C# Onnx 使用onnxruntime部署实时视频帧插值

news2024/9/21 18:48:44








C# Onnx 使用onnxruntime部署实时视频帧插值



FILM: Frame Interpolation for Large Motion, In ECCV 2022.

The official Tensorflow 2 implementation of our high quality frame interpolation neural network. We present a unified single-network approach that doesn't use additional pre-trained networks, like optical flow or depth, and yet achieve state-of-the-art results. We use a multi-scale feature extractor that shares the same convolution weights across the scales. Our model is trainable from frame triplets alone.

FILM transforms near-duplicate photos into a slow motion footage that look like it is shot with a video camera.



Model Properties

tensor:Float[1, 3, -1, -1]
tensor:Float[1, 3, -1, -1]

tensor:Float[1, -1, -1, -1]



using Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime;
using Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime.Tensors;
using OpenCvSharp;
using OpenCvSharp.Dnn;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Linq;
using System.Numerics;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace Onnx_Yolov8_Demo
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()

        string fileFilter = "*.*|*.bmp;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.tiff;*.tiff;*.png";
        string image_path = "";
        string startupPath;
        DateTime dt1 = DateTime.Now;
        DateTime dt2 = DateTime.Now;
        string model_path;
        Mat image;
        Mat result_image;

        SessionOptions options;
        InferenceSession onnx_session;
        Tensor<float> input_tensor;
        Tensor<float> input_tensor2;
        List<NamedOnnxValue> input_container;
        IDisposableReadOnlyCollection<DisposableNamedOnnxValue> result_infer;
        DisposableNamedOnnxValue[] results_onnxvalue;

        Tensor<float> result_tensors;
        float[] result_array;

        float[] input1_image;
        float[] input2_image;

        int inpWidth;
        int inpHeight;

        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();
            ofd.Filter = fileFilter;
            if (ofd.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return;
            pictureBox1.Image = null;
            image_path = ofd.FileName;
            pictureBox1.Image = new Bitmap(image_path);
            textBox1.Text = "";
            image = new Mat(image_path);
            pictureBox2.Image = null;

        void Preprocess(Mat img, ref float[] input_img)
            Mat rgbimg = new Mat();
            Cv2.CvtColor(img, rgbimg, ColorConversionCodes.BGR2RGB);
            int h = rgbimg.Rows;
            int w = rgbimg.Cols;
            int align = 32;
            if (h % align != 0 || w % align != 0)
                int ph = ((h - 1) / align + 1) * align;
                int pw = ((w - 1) / align + 1) * align;

                Cv2.CopyMakeBorder(rgbimg, rgbimg, 0, ph - h, 0, pw - w, BorderTypes.Constant, 0);

            inpHeight = rgbimg.Rows;
            inpWidth = rgbimg.Cols;

            rgbimg.ConvertTo(rgbimg, MatType.CV_32FC3, 1 / 255.0);

            int image_area = rgbimg.Rows * rgbimg.Cols;

            //input_img = new float[3 * image_area];

            input_img = Common.ExtractMat(rgbimg);


        Mat Interpolate(Mat srcimg1, Mat srcimg2)
            int srch = srcimg1.Rows;
            int srcw = srcimg1.Cols;

            Preprocess(srcimg1, ref input1_image);
            Preprocess(srcimg2, ref input2_image);

            // 输入Tensor
            input_tensor = new DenseTensor<float>(input1_image, new[] { 1, 3, inpHeight, inpWidth });
            input_tensor2 = new DenseTensor<float>(input2_image, new[] { 1, 3, inpHeight, inpWidth });

            //将tensor 放入一个输入参数的容器,并指定名称
            input_container.Add(NamedOnnxValue.CreateFromTensor("I0", input_tensor));
            input_container.Add(NamedOnnxValue.CreateFromTensor("I1", input_tensor2));

            //运行 Inference 并获取结果
            result_infer = onnx_session.Run(input_container);

