- Composition里面的Assembly Connection (Intra-ECU Communication)
- System Extract 里面的SystemDataMapping (Inter-ECU Communication)
已经把SWC的所有Data Element都连接上了,接下来就是把SWC的Runnable给Mapping到对应的OS Task上,让它运行起来。
1. Create ECU Extract
2. Link ECU Extract to EcucValueCollection file
3. Map Runnable to OS Task
1. Create ECU Extract
Right-click on the "WiperControl " ECU and select the “Create ECUExtract” option. Which will create
- "WiperControl_FlatView_SWCD.arxml" under "Composition" folder
- "WiperControl_System_EcuExtr.arxml" under "System Info" folder (ECU Extract file) [1]
2. Link ECU Extract to EcucValueCollection file
"08_COMSTACK_CFG.arxml" file contains the "EcucModuleConfigurationValues" (EcuC value) [2]
Single click on the "08_COMSTACK_CFG.arxml", assign the "Ecu Extract" to it. [3]
Right click on the "08_COMSTACK_CFG.arxml", open with "RTE Editor" for this WiperControl_CFG EcucValueCollection. Runnables show on the right side. [4]
3. Map Runnable to OS Task
Right click on the left to create OS Task, drag and drop the UnMapped Runnables to assign it to the OS Task on the left.
[1] 双击ECU Extract,可以在System Editor里面看到,Frame的数量小于Pdu的数量,说明一个CAN Frame被同时发送到了好几个CAN网络的Pdu上去了
[2] 现在只有COM,OS,RTE,以后BswM,EcuM等等各模块都会link到这个arxml文件
[3] 所以说这个EcucValueCollection arxml 文件既有从ECU Extract 过来的 RTE layer以上的Components,Assembly Connection, SystemSignalMapping信息,也有RTE layer 以下的 BswM,EcuM等等各模配置信息。即所有的配置信息(从APPL到BSW)都通过这个arxml文件link起来了
[4] Because "EXTR_WiperControl" ECU Extract is assigned to this "08_COMSTACK_CFG.arxml" EcucValueCollection, so the two Runnables will show in the "UnMapped Entities".
1. 什么时候需要去重新生成ECU Extract?
System Extract只是操作界面,直观的把composition和dbc的ecu,system signal用可视化的界面呈现出来供用户做mapping操作。这就是为什么ECU Extract arxml文件没有操作界面,直接右键ECU生成ECU Extract就好了
因为System Extract的SwcToEcuMapping 和SystemDataMapping都会涉及到ecu,所以只要是在system extract的界面下操作过,都需要去生成ecu extract