
news2025/2/24 7:35:23


1. 前言

2. 处理流程

3. 代码

4. 代码说明

4.1 棋盘显示

4.2 初始化

4.3 人类棋手的下一步

4.4 AI棋手的下一步

4.5 终局及胜负判断

5. 棋局示例

1. 前言






2. 处理流程

3. 代码

# Tic Tac Toe
# Created by chenxy in 2017-06-23, with only drawBoard() copied from <<inventwithpython>>
# 2023-01-04 refined
import random
import sys

def drawBoard(board, initFlag = 0):
    # This function prints out the board that it was passed.

    brd_copy = board.copy()
    if initFlag:
        brd_copy = ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9']

    # "board" is a list of 10 strings representing the board (ignore index 0)
    # print('   |   |')
    print(' ' + brd_copy[7] + ' | ' + brd_copy[8] + ' | ' + brd_copy[9])
    # print('   |   |')
    # print('   |   |')
    print(' ' + brd_copy[4] + ' | ' + brd_copy[5] + ' | ' + brd_copy[6])
    # print('   |   |')
    # print('   |   |')
    print(' ' + brd_copy[1] + ' | ' + brd_copy[2] + ' | ' + brd_copy[3])
    # print('   |   |')

def askGameStart():
    # Ask human start a game or not;
    print('Do you want to start a game? Y or y to start; Others to exit');
    inputWord = input().lower();
    if inputWord.startswith('y'):
        startNewGame = True;
        startNewGame = False;

# Decide whether the number human input for the next move has been already used or not.
# It can be decided by whether the corrsponding element is empty or not.
def isValidInput(board, humanNextMove):
    isValid = 1;
    if humanNextMove == 0:
        print('Please input 1~9, 0 is not an valid input for the next move!');
        isValid = 0;
    elif board[humanNextMove] != ' ':
        print('The space has already been used! Please select an empty space for the next move');
        isValid = 0;    

# Ask the human player for the next move.
def askNextMove(board):
    while True:
        print('Please input the next move!');
        c = input()
        if not c.isdigit():
            print('Invalid input! Please input [1-9]!');
        nextMove = int(c);
        if board[nextMove] == ' ':
    isValid = isValidInput(board, nextMove)
    return isValid,nextMove
def gameRsltDisplay(winner):    
    if   'A' == winner:
        print('AI win!');
    elif 'H' == winner:
        print('Human win!');
        print('A tie game!');        

# Decide AI's next move.
# Decide whether the three input are all the same
def isTripleGoalReachedNext(board,idx1, idx2, idx3, role):
    in1 = board[idx1];
    in2 = board[idx2];
    in3 = board[idx3];
    if   in1 == ' ' and in2 == in3 and in2 == role:
        return idx1;
    elif in2 == ' ' and in1 == in3 and in3 == role:
        return idx2;
    elif in3 == ' ' and in1 == in2 and in1 == role:
        return idx3;
        return 0;   # Invalid space index.

def isGoalReachedNext(board, role):

    nextMove        = 0;
    nextMove  = isTripleGoalReachedNext(board, 1, 4, 7, role);
    if nextMove > 0:
        return True, nextMove
    nextMove  = isTripleGoalReachedNext(board, 1, 2, 3, role);
    if nextMove > 0:
        return True, nextMove
    nextMove  = isTripleGoalReachedNext(board, 1, 5, 9, role);
    if nextMove > 0:
        return True, nextMove
    nextMove  = isTripleGoalReachedNext(board, 2, 5, 8, role);
    if nextMove > 0:
        return True, nextMove
    nextMove  = isTripleGoalReachedNext(board, 3, 5, 7, role);
    if nextMove > 0:
        return True, nextMove
    nextMove  = isTripleGoalReachedNext(board, 3, 6, 9, role);
    if nextMove > 0:
        return True, nextMove
    nextMove  = isTripleGoalReachedNext(board, 4, 5, 6, role);
    if nextMove > 0:
        return True, nextMove
    nextMove  = isTripleGoalReachedNext(board, 7, 8, 9, role);
    if nextMove > 0:
        return True, nextMove

    return False, nextMove;
def aiNextMove(board, gameRole):

    # Temporarily, select the first empty space.
    # 1. First, check whether AI will reach the goal in the next step.
    #    gameRole[0] represents AI's role.
    goalReachedNext, nextMove = isGoalReachedNext(board, gameRole[0]);
    if goalReachedNext == True:
        return nextMove;

    # 2. Secondly, check whether Human will reach the goal in the next step.
    #    gameRole[1] represents Human's role.
    #    Of course, AI should take the next move to blocking Human player to reach the goal.
    goalReachedNext, nextMove = isGoalReachedNext(board, gameRole[1]);
    if goalReachedNext == True:
        return nextMove;
    # Randomly selected from the left spaces for the next move.
    spaces = []
    for k in range(1,9):    
        if board[k] == ' ':
    nextMove = random.choice(spaces)

