C# Stable Diffusion using ONNX Runtime

news2025/2/22 21:53:47

C# Stable Diffusion using ONNX Runtime


Welcome to OnnxStack!

OnnxStack transforms machine learning in .NET, Seamlessly integrating with ONNX Runtime and Microsoft ML, this library empowers you to build, deploy, and execute machine learning models entirely within the .NET ecosystem. Bid farewell to Python dependencies and embrace a new era of intelligent applications tailored for .NET

Welcome to Python-free AI integration with OnnxStack!


Model Inference with C# and ONNX Runtime

Core Badge Nuget

OnnxStack.Core is a .NET library designed to facilitate seamless interaction with the OnnxRuntime C# API. This project simplifies the creation and disposal of OrtValues and offers straightforward services for loading and running inferences on a variety of models. With a focus on improving developer efficiency, the library abstracts complexities, allowing for smoother integration of OnnxRuntime into .NET applications.

More information and examples can be found in the OnnxStack.Core project README


Stable Diffusion Inference with C# and ONNX Runtime

StableDiffusion Badge Nuget

OnnxStack.StableDiffusion is a .NET library for latent diffusion in C#, Leveraging OnnxStack.Core, this library seamlessly integrates many StableDiffusion capabilities, including:

  • Text to Image
  • Image to Image
  • Image Inpaint
  • Video to Video
  • Control Net

OnnxStack.StableDiffusion provides compatibility with a diverse set of models, including

  • StableDiffusion 1.5
  • StableDiffusion Inpaint
  • StableDiffusion ControlNet
  • SDXL
  • SDXL Inpaint
  • SDXL-Turbo
  • LatentConsistency
  • LatentConsistency XL
  • Instaflow

More information can be found in the OnnxStack.StableDiffusion project README


Image upscaler with C# and ONNX Runtime

Upscale Badge Nuget

OnnxStack.ImageUpscaler is a library designed to elevate image quality through superior upscaling techniques. Leveraging OnnxStack.Core, this library provides seamless integration for enhancing image resolution and supports a variety of upscaling models, allowing developers to improve image clarity and quality. Whether you are working on image processing, content creation, or any application requiring enhanced visuals, the ImageUpscale project delivers efficient and high-quality upscaling solutions.

More information and examples can be found in the OnnxStack.ImageUpscaler project README


Image recognition with ResNet50v2 and ONNX Runtime

Harness the accuracy of the ResNet50v2 deep learning model for image recognition, seamlessly integrated with ONNX for efficient deployment. This combination empowers your applications to classify images with precision, making it ideal for tasks like object detection, content filtering, and image tagging across various platforms and hardware accelerators. Achieve high-quality image recognition effortlessly with ResNet50v2 and ONNX integration.


Object detection with Faster RCNN Deep Learning with C# and ONNX Runtime

Enable robust object detection in your applications using RCNN (Region-based Convolutional Neural Network) integrated with ONNX. This powerful combination allows you to accurately locate and classify objects within images. Whether for surveillance, autonomous vehicles, or content analysis, RCNN and ONNX integration offers efficient and precise object detection across various platforms and hardware, ensuring your solutions excel in recognizing and localizing objects in images.





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