鸿蒙OS开发问题:(ArkTS) 【解决中文乱码 string2Uint8Array、uint8Array2String】

news2025/2/22 6:12:53


  let result1: string = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(('一二三四五六七八九十123')))
  LogUtils.i("result1 = " + result1);
  let result2: string = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.parse(result1).toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8)
  LogUtils.i("result2 = " + result2);


 ├1 result1 = 5LiA5LqM5LiJ5Zub5LqU5YWt5LiD5YWr5Lmd5Y2BMTIz
├1 result2 = ä¸äºä¸åäºåÂ

刚开始在编码的时候就已经出问题了,使用CryptoJS 框架 截止发稿前就一直存在这个问题,后面只有自己手撸工具类:

import util from '@ohos.util';

class StringUtils {
   * string转Uint8Array
   * @param value
   * @returns
  string2Uint8Array1(value: string): Uint8Array {
    if (!value) return null;
    let textEncoder = new util.TextEncoder();
    //获取点流并发出 UTF-8 字节流 TextEncoder 的所有实例仅支持 UTF-8 编码
    return textEncoder.encodeInto(value)
   * string转Uint8Array
   * @param value 包含要编码的文本的源字符串
   * @param dest 存储编码结果的Uint8Array对象实例
   * @returns 它返回一个包含读取和写入的两个属性的对象
  string2Uint8Array2(value: string, dest: Uint8Array) {
    if (!value) return null;
    if (!dest) dest = new Uint8Array(value.length);
    let textEncoder = new util.TextEncoder();
    //read:它是一个数值,指定转换为 UTF-8 的字符串字符数。如果 uint8Array 没有足够的空间,这可能小于 src.length(length of source 字符串)。
    //dest:也是一个数值,指定存储在目标 Uint8Array 对象 Array 中的 UTF-8 unicode 的数量。它总是等于阅读。
    textEncoder.encodeIntoUint8Array(value, dest)
    // let result = textEncoder.encodeIntoUint8Array(value, dest)
    // result.read
    // result.written
   * Uint8Array 转  String
   * @param input
  uint8Array2String(input: Uint8Array) {
    let textDecoder = util.TextDecoder.create("utf-8", { ignoreBOM: true })
    return textDecoder.decodeWithStream(input, { stream: false });
   * ArrayBuffer 转  String
   * @param input
   * @returns
  arrayBuffer2String(input: ArrayBuffer) {
    return this.uint8Array2String(new Uint8Array(input))

export default new StringUtils()


let globalPlainText = ""
globalPlainText += "一二三四五六七八九十"
  globalPlainText += "SDK向DevEco Studio提供全量API,DevEco Studio识别开发者项目中选择的设备形态,找到该设备的支持能力集,筛选支持能力集包含的API并提供API联想"

  let dealStr = StringUtils.string2Uint8Array1(globalPlainText)
  let base64Str = base64.encode(dealStr)
  LogUtils.i("base64 = " + base64Str);
  let arr1: ArrayBuffer = base64.decode(base64Str)
  LogUtils.i("result1 = " + StringUtils.arrayBuffer2String(arr1));



TextEncoder源码(部分API在since 9 已废弃):

     * The TextDecoder interface represents a text decoder.
     * The decoder takes the byte stream as the input and outputs the String string.
     * @syscap SystemCapability.Utils.Lang
     * @since 7
    class TextEncoder {
         * Encoding format.
         * @since 7
         * @syscap SystemCapability.Utils.Lang
        readonly encoding = "utf-8";
         * The textEncoder constructor.
         * @since 7
         * @syscap SystemCapability.Utils.Lang
         * The textEncoder constructor.
         * @since 9
         * @syscap SystemCapability.Utils.Lang
         * @param encoding The string for encoding format.
         * @throws {BusinessError} 401 - The type of encoding must be string.
        constructor(encoding?: string);
         * Returns the result of encoder.
         * @since 7
         * @deprecated since 9
         * @useinstead ohos.util.encodeInto
         * @syscap SystemCapability.Utils.Lang
         * @param input The string to be encoded.
         * @returns Returns the encoded text.
        encode(input?: string): Uint8Array;
         * UTF-8 encodes the input string and returns a Uint8Array containing the encoded bytes.
         * @since 9
         * @syscap SystemCapability.Utils.Lang
         * @param input The string to be encoded.
         * @returns Returns the encoded text.
         * @throws {BusinessError} 401 - The type of input must be string.
        encodeInto(input?: string): Uint8Array;
         * Encode string, write the result to dest array.
         * @since 7
         * @deprecated since 9
         * @useinstead ohos.util.encodeIntoUint8Array
         * @syscap SystemCapability.Utils.Lang
         * @param input The string to be encoded.
         * @param dest Decoded numbers in accordance with the format
         * @returns Returns Returns the object, where read represents
         * the number of characters that have been encoded, and written
         * represents the number of bytes occupied by the encoded characters.
        encodeInto(input: string, dest: Uint8Array): {
            read: number;
            written: number;
         * Encode string, write the result to dest array.
         * @since 9
         * @syscap SystemCapability.Utils.Lang
         * @param input The string to be encoded.
         * @param dest Decoded numbers in accordance with the format
         * @returns Returns Returns the object, where read represents
         * the number of characters that have been encoded, and written
         * represents the number of bytes occupied by the encoded characters.
         * @throws {BusinessError} 401 - if the input parameters are invalid.
        encodeIntoUint8Array(input: string, dest: Uint8Array): {
            read: number;
            written: number;