            // 将输出结果转为DisposableNamedOnnxValue数组
            results_onnxvalue = result_infer.ToArray();

            // 读取第一个节点输出并转为Tensor数据
            result_tensors = results_onnxvalue[0].AsTensor<float>();

            int out_h = results_onnxvalue[0].AsTensor<float>().Dimensions[2];
            int out_w = results_onnxvalue[0].AsTensor<float>().Dimensions[3];

            result_array = result_tensors.ToArray();

            for (int i = 0; i < result_array.Length; i++)
                result_array[i] = result_array[i] * 255;

                if (result_array[i] < 0)
                    result_array[i] = 0;
                else if (result_array[i] > 255)
                    result_array[i] = 255;

                result_array[i] = result_array[i] + 0.5f;

            float[] temp_r = new float[out_h * out_w];
            float[] temp_g = new float[out_h * out_w];
            float[] temp_b = new float[out_h * out_w];

            Array.Copy(result_array, temp_r, out_h * out_w);
            Array.Copy(result_array, out_h * out_w, temp_g, 0, out_h * out_w);
            Array.Copy(result_array, out_h * out_w * 2, temp_b, 0, out_h * out_w);

            Mat rmat = new Mat(out_h, out_w, MatType.CV_32F, temp_r);
            Mat gmat = new Mat(out_h, out_w, MatType.CV_32F, temp_g);
            Mat bmat = new Mat(out_h, out_w, MatType.CV_32F, temp_b);

            result_image = new Mat();
            Cv2.Merge(new Mat[] { bmat, gmat, rmat }, result_image);

            result_image.ConvertTo(result_image, MatType.CV_8UC3);

            Mat mid_img = new Mat(result_image, new Rect(0, 0, srcw, srch));

            return mid_img;


        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            button2.Enabled = false;
            pictureBox2.Image = null;
            textBox1.Text = "正在运行,请稍后……";

            dt1 = DateTime.Now;

            List<String> inputs_imgpath = new List<String>() { "test_img/frame07.png", "test_img/frame08.png", "test_img/frame09.png", "test_img/frame10.png", "test_img/frame11.png", "test_img/frame12.png", "test_img/frame13.png", "test_img/frame14.png" };

            int imgnum = inputs_imgpath.Count();

            for (int i = 0; i < imgnum - 1; i++)
                Mat srcimg1 = Cv2.ImRead(inputs_imgpath[i]);
                Mat srcimg2 = Cv2.ImRead(inputs_imgpath[i + 1]);

                Mat mid_img = Interpolate(srcimg1, srcimg2);

                string save_imgpath = "imgs_results/mid" + i + ".jpg";
                Cv2.ImWrite(save_imgpath, mid_img);

            dt2 = DateTime.Now;

            textBox1.Text = "推理耗时:" + (dt2 - dt1).TotalMilliseconds + "ms";
            button2.Enabled = true;

        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            model_path = "model/RIFE_HDv3.onnx";

            // 创建输出会话,用于输出模型读取信息
            options = new SessionOptions();
            options.LogSeverityLevel = OrtLoggingLevel.ORT_LOGGING_LEVEL_INFO;
            options.AppendExecutionProvider_CPU(0);// 设置为CPU上运行

            // 创建推理模型类,读取本地模型文件
            onnx_session = new InferenceSession(model_path, options);//model_path 为onnx模型文件的路径

            // 创建输入容器
            input_container = new List<NamedOnnxValue>();

            pictureBox1.Image = new Bitmap("test_img/frame11.png");
            pictureBox3.Image = new Bitmap("test_img/frame12.png");


        private void pictureBox1_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void pictureBox2_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e)

