
news2024/10/2 14:25:08

本文基于Kubernetes v1.22.4版本进行源码学习



// pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go
// 该方法会监听多个channel,当发现任何一个channel有数据就交给handler去处理,在handler中通过调用dispatchWork分发任务
func (kl *Kubelet) syncLoopIteration(configCh <-chan kubetypes.PodUpdate, handler SyncHandler,
	syncCh <-chan time.Time, housekeepingCh <-chan time.Time, plegCh <-chan *pleg.PodLifecycleEvent) bool {
	select {
	case u, open := <-configCh:
		// 该模块将同时watch 3个不同来源的pod信息的变化(file,http,apiServer)
		// 一旦某个来源的pod信息发生了变化(创建/更新/删除),这个channel中就会出现被更新的pod信息和更新的具体操作
		// Update from a config source; dispatch it to the right handler
		// callback.
		if !open {
			klog.ErrorS(nil, "Update channel is closed, exiting the sync loop")
			return false

		switch u.Op {
		case kubetypes.ADD:
			klog.V(2).InfoS("SyncLoop ADD", "source", u.Source, "pods", format.Pods(u.Pods))
			// After restarting, kubelet will get all existing pods through
			// ADD as if they are new pods. These pods will then go through the
			// admission process and *may* be rejected. This can be resolved
			// once we have checkpointing.
		case kubetypes.UPDATE:
			klog.V(2).InfoS("SyncLoop UPDATE", "source", u.Source, "pods", format.Pods(u.Pods))
		case kubetypes.REMOVE:
			klog.V(2).InfoS("SyncLoop REMOVE", "source", u.Source, "pods", format.Pods(u.Pods))
		case kubetypes.RECONCILE:
			klog.V(4).InfoS("SyncLoop RECONCILE", "source", u.Source, "pods", format.Pods(u.Pods))
		case kubetypes.DELETE:
			klog.V(2).InfoS("SyncLoop DELETE", "source", u.Source, "pods", format.Pods(u.Pods))
			// DELETE is treated as a UPDATE because of graceful deletion.
		case kubetypes.SET:
			// TODO: Do we want to support this?
			klog.ErrorS(nil, "Kubelet does not support snapshot update")
			klog.ErrorS(nil, "Invalid operation type received", "operation", u.Op)

	return true


// pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go
func (kl *Kubelet) HandlePodAdditions(pods []*v1.Pod) {
	start := kl.clock.Now()
	// 把所有的pod按照创建时间排序,保证最先创建的pod会最先被处理
	for _, pod := range pods {
		existingPods := kl.podManager.GetPods()
		// Always add the pod to the pod manager. Kubelet relies on the pod
		// manager as the source of truth for the desired state. If a pod does
		// not exist in the pod manager, it means that it has been deleted in
		// the apiserver and no action (other than cleanup) is required.
		// 把pod添加到podManager中,podManager负责管理这台node上的pod的信息,
		// pod和mirrorPod之间的对应关系等等.所有被管理的pod都保存在podManager中,
		// 如果podManager中找不到某个pod,就认为这个pod被删除了

		if kubetypes.IsMirrorPod(pod) {
			// 如果是mirrorPod,调用其单独的方法
			kl.handleMirrorPod(pod, start)

		// Only go through the admission process if the pod is not requested
		// for termination by another part of the kubelet. If the pod is already
		// using resources (previously admitted), the pod worker is going to be
		// shutting it down. If the pod hasn't started yet, we know that when
		// the pod worker is invoked it will also avoid setting up the pod, so
		// we simply avoid doing any work.
		// 如果该pod没有被terminate
		if !kl.podWorkers.IsPodTerminationRequested(pod.UID) {
			// We failed pods that we rejected, so activePods include all admitted
			// pods that are alive.
			// 获取active状态的pod
			activePods := kl.filterOutTerminatedPods(existingPods)

			// Check if we can admit the pod; if not, reject it.
			// 校验pod是否能在该节点运行,如果不可以直接拒绝
			if ok, reason, message := kl.canAdmitPod(activePods, pod); !ok {
				kl.rejectPod(pod, reason, message)
		mirrorPod, _ := kl.podManager.GetMirrorPodByPod(pod)
		// 调用dispatchWork把创建pod的工作下发给worker做异步处理
		kl.dispatchWork(pod, kubetypes.SyncPodCreate, mirrorPod, start)
		// TODO: move inside syncPod and make reentrant
		// https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/105014
		// 在probeManager中添加pod,如果pod中定义了readiness和liveness健康检查,启动goroutine定期进行检测


  1. 把所有的Pod按照创建时间排序,保证最先创建的Pod会最先被处理
  2. 把Pod加入到podManager中,如果podManager中找不到某个Pod,就认为这个Pod被删除了
  3. 校验Pod是否能在该节点运行,如果不可以直接拒绝
  4. 调用dispatchWork()方法把创建Pod的工作下发给worker做异步处理
  5. 在probeManager中添加Pod,如果Pod中定义了readiness和liveness健康检查,启动goroutine定期进行检测
// pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go
func (kl *Kubelet) dispatchWork(pod *v1.Pod, syncType kubetypes.SyncPodType, mirrorPod *v1.Pod, start time.Time) {
	// Run the sync in an async worker.
	// 封装一个UpdatePodOptions结构体丢给podWorkers.UpdatePod去执行
		Pod:        pod,
		MirrorPod:  mirrorPod,
		UpdateType: syncType,
		StartTime:  start,
	// Note the number of containers for new pods.
	if syncType == kubetypes.SyncPodCreate {




podWorkers.UpdatePod -> podWorkers.managePodLoop -> podWorkers.syncPodFn -> Kubelet.syncPod

// pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go
func (kl *Kubelet) syncPod(ctx context.Context, updateType kubetypes.SyncPodType, pod, mirrorPod *v1.Pod, podStatus *kubecontainer.PodStatus) error {
	klog.V(4).InfoS("syncPod enter", "pod", klog.KObj(pod), "podUID", pod.UID)
	defer klog.V(4).InfoS("syncPod exit", "pod", klog.KObj(pod), "podUID", pod.UID)

	// Latency measurements for the main workflow are relative to the
	// first time the pod was seen by the API server.
	var firstSeenTime time.Time
	if firstSeenTimeStr, ok := pod.Annotations[kubetypes.ConfigFirstSeenAnnotationKey]; ok {
		firstSeenTime = kubetypes.ConvertToTimestamp(firstSeenTimeStr).Get()

	// Record pod worker start latency if being created
	// TODO: make pod workers record their own latencies
	if updateType == kubetypes.SyncPodCreate {
		if !firstSeenTime.IsZero() {
			// This is the first time we are syncing the pod. Record the latency
			// since kubelet first saw the pod if firstSeenTime is set.
		} else {
			klog.V(3).InfoS("First seen time not recorded for pod",
				"podUID", pod.UID,
				"pod", klog.KObj(pod))

