
news2025/3/12 23:44:45





1. Is Java Platform Independent if then how?( Java平台是独立的吗?)

Yes, Java is a Platform Independent language. Unlike many programming languages javac compiler compiles the program to form a bytecode or .class file. This file is independent of the software or hardware running but needs a JVM(Java Virtual Machine) file preinstalled in the operating system for further execution of the bytecode.

Although JVM is platform dependent, the bytecode can be created on any System and can be executed in any other system despite hardware or software being used which makes Java platform independent.


2. What are the top Java Features?(Java的主要特性是什么)

Java is one the most famous and most used language in the real world, there are many features in Java that makes it better than any other language some of them are mentioned below:

  • Simple: Java is quite simple to understand and the syntax

  • Platform Independent: Java is platform independent means we can run the same program in any software and hardware and will get the same result.

  • Interpreted: Java is interpreted as well as a compiler-based language.

  • Robust: features like Garbage collection, exception handling, etc that make the language robust.

  • Object-Oriented: Java is an object-oriented language that supports the concepts of class, objects, four pillars of OOPS, etc.

  • Secured: As we can directly share an application with the user without sharing the actual program makes Java a secure language.

  • High Performance: faster than other traditional interpreted programming languages.

  • Dynamic: supports dynamic loading of classes and interfaces.Distributed: feature of Java makes us able to access files by calling the methods from any machine connected.

  • Multithreaded: deal with multiple tasks at once by defining multiple threads

  • Architecture Neutral: it is not dependent on the architecture.


3. What is JVM? (什么是JVM?)

JVM stands for Java Virtual Machine it is a Java interpreter. It is responsible for loading, verifying, and executing the bytecode created in Java.
(JVM是Java Virtual Machine的缩写,是Java的解释器。它负责加载、验证和执行Java中创建的字节码。)

Although it is platform dependent which means the software of JVM is different for different Operating Systems it plays a vital role in making Java platform Independent.


4. What is JIT? 4.什么是JIT?


JIT stands for (Just-in-Time) compiler is a part of JRE(Java Runtime Environment), it is used for better performance of the Java applications during run-time. The use of JIT is mentioned in step by step process mentioned below:

1.Source code is compiled with javac compiler to form bytecode

2.Bytecode is further passed on to JVM

3.JIT is a part of JVM, JIT is responsible for compiling bytecode into native machine code at run time.

4.The JIT compiler is enabled throughout, while it gets activated when a method is invoked. For a compiled method, the JVM directly calls the compiled code, instead of interpreting it.

5.As JVM calls the compiled code that increases the performance and speed of the execution.


5. What are Memory storages available with JVM?(JVM提供哪些内存存储?)


1.JVM consists of a few memory storages as mentioned below:

2.Class(Method) Area: stores class-level data of every class such as the runtime constant pool, field, and method data, and the code for methods.

3.Heap: Objects are created or objects are stored. It is used to allocate memory to objects during run time.

4.Stack: stores data and partial results which will be needed while returning value for method and performing dynamic linking

5.Program Counter Register: stores the address of the Java virtual machine instruction currently being executed.

6.Native Method Stack: stores all the native methods used in the application.



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