Spring Security 6.x 系列(7)—— 源码分析之Builder设计模式

news2025/1/23 2:15:27


WebSecurityHttpSecurityAuthenticationManagerBuilder 都是框架中的构建者,把他们放到一起看看他们的共同特点:






|- SecurityBuilder
	|- AbstractSecurityBuilder
		|- AbstractConfiguredSecurityBuilder


 * Interface for building an Object
 * @param <O> The type of the Object being built
 * @author Rob Winch
 * @since 3.2
public interface SecurityBuilder<O> {

	 * Builds the object and returns it or null.
	 * @return the Object to be built or null if the implementation allows it.
	 * @throws Exception if an error occurred when building the Object
	O build() throws Exception;


SecurityBuilder是一个接口,当调用它的 build() 方法时,会创建一个对象。将要创建的对象类型由泛型 O 限制。这个接口是所有构造器的顶级接口,也是Spring Security 框架中使用Builder设计模式的基础接口。


 * A base {@link SecurityBuilder} that ensures the object being built is only built one
 * time.
 * @param <O> the type of Object that is being built
 * @author Rob Winch
public abstract class AbstractSecurityBuilder<O> implements SecurityBuilder<O> {

	// 标记对象是否处于创建中
	private AtomicBoolean building = new AtomicBoolean();

	private O object;

	public final O build() throws Exception {
		if (this.building.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
			// 对象的实际底构建过程再 doBuild() 方法中实现
			this.object = doBuild();
			return this.object;
		throw new AlreadyBuiltException("This object has already been built");

	 * 获取已生成的对象。如果尚未构建,则会引发异常。
	 * @return the Object that was built
	public final O getObject() {
		if (!this.building.get()) {
			throw new IllegalStateException("This object has not been built");
		return this.object;

	 * 子类需实现这个方法来执行对象构建。
	 * @return the object that should be returned by {@link #build()}.
	 * @throws Exception if an error occurs
	protected abstract O doBuild() throws Exception;




  • 定义了一个原子操作的对象,用来标记当前对象是否处于构造中

    private AtomicBoolean building = new AtomicBoolean();
  • 实现SecurityBuilder接口的 build() 方法。

    调用 doBuild() 方法完成构造,并且在调用 doBuild() 之前需要原子修改 buildingtrue,只有修改成功才能执行 doBuild() 方法,这间接的保证了:对象只构造一次,确保构造的唯一性和原子性。

  • 定义一个 getObject() 方法,方便获取构造的对象。

  • 定义抽象方法 doBuild() ,加入模板模式,交给子类自行实现。


A base SecurityBuilder that allows SecurityConfigurer to be applied to it. This makes modifying the SecurityBuilder a strategy that can be customized and broken up into a number of SecurityConfigurer objects that have more specific goals than that of the SecurityBuilder.


For example, a SecurityBuilder may build an DelegatingFilterProxy, but a SecurityConfigurer might populate the SecurityBuilder with the filters necessary for session management, form based login, authorization, etc.
Rob Winch
<O> – The object that this builder returns 此构造器返回的对象
<B> – The type of this builder (that is returned by the base class) 此构造器的类型(由基类返回)

它继承自 AbstractSecurityBuilder ,在此之上又做了一些扩展。先来看看里面都有什么:


4.1 内部静态枚举类 BuildState


枚举类中只有一个 int 类型的成员变量 order 表示状态编号:

  • UNBUILT(0) :未构造

    构造器的 build 方法被调用之前的状态

  • INITIALIZING(1) : 初始化中

    构造器的 build 方法第一次被调用,到所有 SecurityConfigurerinit 方法都被调用完这期间都是 INITIALIZING 状态

  • CONFIGURING(2): 配置中

    表示从所有的 SecurityConfigurerinit 方法都被调用完,直到所有 configure 方法都被调用

    意思就是所有配置器都初始化了,直到配置都被调用这段时间都时 CONFIGURING 状态

  • BUILDING(3) :对象构造中

    表示已经执行完所有的 SecurityConfigurerconfigure 方法,到刚刚执行完 AbstractConfiguredSecurityBuilderperformBuild 方法这期间

    意思就是从将所有配置器的配置都配置完成开始,到构造完这个对象这段时间都是 BUILDING 状态

  • BUILT(4) :对象已经构造完成



  • isInitializingINITIALIZING状态时返回true

  • isConfigured:大于等于 CONFIGURING 的时候返回 true


4.2 成员变量

private final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());

private final LinkedHashMap<Class<? extends SecurityConfigurer<O, B>>, List<SecurityConfigurer<O, B>>> configurers = new LinkedHashMap<>();

private final List<SecurityConfigurer<O, B>> configurersAddedInInitializing = new ArrayList<>();

private final Map<Class<?>, Object> sharedObjects = new HashMap<>();

private final boolean allowConfigurersOfSameType;

private BuildState buildState = BuildState.UNBUILT;

private ObjectPostProcessor<Object> objectPostProcessor;
  • configurers:所要应用到当前 SecurityBuilder 上的所有的 SecurityConfigurer
  • configurersAddedInInitializing:用于记录在初始化期间添加进来的 SecurityConfigurer
  • sharedObjects:共享对象。
  • ObjectPostProcessor:由外部调用者提供,这是一个后置处理对象,在创建完对象后会用到这个后置处理对象。