	// Generate final API pod status with pod and status manager status
	apiPodStatus := kl.generateAPIPodStatus(pod, podStatus)
	// The pod IP may be changed in generateAPIPodStatus if the pod is using host network. (See #24576)
	// TODO(random-liu): After writing pod spec into container labels, check whether pod is using host network, and
	// set pod IP to hostIP directly in runtime.GetPodStatus
	podStatus.IPs = make([]string, 0, len(apiPodStatus.PodIPs))
	for _, ipInfo := range apiPodStatus.PodIPs {
		podStatus.IPs = append(podStatus.IPs, ipInfo.IP)

	if len(podStatus.IPs) == 0 && len(apiPodStatus.PodIP) > 0 {
		podStatus.IPs = []string{apiPodStatus.PodIP}

	// If the pod should not be running, we request the pod's containers be stopped. This is not the same
	// as termination (we want to stop the pod, but potentially restart it later if soft admission allows
	// it later). Set the status and phase appropriately
	// 校验该pod能否运行
	runnable := kl.canRunPod(pod)
	if !runnable.Admit {
		// Pod is not runnable; and update the Pod and Container statuses to why.
		// 如果不能运行,回写container的等待原因
		if apiPodStatus.Phase != v1.PodFailed && apiPodStatus.Phase != v1.PodSucceeded {
			apiPodStatus.Phase = v1.PodPending
		apiPodStatus.Reason = runnable.Reason
		apiPodStatus.Message = runnable.Message
		// Waiting containers are not creating.
		const waitingReason = "Blocked"
		for _, cs := range apiPodStatus.InitContainerStatuses {
			if cs.State.Waiting != nil {
				cs.State.Waiting.Reason = waitingReason
		for _, cs := range apiPodStatus.ContainerStatuses {
			if cs.State.Waiting != nil {
				cs.State.Waiting.Reason = waitingReason

	// Record the time it takes for the pod to become running.
	existingStatus, ok := kl.statusManager.GetPodStatus(pod.UID)
	if !ok || existingStatus.Phase == v1.PodPending && apiPodStatus.Phase == v1.PodRunning &&
		!firstSeenTime.IsZero() {
	// 更新状态管理器中的状态
	kl.statusManager.SetPodStatus(pod, apiPodStatus)

	// Pods that are not runnable must be stopped - return a typed error to the pod worker
	// 如果校验没通过,那么kill掉pod
	if !runnable.Admit {
		klog.V(2).InfoS("Pod is not runnable and must have running containers stopped", "pod", klog.KObj(pod), "podUID", pod.UID, "message", runnable.Message)
		var syncErr error
		p := kubecontainer.ConvertPodStatusToRunningPod(kl.getRuntime().Type(), podStatus)
		if err := kl.killPod(pod, p, nil); err != nil {
			kl.recorder.Eventf(pod, v1.EventTypeWarning, events.FailedToKillPod, "error killing pod: %v", err)
			syncErr = fmt.Errorf("error killing pod: %v", err)
		} else {
			// There was no error killing the pod, but the pod cannot be run.
			// Return an error to signal that the sync loop should back off.
			syncErr = fmt.Errorf("pod cannot be run: %s", runnable.Message)
		return syncErr

	// If the network plugin is not ready, only start the pod if it uses the host network
	// 校验网络插件是否已准备好
	if err := kl.runtimeState.networkErrors(); err != nil && !kubecontainer.IsHostNetworkPod(pod) {
		kl.recorder.Eventf(pod, v1.EventTypeWarning, events.NetworkNotReady, "%s: %v", NetworkNotReadyErrorMsg, err)
		return fmt.Errorf("%s: %v", NetworkNotReadyErrorMsg, err)

	// Create Cgroups for the pod and apply resource parameters
	// to them if cgroups-per-qos flag is enabled.
	pcm := kl.containerManager.NewPodContainerManager()
	// If pod has already been terminated then we need not create
	// or update the pod's cgroup
	// TODO: once context cancellation is added this check can be removed
	if !kl.podWorkers.IsPodTerminationRequested(pod.UID) {
		// When the kubelet is restarted with the cgroups-per-qos
		// flag enabled, all the pod's running containers
		// should be killed intermittently and brought back up
		// under the qos cgroup hierarchy.
		// Check if this is the pod's first sync
		// 校验该pod是否首次创建
		firstSync := true
		for _, containerStatus := range apiPodStatus.ContainerStatuses {
			if containerStatus.State.Running != nil {
				firstSync = false
		// Don't kill containers in pod if pod's cgroups already
		// exists or the pod is running for the first time
		// 如果该pod的cgroups不存在,并且不是首次启动,那么kill掉
		podKilled := false
		if !pcm.Exists(pod) && !firstSync {
			p := kubecontainer.ConvertPodStatusToRunningPod(kl.getRuntime().Type(), podStatus)
			if err := kl.killPod(pod, p, nil); err == nil {
				podKilled = true
			} else {
				klog.ErrorS(err, "KillPod failed", "pod", klog.KObj(pod), "podStatus", podStatus)
		// Create and Update pod's Cgroups
		// Don't create cgroups for run once pod if it was killed above
		// The current policy is not to restart the run once pods when
		// the kubelet is restarted with the new flag as run once pods are
		// expected to run only once and if the kubelet is restarted then
		// they are not expected to run again.
		// We don't create and apply updates to cgroup if its a run once pod and was killed above
		// 如果该pod在上面没有被kill掉,或重启策略不是永不重启
		if !(podKilled && pod.Spec.RestartPolicy == v1.RestartPolicyNever) {
			// 如果该pod的cgroups不存在,那么就创建cgroups
			if !pcm.Exists(pod) {
				if err := kl.containerManager.UpdateQOSCgroups(); err != nil {
					klog.V(2).InfoS("Failed to update QoS cgroups while syncing pod", "pod", klog.KObj(pod), "err", err)
				if err := pcm.EnsureExists(pod); err != nil {
					kl.recorder.Eventf(pod, v1.EventTypeWarning, events.FailedToCreatePodContainer, "unable to ensure pod container exists: %v", err)
					return fmt.Errorf("failed to ensure that the pod: %v cgroups exist and are correctly applied: %v", pod.UID, err)

	// Create Mirror Pod for Static Pod if it doesn't already exist
	// 为静态pod创建mirror pod
	if kubetypes.IsStaticPod(pod) {
		deleted := false
		if mirrorPod != nil {
			if mirrorPod.DeletionTimestamp != nil || !kl.podManager.IsMirrorPodOf(mirrorPod, pod) {
				// The mirror pod is semantically different from the static pod. Remove
				// it. The mirror pod will get recreated later.
				klog.InfoS("Trying to delete pod", "pod", klog.KObj(pod), "podUID", mirrorPod.ObjectMeta.UID)
				podFullName := kubecontainer.GetPodFullName(pod)
				var err error
				deleted, err = kl.podManager.DeleteMirrorPod(podFullName, &mirrorPod.ObjectMeta.UID)
				if deleted {
					klog.InfoS("Deleted mirror pod because it is outdated", "pod", klog.KObj(mirrorPod))
				} else if err != nil {
					klog.ErrorS(err, "Failed deleting mirror pod", "pod", klog.KObj(mirrorPod))
		if mirrorPod == nil || deleted {
			node, err := kl.GetNode()
			if err != nil || node.DeletionTimestamp != nil {
				klog.V(4).InfoS("No need to create a mirror pod, since node has been removed from the cluster", "node", klog.KRef("", string(kl.nodeName)))
			} else {
				klog.V(4).InfoS("Creating a mirror pod for static pod", "pod", klog.KObj(pod))
				if err := kl.podManager.CreateMirrorPod(pod); err != nil {
					klog.ErrorS(err, "Failed creating a mirror pod for", "pod", klog.KObj(pod))

