关于FIFO Generator IP和XPM_FIFO在涉及位宽转换上的区别

news2025/3/9 10:31:00

在Xilinx FPGA中,要实现FIFO的功能时,大部分时候会使用两种方法:

  • FIFO Generator IP核
  • XPM_FIFO原语

FIFO Generator IP核的优点是有图形化界面,配置参数非常直观;缺点是参数一旦固定,想要更改的化就只能重新generate IP核。




FIFO Generator IP核按大端输出,即先写进去的数据放在高8bit



//  Copyright (c) JoeJoe.
//  Project  : fifo_test
//  Module   : fifo_test.v
//  Parent   : None
//  Children : None
//  Description: 
//  Parameters:
//  Local Parameters:
//  Notes       : 
//  Multicycle and False Paths
//    Some exist, embedded within the submodules. See the submodule
//    descriptions.

`timescale 1ns/1ps

module fifo_test (
     input sclk
    ,input srst_n

// Parameter definitions

// Reg declarations

    reg [2:0] wait_cnt;

    reg wr_en;
    reg [7:0] din;
    wire rd_en;
    wire prog_full;
    wire full;
    wire empty;
    wire [31:0] dout;
    reg xpm_wr_en;
    reg [7:0] xpm_din;
    wire xpm_rd_en;
    wire xpm_prog_full;
    wire xpm_full;
    wire xpm_empty;
    wire [31:0] xpm_dout;

// Wire declarations

// Code

    // 等待XPM FIFO not busy
    always @(posedge sclk) begin
        if (srst_n == 1'b0) begin
            wait_cnt <= 'd0;
        else begin
            if (wait_cnt == 'd7) begin
                wait_cnt <= wait_cnt;
            else begin
                wait_cnt <= wait_cnt + 'd1;

    // 非满就写
    always @(posedge sclk) begin
        if (srst_n == 1'b0) begin
            wr_en <= 1'b0;
            din <= 'd0;
        else begin
            if (prog_full == 1'b1) begin
                wr_en <= 1'b0;
                din <= 'd0;
            else if (wait_cnt == 'd7) begin
                wr_en <= 1'b1;
                din <= din + 'd1;
            else begin
                wr_en <= 1'b0;
                din <= 'd0;

    // 非空就读
    assign rd_en = ~empty;

    // 非满就写
    always @(posedge sclk) begin
        if (srst_n == 1'b0) begin
            xpm_wr_en <= 1'b0;
            xpm_din <= 'd0;
        else begin
            if (xpm_prog_full == 1'b1) begin
                xpm_wr_en <= 1'b0;
                xpm_din <= 'd0;
            else if (wait_cnt == 'd7) begin
                xpm_wr_en <= 1'b1;
                xpm_din <= din + 'd1;
            else begin
                xpm_wr_en <= 1'b0;
                xpm_din <= 'd0;

    // 非空就读
    assign xpm_rd_en = ~xpm_empty;

    fifo_generator_0 U_FIFO_GENERATOR_0 (
         .clk              ( sclk           ) // input wire clk
        ,.srst             ( ~srst_n        ) // input wire srst
        ,.din              ( din            ) // input wire [7 : 0] din
        ,.wr_en            ( wr_en          ) // input wire wr_en
        ,.rd_en            ( rd_en          ) // input wire rd_en
        ,.dout             ( dout           ) // output wire [31 : 0] dout
        ,.full             ( full           ) // output wire full
        ,.empty            ( empty          ) // output wire empty
        ,.prog_full        ( prog_full      ) // output wire prog_full