4.3 构造方法

 * Creates a new instance with the provided {@link ObjectPostProcessor}. This post
 * processor must support Object since there are many types of objects that may be
 * post processed.
 * @param objectPostProcessor the {@link ObjectPostProcessor} to use
protected AbstractConfiguredSecurityBuilder(ObjectPostProcessor<Object> objectPostProcessor) {
	this(objectPostProcessor, false);

 * Creates a new instance with the provided {@link ObjectPostProcessor}. This post
 * processor must support Object since there are many types of objects that may be
 * post processed.
 * @param objectPostProcessor the {@link ObjectPostProcessor} to use
 * @param allowConfigurersOfSameType if true, will not override other
 * {@link SecurityConfigurer}'s when performing apply
protected AbstractConfiguredSecurityBuilder(ObjectPostProcessor<Object> objectPostProcessor,
		boolean allowConfigurersOfSameType) {
	Assert.notNull(objectPostProcessor, "objectPostProcessor cannot be null");
	this.objectPostProcessor = objectPostProcessor;
	this.allowConfigurersOfSameType = allowConfigurersOfSameType;


  • objectPostProcessor:由外部调用者提供,这是一个后置处理对象,在创建完对象后会用到这个后置处理对象。

  • allowConfigurersOfSameType:从源码可以看出,默认情况下 allowConfigurersOfSameTypefalse


    • true 表示允许相同类型的构造器,在应用配置器时不会覆盖相同类型的配。

4.4 方法

4.4.1 getOrBuild 方法


这个方法的逻辑很简单,调用 isUnbuilt() 方法判断对象创建状态是否未构建完成( return buildState == BuildState.UNBUILT ):

  • 如果对象已经创建就直接返回已经构建好的对象,
  • 否则调用构造器的 build() 方法构建对象并返回已构建完成的对象。

从刚才看到的父类 AbstractSecurityBuilder 代码中可以知道真正的构建过程是调用子类 doBuild() 方法完成的。

isUnbuilt() 方法中,对 configurers 成员变量加了锁(synchronized),保证获取到的构建完成状态时,对象真的已经构建好了。

 * Similar to {@link #build()} and {@link #getObject()} but checks the state to
 * determine if {@link #build()} needs to be called first.
 * @return the result of {@link #build()} or {@link #getObject()}. If an error occurs
 * while building, returns null.
public O getOrBuild() {
	if (!isUnbuilt()) {
		return getObject();
	try {
		return build();
	catch (Exception ex) {
		this.logger.debug("Failed to perform build. Returning null", ex);
		return null;

 * Determines if the object is unbuilt.
 * @return true, if unbuilt else false
private boolean isUnbuilt() {
	synchronized (this.configurers) {
		return this.buildState == BuildState.UNBUILT;

4.4.2 doBuild 方法


 * Executes the build using the {@link SecurityConfigurer}'s that have been applied
 * using the following steps:
 * <ul>
 * <li>Invokes {@link #beforeInit()} for any subclass to hook into</li>
 * <li>Invokes {@link SecurityConfigurer#init(SecurityBuilder)} for any
 * {@link SecurityConfigurer} that was applied to this builder.</li>
 * <li>Invokes {@link #beforeConfigure()} for any subclass to hook into</li>
 * <li>Invokes {@link #performBuild()} which actually builds the Object</li>
 * </ul>
protected final O doBuild() throws Exception {
	synchronized (this.configurers) {
		this.buildState = BuildState.INITIALIZING;
		this.buildState = BuildState.CONFIGURING;
		this.buildState = BuildState.BUILDING;
		O result = performBuild();
		this.buildState = BuildState.BUILT;
		return result;
  • 构建过程对 configurers 加锁。
  • 方法体中时构建对象的整个流程,包括状态变化。
  • 构建过程大致分为构建器初始化 beforeInit()init(),构建器配置 beforeConfigure()configure(),构建对象 performBuild()

构建过程对 configurers 加锁,也就意味着进入构建方法后 configurers 中的构建器应该都准备好了。这个时候如果再添加或者修改配置器都会失败。

4.4.3 beforeInit 方法 和 beforeConfigure 方法


 * Invoked prior to invoking each {@link SecurityConfigurer#init(SecurityBuilder)}
 * method. Subclasses may override this method to hook into the lifecycle without
 * using a {@link SecurityConfigurer}.
protected void beforeInit() throws Exception {

 * Invoked prior to invoking each
 * {@link SecurityConfigurer#configure(SecurityBuilder)} method. Subclasses may
 * override this method to hook into the lifecycle without using a
 * {@link SecurityConfigurer}.
protected void beforeConfigure() throws Exception {