	// Make data directories for the pod
	// 创建pod数据目录
	if err := kl.makePodDataDirs(pod); err != nil {
		kl.recorder.Eventf(pod, v1.EventTypeWarning, events.FailedToMakePodDataDirectories, "error making pod data directories: %v", err)
		klog.ErrorS(err, "Unable to make pod data directories for pod", "pod", klog.KObj(pod))
		return err

	// Volume manager will not mount volumes for terminating pods
	// TODO: once context cancellation is added this check can be removed
	// 如果该pod没有被终止,那么需要等待attach/mount volumes
	if !kl.podWorkers.IsPodTerminationRequested(pod.UID) {
		// Wait for volumes to attach/mount
		if err := kl.volumeManager.WaitForAttachAndMount(pod); err != nil {
			kl.recorder.Eventf(pod, v1.EventTypeWarning, events.FailedMountVolume, "Unable to attach or mount volumes: %v", err)
			klog.ErrorS(err, "Unable to attach or mount volumes for pod; skipping pod", "pod", klog.KObj(pod))
			return err

	// Fetch the pull secrets for the pod
	// 为pod拉取secrets配置
	pullSecrets := kl.getPullSecretsForPod(pod)

	// Call the container runtime's SyncPod callback
	// 真正的容器创建逻辑
	result := kl.containerRuntime.SyncPod(pod, podStatus, pullSecrets, kl.backOff)
	kl.reasonCache.Update(pod.UID, result)
	if err := result.Error(); err != nil {
		// Do not return error if the only failures were pods in backoff
		for _, r := range result.SyncResults {
			if r.Error != kubecontainer.ErrCrashLoopBackOff && r.Error != images.ErrImagePullBackOff {
				// Do not record an event here, as we keep all event logging for sync pod failures
				// local to container runtime so we get better errors
				return err

		return nil

	return nil


  1. 校验该Pod能否运行,如果不能运行,那么回写container的等待原因,然后更新状态管理器中的状态
  2. 如果校验没通过,那么kill掉Pod,然后返回
  3. 校验网络插件是否已准备好,如果没有,直接返回
  4. 如果该Pod的cgroups不存在,那么就创建cgroups
  5. 创建Pod数据目录,等待attach/mount volumes
  6. 拉取这个Pod的secrets配置
  7. 调用kl.containerRuntime.SyncPod()真正创建Pod
// pkg/kubelet/kuberuntime/kuberuntime_manager.go
func (m *kubeGenericRuntimeManager) SyncPod(pod *v1.Pod, podStatus *kubecontainer.PodStatus, pullSecrets []v1.Secret, backOff *flowcontrol.Backoff) (result kubecontainer.PodSyncResult) {
	// Step 1: Compute sandbox and container changes.
	// 计算一下pod中哪些container有变化,哪些container需要创建,哪些container需要kill掉
	podContainerChanges := m.computePodActions(pod, podStatus)
	klog.V(3).InfoS("computePodActions got for pod", "podActions", podContainerChanges, "pod", klog.KObj(pod))
	if podContainerChanges.CreateSandbox {
		ref, err := ref.GetReference(legacyscheme.Scheme, pod)
		if err != nil {
			klog.ErrorS(err, "Couldn't make a ref to pod", "pod", klog.KObj(pod))
		if podContainerChanges.SandboxID != "" {
			m.recorder.Eventf(ref, v1.EventTypeNormal, events.SandboxChanged, "Pod sandbox changed, it will be killed and re-created.")
		} else {
			klog.V(4).InfoS("SyncPod received new pod, will create a sandbox for it", "pod", klog.KObj(pod))

	// Step 2: Kill the pod if the sandbox has changed.
	// kill掉sandbox已经改变的pod
	if podContainerChanges.KillPod {
		if podContainerChanges.CreateSandbox {
			klog.V(4).InfoS("Stopping PodSandbox for pod, will start new one", "pod", klog.KObj(pod))
		} else {
			klog.V(4).InfoS("Stopping PodSandbox for pod, because all other containers are dead", "pod", klog.KObj(pod))
		// kill容器操作
		killResult := m.killPodWithSyncResult(pod, kubecontainer.ConvertPodStatusToRunningPod(m.runtimeName, podStatus), nil)
		if killResult.Error() != nil {
			klog.ErrorS(killResult.Error(), "killPodWithSyncResult failed")

		if podContainerChanges.CreateSandbox {
			m.purgeInitContainers(pod, podStatus)
	} else {
		// Step 3: kill any running containers in this pod which are not to keep.
		// kill掉containersToKill列表中的container
		for containerID, containerInfo := range podContainerChanges.ContainersToKill {
			klog.V(3).InfoS("Killing unwanted container for pod", "containerName", containerInfo.name, "containerID", containerID, "pod", klog.KObj(pod))
			killContainerResult := kubecontainer.NewSyncResult(kubecontainer.KillContainer, containerInfo.name)
			if err := m.killContainer(pod, containerID, containerInfo.name, containerInfo.message, containerInfo.reason, nil); err != nil {
				killContainerResult.Fail(kubecontainer.ErrKillContainer, err.Error())
				klog.ErrorS(err, "killContainer for pod failed", "containerName", containerInfo.name, "containerID", containerID, "pod", klog.KObj(pod))

	// Keep terminated init containers fairly aggressively controlled
	// This is an optimization because container removals are typically handled
	// by container garbage collector.
	// 清理同名的init container
	m.pruneInitContainersBeforeStart(pod, podStatus)

	// We pass the value of the PRIMARY podIP and list of podIPs down to
	// generatePodSandboxConfig and generateContainerConfig, which in turn
	// passes it to various other functions, in order to facilitate functionality
	// that requires this value (hosts file and downward API) and avoid races determining
	// the pod IP in cases where a container requires restart but the
	// podIP isn't in the status manager yet. The list of podIPs is used to
	// generate the hosts file.
	// We default to the IPs in the passed-in pod status, and overwrite them if the
	// sandbox needs to be (re)started.
	var podIPs []string
	if podStatus != nil {
		podIPs = podStatus.IPs

