
news2024/9/21 0:51:43


1. 配置onconfig参数

        通过修改onconfig参数文件,或使用onmode -wf命令,设置备份默认使用的存储设备。

  • 检查onconfig文件中备份的存储设备参数,发现未指定

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -g cfg |grep TAPEDEV
TAPEDEV                   /dev/null
LTAPEDEV                  /dev/null

  • 创建一个目录,并设置物理备份和逻辑备份的存储设备为新创建的目录。

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ mkdir backup
[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onmode -wf "LTAPEDEV=/home/informix/backup"
Value of LTAPEDEV has been changed to /home/informix/backup.
[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onmode -wf "TAPEDEV=/home/informix/backup"
Value of TAPEDEV has been changed to /home/informix/backup.

  • 再次查看备份设备参数,确认已经指向新创建的目录。

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -g cfg |grep TAPEDEV |grep -v '#'
TAPEDEV                   /home/informix/backup
LTAPEDEV                  /home/informix/backup

2. 备份与恢复实验



image656×570 17.2 KB


  • 操作演示


[informix@vm84145 ~]$ dbaccess - -
> create database tapedb in datadbs1 with log;

Database created.

> create table t_dept(f_deptid int, f_deptname varchar(20));     

Table created.

> create table t_employee(f_employeeid int, f_deptid int, f_employeename varchar(20));

Table created.

> info tables;

Table name

t_dept             t_employee         




  • 插入数据

insert into t_dept values(1, 'dept_1');
insert into t_dept values(2, 'dept_2');
insert into t_dept values(3, 'dept_3');

insert into t_employee values(1, 1, 'employee_01');
insert into t_employee values(2, 1, 'employee_02');
insert into t_employee values(3, 2, 'employee_03');
insert into t_employee values(4, 2, 'employee_04');
insert into t_employee values(5, 3, 'employee_05');

  • 查看数据情况

> select * from t_dept;

   f_deptid f_deptname           

          1 dept_1              
          2 dept_2              
          3 dept_3              

3 row(s) retrieved.

> select * from t_employee;

f_employeeid    f_deptid f_employeename       

           1           1 employee_01         
           2           1 employee_02         
           3           2 employee_03         
           4           2 employee_04         
           5           3 employee_05         

5 row(s) retrieved.




  • 语法

 ontape -s -L 0


[informix@vm84145 ~]$ ontape -s -L 0
100 percent done.
File created: /home/informix/backup/vm84145_0_L0

Please label this tape as number 1 in the arc tape sequence.
This tape contains the following logical logs:


Program over.
[informix@vm84145 ~]$ cd backup/
[informix@vm84145 backup]$ ll
total 204320
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 209223680 Feb 23 23:14 vm84145_0_L0
[informix@vm84145 backup]$



  • 插入数据
insert into t_employee values(11, 1, 'employee_11');
insert into t_employee values(12, 1, 'employee_12');
insert into t_employee values(13, 2, 'employee_13');
insert into t_employee values(14, 2, 'employee_14');
insert into t_employee values(15, 3, 'employee_15');
  • 查看数据情况

> select * from t_employee;

f_employeeid    f_deptid f_employeename       

           1           1 employee_01         
           2           1 employee_02         
           3           2 employee_03         
           4           2 employee_04         
           5           3 employee_05         
          11           1 employee_11         
          12           1 employee_12         
          13           2 employee_13         
          14           2 employee_14         
          15           3 employee_15         

10 row(s) retrieved.




  • 语法 
ontape -s -L 1
  • 操作演示

[informix@vm84145 backup]$ ontape -s -L 1
100 percent done.
File created: /home/informix/backup/vm84145_0_L1

Please label this tape as number 1 in the arc tape sequence.
This tape contains the following logical logs:


Program over.
[informix@vm84145 backup]$ ll
total 381152
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 209223680 Feb 23 23:14 vm84145_0_L0
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 181075968 Feb 23 23:20 vm84145_0_L1
[informix@vm84145 backup]$



  • 插入数据
insert into t_employee values(16, 3, 'employee_16');
  • 查看数据情况

[informix@vm84145 backup]$ dbaccess tapedb -

Database selected.

> insert into t_employee values(16, 3, 'employee_16');

1 row(s) inserted.

> select * from t_employee;

f_employeeid    f_deptid f_employeename       

           1           1 employee_01         
           2           1 employee_02         
           3           2 employee_03         
           4           2 employee_04         
           5           3 employee_05         
          11           1 employee_11         
          12           1 employee_12         
          13           2 employee_13         
          14           2 employee_14         
          15           3 employee_15         
          16           3 employee_16         

11 row(s) retrieved.




