choosing the correct one using the client.beta.assistants.list method. 


Checking Run Status        检查运行状态

Our run will take a few seconds to complete. This is because the AI Assistant needs to determine the steps needed to complete the task. It also needs to process, store, and retrieve information from the PDF file and talk to the LLM for further processing.


When using other tools such as the code_interpreter the Run may take even more time as it generates and runs Python code iteratively.


Therefore, we'll need to periodically check if the Run is completed. We can do this by checking its status property by calling the client.beta.threads.runs.retrieve method, as shown below:


run = client.beta.threads.runs.retrieve(

Once the status property changes to completed, we can see the model's response by retrieving the messages within our thread:


thread_messages = client.beta.threads.messages.list(thread_id)

Closing thoughts        总结

As we've seen, this should get you up and running with the new OpenAI AI Assistants in no time. It is now easier than ever to create your AI Assistant that can help you perform a variety of tasks useful to your business.

正如我们所见,这将使您很快上手新的OpenAI AI助手。现在比以往任何时候都更容易创建AI助手,帮助您执行各种对业务有用的任务。

You may also want to think about the fact that your application will be locked into the OpenAI platform. This means that if you decide to migrate to another LLM, storage, and vector database at a later time it may not be a simple task.








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