        SaveFileDialog sdf = new SaveFileDialog();
        private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (pictureBox2.Image == null)
            Bitmap output = new Bitmap(pictureBox2.Image);
            sdf.Title = "保存";
            sdf.Filter = "Images (*.jpg)|*.jpg|Images (*.png)|*.png|Images (*.bmp)|*.bmp|Images (*.emf)|*.emf|Images (*.exif)|*.exif|Images (*.gif)|*.gif|Images (*.ico)|*.ico|Images (*.tiff)|*.tiff|Images (*.wmf)|*.wmf";
            if (sdf.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                switch (sdf.FilterIndex)
                    case 1:
                            output.Save(sdf.FileName, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
                    case 2:
                            output.Save(sdf.FileName, ImageFormat.Png);
                    case 3:
                            output.Save(sdf.FileName, ImageFormat.Bmp);
                    case 4:
                            output.Save(sdf.FileName, ImageFormat.Emf);
                    case 5:
                            output.Save(sdf.FileName, ImageFormat.Exif);
                    case 6:
                            output.Save(sdf.FileName, ImageFormat.Gif);
                    case 7:
                            output.Save(sdf.FileName, ImageFormat.Icon);

                    case 8:
                            output.Save(sdf.FileName, ImageFormat.Tiff);
                    case 9:
                            output.Save(sdf.FileName, ImageFormat.Wmf);
                MessageBox.Show("保存成功,位置:" + sdf.FileName);

        private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            button2.Enabled = false;
            pictureBox2.Image = null;
            textBox1.Text = "正在运行,请稍后……";

            dt1 = DateTime.Now;

            Mat srcimg1 = Cv2.ImRead("test_img/frame11.png");
            Mat srcimg2 = Cv2.ImRead("test_img/frame12.png");

            Mat mid_img = Interpolate(srcimg1, srcimg2);

            dt2 = DateTime.Now;

            pictureBox2.Image = new Bitmap(mid_img.ToMemoryStream());

            textBox1.Text = "推理耗时:" + (dt2 - dt1).TotalMilliseconds + "ms";
            button2.Enabled = true;

using Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime;
using Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime.Tensors;
using OpenCvSharp;
using OpenCvSharp.Dnn;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Linq;
using System.Numerics;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace Onnx_Yolov8_Demo
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()

        string fileFilter = "*.*|*.bmp;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.tiff;*.tiff;*.png";
        string image_path = "";
        string startupPath;
        DateTime dt1 = DateTime.Now;
        DateTime dt2 = DateTime.Now;
        string model_path;
        Mat image;
        Mat result_image;

        SessionOptions options;
        InferenceSession onnx_session;
        Tensor<float> input_tensor;
        Tensor<float> input_tensor2;
        List<NamedOnnxValue> input_container;
        IDisposableReadOnlyCollection<DisposableNamedOnnxValue> result_infer;
        DisposableNamedOnnxValue[] results_onnxvalue;

        Tensor<float> result_tensors;
        float[] result_array;

        float[] input1_image;
        float[] input2_image;

        int inpWidth;
        int inpHeight;

        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();
            ofd.Filter = fileFilter;
            if (ofd.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return;
            pictureBox1.Image = null;
            image_path = ofd.FileName;
            pictureBox1.Image = new Bitmap(image_path);
            textBox1.Text = "";
            image = new Mat(image_path);
            pictureBox2.Image = null;

        void Preprocess(Mat img, ref float[] input_img)
            Mat rgbimg = new Mat();
            Cv2.CvtColor(img, rgbimg, ColorConversionCodes.BGR2RGB);
            int h = rgbimg.Rows;
            int w = rgbimg.Cols;
            int align = 32;
            if (h % align != 0 || w % align != 0)
                int ph = ((h - 1) / align + 1) * align;
                int pw = ((w - 1) / align + 1) * align;

                Cv2.CopyMakeBorder(rgbimg, rgbimg, 0, ph - h, 0, pw - w, BorderTypes.Constant, 0);

            inpHeight = rgbimg.Rows;
            inpWidth = rgbimg.Cols;

            rgbimg.ConvertTo(rgbimg, MatType.CV_32FC3, 1 / 255.0);

            int image_area = rgbimg.Rows * rgbimg.Cols;