  • 语法
ontape -s -L 1
  • 操作演示

[informix@vm84145 backup]$ ontape -s -L 1
100 percent done.
File created: /home/informix/backup/vm84145_0_L1

Please label this tape as number 1 in the arc tape sequence.
This tape contains the following logical logs:


Program over.
[informix@vm84145 backup]$ ll
total 557984
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 181075968 Feb 23 23:20 vm84145_0_20220223_232007_L1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 209223680 Feb 23 23:14 vm84145_0_L0
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 181075968 Feb 23 23:25 vm84145_0_L1
[informix@vm84145 backup]$

当连续执行L 1备份时,原来的L1备份会被重命名为


  • 插入数据

insert into t_employee values(21, 1, 'employee_21');
insert into t_employee values(22, 1, 'employee_22');
insert into t_employee values(23, 2, 'employee_23');
insert into t_employee values(24, 2, 'employee_24');
insert into t_employee values(25, 3, 'employee_25');

  • 查看数据情况

> select * from t_employee;

f_employeeid    f_deptid f_employeename       

           1           1 employee_01         
           2           1 employee_02         
           3           2 employee_03         
           4           2 employee_04         
           5           3 employee_05         
          11           1 employee_11         
          12           1 employee_12         
          13           2 employee_13         
          14           2 employee_14         
          15           3 employee_15         
          16           3 employee_16         
          21           1 employee_21         
          22           1 employee_22         
          23           2 employee_23         
          24           2 employee_24         
          25           3 employee_25         

16 row(s) retrieved.




  • 语法
ontape -s -L 2
  • 操作演示

[informix@vm84145 backup]$ ontape -s -L 2
100 percent done.
File created: /home/informix/backup/vm84145_0_L2

Please label this tape as number 1 in the arc tape sequence.
This tape contains the following logical logs:


Program over.
[informix@vm84145 backup]$ ll
total 734848
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 181075968 Feb 23 23:20 vm84145_0_20220223_232007_L1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 209223680 Feb 23 23:14 vm84145_0_L0
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 181075968 Feb 23 23:25 vm84145_0_L1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 181108736 Feb 23 23:43 vm84145_0_L2
[informix@vm84145 backup]$



  • 数据操作

[informix@vm84145 backup]$ dbaccess tapedb -

Database selected.

> insert into t_dept values(4, 'dept_4');

1 row(s) inserted.

> update t_employee set f_employeename = 'employee_updated' where f_employeeid = 11;

1 row(s) updated.


  • 查看数据

> select * from t_dept;

   f_deptid f_deptname           

          1 dept_1              
          2 dept_2              
          3 dept_3              
          4 dept_4              

4 row(s) retrieved.

> select * from t_employee;

f_employeeid    f_deptid f_employeename       

           1           1 employee_01         
           2           1 employee_02         
           3           2 employee_03         
           4           2 employee_04         
           5           3 employee_05         
          11           1 employee_updated    
          12           1 employee_12         
          13           2 employee_13         
          14           2 employee_14         
          15           3 employee_15         
          16           3 employee_16         
          21           1 employee_21         
          22           1 employee_22         
          23           2 employee_23         
          24           2 employee_24         
          25           3 employee_25         

16 row(s) retrieved.




  • 切换前,当前的逻辑日志文件(number)是7,唯一编号(uniqid)为7。

[informix@vm84145 backup]$ onstat -l

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 5 days 03:53:53 -- 2374324 Kbytes

Physical Logging
Buffer bufused  bufsize  numpages   numwrits   pages/io
  P-2  24       1024     34255      924        37.07
      phybegin         physize    phypos     phyused    %used   
      3:53             1023945    46558      24         0.00    

Logical Logging
Buffer bufused  bufsize  numrecs    numpages   numwrits   recs/pages pages/io
  L-2  0        512      448373     62687      49756      7.2        1.3     
        Subsystem    numrecs    Log Space used
        OLDRSAM      447573     48095856      
        HA           667        29348         
        DDL          133        46284         

address          number   flags    uniqid   begin                size     used    %used
475dffa8         7        U---C-L  7        2:53               102390    88177    86.12
475fbf88         8        A------  0        2:102443           102390        0     0.00
48882d90         9        A------  0        2:204833           102390        0     0.00
48882df8         10       A------  0        2:307223           102390        0     0.00
48882e60         11       A------  0        2:409613           102390        0     0.00
48882ec8         12       A------  0        2:512003           102390        0     0.00
48882f30         13       A------  0        2:614393           102390        0     0.00
48882f98         14       A------  0        2:716783           102390        0     0.00
473abf68         15       A------  0        2:819173           102390        0     0.00
47481f40         16       A------  0        2:921563           102390        0     0.00
 10 active, 10 total

[informix@vm84145 backup]$

  • 执行逻辑日志切换命令
[informix@vm84145 backup]$ onmode -l
  • 切换后,当前的逻辑日志文件(number)是8,唯一编号(uniqid)为8。

[informix@vm84145 backup]$ onstat -l

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 5 days 03:55:14 -- 2374324 Kbytes

Physical Logging
Buffer bufused  bufsize  numpages   numwrits   pages/io
  P-2  16       1024     34294      926        37.03
      phybegin         physize    phypos     phyused    %used   
      3:53             1023945    46597      31         0.00    

Logical Logging
Buffer bufused  bufsize  numrecs    numpages   numwrits   recs/pages pages/io
  L-3  0        512      448398     62694      49763      7.2        1.3     
        Subsystem    numrecs    Log Space used
        OLDRSAM      447597     48098256      
        HA           668        29392         
        DDL          133        46284         

address          number   flags    uniqid   begin                size     used    %used
475dffa8         7        U-----L  7        2:53               102390    88180    86.12
475fbf88         8        U---C--  8        2:102443           102390        4     0.00
48882d90         9        A------  0        2:204833           102390        0     0.00
48882df8         10       A------  0        2:307223           102390        0     0.00
48882e60         11       A------  0        2:409613           102390        0     0.00
48882ec8         12       A------  0        2:512003           102390        0     0.00
48882f30         13       A------  0        2:614393           102390        0     0.00
48882f98         14       A------  0        2:716783           102390        0     0.00
473abf68         15       A------  0        2:819173           102390        0     0.00
47481f40         16       A------  0        2:921563           102390        0     0.00
 10 active, 10 total

[informix@vm84145 backup]$


  • 在灾难发生前,删除一个记录,用于后续恢复时的验证用例。

[informix@vm84145 backup]$ dbaccess tapedb -

Database selected.