	// Step 4: Create a sandbox for the pod if necessary.
	podSandboxID := podContainerChanges.SandboxID
	if podContainerChanges.CreateSandbox {
		var msg string
		var err error

		klog.V(4).InfoS("Creating PodSandbox for pod", "pod", klog.KObj(pod))
		createSandboxResult := kubecontainer.NewSyncResult(kubecontainer.CreatePodSandbox, format.Pod(pod))
		// 为pod创建sandbox
		podSandboxID, msg, err = m.createPodSandbox(pod, podContainerChanges.Attempt)
		if err != nil {
			// createPodSandbox can return an error from CNI, CSI,
			// or CRI if the Pod has been deleted while the POD is
			// being created. If the pod has been deleted then it's
			// not a real error.
			// SyncPod can still be running when we get here, which
			// means the PodWorker has not acked the deletion.
			if m.podStateProvider.IsPodTerminationRequested(pod.UID) {
				klog.V(4).InfoS("Pod was deleted and sandbox failed to be created", "pod", klog.KObj(pod), "podUID", pod.UID)
			createSandboxResult.Fail(kubecontainer.ErrCreatePodSandbox, msg)
			klog.ErrorS(err, "CreatePodSandbox for pod failed", "pod", klog.KObj(pod))
			ref, referr := ref.GetReference(legacyscheme.Scheme, pod)
			if referr != nil {
				klog.ErrorS(referr, "Couldn't make a ref to pod", "pod", klog.KObj(pod))
			m.recorder.Eventf(ref, v1.EventTypeWarning, events.FailedCreatePodSandBox, "Failed to create pod sandbox: %v", err)
		klog.V(4).InfoS("Created PodSandbox for pod", "podSandboxID", podSandboxID, "pod", klog.KObj(pod))

		podSandboxStatus, err := m.runtimeService.PodSandboxStatus(podSandboxID)
		if err != nil {
			ref, referr := ref.GetReference(legacyscheme.Scheme, pod)
			if referr != nil {
				klog.ErrorS(referr, "Couldn't make a ref to pod", "pod", klog.KObj(pod))
			m.recorder.Eventf(ref, v1.EventTypeWarning, events.FailedStatusPodSandBox, "Unable to get pod sandbox status: %v", err)
			klog.ErrorS(err, "Failed to get pod sandbox status; Skipping pod", "pod", klog.KObj(pod))

		// If we ever allow updating a pod from non-host-network to
		// host-network, we may use a stale IP.
		if !kubecontainer.IsHostNetworkPod(pod) {
			// Overwrite the podIPs passed in the pod status, since we just started the pod sandbox.
			podIPs = m.determinePodSandboxIPs(pod.Namespace, pod.Name, podSandboxStatus)
			klog.V(4).InfoS("Determined the ip for pod after sandbox changed", "IPs", podIPs, "pod", klog.KObj(pod))

	// the start containers routines depend on pod ip(as in primary pod ip)
	// instead of trying to figure out if we have 0 < len(podIPs)
	// everytime, we short circuit it here
	podIP := ""
	if len(podIPs) != 0 {
		podIP = podIPs[0]

	// Get podSandboxConfig for containers to start.
	configPodSandboxResult := kubecontainer.NewSyncResult(kubecontainer.ConfigPodSandbox, podSandboxID)
	// 生成sandbox的config配置,如pod的dns、hostName、端口映射
	podSandboxConfig, err := m.generatePodSandboxConfig(pod, podContainerChanges.Attempt)
	if err != nil {
		message := fmt.Sprintf("GeneratePodSandboxConfig for pod %q failed: %v", format.Pod(pod), err)
		klog.ErrorS(err, "GeneratePodSandboxConfig for pod failed", "pod", klog.KObj(pod))
		configPodSandboxResult.Fail(kubecontainer.ErrConfigPodSandbox, message)

	// Helper containing boilerplate common to starting all types of containers.
	// typeName is a description used to describe this type of container in log messages,
	// currently: "container", "init container" or "ephemeral container"
	// metricLabel is the label used to describe this type of container in monitoring metrics.
	// currently: "container", "init_container" or "ephemeral_container"
	start := func(typeName, metricLabel string, spec *startSpec) error {
		startContainerResult := kubecontainer.NewSyncResult(kubecontainer.StartContainer, spec.container.Name)

		isInBackOff, msg, err := m.doBackOff(pod, spec.container, podStatus, backOff)
		if isInBackOff {
			startContainerResult.Fail(err, msg)
			klog.V(4).InfoS("Backing Off restarting container in pod", "containerType", typeName, "container", spec.container, "pod", klog.KObj(pod))
			return err

		klog.V(4).InfoS("Creating container in pod", "containerType", typeName, "container", spec.container, "pod", klog.KObj(pod))
		// NOTE (aramase) podIPs are populated for single stack and dual stack clusters. Send only podIPs.
		// 启动容器
		if msg, err := m.startContainer(podSandboxID, podSandboxConfig, spec, pod, podStatus, pullSecrets, podIP, podIPs); err != nil {
			// startContainer() returns well-defined error codes that have reasonable cardinality for metrics and are
			// useful to cluster administrators to distinguish "server errors" from "user errors".
			metrics.StartedContainersErrorsTotal.WithLabelValues(metricLabel, err.Error()).Inc()
			startContainerResult.Fail(err, msg)
			// known errors that are logged in other places are logged at higher levels here to avoid
			// repetitive log spam
			switch {
			case err == images.ErrImagePullBackOff:
				klog.V(3).InfoS("Container start failed in pod", "containerType", typeName, "container", spec.container, "pod", klog.KObj(pod), "containerMessage", msg, "err", err)
				utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("%v %+v start failed in pod %v: %v: %s", typeName, spec.container, format.Pod(pod), err, msg))
			return err

		return nil

	// Step 5: start ephemeral containers
	// These are started "prior" to init containers to allow running ephemeral containers even when there
	// are errors starting an init container. In practice init containers will start first since ephemeral
	// containers cannot be specified on pod creation.
	// 临时容器相关
	if utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.EphemeralContainers) {
		for _, idx := range podContainerChanges.EphemeralContainersToStart {
			start("ephemeral container", metrics.EphemeralContainer, ephemeralContainerStartSpec(&pod.Spec.EphemeralContainers[idx]))

	// Step 6: start the init container.
	// 启动init container
	if container := podContainerChanges.NextInitContainerToStart; container != nil {
		// Start the next init container.
		if err := start("init container", metrics.InitContainer, containerStartSpec(container)); err != nil {

		// Successfully started the container; clear the entry in the failure
		klog.V(4).InfoS("Completed init container for pod", "containerName", container.Name, "pod", klog.KObj(pod))

	// Step 7: start containers in podContainerChanges.ContainersToStart.
	// 启动container列表
	for _, idx := range podContainerChanges.ContainersToStart {
		start("container", metrics.Container, containerStartSpec(&pod.Spec.Containers[idx]))



  1. 首先调用computePodActions()方法计算一下Pod中哪些container有变化,哪些container需要创建,哪些container需要kill掉
  2. kill掉sandbox已经改变的Pod
  3. 调用killContainer()方法kill掉containersToKill列表中的container
  4. 调用pruneInitContainersBeforeStart()方法清理同名的init container
  5. 调用createPodSandbox()方法,创建需要被创建的Sandbox
  6. 获取NextInitContainerToStart中的container,调用startContainer()方法启动init container
  7. 获取ContainersToStart中的container,调用startContainer()方法container
// pkg/kubelet/kuberuntime/kuberuntime_manager.go
func (m *kubeGenericRuntimeManager) computePodActions(pod *v1.Pod, podStatus *kubecontainer.PodStatus) podActions {
	klog.V(5).InfoS("Syncing Pod", "pod", klog.KObj(pod))
	// 获取到pod sandbox的变化
	createPodSandbox, attempt, sandboxID := m.podSandboxChanged(pod, podStatus)
	changes := podActions{
		KillPod:           createPodSandbox,
		CreateSandbox:     createPodSandbox,
		SandboxID:         sandboxID,
		Attempt:           attempt,
		ContainersToStart: []int{},
		ContainersToKill:  make(map[kubecontainer.ContainerID]containerToKillInfo),