            //input_img = new float[3 * image_area];

            input_img = Common.ExtractMat(rgbimg);


        Mat Interpolate(Mat srcimg1, Mat srcimg2)
            int srch = srcimg1.Rows;
            int srcw = srcimg1.Cols;

            Preprocess(srcimg1, ref input1_image);
            Preprocess(srcimg2, ref input2_image);

            // 输入Tensor
            input_tensor = new DenseTensor<float>(input1_image, new[] { 1, 3, inpHeight, inpWidth });
            input_tensor2 = new DenseTensor<float>(input2_image, new[] { 1, 3, inpHeight, inpWidth });

            //将tensor 放入一个输入参数的容器,并指定名称
            input_container.Add(NamedOnnxValue.CreateFromTensor("I0", input_tensor));
            input_container.Add(NamedOnnxValue.CreateFromTensor("I1", input_tensor2));

            //运行 Inference 并获取结果
            result_infer = onnx_session.Run(input_container);

            // 将输出结果转为DisposableNamedOnnxValue数组
            results_onnxvalue = result_infer.ToArray();

            // 读取第一个节点输出并转为Tensor数据
            result_tensors = results_onnxvalue[0].AsTensor<float>();

            int out_h = results_onnxvalue[0].AsTensor<float>().Dimensions[2];
            int out_w = results_onnxvalue[0].AsTensor<float>().Dimensions[3];

            result_array = result_tensors.ToArray();

            for (int i = 0; i < result_array.Length; i++)
                result_array[i] = result_array[i] * 255;

                if (result_array[i] < 0)
                    result_array[i] = 0;
                else if (result_array[i] > 255)
                    result_array[i] = 255;

                result_array[i] = result_array[i] + 0.5f;

            float[] temp_r = new float[out_h * out_w];
            float[] temp_g = new float[out_h * out_w];
            float[] temp_b = new float[out_h * out_w];

            Array.Copy(result_array, temp_r, out_h * out_w);
            Array.Copy(result_array, out_h * out_w, temp_g, 0, out_h * out_w);
            Array.Copy(result_array, out_h * out_w * 2, temp_b, 0, out_h * out_w);

            Mat rmat = new Mat(out_h, out_w, MatType.CV_32F, temp_r);
            Mat gmat = new Mat(out_h, out_w, MatType.CV_32F, temp_g);
            Mat bmat = new Mat(out_h, out_w, MatType.CV_32F, temp_b);

            result_image = new Mat();
            Cv2.Merge(new Mat[] { bmat, gmat, rmat }, result_image);

            result_image.ConvertTo(result_image, MatType.CV_8UC3);

            Mat mid_img = new Mat(result_image, new Rect(0, 0, srcw, srch));

            return mid_img;


        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            button2.Enabled = false;
            pictureBox2.Image = null;
            textBox1.Text = "正在运行,请稍后……";

            dt1 = DateTime.Now;

            List<String> inputs_imgpath = new List<String>() { "test_img/frame07.png", "test_img/frame08.png", "test_img/frame09.png", "test_img/frame10.png", "test_img/frame11.png", "test_img/frame12.png", "test_img/frame13.png", "test_img/frame14.png" };

            int imgnum = inputs_imgpath.Count();

            for (int i = 0; i < imgnum - 1; i++)
                Mat srcimg1 = Cv2.ImRead(inputs_imgpath[i]);
                Mat srcimg2 = Cv2.ImRead(inputs_imgpath[i + 1]);

                Mat mid_img = Interpolate(srcimg1, srcimg2);

                string save_imgpath = "imgs_results/mid" + i + ".jpg";
                Cv2.ImWrite(save_imgpath, mid_img);

            dt2 = DateTime.Now;

            textBox1.Text = "推理耗时:" + (dt2 - dt1).TotalMilliseconds + "ms";
            button2.Enabled = true;

        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            model_path = "model/RIFE_HDv3.onnx";