> delete from t_employee where f_employeeid = 14;

1 row(s) deleted.

> select * from t_employee;

f_employeeid    f_deptid f_employeename       

           1           1 employee_01         
           2           1 employee_02         
           3           2 employee_03         
           4           2 employee_04         
           5           3 employee_05         
          11           1 employee_updated    
          12           1 employee_12         
          13           2 employee_13         
          15           3 employee_15         
          16           3 employee_16         
          21           1 employee_21         
          22           1 employee_22         
          23           2 employee_23         
          24           2 employee_24         
          25           3 employee_25         

15 row(s) retrieved.

> select * from t_dept;

   f_deptid f_deptname           

          1 dept_1              
          2 dept_2              
          3 dept_3              
          4 dept_4              

4 row(s) retrieved.



我们在步骤1中执行create database tapedb in datadbs1 with log;,指定演示数据库创建在datadbs1中,我们可以删除该数据库空间对应的文件,破坏数据。

使用onstat -d列出数据库中的表空间。

[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onstat -d

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 5 days 21:29:58 -- 2374324 Kbytes

address          number   flags      fchunk   nchunks  pgsize   flags    owner    name
47481028         1        0x1        1        1        2048     N  BA    informix rootdbs
48ab60d8         2        0x1        2        1        2048     N  BA    informix llogdbs
48ab6318         3        0x1        3        1        2048     N  BA    informix plogdbs
48ab6558         4        0x2001     4        1        8192     N TBA    informix tempdbs1
48ab6798         5        0x2001     5        1        8192     N TBA    informix tempdbs2
48ab69d8         6        0x2001     6        1        8192     N TBA    informix tempdbs3
48ab6c18         7        0x11       7        1        8192     N BBA    informix bindbs1
48ab7028         8        0x8001     8        1        2048     N SBA    informix sbdbs1
48ab7268         9        0x1        9        1        2048     N  BA    informix datadbs1
48ab74a8         10       0x1        10       1        2048     N  BA    informix datadbs2
48ab76e8         11       0x1        11       1        2048     N  BA    informix datadbs3
48ab7928         12       0x1        12       1        2048     N  BA    informix datadbs4
48ab7b68         13       0x1        13       1        2048     N  BA    informix datadbs5
 13 active, 2047 maximum

Note: For BLOB chunks, the number of free pages shown is out of date.
      Run 'onstat -d update' for current stats.

address          chunk/dbs     offset     size       free       bpages     flags pathname
47481268         1      1      0          1024000    1010153               PO-B-D /home/informix/dbs/rootdbs
48ab9028         2      2      0          1024000    47                    PO-B-D /home/informix/dbs/llogdbs
48aba028         3      3      0          1024000    2                     PO-B-D /home/informix/dbs/plogdbs
48abb028         4      4      0          64000      63947                 PO-B-- /home/informix/dbs/tempdbs1
48abc028         5      5      0          64000      63947                 PO-B-- /home/informix/dbs/tempdbs2
48abd028         6      6      0          64000      63947                 PO-B-- /home/informix/dbs/tempdbs3
48abe028         7      7      0          512000    ~127872     128000     POBB-D /home/informix/dbs/bindbs1
48abf028         8      8      0          512000     477454     477465     POSB-D /home/informix/dbs/sbdbs1
                                 Metadata 34482      25659      34482   
48ac0028         9      9      0          1024000    1019161               PO-B-D /home/informix/dbs/datadbs1-1
48ac1028         10     10     0          1024000    1023947               PO-B-D /home/informix/dbs/datadbs2-1
48ac2028         11     11     0          1024000    1023947               PO-B-D /home/informix/dbs/datadbs3-1
48ac3028         12     12     0          1024000    1023947               PO-B-D /home/informix/dbs/datadbs4-1
48ac4028         13     13     0          1024000    1023947               PO-B-D /home/informix/dbs/datadbs5-1
 13 active, 32766 maximum

NOTE: The values in the "size" and "free" columns for DBspace chunks are
      displayed in terms of "pgsize" of the DBspace to which they belong.

