# Ultralytics YOLO 🚀, AGPL-3.0 license
# YOLOv8 object detection model with P3-P5 outputs. For Usage examples see https://docs.ultralytics.com/tasks/detect
# Parameters
nc: 80 # number of classes
scales: # model compound scaling constants, i.e. 'model=yolov8n.yaml' will call yolov8.yaml with scale 'n'
# [depth, width, max_channels]
n: [0.33, 0.25, 1024] # YOLOv8n summary: 225 layers, 3157200 parameters, 3157184 gradients, 8.9 GFLOPs
s: [0.33, 0.50, 1024] # YOLOv8s summary: 225 layers, 11166560 parameters, 11166544 gradients, 28.8 GFLOPs
m: [0.67, 0.75, 768] # YOLOv8m summary: 295 layers, 25902640 parameters, 25902624 gradients, 79.3 GFLOPs
l: [1.00, 1.00, 512] # YOLOv8l summary: 365 layers, 43691520 parameters, 43691504 gradients, 165.7 GFLOPs
x: [1.00, 1.25, 512] # YOLOv8x summary: 365 layers, 68229648 parameters, 68229632 gradients, 258.5 GFLOPs
# YOLOv8.0n backbone
# [from, repeats, module, args]
- [-1, 1, Conv, [64, 3, 2]] # 0-P1/2
- [-1, 1, Conv, [128, 3, 2]] # 1-P2/4
- [-1, 3, C2f, [128, True]]
- [-1, 1, Conv, [256, 3, 2]] # 3-P3/8
- [-1, 6, C2f, [256, True]]
- [-1, 1, Conv, [512, 3, 2]] # 5-P4/16
- [-1, 6, C2f, [512, True]]
- [-1, 1, Conv, [1024, 3, 2]] # 7-P5/32
- [-1, 3, C2f, [1024, True]]
- [-1, 1, SPPF, [1024, 5]] # 9
# YOLOv8.0n head
- [-1, 1, nn.Upsample, [None, 2, 'nearest']]
- [[-1, 6], 1, Concat, [1]] # cat backbone P4
- [-1, 3, C2f, [512]] # 12
- [-1, 1, nn.Upsample, [None, 2, 'nearest']]
- [[-1, 4], 1, Concat, [1]] # cat backbone P3
- [-1, 3, C2f, [256]] # 15 (P3/8-small)
- [-1, 1, Conv, [256, 3, 2]]
- [[-1, 12], 1, Concat, [1]] # cat head P4
- [-1, 3, C2f, [512]] # 18 (P4/16-medium)
- [-1, 1, Conv, [512, 3, 2]]
- [[-1, 9], 1, Concat, [1]] # cat head P5
- [-1, 3, C2f, [1024]] # 21 (P5/32-large)
- [[15, 18, 21], 1, Detect, [nc]] # Detect(P3, P4, P5)
class Conv(nn.Module):
"""Standard convolution with args(ch_in, ch_out, kernel, stride, padding, groups, dilation, activation)."""
default_act = nn.SiLU() # default activation
def __init__(self, c1, c2, k=1, s=1, p=None, g=1, d=1, act=True):
"""Initialize Conv layer with given arguments including activation."""
self.conv = nn.Conv2d(c1, c2, k, s, autopad(k, p, d), groups=g, dilation=d, bias=False)
self.bn = nn.BatchNorm2d(c2)
self.act = self.default_act if act is True else act if isinstance(act, nn.Module) else nn.Identity()
def forward(self, x):
"""Apply convolution, batch normalization and activation to input tensor."""
return self.act(self.bn(self.conv(x)))
def forward_fuse(self, x):
"""Perform transposed convolution of 2D data."""
return self.act(self.conv(x))
class C2f(nn.Module):
"""Faster Implementation of CSP Bottleneck with 2 convolutions."""
def __init__(self, c1, c2, n=1, shortcut=False, g=1, e=0.5):
"""Initialize CSP bottleneck layer with two convolutions with arguments ch_in, ch_out, number, shortcut, groups,
self.c = int(c2 * e) # hidden channels
self.cv1 = Conv(c1, 2 * self.c, 1, 1)
self.cv2 = Conv((2 + n) * self.c, c2, 1) # optional act=FReLU(c2)
self.m = nn.ModuleList(Bottleneck(self.c, self.c, shortcut, g, k=((3, 3), (3, 3)), e=1.0) for _ in range(n))
def forward(self, x):
"""Forward pass through C2f layer."""
y = list(self.cv1(x).chunk(2, 1))
y.extend(m(y[-1]) for m in self.m)
return self.cv2(torch.cat(y, 1))
def forward_split(self, x):
"""Forward pass using split() instead of chunk()."""
y = list(self.cv1(x).split((self.c, self.c), 1))
y.extend(m(y[-1]) for m in self.m)
return self.cv2(torch.cat(y, 1))
class Bottleneck(nn.Module):
"""Standard bottleneck."""
def __init__(self, c1, c2, shortcut=True, g=1, k=(3, 3), e=0.5):
"""Initializes a bottleneck module with given input/output channels, shortcut option, group, kernels, and
c_ = int(c2 * e) # hidden channels
self.cv1 = Conv(c1, c_, k[0], 1)
self.cv2 = Conv(c_, c2, k[1], 1, g=g)
self.add = shortcut and c1 == c2
def forward(self, x):
"""'forward()' applies the YOLO FPN to input data."""
return x + self.cv2(self.cv1(x)) if self.add else self.cv2(self.cv1(x))
class SPPF(nn.Module):
"""Spatial Pyramid Pooling - Fast (SPPF) layer for YOLOv5 by Glenn Jocher."""
def __init__(self, c1, c2, k=5):
Initializes the SPPF layer with given input/output channels and kernel size.