            // 创建输出会话,用于输出模型读取信息
            options = new SessionOptions();
            options.LogSeverityLevel = OrtLoggingLevel.ORT_LOGGING_LEVEL_INFO;
            options.AppendExecutionProvider_CPU(0);// 设置为CPU上运行

            // 创建推理模型类,读取本地模型文件
            onnx_session = new InferenceSession(model_path, options);//model_path 为onnx模型文件的路径

            // 创建输入容器
            input_container = new List<NamedOnnxValue>();

            pictureBox1.Image = new Bitmap("test_img/frame11.png");
            pictureBox3.Image = new Bitmap("test_img/frame12.png");


        private void pictureBox1_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void pictureBox2_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e)

        SaveFileDialog sdf = new SaveFileDialog();
        private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (pictureBox2.Image == null)
            Bitmap output = new Bitmap(pictureBox2.Image);
            sdf.Title = "保存";
            sdf.Filter = "Images (*.jpg)|*.jpg|Images (*.png)|*.png|Images (*.bmp)|*.bmp|Images (*.emf)|*.emf|Images (*.exif)|*.exif|Images (*.gif)|*.gif|Images (*.ico)|*.ico|Images (*.tiff)|*.tiff|Images (*.wmf)|*.wmf";
            if (sdf.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                switch (sdf.FilterIndex)
                    case 1:
                            output.Save(sdf.FileName, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
                    case 2:
                            output.Save(sdf.FileName, ImageFormat.Png);
                    case 3:
                            output.Save(sdf.FileName, ImageFormat.Bmp);
                    case 4:
                            output.Save(sdf.FileName, ImageFormat.Emf);
                    case 5:
                            output.Save(sdf.FileName, ImageFormat.Exif);
                    case 6:
                            output.Save(sdf.FileName, ImageFormat.Gif);
                    case 7:
                            output.Save(sdf.FileName, ImageFormat.Icon);

                    case 8:
                            output.Save(sdf.FileName, ImageFormat.Tiff);
                    case 9:
                            output.Save(sdf.FileName, ImageFormat.Wmf);
                MessageBox.Show("保存成功,位置:" + sdf.FileName);

        private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            button2.Enabled = false;
            pictureBox2.Image = null;
            textBox1.Text = "正在运行,请稍后……";

            dt1 = DateTime.Now;

            Mat srcimg1 = Cv2.ImRead("test_img/frame11.png");
            Mat srcimg2 = Cv2.ImRead("test_img/frame12.png");

            Mat mid_img = Interpolate(srcimg1, srcimg2);

            dt2 = DateTime.Now;

            pictureBox2.Image = new Bitmap(mid_img.ToMemoryStream());

            textBox1.Text = "推理耗时:" + (dt2 - dt1).TotalMilliseconds + "ms";
            button2.Enabled = true;







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前段时间&#xff0c;知名机构麦可思研究院发布了《2024年中国本科生就业报告》&#xff0c;其中详细列出近五年的本科绿牌专业&#xff0c;信息安全位列第一。 对于网络安全的发展与就业前景&#xff0c;知了姐说过很多&#xff0c;作为当下应届生收入较高的专业之一&#xf…


一、说明 用于管理对象的生命周期&#xff0c;重用已经创建的对象&#xff0c;从而减少资源消耗和创建对象的开销 (一) 解决问题 主要解决频繁创建和销毁对象所带来的性能开销问题。如数据库连接、线程管理、网络连接等&#xff0c;对象的创建和销毁成本相对较高&#xff0c…

C 语言基本语法及实用案例分享

一、什么是 C 语言&#xff1f; C语言是一种较早的程序设计语言&#xff0c;诞生于1972年的贝尔实验室。1972 年&#xff0c;Dennis Ritchie 设计了C语言&#xff0c;它继承了B语言的许多思想&#xff0c;并加入了数据类型的概念及其他特性。C语言是一门面向过程的计算机编程语…