Expanded chunk capacity mode: always

[informix@vm84145 ~]$


address          number   flags      fchunk   nchunks  pgsize   flags    owner    name
48ab7268         9        0x1        9        1        2048     N  BA    informix datadbs1


[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ cd /home/informix/dbs/
[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ ll
total 19968000
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 1048576000 Feb 14 23:49 bindbs1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Feb 24 19:28 datadbs1-1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Feb 18 19:53 datadbs2-1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Feb 18 19:53 datadbs3-1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Feb 18 19:53 datadbs4-1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Feb 18 19:53 datadbs5-1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Feb 24 22:03 llogdbs
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Feb 24 22:03 plogdbs
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Feb 24 22:03 rootdbs
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 1048576000 Feb 18 19:53 sbdbs1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix  524288000 Feb 24 21:13 tempdbs1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix  524288000 Feb 24 21:13 tempdbs2
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix  524288000 Feb 24 20:13 tempdbs3
[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ rm -rf datadbs1-1
[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ ll
total 17920000
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 1048576000 Feb 14 23:49 bindbs1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Feb 18 19:53 datadbs2-1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Feb 18 19:53 datadbs3-1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Feb 18 19:53 datadbs4-1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Feb 18 19:53 datadbs5-1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Feb 24 22:08 llogdbs
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Feb 24 22:08 plogdbs
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Feb 24 22:08 rootdbs
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 1048576000 Feb 18 19:53 sbdbs1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix  524288000 Feb 24 21:13 tempdbs1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix  524288000 Feb 24 21:13 tempdbs2
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix  524288000 Feb 24 20:13 tempdbs3
[informix@vm84145 dbs]$




[informix@vm84145 ~]$ dbaccess tapedb -

Database selected.

> insert into t_dept values(5, 'dept_5');

1 row(s) inserted.

> select * from t_dept;

   f_deptid f_deptname           

          1 dept_1              
          2 dept_2              
          3 dept_3              
          4 dept_4              
          5 dept_5              

5 row(s) retrieved.





[informix@vm84145 ~]$ onmode -ky
[informix@vm84145 ~]$ oninit -vy
Reading configuration file '/home/informix/sinodb/etc/onconfig.sinodb'...succeeded
Creating /INFORMIXTMP/.infxdirs...succeeded
Allocating and attaching to shared memory...succeeded
Creating resident pool 22166 kbytes...succeeded
Creating infos file "/home/informix/sinodb/etc/.infos.sinodb"...succeeded
Linking conf file "/home/informix/sinodb/etc/.conf.sinodb"...succeeded
Initializing rhead structure...rhlock_t 32768 (1024K)... rlock_t (13281K)... Writing to infos file...succeeded
Initialization of Encryption...succeeded
Initializing ASF...succeeded
Initializing Dictionary Cache and SPL Routine Cache...succeeded
Initializing encryption-at-rest if necessary...succeeded
Bringing up ADM VP...succeeded
Creating VP classes...succeeded
Forking main_loop thread...succeeded
Initializing DR structures...succeeded
Forking 1 'soctcp' listener threads...succeeded
Starting tracing...succeeded
Initializing 32 flushers...succeeded
Initializing SDS Server network connections...succeeded
Initializing log/checkpoint information...succeeded
Initializing dbspaces...succeeded
Opening primary chunks...oninit: Cannot open chunk '/home/informix/dbs/datadbs1-1'. errno = 2
Validating chunks...succeeded
Initialize Async Log Flusher...succeeded
Starting B-tree Scanner...succeeded
Init ReadAhead Daemon...succeeded
Init DB Util Daemon...succeeded
Initializing DBSPACETEMP list...succeeded
Init Auto Tuning Daemon...succeeded
Checking database partition index...succeeded
Initializing dataskip structure...succeeded
Checking for temporary tables to drop...succeeded
Updating Global Row Counter...succeeded
Forking onmode_mon thread...succeeded
Creating periodic thread...succeeded
Creating VP cache drain thread...succeeded
Creating limits manager thread...succeeded
Starting scheduling system...succeeded
Verbose output complete: mode = 5
[informix@vm84145 ~]$

在数据库启动时报错,信息:Cannot open chunk ‘/home/informix/dbs/datadbs1-1’. errno = 2。



ontape -a


[informix@vm84145 data]$ onstat -

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- Fast Recovery (CKPT REQ) -- Up 00:05:34 -- 2374324 Kbytes




[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ touch /home/informix/dbs/datadbs1-1
[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ chmod 660 /home/informix/dbs/datadbs1-1
[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ ll
total 17920000
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 1048576000 Feb 14 23:49 bindbs1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix          0 Feb 24 22:24 datadbs1-1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Feb 18 19:53 datadbs2-1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Feb 18 19:53 datadbs3-1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Feb 18 19:53 datadbs4-1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Feb 18 19:53 datadbs5-1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Feb 24 22:12 llogdbs
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Feb 24 22:12 plogdbs
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Feb 24 22:12 rootdbs
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 1048576000 Feb 18 19:53 sbdbs1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix  524288000 Feb 24 22:11 tempdbs1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix  524288000 Feb 24 21:13 tempdbs2
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix  524288000 Feb 24 22:11 tempdbs3
[informix@vm84145 dbs]$



[informix@vm84145 backup]$ onmode -m
[informix@vm84145 backup]$ onstat -

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 00:02:32 -- 2374324 Kbytes

[informix@vm84145 backup]$ dbaccess - -
> database tapedb;

Database selected.

> select * from t_dept;     

   f_deptid f_deptname           

          1 dept_1              
          2 dept_2              
          3 dept_3              

3 row(s) retrieved.

>select * from t_employee;

f_employeeid    f_deptid f_employeename       

           1           1 employee_01         
           2           1 employee_02         
           3           2 employee_03         
           4           2 employee_04         
           5           3 employee_05         

5 row(s) retrieved.