    xpm_fifo_sync #(
        .DOUT_RESET_VALUE   ( "0"      ), // String
        .ECC_MODE           ( "no_ecc" ), // String
        .FIFO_MEMORY_TYPE   ( "block"  ), // String
        .FIFO_READ_LATENCY  ( 0        ), // DECIMAL
        .FIFO_WRITE_DEPTH   ( 1024     ), // DECIMAL
        .FULL_RESET_VALUE   ( 0        ), // DECIMAL
        .PROG_EMPTY_THRESH  ( 10       ), // DECIMAL
        .PROG_FULL_THRESH   ( 500      ), // DECIMAL
        .RD_DATA_COUNT_WIDTH( 1        ), // DECIMAL
        .READ_DATA_WIDTH    ( 32       ), // DECIMAL
        .READ_MODE          ( "fwft"   ), // String
        .SIM_ASSERT_CHK     ( 0        ), // DECIMAL; 0=disable simulation messages, 1=enable simulation messages
        .USE_ADV_FEATURES   ( "0707"   ), // String
        .WAKEUP_TIME        ( 0        ), // DECIMAL
        .WRITE_DATA_WIDTH   ( 8        ), // DECIMAL
        .WR_DATA_COUNT_WIDTH( 1        )  // DECIMAL
        .almost_empty   (             ), // 1-bit output: Almost Empty : When asserted, this signal indicates that
                                         // only one more read can be performed before the FIFO goes to empty.
        .almost_full    (             ), // 1-bit output: Almost Full: When asserted, this signal indicates that
                                         // only one more write can be performed before the FIFO is full.
        .data_valid     (             ), // 1-bit output: Read Data Valid: When asserted, this signal indicates
                                         // that valid data is available on the output bus (dout         ).
        .dbiterr        (             ), // 1-bit output: Double Bit Error: Indicates that the ECC decoder detected
                                         // a double-bit error and data in the FIFO core is corrupted.
        .dout           (xpm_dout     ), // READ_DATA_WIDTH-bit output: Read Data: The output data bus is driven
                                         // when reading the FIFO.
        .empty          (xpm_empty    ), // 1-bit output: Empty Flag: When asserted, this signal indicates that the
                                         // FIFO is empty. Read requests are ignored when the FIFO is empty,
                                         // initiating a read while empty is not destructive to the FIFO.
        .full           (xpm_full     ), // 1-bit output: Full Flag: When asserted, this signal indicates that the
                                         // FIFO is full. Write requests are ignored when the FIFO is full,
                                         // initiating a write when the FIFO is full is not destructive to the
                                         // contents of the FIFO.
        .overflow       (             ), // 1-bit output: Overflow: This signal indicates that a write request
                                         // (wren) during the prior clock cycle was rejected, because the FIFO is
                                         // full. Overflowing the FIFO is not destructive to the contents of the
                                         // FIFO.
        .prog_empty     (             ), // 1-bit output: Programmable Empty: This signal is asserted when the
                                         // number of words in the FIFO is less than or equal to the programmable
                                         // empty threshold value. It is de-asserted when the number of words in
                                         // the FIFO exceeds the programmable empty threshold value.
        .prog_full      (xpm_prog_full), // 1-bit output: Programmable Full: This signal is asserted when the
                                         // number of words in the FIFO is greater than or equal to the
                                         // programmable full threshold value. It is de-asserted when the number of
                                         // words in the FIFO is less than the programmable full threshold value.
        .rd_data_count  (             ), // RD_DATA_COUNT_WIDTH-bit output: Read Data Count: This bus indicates the
                                         // number of words read from the FIFO.
        .rd_rst_busy    (             ), // 1-bit output: Read Reset Busy: Active-High indicator that the FIFO read
                                         // domain is currently in a reset state.
        .sbiterr        (             ), // 1-bit output: Single Bit Error: Indicates that the ECC decoder detected
                                         // and fixed a single-bit error.
        .underflow      (             ), // 1-bit output: Underflow: Indicates that the read request (rd_en) during
                                         // the previous clock cycle was rejected because the FIFO is empty. Under
                                         // flowing the FIFO is not destructive to the FIFO.
        .wr_ack         (             ), // 1-bit output: Write Acknowledge: This signal indicates that a write
                                         // request(wr_en) during the prior clock cycle is succeeded.
        .wr_data_count  (             ), // WR_DATA_COUNT_WIDTH-bit output: Write Data Count: This bus indicates
                                         // the number of words written into the FIFO.
        .wr_rst_busy    (             ), // 1-bit output: Write Reset Busy: Active-High indicator that the FIFO
                                         // write domain is currently in a reset state.
        .din            (xpm_din      ), // WRITE_DATA_WIDTH-bit input: Write Data: The input data bus used when
                                         // writing the FIFO.
        .injectdbiterr  (1'b0         ), // 1-bit input: Double Bit Error Injection: Injects a double bit error if
                                         // the ECC feature is used on block RAMs or UltraRAM macros.
        .injectsbiterr  (1'b0         ), // 1-bit input: Single Bit Error Injection: Injects a single bit error if
                                         // the ECC feature is used on block RAMs or UltraRAM macros.
        .rd_en          (xpm_rd_en    ), // 1-bit input: Read Enable: If the FIFO is not empty, asserting this
                                         // signal causes data(on dout) to be read from the FIFO. Must be held
                                         // active-low when rd_rst_busy is active high.
        .rst            (~srst_n      ), // 1-bit input: Reset: Must be synchronous to wr_clk. The clock(s) can be
                                         // unstable at the time of applying reset, but reset must be released only
                                         // after the clock(s) is/are stable.
        .sleep          (1'b0         ), // 1-bit input: Dynamic power saving- If sleep is High, the memory/fifo
                                         // block is in power saving mode.
        .wr_clk         (sclk         ), // 1-bit input: Write clock: Used for write operation. wr_clk must be a
                                         // free running clock.
        .wr_en          (xpm_wr_en    )  // 1-bit input: Write Enable: If the FIFO is not full, asserting this
                                         // signal causes data(on din) to be written to the FIFO Must be held
                                         // active-low when rst or wr_rst_busy or rd_rst_busy is active high



