
news2025/2/23 7:37:08


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  <title>Jello Jumping Game</title>
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	<div class="streak"></div>
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	<div class="help-window">
		<h1>How to Play</h1>
		<p><strong>Click/tap</strong> or press <strong>[spacebar]</strong> to change the color of the jello until it matches the color of the box it’s about to land on.</p>
			<figure><span class="red"></span> &#8594; <span class="yellow"></span><br>&#8593;<span></span><span></span>&#8595; <span class="ascii-arrow">——&gt;</span><br><span class="blue"></span> &#8592; <span class="green"></span></figure><figure>
				<div class="box blue"></div>
				<div class="jello red"></div>
		<p>+1 point each matching land and back to zero if missed. The higher the streak, the faster the jello will jump. See how many you can get in a row!</p>
	<div class="jello-hitbox">
		<div class="jello"></div>
	<div class="boxes">
		<div class="box"></div>
		<div class="box"></div>
	<div class="click-area"></div>
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	<div style="display:none;"><a href="">仿站软件</a></div>


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*, *:before, *:after {
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button, div {
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.help, .help-window, .streak {
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/* help */
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	transform: scale(0);
.help:focus ~ .help-window {
	transform: scale(1);
.help:focus ~ .click-area {
	opacity: 0.5;
/* jello */
.jello-hitbox, .box {
	left: 50%;
.jello-hitbox {
	margin: -4em 0 0 -4em;
	bottom: 6em;
	width: 8em;
	height: 8em;
.jello {
		radial-gradient(1em 1em at 37% 40%,black 45%,transparent 50%),
		radial-gradient(1em 1em at 63% 40%,black 45%,transparent 50%),
		radial-gradient(100% 200% at 50% 0,transparent 0.65em, black 0.75em, black 47%,transparent 50%) 50% 64% / 2.5em 1em;
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	transition: background-color 0.15s linear;
	transform-origin: 50% 100%;
	width: 100%;
	height: 100%;
figure > .box, figure > .jello {
	transform: scale(0.25,0.25);
figure > .jello {
	transform-origin: 0 0;
	width: 8em;
	height: 8em;
figure > .box {
	transform-origin: 50% 100%;
/* boxes */
.boxes, .box {
	bottom: 0;
.boxes {
	width: 100%;
.box {
	background-color: #777;
	border-radius: 0.5em;
	margin-left: -3em;
	width: 6em;
	height: 6em;
.box:last-of-type {
	left: 150%;

/* colors */
.red {
	background-color: #f44;
.yellow {
	background-color: #fc4;
.green {
	background-color: #8c8;
.blue {
	background-color: #48f;
/* other */
.ascii-arrow {
	transform: rotate(-35deg);
	transform-origin: 0 50%;
.click-area {
	background-color: #000;
	opacity: 0;
	width: 100%;
	height: 100%;
.streak {
	font-size: 4em;
	text-align: center;
	width: 100%;
/* animations */
.run > .jello-hitbox {
	animation: jump calc(var(--dur)/2) cubic-bezier(.2,.45,.65,.99) 2 alternate;
.run > .jello-hitbox > .jello {
	animation: squish var(--dur) ease-out;
.run > .boxes {
	animation: scroll var(--dur) linear;

@keyframes jump {
	from, 4% {
		transform: translateY(0);
	to {
		transform: translateY(-12em);
@keyframes squish {
	from, 40%, to {
		transform: scale(1,1);
	8% {
		transform: scale(1.5,0.5);
	16% {
		transform: scale(0.75,1.25);
	24% {
		transform: scale(1.25,0.75);
	32% {
		transform: scale(0.875,1.125);
@keyframes scroll {
	from, 8% {
		transform: translateX(0);
	to {
		transform: translateX(-100%)

function game() {
	var root = document.querySelector(":root"),
		main = document.querySelector("main"),
		streakCounter = document.querySelector(".streak"),
		jelloHitbox = document.querySelector(".jello-hitbox"),
		jello = document.querySelector(".jello-hitbox > .jello"),
		boxes = document.querySelectorAll(".boxes > .box"),
		colors = ["red","yellow","green","blue"],
		streak = 0,
		compDur = window.getComputedStyle(root),
		compDurVal = compDur.getPropertyValue("--dur"),
		dur = (compDurVal.substr(0,compDurVal.length - 1) * 1000),
		minDur = dur/2,
		chooseColor = function() {
			return Math.floor(Math.random() / 0.25);
		curColor = chooseColor(),
		prevMatchColor = curColor,
		nextMatchColor = chooseColor(),
		rerun = function() {
			void main.offsetWidth;
			main.classList.add("run");"--dur",(dur/1000) + "s");
		cycleColor = function() {
			if (curColor == colors.length) {
				curColor = 0;
			jello.className = "jello " + colors[curColor];
		checkColorMatch = function() {
			if (curColor == nextMatchColor) {
				dur -= 10;
				if (dur < minDur) {
					dur = minDur;
				streakCounter.innerHTML = streak;
			} else {
				streak = 0;
				dur = 2000;
				streakCounter.innerHTML = "";

			prevMatchColor = nextMatchColor;
			nextMatchColor = chooseColor();

			boxes[0].className = "box " + colors[prevMatchColor];
			boxes[1].className = "box " + colors[nextMatchColor];
	for (b in boxes) {
		if (b < boxes.length) {
	document.addEventListener("keydown",function(e) {
		if (e.keyCode == 32) {

因为格式原因,有些代码我无法展示,所以这是下载地址:Html网页小游戏源代码 (




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