[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ rm -rf /home/informix/dbs/datadbs1-1
[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ ll
total 17920000
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 1048576000 Feb 24 22:31 bindbs1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Feb 24 22:31 datadbs2-1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Feb 24 22:31 datadbs3-1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Feb 24 22:31 datadbs4-1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Feb 24 22:31 datadbs5-1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Feb 24 22:41 llogdbs
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Feb 24 22:36 plogdbs
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Feb 24 22:41 rootdbs
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 1048576000 Feb 24 22:31 sbdbs1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix  524288000 Feb 24 22:36 tempdbs1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix  524288000 Feb 24 22:36 tempdbs2
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix  524288000 Feb 24 22:36 tempdbs3
[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ touch /home/informix/dbs/datadbs1-1
[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ chmod 660 /home/informix/dbs/datadbs1-1
[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ ll
total 17920000
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 1048576000 Feb 24 22:31 bindbs1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix          0 Feb 24 22:43 datadbs1-1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Feb 24 22:31 datadbs2-1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Feb 24 22:31 datadbs3-1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Feb 24 22:31 datadbs4-1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Feb 24 22:31 datadbs5-1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Feb 24 22:41 llogdbs
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Feb 24 22:36 plogdbs
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 2097152000 Feb 24 22:41 rootdbs
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 1048576000 Feb 24 22:31 sbdbs1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix  524288000 Feb 24 22:36 tempdbs1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix  524288000 Feb 24 22:36 tempdbs2
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix  524288000 Feb 24 22:36 tempdbs3
[informix@vm84145 dbs]$


[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ onmode -ky
[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ ontape -r
Restore will use level 0 archive file /home/informix/backup/vm84145_0_L0. Press Return to continue ...

Archive Tape Information

Tape type:      Archive Backup Tape
Online version: Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8
Archive date:   Wed Feb 23 23:14:22 2022
User id:        informix
Terminal id:    /dev/pts/2
Archive level:  0
Tape device:    /home/informix/backup/
Tape blocksize (in k): 32
Tape size (in k): system defined for directory
Tape number in series: 1

Spaces to restore:1 [rootdbs                                                                                                                         ]
2 [bindbs1                                                                                                                         ]
3 [llogdbs                                                                                                                         ]
4 [plogdbs                                                                                                                         ]
5 [datadbs1                                                                                                                        ]
6 [datadbs2                                                                                                                        ]
7 [datadbs3                                                                                                                        ]
8 [datadbs4                                                                                                                        ]
9 [datadbs5                                                                                                                        ]
10 [sbdbs1                                                                                                                          ]

Archive Information

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Copyright 2001, 2017  Sinoregal Corporation
Initialization Time       02/14/2022 23:09:43
System Page Size          2048
Version                   29
Index Page Logging        OFF
Archive CheckPoint Time   02/23/2022 23:14:22


number   flags    fchunk   nchunks  flags    owner                            name
1        30001    1        1        N   A    informix                         rootdbs                                                                                                                         
2        20001    2        1        N   A    informix                         llogdbs                                                                                                                         
3        30001    3        1        N   A    informix                         plogdbs                                                                                                                         
4        2001     4        1        N T A    informix                         tempdbs1                                                                                                                        
5        2001     5        1        N T A    informix                         tempdbs2                                                                                                                        
6        2001     6        1        N T A    informix                         tempdbs3                                                                                                                        
7        20011    7        1        N B A    informix                         bindbs1                                                                                                                         
8        28001    8        1        N S A    informix                         sbdbs1                                                                                                                          
9        20001    9        1        N   A    informix                         datadbs1                                                                                                                        
10       20001    10       1        N   A    informix                         datadbs2                                                                                                                        
11       20001    11       1        N   A    informix                         datadbs3                                                                                                                        
12       20001    12       1        N   A    informix                         datadbs4                                                                                                                        
13       20001    13       1        N   A    informix                         datadbs5                                                                                                                        


chk/dbs offset   size     free     bpages   flags pathname
1   1   0        1024000  1010409           PO--- /home/informix/dbs/rootdbs
2   2   0        1024000  47                PO--- /home/informix/dbs/llogdbs
3   3   0        1024000  2                 PO--- /home/informix/dbs/plogdbs
4   4   0        256000   255564            PO--- /home/informix/dbs/tempdbs1
5   5   0        256000   255788            PO--- /home/informix/dbs/tempdbs2
6   6   0        256000   255788            PO--- /home/informix/dbs/tempdbs3
7   7   0        512000            128000   POB-- /home/informix/dbs/bindbs1
8   8   0        512000   25659             POS-- /home/informix/dbs/sbdbs1
9   9   0        1024000  1019161           PO--- /home/informix/dbs/datadbs1-1
10  10  0        1024000  1023947           PO--- /home/informix/dbs/datadbs2-1
11  11  0        1024000  1023947           PO--- /home/informix/dbs/datadbs3-1
12  12  0        1024000  1023947           PO--- /home/informix/dbs/datadbs4-1
13  13  0        1024000  1023947           PO--- /home/informix/dbs/datadbs5-1

Continue restore? (y/n)y
Do you want to back up the logs? (y/n)y
No log files to salvage. Logs 7 - 8 already exists in directory /home/informix/backup/
Log salvage is complete, continuing restore of archive.
Restore a level 1 archive (y/n) y
Ready for level 1 tape
Restore will use level 1 archive file /home/informix/backup/vm84145_0_L1. Press Return to continue ...