FIFO Generator IP核 高8bit先输出,低8bit最后输出

XPM_FIFO原语 低8bit先输出,高8bit最后输出


//  Copyright (c) JoeJoe.
//  Project  : fifo_test
//  Module   : fifo_test.v
//  Parent   : None
//  Children : None
//  Description: 
//  Parameters:
//  Local Parameters:
//  Notes       : 
//  Multicycle and False Paths
//    Some exist, embedded within the submodules. See the submodule
//    descriptions.

`timescale 1ns/1ps

module fifo_test (
     input sclk
    ,input srst_n

// Parameter definitions

// Reg declarations

    reg [2:0] wait_cnt;

    reg wr_en;
    reg [31:0] din;
    wire rd_en;
    wire prog_full;
    wire full;
    wire empty;
    wire [7:0] dout;
    reg xpm_wr_en;
    reg [31:0] xpm_din;
    wire xpm_rd_en;
    wire xpm_prog_full;
    wire xpm_full;
    wire xpm_empty;
    wire [7:0] xpm_dout;

// Wire declarations

// Code

    // 等待XPM FIFO not busy
    always @(posedge sclk) begin
        if (srst_n == 1'b0) begin
            wait_cnt <= 'd0;
        else begin
            if (wait_cnt == 'd7) begin
                wait_cnt <= wait_cnt;
            else begin
                wait_cnt <= wait_cnt + 'd1;

    // 非满就写
    always @(posedge sclk) begin
        if (srst_n == 1'b0) begin
            wr_en <= 1'b0;
            din <= 'd0;
        else begin
            if (prog_full == 1'b1) begin
                wr_en <= 1'b0;
                din <= din;
            else if (wait_cnt == 'd7) begin
                wr_en <= 1'b1;
                din <= din + 'd1;
            else begin
                wr_en <= 1'b0;
                din <= 'd0;

    // 非空就读
    assign rd_en = ~empty;

    // 非满就写
    always @(posedge sclk) begin
        if (srst_n == 1'b0) begin
            xpm_wr_en <= 1'b0;
            xpm_din <= 'd0;
        else begin
            if (xpm_prog_full == 1'b1) begin
                xpm_wr_en <= 1'b0;
                xpm_din <= xpm_din;
            else if (wait_cnt == 'd7) begin
                xpm_wr_en <= 1'b1;
                xpm_din <= xpm_din + 'd1;
            else begin
                xpm_wr_en <= 1'b0;
                xpm_din <= 'd0;

    // 非空就读
    assign xpm_rd_en = ~xpm_empty;

    // fifo_generator_0 U_FIFO_GENERATOR_0 (
    //      .clk              ( sclk           ) // input wire clk
    //     ,.srst             ( ~srst_n        ) // input wire srst
    //     ,.din              ( din            ) // input wire [7 : 0] din
    //     ,.wr_en            ( wr_en          ) // input wire wr_en
    //     ,.rd_en            ( rd_en          ) // input wire rd_en
    //     ,.dout             ( dout           ) // output wire [31 : 0] dout
    //     ,.full             ( full           ) // output wire full
    //     ,.empty            ( empty          ) // output wire empty
    //     ,.prog_full        ( prog_full      ) // output wire prog_full
    // );