This module is equivalent to SPP(k=(5, 9, 13)).
c_ = c1 // 2 # hidden channels
self.cv1 = Conv(c1, c_, 1, 1)
self.cv2 = Conv(c_ * 4, c2, 1, 1)
self.m = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=k, stride=1, padding=k // 2)
def forward(self, x):
"""Forward pass through Ghost Convolution block."""
x = self.cv1(x)
y1 = self.m(x)
y2 = self.m(y1)
return self.cv2(torch.cat((x, y1, y2, self.m(y2)), 1))
class Concat(nn.Module):
"""Concatenate a list of tensors along dimension."""
def __init__(self, dimension=1):
"""Concatenates a list of tensors along a specified dimension."""
self.d = dimension
def forward(self, x):
"""Forward pass for the YOLOv8 mask Proto module."""
return torch.cat(x, self.d)
class Detect(nn.Module):
"""YOLOv8 Detect head for detection models."""
dynamic = False # force grid reconstruction
export = False # export mode
shape = None
anchors = torch.empty(0) # init
strides = torch.empty(0) # init
def __init__(self, nc=80, ch=()):
"""Initializes the YOLOv8 detection layer with specified number of classes and channels."""
self.nc = nc # number of classes
self.nl = len(ch) # number of detection layers
self.reg_max = 16 # DFL channels (ch[0] // 16 to scale 4/8/12/16/20 for n/s/m/l/x)
self.no = nc + self.reg_max * 4 # number of outputs per anchor
self.stride = torch.zeros(self.nl) # strides computed during build
c2, c3 = max((16, ch[0] // 4, self.reg_max * 4)), max(ch[0], min(self.nc, 100)) # channels
self.cv2 = nn.ModuleList(
nn.Sequential(Conv(x, c2, 3), Conv(c2, c2, 3), nn.Conv2d(c2, 4 * self.reg_max, 1)) for x in ch)
self.cv3 = nn.ModuleList(nn.Sequential(Conv(x, c3, 3), Conv(c3, c3, 3), nn.Conv2d(c3, self.nc, 1)) for x in ch)
self.dfl = DFL(self.reg_max) if self.reg_max > 1 else nn.Identity()
def forward(self, x):
"""Concatenates and returns predicted bounding boxes and class probabilities."""
shape = x[0].shape # BCHW
for i in range(self.nl):
x[i] = torch.cat((self.cv2[i](x[i]), self.cv3[i](x[i])), 1)
if self.training:
return x
elif self.dynamic or self.shape != shape:
self.anchors, self.strides = (x.transpose(0, 1) for x in make_anchors(x, self.stride, 0.5))
self.shape = shape
x_cat = torch.cat([xi.view(shape[0], self.no, -1) for xi in x], 2)
if self.export and self.format in ('saved_model', 'pb', 'tflite', 'edgetpu', 'tfjs'): # avoid TF FlexSplitV ops
box = x_cat[:, :self.reg_max * 4]
cls = x_cat[:, self.reg_max * 4:]
box, cls = x_cat.split((self.reg_max * 4, self.nc), 1)
dbox = dist2bbox(self.dfl(box), self.anchors.unsqueeze(0), xywh=True, dim=1) * self.strides
if self.export and self.format in ('tflite', 'edgetpu'):
# Normalize xywh with image size to mitigate quantization error of TFLite integer models as done in YOLOv5:
# https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov5/blob/0c8de3fca4a702f8ff5c435e67f378d1fce70243/models/tf.py#L307-L309
# See this PR for details: https://github.com/ultralytics/ultralytics/pull/1695
img_h = shape[2] * self.stride[0]
img_w = shape[3] * self.stride[0]
img_size = torch.tensor([img_w, img_h, img_w, img_h], device=dbox.device).reshape(1, 4, 1)
dbox /= img_size
y = torch.cat((dbox, cls.sigmoid()), 1)
return y if self.export else (y, x)
def bias_init(self):
"""Initialize Detect() biases, WARNING: requires stride availability."""
m = self # self.model[-1] # Detect() module
# cf = torch.bincount(torch.tensor(np.concatenate(dataset.labels, 0)[:, 0]).long(), minlength=nc) + 1
# ncf = math.log(0.6 / (m.nc - 0.999999)) if cf is None else torch.log(cf / cf.sum()) # nominal class frequency
for a, b, s in zip(m.cv2, m.cv3, m.stride): # from
a[-1].bias.data[:] = 1.0 # box
b[-1].bias.data[:m.nc] = math.log(5 / m.nc / (640 / s) ** 2) # cls (.01 objects, 80 classes, 640 img)