Archive Tape Information

Tape type:      Archive Backup Tape
Online version: Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8
Archive date:   Wed Feb 23 23:25:03 2022
User id:        informix
Terminal id:    /dev/pts/2
Archive level:  1
Tape device:    /home/informix/backup/
Tape blocksize (in k): 32
Tape size (in k): system defined for directory
Tape number in series: 1
Restore a level 2 archive (y/n) n
Do you want to restore log tapes? (y/n)n
/home/informix/sinodb/bin/onmode -sy

Program over.
[informix@vm84145 dbs]$


[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ onstat -

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- Quiescent -- Up 00:03:03 -- 2374324 Kbytes

[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ onmode -m
[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ onstat -

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 00:03:21 -- 2374324 Kbytes

[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ dbaccess tapedb -

Database selected.

> select * from t_dept;  

   f_deptid f_deptname           

          1 dept_1              
          2 dept_2              
          3 dept_3              

3 row(s) retrieved.

> select * from t_employee;

f_employeeid    f_deptid f_employeename       

           1           1 employee_01         
           2           1 employee_02         
           3           2 employee_03         
           4           2 employee_04         
           5           3 employee_05         
          11           1 employee_11         
          12           1 employee_12         
          13           2 employee_13         
          14           2 employee_14         
          15           3 employee_15         
          16           3 employee_16         

11 row(s) retrieved.





[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ rm -rf /home/informix/dbs/datadbs1-1
[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ touch /home/informix/dbs/datadbs1-1
[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ chmod 660 /home/informix/dbs/datadbs1-1
[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ ll /home/informix/dbs/datadbs1-1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 0 Feb 24 22:50 /home/informix/dbs/datadbs1-1
[informix@vm84145 dbs]$


[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ onmode -ky
[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ ontape -r
Restore will use level 0 archive file /home/informix/backup/vm84145_0_L0. Press Return to continue ...

Archive Tape Information

Tape type:      Archive Backup Tape
Online version: Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8
Archive date:   Wed Feb 23 23:14:22 2022
User id:        informix
Terminal id:    /dev/pts/2
Archive level:  0
Tape device:    /home/informix/backup/
Tape blocksize (in k): 32
Tape size (in k): system defined for directory
Tape number in series: 1

Spaces to restore:1 [rootdbs                                                                                                                         ]
2 [bindbs1                                                                                                                         ]
3 [llogdbs                                                                                                                         ]
4 [plogdbs                                                                                                                         ]
5 [datadbs1                                                                                                                        ]
6 [datadbs2                                                                                                                        ]
7 [datadbs3                                                                                                                        ]
8 [datadbs4                                                                                                                        ]
9 [datadbs5                                                                                                                        ]
10 [sbdbs1                                                                                                                          ]

Archive Information

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Copyright 2001, 2017  Sinoregal Corporation
Initialization Time       02/14/2022 23:09:43
System Page Size          2048
Version                   29
Index Page Logging        OFF
Archive CheckPoint Time   02/23/2022 23:14:22


number   flags    fchunk   nchunks  flags    owner                            name
1        30001    1        1        N   A    informix                         rootdbs                                                                                                                         
2        20001    2        1        N   A    informix                         llogdbs                                                                                                                         
3        30001    3        1        N   A    informix                         plogdbs                                                                                                                         
4        2001     4        1        N T A    informix                         tempdbs1                                                                                                                        
5        2001     5        1        N T A    informix                         tempdbs2                                                                                                                        
6        2001     6        1        N T A    informix                         tempdbs3                                                                                                                        
7        20011    7        1        N B A    informix                         bindbs1                                                                                                                         
8        28001    8        1        N S A    informix                         sbdbs1                                                                                                                          
9        20001    9        1        N   A    informix                         datadbs1                                                                                                                        
10       20001    10       1        N   A    informix                         datadbs2                                                                                                                        
11       20001    11       1        N   A    informix                         datadbs3                                                                                                                        
12       20001    12       1        N   A    informix                         datadbs4                                                                                                                        
13       20001    13       1        N   A    informix                         datadbs5                                                                                                                        


chk/dbs offset   size     free     bpages   flags pathname
1   1   0        1024000  1010409           PO--- /home/informix/dbs/rootdbs
2   2   0        1024000  47                PO--- /home/informix/dbs/llogdbs
3   3   0        1024000  2                 PO--- /home/informix/dbs/plogdbs
4   4   0        256000   255564            PO--- /home/informix/dbs/tempdbs1
5   5   0        256000   255788            PO--- /home/informix/dbs/tempdbs2
6   6   0        256000   255788            PO--- /home/informix/dbs/tempdbs3
7   7   0        512000            128000   POB-- /home/informix/dbs/bindbs1
8   8   0        512000   25659             POS-- /home/informix/dbs/sbdbs1
9   9   0        1024000  1019161           PO--- /home/informix/dbs/datadbs1-1
10  10  0        1024000  1023947           PO--- /home/informix/dbs/datadbs2-1
11  11  0        1024000  1023947           PO--- /home/informix/dbs/datadbs3-1
12  12  0        1024000  1023947           PO--- /home/informix/dbs/datadbs4-1
13  13  0        1024000  1023947           PO--- /home/informix/dbs/datadbs5-1

Continue restore? (y/n)y
Do you want to back up the logs? (y/n)y
No log files to salvage. Logs 7 - 7 already exists in directory /home/informix/backup/
Log salvage is complete, continuing restore of archive.