    fifo_generator_1 U_FIFO_GENERATOR_1 (
         .clk              ( sclk           ) // input wire clk
        ,.srst             ( ~srst_n        ) // input wire srst
        ,.din              ( din            ) // input wire [31 : 0] din
        ,.wr_en            ( wr_en          ) // input wire wr_en
        ,.rd_en            ( rd_en          ) // input wire rd_en
        ,.dout             ( dout           ) // output wire [7 : 0] dout
        ,.full             ( full           ) // output wire full
        ,.empty            ( empty          ) // output wire empty
        ,.prog_full        ( prog_full      ) // output wire prog_full

    xpm_fifo_sync #(
        .DOUT_RESET_VALUE   ( "0"      ), // String
        .ECC_MODE           ( "no_ecc" ), // String
        .FIFO_MEMORY_TYPE   ( "block"  ), // String
        .FIFO_READ_LATENCY  ( 0        ), // DECIMAL
        .FIFO_WRITE_DEPTH   ( 256      ), // DECIMAL
        .FULL_RESET_VALUE   ( 0        ), // DECIMAL
        .PROG_EMPTY_THRESH  ( 10       ), // DECIMAL
        .PROG_FULL_THRESH   ( 125      ), // DECIMAL
        .RD_DATA_COUNT_WIDTH( 1        ), // DECIMAL
        .READ_DATA_WIDTH    ( 8        ), // DECIMAL
        .READ_MODE          ( "fwft"   ), // String
        .SIM_ASSERT_CHK     ( 0        ), // DECIMAL; 0=disable simulation messages, 1=enable simulation messages
        .USE_ADV_FEATURES   ( "0707"   ), // String
        .WAKEUP_TIME        ( 0        ), // DECIMAL
        .WRITE_DATA_WIDTH   ( 32       ), // DECIMAL
        .WR_DATA_COUNT_WIDTH( 1        )  // DECIMAL
        .almost_empty   (             ), // 1-bit output: Almost Empty : When asserted, this signal indicates that
                                         // only one more read can be performed before the FIFO goes to empty.
        .almost_full    (             ), // 1-bit output: Almost Full: When asserted, this signal indicates that
                                         // only one more write can be performed before the FIFO is full.
        .data_valid     (             ), // 1-bit output: Read Data Valid: When asserted, this signal indicates
                                         // that valid data is available on the output bus (dout         ).
        .dbiterr        (             ), // 1-bit output: Double Bit Error: Indicates that the ECC decoder detected
                                         // a double-bit error and data in the FIFO core is corrupted.
        .dout           (xpm_dout     ), // READ_DATA_WIDTH-bit output: Read Data: The output data bus is driven
                                         // when reading the FIFO.
        .empty          (xpm_empty    ), // 1-bit output: Empty Flag: When asserted, this signal indicates that the
                                         // FIFO is empty. Read requests are ignored when the FIFO is empty,
                                         // initiating a read while empty is not destructive to the FIFO.
        .full           (xpm_full     ), // 1-bit output: Full Flag: When asserted, this signal indicates that the
                                         // FIFO is full. Write requests are ignored when the FIFO is full,
                                         // initiating a write when the FIFO is full is not destructive to the
                                         // contents of the FIFO.
        .overflow       (             ), // 1-bit output: Overflow: This signal indicates that a write request
                                         // (wren) during the prior clock cycle was rejected, because the FIFO is
                                         // full. Overflowing the FIFO is not destructive to the contents of the
                                         // FIFO.
        .prog_empty     (             ), // 1-bit output: Programmable Empty: This signal is asserted when the
                                         // number of words in the FIFO is less than or equal to the programmable
                                         // empty threshold value. It is de-asserted when the number of words in
                                         // the FIFO exceeds the programmable empty threshold value.
        .prog_full      (xpm_prog_full), // 1-bit output: Programmable Full: This signal is asserted when the
                                         // number of words in the FIFO is greater than or equal to the
                                         // programmable full threshold value. It is de-asserted when the number of
                                         // words in the FIFO is less than the programmable full threshold value.
        .rd_data_count  (             ), // RD_DATA_COUNT_WIDTH-bit output: Read Data Count: This bus indicates the
                                         // number of words read from the FIFO.
        .rd_rst_busy    (             ), // 1-bit output: Read Reset Busy: Active-High indicator that the FIFO read
                                         // domain is currently in a reset state.
        .sbiterr        (             ), // 1-bit output: Single Bit Error: Indicates that the ECC decoder detected
                                         // and fixed a single-bit error.
        .underflow      (             ), // 1-bit output: Underflow: Indicates that the read request (rd_en) during
                                         // the previous clock cycle was rejected because the FIFO is empty. Under
                                         // flowing the FIFO is not destructive to the FIFO.
        .wr_ack         (             ), // 1-bit output: Write Acknowledge: This signal indicates that a write
                                         // request(wr_en) during the prior clock cycle is succeeded.
        .wr_data_count  (             ), // WR_DATA_COUNT_WIDTH-bit output: Write Data Count: This bus indicates
                                         // the number of words written into the FIFO.
        .wr_rst_busy    (             ), // 1-bit output: Write Reset Busy: Active-High indicator that the FIFO
                                         // write domain is currently in a reset state.
        .din            (xpm_din      ), // WRITE_DATA_WIDTH-bit input: Write Data: The input data bus used when
                                         // writing the FIFO.
        .injectdbiterr  (1'b0         ), // 1-bit input: Double Bit Error Injection: Injects a double bit error if
                                         // the ECC feature is used on block RAMs or UltraRAM macros.
        .injectsbiterr  (1'b0         ), // 1-bit input: Single Bit Error Injection: Injects a single bit error if
                                         // the ECC feature is used on block RAMs or UltraRAM macros.
        .rd_en          (xpm_rd_en    ), // 1-bit input: Read Enable: If the FIFO is not empty, asserting this
                                         // signal causes data(on dout) to be read from the FIFO. Must be held
                                         // active-low when rd_rst_busy is active high.
        .rst            (~srst_n      ), // 1-bit input: Reset: Must be synchronous to wr_clk. The clock(s) can be
                                         // unstable at the time of applying reset, but reset must be released only
                                         // after the clock(s) is/are stable.
        .sleep          (1'b0         ), // 1-bit input: Dynamic power saving- If sleep is High, the memory/fifo
                                         // block is in power saving mode.
        .wr_clk         (sclk         ), // 1-bit input: Write clock: Used for write operation. wr_clk must be a
                                         // free running clock.
        .wr_en          (xpm_wr_en    )  // 1-bit input: Write Enable: If the FIFO is not full, asserting this
                                         // signal causes data(on din) to be written to the FIFO Must be held
                                         // active-low when rst or wr_rst_busy or rd_rst_busy is active high