	// If we need to (re-)create the pod sandbox, everything will need to be
	// killed and recreated, and init containers should be purged.
	// 如果需要创建sandbox,那init container和其他container需要kill掉重新创建
	if createPodSandbox {
		if !shouldRestartOnFailure(pod) && attempt != 0 && len(podStatus.ContainerStatuses) != 0 {
			// Should not restart the pod, just return.
			// we should not create a sandbox for a pod if it is already done.
			// if all containers are done and should not be started, there is no need to create a new sandbox.
			// this stops confusing logs on pods whose containers all have exit codes, but we recreate a sandbox before terminating it.
			// If ContainerStatuses is empty, we assume that we've never
			// successfully created any containers. In this case, we should
			// retry creating the sandbox.
			// 如果所有的container都已完成且设置的不重启,那么不应该创建一个新的sandbox
			// 如果containerStatuses是空的,那么可以认定从没有成功创建过container,所以应该创建sandbox
			changes.CreateSandbox = false
			return changes

		// Get the containers to start, excluding the ones that succeeded if RestartPolicy is OnFailure.
		var containersToStart []int
		// 将所有container加入到需要启动的队列中,除了已启动成功且重启策略为OnFailure的pod
		for idx, c := range pod.Spec.Containers {
			if pod.Spec.RestartPolicy == v1.RestartPolicyOnFailure && containerSucceeded(&c, podStatus) {
			containersToStart = append(containersToStart, idx)
		// We should not create a sandbox for a Pod if initialization is done and there is no container to start.
		// 如果没有需要启动的container,且init container执行完成,那也不需要新建sandbox
		if len(containersToStart) == 0 {
			_, _, done := findNextInitContainerToRun(pod, podStatus)
			if done {
				changes.CreateSandbox = false
				return changes
		// 如果init container不为空,那么将init container中的第一个设置成下一个启动的init container
		if len(pod.Spec.InitContainers) != 0 {
			// Pod has init containers, return the first one.
			changes.NextInitContainerToStart = &pod.Spec.InitContainers[0]
			return changes
		// 如果没有init container,则启动普通的容器
		changes.ContainersToStart = containersToStart
		return changes

	// Ephemeral containers may be started even if initialization is not yet complete.
	if utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.EphemeralContainers) {
		for i := range pod.Spec.EphemeralContainers {
			c := (*v1.Container)(&pod.Spec.EphemeralContainers[i].EphemeralContainerCommon)

			// Ephemeral Containers are never restarted
			if podStatus.FindContainerStatusByName(c.Name) == nil {
				changes.EphemeralContainersToStart = append(changes.EphemeralContainersToStart, i)

	// Check initialization progress.
	// 获取下一个要运行的init container
	initLastStatus, next, done := findNextInitContainerToRun(pod, podStatus)
	// 如果init container没有执行完,则先启动init container
	if !done {
		// 如果有下一个init container要启动
		if next != nil {
			// 如果initLastStatus不为空且isInitContainerFailed返回true代表init container启动失败
			initFailed := initLastStatus != nil && isInitContainerFailed(initLastStatus)
			// 如果init container启动失败并且重启策略不是用不重启,则KillPod=true,也就是init container启动失败了删除整个pod的容器(sandbox容器也会被删除)
			if initFailed && !shouldRestartOnFailure(pod) {
				changes.KillPod = true
			} else {
				// Always try to stop containers in unknown state first.
				if initLastStatus != nil && initLastStatus.State == kubecontainer.ContainerStateUnknown {
					changes.ContainersToKill[initLastStatus.ID] = containerToKillInfo{
						name:      next.Name,
						container: next,
						message: fmt.Sprintf("Init container is in %q state, try killing it before restart",
						reason: reasonUnknown,
				// 设置下一个要启动的init container为next
				changes.NextInitContainerToStart = next
		// Initialization failed or still in progress. Skip inspecting non-init
		// containers.
		// 如果init container没全部执行完成,但是没有下一个init要执行,则代表当前init container正在running,没有运行完成,返回
		return changes

	// init container已完成,计算需要kill&start的工作container
	// Number of running containers to keep.
	keepCount := 0
	// check the status of containers.
	for idx, container := range pod.Spec.Containers {
		containerStatus := podStatus.FindContainerStatusByName(container.Name)

		// Call internal container post-stop lifecycle hook for any non-running container so that any
		// allocated cpus are released immediately. If the container is restarted, cpus will be re-allocated
		// to it.
		// 如果运行状态不为空,并且不是running,代表启动失败的,准备删掉.先把生命周期性相关的执行掉
		if containerStatus != nil && containerStatus.State != kubecontainer.ContainerStateRunning {
			if err := m.internalLifecycle.PostStopContainer(containerStatus.ID.ID); err != nil {
				klog.ErrorS(err, "Internal container post-stop lifecycle hook failed for container in pod with error",
					"containerName", container.Name, "pod", klog.KObj(pod))

		// If container does not exist, or is not running, check whether we
		// need to restart it.
		// 如果container不存在或没有在运行,那么根据重启策略决定是否需要重启
		if containerStatus == nil || containerStatus.State != kubecontainer.ContainerStateRunning {
			if kubecontainer.ShouldContainerBeRestarted(&container, pod, podStatus) {
				klog.V(3).InfoS("Container of pod is not in the desired state and shall be started", "containerName", container.Name, "pod", klog.KObj(pod))
				// 加入到需要重启的列表里
				changes.ContainersToStart = append(changes.ContainersToStart, idx)
				if containerStatus != nil && containerStatus.State == kubecontainer.ContainerStateUnknown {
					// If container is in unknown state, we don't know whether it
					// is actually running or not, always try killing it before
					// restart to avoid having 2 running instances of the same container.
					changes.ContainersToKill[containerStatus.ID] = containerToKillInfo{
						name:      containerStatus.Name,
						container: &pod.Spec.Containers[idx],
						message: fmt.Sprintf("Container is in %q state, try killing it before restart",
						reason: reasonUnknown,
		// The container is running, but kill the container if any of the following condition is met.
		var message string
		var reason containerKillReason
		// 到这里,说明container处于running状态,那么当满足下面条件时需要kill掉重启
		// 获取pod重启策略,如果不是Never就需要重启
		restart := shouldRestartOnFailure(pod)
		if _, _, changed := containerChanged(&container, containerStatus); changed {
			// 如果container的spec已经改变了,那么直接重启
			message = fmt.Sprintf("Container %s definition changed", container.Name)
			// Restart regardless of the restart policy because the container
			// spec changed.
			restart = true
		} else if liveness, found := m.livenessManager.Get(containerStatus.ID); found && liveness == proberesults.Failure {
			// If the container failed the liveness probe, we should kill it.
			// 如果liveness探针检测失败,需要kill掉container,根据重启策略决定是否要重启
			message = fmt.Sprintf("Container %s failed liveness probe", container.Name)
			reason = reasonLivenessProbe
		} else if startup, found := m.startupManager.Get(containerStatus.ID); found && startup == proberesults.Failure {
			// If the container failed the startup probe, we should kill it.
			// 如果startup探针检测失败,需要kill掉container,根据重启策略决定是否要重启
			message = fmt.Sprintf("Container %s failed startup probe", container.Name)
			reason = reasonStartupProbe
		} else {
			// 到这里,如果探针检测又没问题,container又没改变,那么不需要重启
			// Keep the container.

