##一、 需求
二、 删除与中心点1的右边连线
2.1 中心点1橙色:
<elementId>: 4:fbde4fa1-3453-4e00-91ce-92b16aec22e3:425
<id>: 425
fileName: /Users/guibing.gao/Desktop/lib
2.2 与中新点1右边链接的node
<elementId>: 4:fbde4fa1-3453-4e00-91ce-92b16aec22e3:427
<id>: 427
fileName: /adaptor-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
valid: true
2.3 查询与中心点1链接的线
MATCH p =(a:Directory:File)-[r]-(b)
WHERE a.fileName = '/Users/guibing.gao/Desktop/lib' and b.fileName = '/adaptor-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar'
return a ,r,b
2.4 删除右边与中心点1的连线。
MATCH p =(a:Directory:File)-[r]-(b)
WHERE a.fileName = '/Users/guibing.gao/Desktop/lib' and b.fileName = '/adaptor-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar'
delete r
2.5 查看数据 只剩一个中心点2
3.1 中心点2绿色:
<elementId>: 4:fbde4fa1-3453-4e00-91ce-92b16aec22e3:480
<id>: 480
fqn: org.example:adaptor:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT
group: org.example
name: adaptor
type: jar
version: 1.0-SNAPSHOT
3.2 与中心点2 链接的右边node
<elementId>: 4:fbde4fa1-3453-4e00-91ce-92b16aec22e3:467
<id>: 467
artifactId: adaptor
characterEncodingScheme: UTF-8
fileName: /META-INF/maven/org.example/adaptor/pom.xml
groupId: org.example
lineNumber: 1
packaging: jar
standalone: false
valid: true
version: 1.0-SNAPSHOT
xmlVersion: 1.0
xmlWellFormed: true
3.3 删除右边与中心点2的连线。
MATCH p =(a:Artifact:Maven)-[r]-(b)
WHERE a.fqn = 'org.example:adaptor:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT' and id(b) = 467
delete r
3.4 查看数据
三 、删除右边图形的全部数据
3.1 确认起始node
MATCH (f:Document:File:Maven:Pom:Xml)
where id(f) = 467
return f
3.2 删除从这个点开始的所有数据
MATCH (f:Document:File:Maven:Pom:Xml)
where id(f) = 467
CALL apoc.path.subgraphNodes(f, {})
YIELD node
detach delete node;
3.3 查看数据