Restore a level 1 archive (y/n) Ready for level 1 tape
Restore will use level 1 archive file /home/informix/backup/vm84145_0_L1. Press Return to continue ...

Archive Tape Information

Tape type:      Archive Backup Tape
Online version: Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8
Archive date:   Wed Feb 23 23:25:03 2022
User id:        informix
Terminal id:    /dev/pts/2
Archive level:  1
Tape device:    /home/informix/backup/
Tape blocksize (in k): 32
Tape size (in k): system defined for directory
Tape number in series: 1
Restore a level 2 archive (y/n) y
Ready for level 2 tape
Restore will use level 2 archive file /home/informix/backup/vm84145_0_L2. Press Return to continue ...

Archive Tape Information

Tape type:      Archive Backup Tape
Online version: Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8
Archive date:   Wed Feb 23 23:43:13 2022
User id:        informix
Terminal id:    /dev/pts/2
Archive level:  2
Tape device:    /home/informix/backup/
Tape blocksize (in k): 32
Tape size (in k): system defined for directory
Tape number in series: 1
Do you want to restore log tapes? (y/n)n
/home/informix/sinodb/bin/onmode -sy

Program over.
[informix@vm84145 dbs]$


[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ onmode -m
[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ dbaccess tapedb -

Database selected.

> select * from t_dept;

   f_deptid f_deptname           

          1 dept_1              
          2 dept_2              
          3 dept_3              

3 row(s) retrieved.

> select * from t_employee;

f_employeeid    f_deptid f_employeename       

           1           1 employee_01         
           2           1 employee_02         
           3           2 employee_03         
           4           2 employee_04         
           5           3 employee_05         
          11           1 employee_11         
          12           1 employee_12         
          13           2 employee_13         
          14           2 employee_14         
          15           3 employee_15         
          16           3 employee_16         
          21           1 employee_21         
          22           1 employee_22         
          23           2 employee_23         
          24           2 employee_24         
          25           3 employee_25         

16 row(s) retrieved.



[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ rm -rf /home/informix/dbs/datadbs1-1
[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ touch /home/informix/dbs/datadbs1-1
[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ chmod 660 /home/informix/dbs/datadbs1-1
[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ ll /home/informix/dbs/datadbs1-1
-rw-rw---- 1 informix informix 0 Feb 24 22:55 /home/informix/dbs/datadbs1-1
[informix@vm84145 dbs]$


[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ onmode -ky
[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ ontape -r
Restore will use level 0 archive file /home/informix/backup/vm84145_0_L0. Press Return to continue ...

Archive Tape Information

Tape type:      Archive Backup Tape
Online version: Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8
Archive date:   Wed Feb 23 23:14:22 2022
User id:        informix
Terminal id:    /dev/pts/2
Archive level:  0
Tape device:    /home/informix/backup/
Tape blocksize (in k): 32
Tape size (in k): system defined for directory
Tape number in series: 1

Spaces to restore:1 [rootdbs                                                                                                                         ]
2 [bindbs1                                                                                                                         ]
3 [llogdbs                                                                                                                         ]
4 [plogdbs                                                                                                                         ]
5 [datadbs1                                                                                                                        ]
6 [datadbs2                                                                                                                        ]
7 [datadbs3                                                                                                                        ]
8 [datadbs4                                                                                                                        ]
9 [datadbs5                                                                                                                        ]
10 [sbdbs1                                                                                                                          ]

Archive Information

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Copyright 2001, 2017  Sinoregal Corporation
Initialization Time       02/14/2022 23:09:43
System Page Size          2048
Version                   29
Index Page Logging        OFF
Archive CheckPoint Time   02/23/2022 23:14:22


number   flags    fchunk   nchunks  flags    owner                            name
1        30001    1        1        N   A    informix                         rootdbs                                                                                                                         
2        20001    2        1        N   A    informix                         llogdbs                                                                                                                         
3        30001    3        1        N   A    informix                         plogdbs                                                                                                                         
4        2001     4        1        N T A    informix                         tempdbs1                                                                                                                        
5        2001     5        1        N T A    informix                         tempdbs2                                                                                                                        
6        2001     6        1        N T A    informix                         tempdbs3                                                                                                                        
7        20011    7        1        N B A    informix                         bindbs1                                                                                                                         
8        28001    8        1        N S A    informix                         sbdbs1                                                                                                                          
9        20001    9        1        N   A    informix                         datadbs1                                                                                                                        
10       20001    10       1        N   A    informix                         datadbs2                                                                                                                        
11       20001    11       1        N   A    informix                         datadbs3                                                                                                                        
12       20001    12       1        N   A    informix                         datadbs4                                                                                                                        
13       20001    13       1        N   A    informix                         datadbs5                                                                                                                        