		// We need to kill the container, but if we also want to restart the
		// container afterwards, make the intent clear in the message. Also do
		// not kill the entire pod since we expect container to be running eventually.
		// 如果需要重启,那么把这些container加入队列
		if restart {
			message = fmt.Sprintf("%s, will be restarted", message)
			changes.ContainersToStart = append(changes.ContainersToStart, idx)
		// 设置需要kill掉的container的列表
		changes.ContainersToKill[containerStatus.ID] = containerToKillInfo{
			name:      containerStatus.Name,
			container: &pod.Spec.Containers[idx],
			message:   message,
			reason:    reason,
		klog.V(2).InfoS("Message for Container of pod", "containerName", container.Name, "containerStatusID", containerStatus.ID, "pod", klog.KObj(pod), "containerMessage", message)

	if keepCount == 0 && len(changes.ContainersToStart) == 0 {
		changes.KillPod = true

	return changes


  1. 需要创建PodSandbox时
    • 如果init container不为空,将init container中的第一个设置到NextInitContainerToStart字段中,返回
    • 如果init container为空,将主容器设置到ContainersToStart字段中,返回
  2. 如果init container没有执行完,则先启动init container,将下一个要启动的init container设置到NextInitContainerToStart字段中,返回
  3. 最后根据容器运行状态、Pod重启策略、探针检测失败等情况,找到需要被kill掉的container添加到ContainersToKill字段中,以及需要被启动的container添加到ContainersToStart字段中

computePodActions()方法决定了Pod启动sandbox、init container、主容器的前后关系,Pod创建时会先创建PodSandbox,创建PodSandbox后,如果有多个init container,会按照顺序依次启动init container,init container全部启动成功后再启动主容器




// pkg/kubelet/kuberuntime/kuberuntime_sandbox.go
func (m *kubeGenericRuntimeManager) createPodSandbox(pod *v1.Pod, attempt uint32) (string, string, error) {
	// 调用generatePodSandboxConfig生成pod的sandbox配置
	podSandboxConfig, err := m.generatePodSandboxConfig(pod, attempt)
	if err != nil {
		message := fmt.Sprintf("Failed to generate sandbox config for pod %q: %v", format.Pod(pod), err)
		klog.ErrorS(err, "Failed to generate sandbox config for pod", "pod", klog.KObj(pod))
		return "", message, err

	// Create pod logs directory
	err = m.osInterface.MkdirAll(podSandboxConfig.LogDirectory, 0755)
	if err != nil {
		message := fmt.Sprintf("Failed to create log directory for pod %q: %v", format.Pod(pod), err)
		klog.ErrorS(err, "Failed to create log directory for pod", "pod", klog.KObj(pod))
		return "", message, err

	runtimeHandler := ""
	if m.runtimeClassManager != nil {
		runtimeHandler, err = m.runtimeClassManager.LookupRuntimeHandler(pod.Spec.RuntimeClassName)
		if err != nil {
			message := fmt.Sprintf("Failed to create sandbox for pod %q: %v", format.Pod(pod), err)
			return "", message, err
		if runtimeHandler != "" {
			klog.V(2).InfoS("Running pod with runtime handler", "pod", klog.KObj(pod), "runtimeHandler", runtimeHandler)
	// 调用CRI的RunPodSandbox接口,创建sandbox
	podSandBoxID, err := m.runtimeService.RunPodSandbox(podSandboxConfig, runtimeHandler)
	if err != nil {
		message := fmt.Sprintf("Failed to create sandbox for pod %q: %v", format.Pod(pod), err)
		klog.ErrorS(err, "Failed to create sandbox for pod", "pod", klog.KObj(pod))
		return "", message, err

	return podSandBoxID, "", nil


// pkg/kubelet/kuberuntime/kuberuntime_sandbox.go
func (m *kubeGenericRuntimeManager) generatePodSandboxConfig(pod *v1.Pod, attempt uint32) (*runtimeapi.PodSandboxConfig, error) {
	// TODO: deprecating podsandbox resource requirements in favor of the pod level cgroup
	// Refer https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/29871
	// 初始化配置数据
	podUID := string(pod.UID)
	podSandboxConfig := &runtimeapi.PodSandboxConfig{
		Metadata: &runtimeapi.PodSandboxMetadata{
			Name:      pod.Name,
			Namespace: pod.Namespace,
			Uid:       podUID,
			Attempt:   attempt,
		Labels:      newPodLabels(pod),
		Annotations: newPodAnnotations(pod),
	// 设置dns
	dnsConfig, err := m.runtimeHelper.GetPodDNS(pod)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	podSandboxConfig.DnsConfig = dnsConfig
	// 如果没有使用主机网络,设置hostname
	if !kubecontainer.IsHostNetworkPod(pod) {
		// TODO: Add domain support in new runtime interface
		podHostname, podDomain, err := m.runtimeHelper.GeneratePodHostNameAndDomain(pod)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		podHostname, err = util.GetNodenameForKernel(podHostname, podDomain, pod.Spec.SetHostnameAsFQDN)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		podSandboxConfig.Hostname = podHostname
	// 设置pod log目录
	logDir := BuildPodLogsDirectory(pod.Namespace, pod.Name, pod.UID)
	podSandboxConfig.LogDirectory = logDir
	// 注册所需要的port端口
	portMappings := []*runtimeapi.PortMapping{}
	for _, c := range pod.Spec.Containers {
		containerPortMappings := kubecontainer.MakePortMappings(&c)

		for idx := range containerPortMappings {
			port := containerPortMappings[idx]
			hostPort := int32(port.HostPort)
			containerPort := int32(port.ContainerPort)
			protocol := toRuntimeProtocol(port.Protocol)
			portMappings = append(portMappings, &runtimeapi.PortMapping{
				HostIp:        port.HostIP,
				HostPort:      hostPort,
				ContainerPort: containerPort,
				Protocol:      protocol,

	if len(portMappings) > 0 {
		podSandboxConfig.PortMappings = portMappings
	// 生成Linux隔离配置:设置ParentCgroup、sysctls、各种Namespace、Linux权限
	lc, err := m.generatePodSandboxLinuxConfig(pod)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	podSandboxConfig.Linux = lc

	if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
		wc, err := m.generatePodSandboxWindowsConfig(pod)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		podSandboxConfig.Windows = wc

	return podSandboxConfig, nil



// pkg/kubelet/kuberuntime/kuberuntime_container.go
func (m *kubeGenericRuntimeManager) startContainer(podSandboxID string, podSandboxConfig *runtimeapi.PodSandboxConfig, spec *startSpec, pod *v1.Pod, podStatus *kubecontainer.PodStatus, pullSecrets []v1.Secret, podIP string, podIPs []string) (string, error) {
	container := spec.container