4.4.4 init 方法

private void init() throws Exception {
	Collection<SecurityConfigurer<O, B>> configurers = getConfigurers();
	for (SecurityConfigurer<O, B> configurer : configurers) {
		configurer.init((B) this);
	for (SecurityConfigurer<O, B> configurer : this.configurersAddedInInitializing) {
		configurer.init((B) this);

方法很简单功能很简单,就是遍历 configurersconfigurersAddedInInitializing ,对里面存储的配置器进行初始化。


4.4.5 configure 方法

private void configure() throws Exception {
	Collection<SecurityConfigurer<O, B>> configurers = getConfigurers();
	for (SecurityConfigurer<O, B> configurer : configurers) {
		configurer.configure((B) this);

private Collection<SecurityConfigurer<O, B>> getConfigurers() {
	List<SecurityConfigurer<O, B>> result = new ArrayList<>();
	for (List<SecurityConfigurer<O, B>> configs : this.configurers.values()) {
	return result;

遍历 configurers ,调用所有配置器的 configure(SecurityBuilder b) 方法对当前的构建器(this)进行配置。


4.4.6 performBuild 方法


4.4.7 apply 方法

 * Applies a {@link SecurityConfigurerAdapter} to this {@link SecurityBuilder} and
 * invokes {@link SecurityConfigurerAdapter#setBuilder(SecurityBuilder)}.
 * @param configurer
 * @return the {@link SecurityConfigurerAdapter} for further customizations
 * @throws Exception
public <C extends SecurityConfigurerAdapter<O, B>> C apply(C configurer) throws Exception {
	configurer.setBuilder((B) this);
	return configurer;

 * Applies a {@link SecurityConfigurer} to this {@link SecurityBuilder} overriding any
 * {@link SecurityConfigurer} of the exact same class. Note that object hierarchies
 * are not considered.
 * @param configurer
 * @return the {@link SecurityConfigurerAdapter} for further customizations
 * @throws Exception
public <C extends SecurityConfigurer<O, B>> C apply(C configurer) throws Exception {
	return configurer;


这个方法的作用是将 SecurityConfigurerAdapter (配置器的适配器)或者 SecurityConfigurer (配置器)应用到当前的构建器。这两个方法是相互重载的,他们最后都调用了 add(configurer) 方法,将配置器添加到构建器,方便构建时使用(初始,配置)。

关于 SecurityConfigurerAdapterSecurityConfigurer 后面再详细了解。这里观察可以看出,他们实现了相同的接口,都可以作为add方法的参数。

而且 public <C extends SecurityConfigurerAdapter<O,B>> C apply(C configurer)throws Exception方法在6.2 版本标记为废弃。

4.4.8 add 方法

 * Adds {@link SecurityConfigurer} ensuring that it is allowed and invoking
 * {@link SecurityConfigurer#init(SecurityBuilder)} immediately if necessary.
 * @param configurer the {@link SecurityConfigurer} to add
private <C extends SecurityConfigurer<O, B>> void add(C configurer) {
	Assert.notNull(configurer, "configurer cannot be null");
	Class<? extends SecurityConfigurer<O, B>> clazz = (Class<? extends SecurityConfigurer<O, B>>) configurer
	synchronized (this.configurers) {
		if (this.buildState.isConfigured()) {
			throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot apply " + configurer + " to already built object");
		List<SecurityConfigurer<O, B>> configs = null;
		if (this.allowConfigurersOfSameType) {
			configs = this.configurers.get(clazz);
		configs = (configs != null) ? configs : new ArrayList<>(1);
		this.configurers.put(clazz, configs);
		if (this.buildState.isInitializing()) {

这个方法将配置器添加到一个map集合里面,这个map中以配置器的类名为 Key,以存放这个类型的配置器的 List 集合为 Value

  • 在执行添加操作时会对 configurers 加锁(synchronized )。

  • 通过构造方法中设置的 allowConfigurersOfSameType 值判断是否允许添加相同类型的配置器,如果是 true ,那么在添加之前会根据类名先从 map 中获取该类型配置器链表(List),如果获取到了就把要添加的配置器追加到后面,然后把追加了新配置器的List再放回到 map 里面,如果获取到 null ,接创建一个新的 List 来存放配置器。

  • 添加配置器时,如果该构建器已经处于以配置状态(大于等于 CONFIGURING.order ),那么会抛出异常;如果该构建器已经处于 INITIALIZING 状态,那么久将这个适配器链表存放到 configurersAddedInInitializing 这个map中;否则将适配器链表存放到 configurers 这个 map 集合中。

遗留一个问题,没有看出来为什么要使用 configurersAddedInInitializing ,如果没有 configurersAddedInInitializing 这个设计会出现什么并发问题吗?

4.4.9 其他方法


剩下的方法都是一些getsetremove 方法很好理解,不做多余追述。





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