chk/dbs offset   size     free     bpages   flags pathname
1   1   0        1024000  1010409           PO--- /home/informix/dbs/rootdbs
2   2   0        1024000  47                PO--- /home/informix/dbs/llogdbs
3   3   0        1024000  2                 PO--- /home/informix/dbs/plogdbs
4   4   0        256000   255564            PO--- /home/informix/dbs/tempdbs1
5   5   0        256000   255788            PO--- /home/informix/dbs/tempdbs2
6   6   0        256000   255788            PO--- /home/informix/dbs/tempdbs3
7   7   0        512000            128000   POB-- /home/informix/dbs/bindbs1
8   8   0        512000   25659             POS-- /home/informix/dbs/sbdbs1
9   9   0        1024000  1019161           PO--- /home/informix/dbs/datadbs1-1
10  10  0        1024000  1023947           PO--- /home/informix/dbs/datadbs2-1
11  11  0        1024000  1023947           PO--- /home/informix/dbs/datadbs3-1
12  12  0        1024000  1023947           PO--- /home/informix/dbs/datadbs4-1
13  13  0        1024000  1023947           PO--- /home/informix/dbs/datadbs5-1

Continue restore? (y/n)y
Do you want to back up the logs? (y/n)y
No log files to salvage. Logs 7 - 7 already exists in directory /home/informix/backup/
Log salvage is complete, continuing restore of archive.

Restore a level 1 archive (y/n) Restore a level 1 archive (y/n) y
Ready for level 1 tape
Restore will use level 1 archive file /home/informix/backup/vm84145_0_L1. Press Return to continue ...

Archive Tape Information

Tape type:      Archive Backup Tape
Online version: Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8
Archive date:   Wed Feb 23 23:25:03 2022
User id:        informix
Terminal id:    /dev/pts/2
Archive level:  1
Tape device:    /home/informix/backup/
Tape blocksize (in k): 32
Tape size (in k): system defined for directory
Tape number in series: 1
Restore a level 2 archive (y/n) y
Ready for level 2 tape
Restore will use level 2 archive file /home/informix/backup/vm84145_0_L2. Press Return to continue ...

Archive Tape Information

Tape type:      Archive Backup Tape
Online version: Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8
Archive date:   Wed Feb 23 23:43:13 2022
User id:        informix
Terminal id:    /dev/pts/2
Archive level:  2
Tape device:    /home/informix/backup/
Tape blocksize (in k): 32
Tape size (in k): system defined for directory
Tape number in series: 1
Do you want to restore log tapes? (y/n)y

Roll forward should start with log number 7
Restore will use log backup file /home/informix/backup/vm84145_0_Log0000000007. Press Return to continue ...

Rollforward log file /home/informix/backup/vm84145_0_Log0000000007 ...
Rollforward log file /home/informix/backup/vm84145_0_Log0000000008 ...

Program over.
[informix@vm84145 dbs]$


[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ onstat -

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- Quiescent -- Up 00:01:26 -- 2374324 Kbytes

[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ onmode -m
[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ onstat -

Sinoregal SinoDB Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8 -- On-Line -- Up 00:01:35 -- 2374324 Kbytes

[informix@vm84145 dbs]$ dbaccess tapedb -

Database selected.

> select * from t_dept;

   f_deptid f_deptname           

          1 dept_1              
          2 dept_2              
          3 dept_3              
          4 dept_4              
          5 dept_5              

5 row(s) retrieved.

> select * from t_employee;

f_employeeid    f_deptid f_employeename       

           1           1 employee_01         
           2           1 employee_02         
           3           2 employee_03         
           4           2 employee_04         
           5           3 employee_05         
          11           1 employee_updated    
          12           1 employee_12         
          13           2 employee_13         
          15           3 employee_15         
          16           3 employee_16         
          21           1 employee_21         
          22           1 employee_22         
          23           2 employee_23         
          24           2 employee_24         
          25           3 employee_25         

15 row(s) retrieved.





create database tapedb in datadbs1 with log;
create table t_dept(f_deptid int, f_deptname varchar(20));
create table t_employee(f_employeeid int, f_deptid int, f_employeename varchar(20));


insert into t_dept values(1, 'dept_1');
insert into t_dept values(2, 'dept_2');
insert into t_dept values(3, 'dept_3');


insert into t_employee values(1, 1, 'employee_01');
insert into t_employee values(2, 1, 'employee_02');
insert into t_employee values(3, 2, 'employee_03');
insert into t_employee values(4, 2, 'employee_04');
insert into t_employee values(5, 3, 'employee_05');


insert into t_employee values(11, 1, 'employee_11');
insert into t_employee values(12, 1, 'employee_12');
insert into t_employee values(13, 2, 'employee_13');
insert into t_employee values(14, 2, 'employee_14');
insert into t_employee values(15, 3, 'employee_15');


insert into t_employee values(16, 3, 'employee_16');


insert into t_employee values(21, 1, 'employee_21');
insert into t_employee values(22, 1, 'employee_22');
insert into t_employee values(23, 2, 'employee_23');
insert into t_employee values(24, 2, 'employee_24');
insert into t_employee values(25, 3, 'employee_25');


insert into t_dept values(4, 'dept_4');


update t_employee set f_employeename = 'employee_updated' where f_employeeid = 11;


delete from t_employee where f_employeeid = 14;


drop table t_employee;


insert into t_dept values(5, 'dept_5');


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