	// Step 1: pull the image.
	// 拉取镜像
	imageRef, msg, err := m.imagePuller.EnsureImageExists(pod, container, pullSecrets, podSandboxConfig)
	if err != nil {
		s, _ := grpcstatus.FromError(err)
		m.recordContainerEvent(pod, container, "", v1.EventTypeWarning, events.FailedToCreateContainer, "Error: %v", s.Message())
		return msg, err

	// Step 2: create the container.
	// For a new container, the RestartCount should be 0
	// 计算一下container重启次数,如果是首次创建,那么应该是0
	restartCount := 0
	containerStatus := podStatus.FindContainerStatusByName(container.Name)
	if containerStatus != nil {
		restartCount = containerStatus.RestartCount + 1
	} else {
		// The container runtime keeps state on container statuses and
		// what the container restart count is. When nodes are rebooted
		// some container runtimes clear their state which causes the
		// restartCount to be reset to 0. This causes the logfile to
		// start at 0.log, which either overwrites or appends to the
		// already existing log.
		// We are checking to see if the log directory exists, and find
		// the latest restartCount by checking the log name -
		// {restartCount}.log - and adding 1 to it.
		logDir := BuildContainerLogsDirectory(pod.Namespace, pod.Name, pod.UID, container.Name)
		restartCount, err = calcRestartCountByLogDir(logDir)
		if err != nil {
			klog.InfoS("Log directory exists but could not calculate restartCount", "logDir", logDir, "err", err)

	target, err := spec.getTargetID(podStatus)
	if err != nil {
		s, _ := grpcstatus.FromError(err)
		m.recordContainerEvent(pod, container, "", v1.EventTypeWarning, events.FailedToCreateContainer, "Error: %v", s.Message())
		return s.Message(), ErrCreateContainerConfig
	// 生成containerConfig
	containerConfig, cleanupAction, err := m.generateContainerConfig(container, pod, restartCount, podIP, imageRef, podIPs, target)
	if cleanupAction != nil {
		defer cleanupAction()
	if err != nil {
		s, _ := grpcstatus.FromError(err)
		m.recordContainerEvent(pod, container, "", v1.EventTypeWarning, events.FailedToCreateContainer, "Error: %v", s.Message())
		return s.Message(), ErrCreateContainerConfig

	err = m.internalLifecycle.PreCreateContainer(pod, container, containerConfig)
	if err != nil {
		s, _ := grpcstatus.FromError(err)
		m.recordContainerEvent(pod, container, "", v1.EventTypeWarning, events.FailedToCreateContainer, "Internal PreCreateContainer hook failed: %v", s.Message())
		return s.Message(), ErrPreCreateHook
	// 调用CRI的CreateContainer接口,创建container
	containerID, err := m.runtimeService.CreateContainer(podSandboxID, containerConfig, podSandboxConfig)
	if err != nil {
		s, _ := grpcstatus.FromError(err)
		m.recordContainerEvent(pod, container, containerID, v1.EventTypeWarning, events.FailedToCreateContainer, "Error: %v", s.Message())
		return s.Message(), ErrCreateContainer
	// 在启动之前调用PreStartContainer做预处理工作
	err = m.internalLifecycle.PreStartContainer(pod, container, containerID)
	if err != nil {
		s, _ := grpcstatus.FromError(err)
		m.recordContainerEvent(pod, container, containerID, v1.EventTypeWarning, events.FailedToStartContainer, "Internal PreStartContainer hook failed: %v", s.Message())
		return s.Message(), ErrPreStartHook
	m.recordContainerEvent(pod, container, containerID, v1.EventTypeNormal, events.CreatedContainer, fmt.Sprintf("Created container %s", container.Name))

	// Step 3: start the container.
	// 调用CRI的StartContainer接口,启动container
	err = m.runtimeService.StartContainer(containerID)
	if err != nil {
		s, _ := grpcstatus.FromError(err)
		m.recordContainerEvent(pod, container, containerID, v1.EventTypeWarning, events.FailedToStartContainer, "Error: %v", s.Message())
		return s.Message(), kubecontainer.ErrRunContainer
	m.recordContainerEvent(pod, container, containerID, v1.EventTypeNormal, events.StartedContainer, fmt.Sprintf("Started container %s", container.Name))

	// Symlink container logs to the legacy container log location for cluster logging
	// support.
	// TODO(random-liu): Remove this after cluster logging supports CRI container log path.
	containerMeta := containerConfig.GetMetadata()
	sandboxMeta := podSandboxConfig.GetMetadata()
	legacySymlink := legacyLogSymlink(containerID, containerMeta.Name, sandboxMeta.Name,
	containerLog := filepath.Join(podSandboxConfig.LogDirectory, containerConfig.LogPath)
	// only create legacy symlink if containerLog path exists (or the error is not IsNotExist).
	// Because if containerLog path does not exist, only dangling legacySymlink is created.
	// This dangling legacySymlink is later removed by container gc, so it does not make sense
	// to create it in the first place. it happens when journald logging driver is used with docker.
	if _, err := m.osInterface.Stat(containerLog); !os.IsNotExist(err) {
		if err := m.osInterface.Symlink(containerLog, legacySymlink); err != nil {
			klog.ErrorS(err, "Failed to create legacy symbolic link", "path", legacySymlink,
				"containerID", containerID, "containerLogPath", containerLog)

	// Step 4: execute the post start hook.
	// 调用生命周期的钩子,post start container
	if container.Lifecycle != nil && container.Lifecycle.PostStart != nil {
		kubeContainerID := kubecontainer.ContainerID{
			Type: m.runtimeName,
			ID:   containerID,
		msg, handlerErr := m.runner.Run(kubeContainerID, pod, container, container.Lifecycle.PostStart)
		if handlerErr != nil {
			klog.ErrorS(handlerErr, "Failed to execute PostStartHook", "pod", klog.KObj(pod),
				"podUID", pod.UID, "containerName", container.Name, "containerID", kubeContainerID.String())
			m.recordContainerEvent(pod, container, kubeContainerID.ID, v1.EventTypeWarning, events.FailedPostStartHook, msg)
			if err := m.killContainer(pod, kubeContainerID, container.Name, "FailedPostStartHook", reasonFailedPostStartHook, nil); err != nil {
				klog.ErrorS(err, "Failed to kill container", "pod", klog.KObj(pod),
					"podUID", pod.UID, "containerName", container.Name, "containerID", kubeContainerID.String())
			return msg, ErrPostStartHook

	return "", nil


  1. 拉取镜像
  2. 计算一下container重启次数,如果是首次创建,那么应该是0
  3. 生成containerConfig
  4. 调用CRI的CreateContainer接口,创建container
  5. 在启动之前调用PreStartContainer做预处理工作
  6. 调用CRI的StartContainer接口,启动container
  7. 调用生命周期中设置的钩子post start







kubelet源码分析 kuberuntime的syncpod、killpod函数(一)

kubelet源码分析 kuberuntime的syncpod、createSandbox/createContainer函数(三)