# Decide whether the three input are all the same
def isTripleSame(in1, in2, in3):
    if in1 == ' ' or in2 == ' ' or in3 == ' ':
        return False
    elif in1 == in2 and in1 == in3:
        return True
        return False

def gameJudge(board):
    if   isTripleSame(board[1],board[4],board[7]):
        gameOver = True;        winner   = board[1];
    elif isTripleSame(board[1],board[2],board[3]):    
        gameOver = True;        winner   = board[1];
    elif isTripleSame(board[1],board[5],board[9]):        
        gameOver = True;        winner   = board[1];
    elif isTripleSame(board[2],board[5],board[8]):        
        gameOver = True;        winner   = board[2];
    elif isTripleSame(board[3],board[5],board[7]):        
        gameOver = True;        winner   = board[3];
    elif isTripleSame(board[3],board[6],board[9]):        
        gameOver = True;        winner   = board[3];
    elif isTripleSame(board[4],board[5],board[6]):        
        gameOver = True;        winner   = board[4];
    elif isTripleSame(board[7],board[8],board[9]):        
        gameOver = True;        winner   = board[7];
    elif ' ' in board[1:9]:     
        gameOver = False;       winner   = ' ';
        gameOver = True;        winner   = ' ';
    return gameOver, winner
whoseTurn = 0;         #  0 : AI's turn;   1:  Human's turn.
gameRole  = ['A','H']; # [0]: AI's role;  [1]: Human's role;
board     = [' ']*10;  #  Note: '*' for string means concatenation.

drawBoard(board,1); # Draw the initial board with numbering

if not askGameStart():
    print('Bye-Bye! See you next time!');

while True:
    # Initialization.
    gameOver = 0;
    board    = [' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '];
    # Decide who, either human or AI, play first.
    # 0: AI; 1: human.
    role = random.randint(0,1);
    if role == 0:
        whoseTurn   = 0;
    elif role == 1:
        whoseTurn   = 1;

    while(not gameOver):    
        if whoseTurn == 0:
            print('AI\'s turn')
            nextMove = aiNextMove(board,gameRole);
            board[nextMove] = gameRole[0];
            whoseTurn = 1;
            print('Human\'s turn')
            isValid  = 0;
            while(not isValid):
                isValid, nextMove = askNextMove(board);
            board[nextMove] = gameRole[1];
            whoseTurn = 0;

        gameOver,winner = gameJudge(board);     

    #startNewGame = askGameStart();
    if not askGameStart():
        print('Bye-Bye! See you next time!');

4. 代码说明

4.1 棋盘显示


        代码中用一个包含10个元素的(字符:“H”,“A”)数组表示棋盘board,其中board[0]不使用。人类棋手用字母“H”(Human)表示;AI棋手用字母“A”(Artificial Intelligence)表示。比如说,人类棋手输入7的话,表示在左上角落子,则将board[7]赋值为“H”;AI棋手输入1的话,表示在左下角落子,则将board[1]赋值为“A”。。。

        详细参见drawBoard(board, initFlag = 0)函数的实现。

4.2 初始化



4.3 人类棋手的下一步

askNextMove ():询问人类棋手的下一步。应该输入1~9中的一个数字


4.4 AI棋手的下一步



        aiNextMove(board, gameRole):AI agent。决定AI的下一手。

        isGoalReachedNext(board, role):AI决定下一手时首先遍历空的棋格看是否存在能够终结棋局的下一手。

        isTripleGoalReachedNext(board,idx1, idx2, idx3, role):用于确定指定的三个棋格(在再下一手的条件下)是否满足终结棋局的条件。

4.5 终局及胜负判断





5. 棋局示例


(base) E:\TicTacToe>python tictactoe.py
 7 | 8 | 9
 4 | 5 | 6
 1 | 2 | 3

Do you want to start a game? Y or y to start; Others to exit
Human's turn
Please input the next move!
 H |   |
    |   |
    |   |

AI's turn
 H |   |
    |   |
 A |   |

Human's turn
Please input the next move!
 H |   |
    |   |
 A |   | H

AI's turn
 H |   |
    | A |
 A |   | H

Human's turn
Please input the next move!
 H |   | H
    | A |
 A |   | H

AI's turn
 H |   | H
    | A | A
 A |   | H

Human's turn
Please input the next move!
 H | H | H
    | A | A
 A |   | H

Human win!
Do you want to start a game? Y or y to start; Others to exit

Next Step:

        实现基于完全minimax的unbearable TicTacToe AI

        实现TicTacToe GUI 




AL SWEIGART, Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python(4th)





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