TextDecoder源码(部分API在since 9 已废弃):

     * The TextEncoder represents a text encoder that accepts a string as input,
     * encodes it in UTF-8 format, and outputs UTF-8 byte stream.
     * @syscap SystemCapability.Utils.Lang
     * @since 7
    class TextDecoder {
         * The source encoding's name, lowercased.
         * @since 7
         * @syscap SystemCapability.Utils.Lang
        readonly encoding: string;
         * Returns `true` if error mode is "fatal", and `false` otherwise.
         * @since 7
         * @syscap SystemCapability.Utils.Lang
        readonly fatal: boolean;
         * Returns `true` if ignore BOM flag is set, and `false` otherwise.
         * @since 7
         * @syscap SystemCapability.Utils.Lang
        readonly ignoreBOM = false;
         * The textEncoder constructor.
         * @since 7
         * @deprecated since 9
         * @useinstead ohos.util.TextDecoder.create
         * @syscap SystemCapability.Utils.Lang
         * @param encoding Decoding format
        constructor(encoding?: string, options?: {
            fatal?: boolean;
            ignoreBOM?: boolean;
         * The textEncoder constructor.
         * @since 9
         * @syscap SystemCapability.Utils.Lang
         * Replaces the original constructor to process arguments and return a textDecoder object.
         * @since 9
         * @syscap SystemCapability.Utils.Lang
         * @param encoding Decoding format
         * @throws {BusinessError} 401 - if the input parameters are invalid.
        static create(encoding?: string, options?: {
            fatal?: boolean;
            ignoreBOM?: boolean;
        }): TextDecoder;
         * Returns the result of running encoding's decoder.
         * @since 7
         * @deprecated since 9
         * @useinstead ohos.util.decodeWithStream
         * @syscap SystemCapability.Utils.Lang
         * @param input Decoded numbers in accordance with the format
         * @returns Return decoded text
        decode(input: Uint8Array, options?: {
            stream?: false;
        }): string;
         * Decodes the input and returns a string. If options.stream is true, any incomplete byte sequences occurring
         * at the end of the input are buffered internally and emitted after the next call to textDecoder.decode().
         * If textDecoder.fatal is true, decoding errors that occur will result in a TypeError being thrown.
         * @since 9
         * @syscap SystemCapability.Utils.Lang
         * @param input Decoded numbers in accordance with the format
         * @returns Return decoded text
         * @throws {BusinessError} 401 - if the input parameters are invalid.
        decodeWithStream(input: Uint8Array, options?: {
            stream?: boolean;
        }): string;



自己学习时必须要有一份实用的鸿蒙(Harmony NEXT)资料非常有必要。 这里我推荐,根据鸿蒙开发官网梳理与华为内部人员的分享总结出的开发文档。内容包含了:【ArkTS、ArkUI、Stage模型、多端部署、分布式应用开发、音频、视频、WebGL、OpenHarmony多媒体技术、Napi组件、OpenHarmony内核、Harmony南向开发、鸿蒙项目实战】等技术知识点。



针对鸿蒙成长路线打造的鸿蒙学习文档。鸿蒙(OpenHarmony )学习手册(共计1236页)与鸿蒙(OpenHarmony )开发入门教学视频,帮助大家在技术的道路上更进一步。



  1. ArkTS语言
  2. 安装DevEco Studio
  3. 运用你的第一个ArkTS应用
  4. ArkUI声明式UI开发
  5. .……


  1. Stage模型入门
  2. 网络管理
  3. 数据管理
  4. 电话服务
  5. 分布式应用开发
  6. 通知与窗口管理
  7. 多媒体技术
  8. 安全技能
  9. 任务管理
  10. WebGL
  11. 国际化开发
  12. 应用测试
  13. DFX面向未来设计
  14. 鸿蒙系统移植和裁剪定制
  15. ……


  1. ArkTS实践
  2. UIAbility应用
  3. 网络案例
  4. ……


鸿蒙是完全具备无与伦比的机遇和潜力的;预计到年底将有 5,000 款的应用完成原生鸿蒙开发,这么多的应用需要开发,也就意味着需要有更多的鸿蒙人才。鸿蒙开发工程师也将会迎来爆发式的增长,学习鸿蒙势在必行!





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