Springboot+vue的交通管理在线服务系统(有报告)。Javaee项目,springboot vue前后端分离项目

演示视频&#xff1a; Springbootvue的交通管理在线服务系统&#xff08;有报告&#xff09;。Javaee项目&#xff0c;springboot vue前后端分离项目 项目介绍&#xff1a; 本文设计了一个基于Springbootvue的前后端分离的交通管理在线服务系统&#xff0c;采用M&#xff08;m…

hyper-v ubuntu 3节点 k8s集群搭建

前奏 搭建一主二从的k8s集群&#xff0c;如图所示&#xff0c;准备3台虚拟机。 不会创建的同学&#xff0c;可以看我上上篇博客&#xff1a;https://blog.csdn.net/dawnto/article/details/135086252 和上篇博客&#xff1a;https://blog.csdn.net/dawnto/article/details/135…



基于SpringBoot的瑜伽馆管理系统 JAVA简易版

目录 一、摘要1.1 项目介绍1.2 项目录屏 二、功能模块2.1 数据中心模块2.2 瑜伽课程模块2.3 课程预约模块2.4 系统公告模块2.5 课程评价模块2.6 瑜伽器械模块 三、系统设计3.1 实体类设计3.1.1 瑜伽课程3.1.2 瑜伽课程预约3.1.3 系统公告3.1.4 瑜伽课程评价 3.2 数据库设计3.2.…


文章目录 前置话题原型定义作用例子说明获取对象原型 原型链定义例子说明原型链演示图 JavaScript 继承通过构造函数继承代码示例 自有属性小结更多内容 前置话题 JavaScript 是一门面向对象的编程语言&#xff0c;其中有一个特征就是可继承性&#xff0c;和java编程语言不同&…


目录&#xff1a;导读 前言一、Python编程入门到精通二、接口自动化项目实战三、Web自动化项目实战四、App自动化项目实战五、一线大厂简历六、测试开发DevOps体系七、常用自动化测试工具八、JMeter性能测试九、总结&#xff08;尾部小惊喜&#xff09; 前言 1、什么是接口 接…

R语言基础 | 安徽某高校《统计建模与R软件》期末复习

第一节 数字、字符与向量 1.1 向量的赋值 c<-(1,2,3,4,5) 1.2 向量的运算 对于向量&#xff0c;我们可以直接对其作加&#xff08;&#xff09;&#xff0c;减&#xff08;-&#xff09;&#xff0c;乘&#xff08;*&#xff09;&#xff0c;除&#xff08;/&#xff09…


5.3 特征决策树分箱 视频为《Python数据科学应用从入门到精通》张甜 杨维忠 清华大学出版社一书的随书赠送视频讲解5.3节内容。本书已正式出版上市&#xff0c;当当、京东、淘宝等平台热销中&#xff0c;搜索书名即可。内容涵盖数据科学应用的全流程&#xff0c;包括数据科学应…


文章目录 一、前言二、CISP三、CISAW四、NISP五、为什么很多人考不下来 一、前言 现在想找网络安全之类的工作&#xff0c;光有技术是不够的&#xff0c;还得有东西证明自己&#xff0c;网安三大敲门砖&#xff1a;CTF、漏洞证明和专业证书。 对于CTF的话只是少数人能参加的…


目录 背景 Lambda表达式的用法 函数式接口 Lambda表达式的基本使用 语法精简 变量捕获 匿名内部类 匿名内部类中的变量捕获 Lambda的变量捕获 Lambda表达式在类集中的使用 Collection接口 List接口 Map接口 总结 背景 Lambda表达式是Java SE 8中的一个重要的新特性.…


注释很详细&#xff0c;直接上代码 上一篇 新增内容 1.为按钮指定图标 2. 列表框的并列 3.菜单项绑定快捷键 4.控件悬浮提示信息 5.菜单项设置小图标 6.五种布局风格右键选择切换 package swing21_30;import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.…

JBoss 5.x/6.x 反序列化 CVE-2017-12149 已亲自复现

JBoss 5.x/6.x 反序列化 CVE-2017-12149 已亲自复现 漏洞名称漏洞描述影响版本 漏洞复现环境搭建漏洞利用 修复建议总结 漏洞名称 漏洞描述 2017年8月30日&#xff0c;厂商Redhat发布了一个JBOSSAS 5.x 的反序列化远程代码执行漏洞通告。该漏洞位于JBoss的HttpInvoker组件中的…

HALCONVS .net混合编程案例【02】:检测芯片的管脚间距

前言&#xff1a; 本章给出的HALCON和Visual Studio的WPF项目中联合编程的案例。 VS中WPF的编程&#xff0c;UI的设计非常方便&#xff0c;如果结合HALCON的算法&#xff0c;可以很快实施机器视觉相关的应用。本例的应用&#xff0c;实现了自动检测的一个三洋的芯片的管脚的间…

实验五 用户进程管理-实验部分

目录 一、知识点 1.Unix进程创建API 1.1.创建新进程API 1.2.fork()地址空间的复制 1.4.shell中调用fork()图示 1.5.fork()创建进程个数示例 1.6.fork()与exec()的比较 2.实验执行流程概述 3.创建用户进程 3.1.应用程序的组成和编译 3.2.用户进程的虚拟地址空间 3.3…

初识QT(上篇):What Qt

初识QT&#xff08;上篇&#xff09;&#xff1a;What Qt 前言 & 说明前言说明 初识QT1.1 QT的what1. 介绍2. 发展历程3. QT架构的主要内容4.QT的常用模块 1.2 QT的 why1. QT的核心机制 下篇笔记链接 前言 & 说明 前言 前言&#xff1a; 之前说要share的qt相关知识&am…


视频课程地址&#xff1a;https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1WY4y197g7 课程资料链接&#xff1a;https://pan.baidu.com/s/15KpnWeKpvExpKmOC8xjmtQ?pwd5ay8 Hadoop入门学习笔记&#xff08;汇总&#xff09; 目录 五、在虚拟机中部署Hive5.1. 在node1虚拟机安装MySQL5.2.…


目录​​​​​​​ 前言&#x1f36f; 1. 检查两颗树是否相同&#x1f947; 1.1 思路分析&#x1fa99; 1.2 代码实现&#x1f9f0; 2. 单值二叉树&#x1f332; 2.1 思路分析&#x1f52e; 2.2 代码实现&#x1f488; 3. 二叉树的前序遍历&#x1f39f;️ 3.1 思路分…




摘要 摘要:同时融合高光谱(HS)、多光谱(MS)和全色(PAN)图像为生成高分辨率HS (HRHS)图像提供了一种新的范式。在这项研究中&#xff0c;我们提出了一个可解释的模型驱动的深度网络&#xff0c;用于HS, MS和PAN图像融合&#xff0c;称为HMPNet。我们首先提出了一种新的融合模型…


机器数与真值 把符号“数字化”的数称为机器数,而把带“+”、“-”符号的数称为真值。 原码表示法 原码是机器数中最简单的一种表示形式,0表示整数,1表示负数。 约定整数的符号位和数值位之间用“逗号”隔开。 在原码中,0有两种表示形式:“+0”和“-0”是不一样的。 反…