参考文档如下:《FIFO Generator v13.2 Product Guide》(PG057)
FIFO Generator IP

FIFO Generator IP,小位宽写,大位宽读,大端。
FIFO Generator IP,大位宽写,小位宽读。
疑问:XPM_FIFO为什么不可以设置大小端,以及为什么不和FIFO Generator IP统一???





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2023年数维杯国际大学生数学建模挑战赛 D题 洗衣房清洁计算 原题再现&#xff1a; 洗衣房清洁是人们每天都要做的事情。洗衣粉的去污作用来源于一些表面活性剂。它们可以增加水的渗透性&#xff0c;并利用分子间静电排斥机制去除污垢颗粒。由于表面活性剂分子的存在&#xff…


一、tar压缩和解压缩 tar [选项] 打包文件名 源文件或目录 选项含义-c创建新的归档文件-x从归档文件中提取文件-v显示详细信息-f指定归档文件的名称-z通过gzip进行压缩或解压缩-j通过bzip2进行压缩或解压缩-J通过xz进行压缩或解压缩-p保留原始文件的权限和属性–excludePATTE…


查看Linux服务器的硬盘占用情况 一、查看各分区的使用情况和磁盘挂载1、查看磁盘分区使用和磁盘挂载2、结果解释&#xff08;1&#xff09;列名解释&#xff08;2&#xff09;各系统解释 二、查看一个目录及其所有子目录中文件的总占用大小1、查看指定目录的总大小2、列出目录下…

2024/5/15 英语每日一段

Many pet owners are now turning to pet insurance policies to avoid higher vet bills should something bad happen unexpectedly. But Carlson said that preventive veterinary care—like vaccination, parasite control and weight management—is "the best way …

【REST2SQL】14 基于角色的数据权限设计与实现

【REST2SQL】01RDB关系型数据库REST初设计 【REST2SQL】02 GO连接Oracle数据库 【REST2SQL】03 GO读取JSON文件 【REST2SQL】04 REST2SQL第一版Oracle版实现 【REST2SQL】05 GO 操作 达梦 数据库 【REST2SQL】06 GO 跨包接口重构代码 【REST2SQL】07 GO 操作 Mysql 数据库 【RE…