X-press Tag Peptide 是一种N-端前导肽,Anti-Xpress 抗体能够识别 Xpress 表位,因此,该多肽可用来纯化 X-press Tag 融合蛋白。
X-press Tag Peptide is a tag peptide used for protein purification. X-press Tag is also an N-terminal leader peptide; this N-terminal peptide contains a polyhistidine sequence, the Xpress epitope (part of bacteriophage T7 gene 10 protein) and an enterokinase cleavage site. Anti-Xpress antibodies recognize the Xpress epitope sequence found in this leader peptide.
编号: 188560
中文名称: 多肽标签X-press
英文名: X-press
三字母: H2N-Asp-Leu-Tyr-Asp-Asp-Asp-Asp-Lys-COOH
氨基酸个数: 8
分子式: C41H59N9O20
平均分子量: 997.96
精确分子量: 997.39
等电点(PI): 3.86
pH=7.0时的净电荷数: -3.02
平均亲水性: 1.6
疏水性值: -2.31
来源: 人工化学合成,仅限科学研究使用,不得用于人体。
储存条件: 负80℃至负20℃
标签: 多肽标签(Tag)