摘 要:以8位高速、低功耗微控制器STC12C5A60S2为硬件控制核心,以Labview为上位机软件开发平台,设计了一个多路数据采集系统。由下位机单片机对多路模拟信号量进行数据采集,通过串口将采集的模拟量信息上传到上位机,上位机Labview对采集的数据进行存储、显示及处理、分析…


在Node.js中&#xff0c;处理异步编程是至关重要的技能。由于Node.js的单线程执行模型&#xff0c;异步编程可以极大地提高程序的性能和响应速度。本文将介绍几种常见的异步编程处理方式&#xff0c;并附上示例代码&#xff0c;帮助您更好地理解和应用异步编程技术。 回调函数…


1.说明 统计公司所有项目的提交情况&#xff0c;可指定分支和时间段&#xff0c;返回每个人的提交新增数、删除数和总数。 2.API 文档地址&#xff1a;http://公司gitlab域名/help/api/README.md 项目列表查询 返回示例&#xff1a; [{"id": 1, //项目ID"http…


一、排序的基本概念 1-1、稳定性 稳定性指的是相同的数据所在的位置经过排序后是否发生变化。若是排序后&#xff0c;次序不变&#xff0c;则是稳定的。 1-2、归位 每一趟排序能确定一个元素的最终位置。 1-3、内部排序 排序记录全部存放在内存中进行排序的过程。 1-4、外部…


目录 一、简介 二、TF-A 概述 2.1、TF-A 存储库 2.2、外部依赖 2.3、附加二进制文件 2.4、TF-A工具链 2.5、基础设施 三、TF-A数据流 四、攻击树 五、威胁评估与缓解 5.1、影响和可能性评级 5.2、威胁和缓解措施 六、附录 一、简介 软件供应链攻击旨在向软件产品…

《深入浅出 Spring Boot 3.x》预计3月份发版

各位&#xff0c;目前本来新书《深入浅出 Spring Boot 3.x》已经到了最后编辑排版阶段&#xff0c;即将在3月份发布。 目录&#xff1a; 现在把目录截取给大家&#xff1a; 主要内容&#xff1a; 本书内容安排如下。 ● 第 1 章和第 2 章讲解 Spring Boot 和传统 Spri…


文章目录 每日一句正能量前言坚持长期研发投入全速推进“AI鸿蒙”战略 人才战略新章落地持续加码核心技术生态建设 后记 每日一句正能量 人总要咽下一些委屈&#xff0c;然后一字不提的擦干眼泪往前走&#xff0c;没有人能像白纸一样没有故事&#xff0c;成长的代价就是失去原来…


ICCCI 2024 - Hosted by Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japanhttps://www.iccci.org/ 会议简介 第六届计算机通信与互联网国际会议将于2024年6月14-16日在日本东京都立大学举行。ICCCI 2024由东京都立大学主办&#xff0c;华中师范大学和美国科学工程学会联合赞助、并得到了…

Curfew e-Pass 管理系统存在Sql注入漏洞 附源代码



增量备份 第一次修改数据 mysql> insert into tb_user values (4,sxx,0); Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)mysql> select * from tb_user; ------------------- | id | name | sex | ------------------- | 1 | Tom | 1 | | 2 | Trigger | 0 | | …


文章目录 概要一.TS的类型检测1.鸭子类型2.严格的字面量类型检测 二.TS的泛型1.基本使用2.传递多个参数3.泛型接口4.泛型类5.泛型约束6.映射类型&#xff08;了解&#xff09; 三.TS的知识扩展1.模块的使用-- 内置类型导入 2.类型的查找3.第三方库的类型导入4.declare 声明文件…


深度学习中的样本分类&#xff1a;如何区分正样本、负样本、困难样本和简单样本&#xff1f; &#x1f308; 个人主页&#xff1a;高斯小哥 &#x1f525; 高质量专栏&#xff1a;Matplotlib之旅&#xff1a;零基础精通数据可视化、Python基础【高质量合集】、PyTorch零基础入…