
news2025/3/1 0:27:54


 * Copyright 2002-2020 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.lookup;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.sql.DataSource;

import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean;
import org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.AbstractDataSource;
import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import org.springframework.util.CollectionUtils;

 * Abstract {@link javax.sql.DataSource} implementation that routes {@link #getConnection()}
 * calls to one of various target DataSources based on a lookup key. The latter is usually
 * (but not necessarily) determined through some thread-bound transaction context.
 * @author Juergen Hoeller
 * @since 2.0.1
 * @see #setTargetDataSources
 * @see #setDefaultTargetDataSource
 * @see #determineCurrentLookupKey()
public abstract class AbstractRoutingDataSource extends AbstractDataSource implements InitializingBean {

	private Map<Object, Object> targetDataSources;

	private Object defaultTargetDataSource;

	private boolean lenientFallback = true;

	private DataSourceLookup dataSourceLookup = new JndiDataSourceLookup();

	private Map<Object, DataSource> resolvedDataSources;

	private DataSource resolvedDefaultDataSource;

	 * Specify the map of target DataSources, with the lookup key as key.
	 * The mapped value can either be a corresponding {@link javax.sql.DataSource}
	 * instance or a data source name String (to be resolved via a
	 * {@link #setDataSourceLookup DataSourceLookup}).
	 * <p>The key can be of arbitrary type; this class implements the
	 * generic lookup process only. The concrete key representation will
	 * be handled by {@link #resolveSpecifiedLookupKey(Object)} and
	 * {@link #determineCurrentLookupKey()}.
	public void setTargetDataSources(Map<Object, Object> targetDataSources) {
		this.targetDataSources = targetDataSources;

	 * Specify the default target DataSource, if any.
	 * <p>The mapped value can either be a corresponding {@link javax.sql.DataSource}
	 * instance or a data source name String (to be resolved via a
	 * {@link #setDataSourceLookup DataSourceLookup}).
	 * <p>This DataSource will be used as target if none of the keyed
	 * {@link #setTargetDataSources targetDataSources} match the
	 * {@link #determineCurrentLookupKey()} current lookup key.
	public void setDefaultTargetDataSource(Object defaultTargetDataSource) {
		this.defaultTargetDataSource = defaultTargetDataSource;

	 * Specify whether to apply a lenient fallback to the default DataSource
	 * if no specific DataSource could be found for the current lookup key.
	 * <p>Default is "true", accepting lookup keys without a corresponding entry
	 * in the target DataSource map - simply falling back to the default DataSource
	 * in that case.
	 * <p>Switch this flag to "false" if you would prefer the fallback to only apply
	 * if the lookup key was {@code null}. Lookup keys without a DataSource
	 * entry will then lead to an IllegalStateException.
	 * @see #setTargetDataSources
	 * @see #setDefaultTargetDataSource
	 * @see #determineCurrentLookupKey()
	public void setLenientFallback(boolean lenientFallback) {
		this.lenientFallback = lenientFallback;

	 * Set the DataSourceLookup implementation to use for resolving data source
	 * name Strings in the {@link #setTargetDataSources targetDataSources} map.
	 * <p>Default is a {@link JndiDataSourceLookup}, allowing the JNDI names
	 * of application server DataSources to be specified directly.
	public void setDataSourceLookup(@Nullable DataSourceLookup dataSourceLookup) {
		this.dataSourceLookup = (dataSourceLookup != null ? dataSourceLookup : new JndiDataSourceLookup());

	public void afterPropertiesSet() {
		if (this.targetDataSources == null) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Property 'targetDataSources' is required");
		this.resolvedDataSources = CollectionUtils.newHashMap(this.targetDataSources.size());
		this.targetDataSources.forEach((key, value) -> {
			Object lookupKey = resolveSpecifiedLookupKey(key);
			DataSource dataSource = resolveSpecifiedDataSource(value);
			this.resolvedDataSources.put(lookupKey, dataSource);
		if (this.defaultTargetDataSource != null) {
			this.resolvedDefaultDataSource = resolveSpecifiedDataSource(this.defaultTargetDataSource);

	 * Resolve the given lookup key object, as specified in the
	 * {@link #setTargetDataSources targetDataSources} map, into
	 * the actual lookup key to be used for matching with the
	 * {@link #determineCurrentLookupKey() current lookup key}.
	 * <p>The default implementation simply returns the given key as-is.
	 * @param lookupKey the lookup key object as specified by the user
	 * @return the lookup key as needed for matching
	protected Object resolveSpecifiedLookupKey(Object lookupKey) {
		return lookupKey;

	 * Resolve the specified data source object into a DataSource instance.
	 * <p>The default implementation handles DataSource instances and data source
	 * names (to be resolved via a {@link #setDataSourceLookup DataSourceLookup}).
	 * @param dataSource the data source value object as specified in the
	 * {@link #setTargetDataSources targetDataSources} map
	 * @return the resolved DataSource (never {@code null})
	 * @throws IllegalArgumentException in case of an unsupported value type
	protected DataSource resolveSpecifiedDataSource(Object dataSource) throws IllegalArgumentException {
		if (dataSource instanceof DataSource) {
			return (DataSource) dataSource;
		else if (dataSource instanceof String) {
			return this.dataSourceLookup.getDataSource((String) dataSource);
		else {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException(
					"Illegal data source value - only [javax.sql.DataSource] and String supported: " + dataSource);

	 * Return the resolved target DataSources that this router manages.
	 * @return an unmodifiable map of resolved lookup keys and DataSources
	 * @throws IllegalStateException if the target DataSources are not resolved yet
	 * @since 5.2.9
	 * @see #setTargetDataSources
	public Map<Object, DataSource> getResolvedDataSources() {
		Assert.state(this.resolvedDataSources != null, "DataSources not resolved yet - call afterPropertiesSet");
		return Collections.unmodifiableMap(this.resolvedDataSources);

	 * Return the resolved default target DataSource, if any.
	 * @return the default DataSource, or {@code null} if none or not resolved yet
	 * @since 5.2.9
	 * @see #setDefaultTargetDataSource
	public DataSource getResolvedDefaultDataSource() {
		return this.resolvedDefaultDataSource;

	public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {
		return determineTargetDataSource().getConnection();

	public Connection getConnection(String username, String password) throws SQLException {
		return determineTargetDataSource().getConnection(username, password);

	public <T> T unwrap(Class<T> iface) throws SQLException {
		if (iface.isInstance(this)) {
			return (T) this;
		return determineTargetDataSource().unwrap(iface);

	public boolean isWrapperFor(Class<?> iface) throws SQLException {
		return (iface.isInstance(this) || determineTargetDataSource().isWrapperFor(iface));

	 * Retrieve the current target DataSource. Determines the
	 * {@link #determineCurrentLookupKey() current lookup key}, performs
	 * a lookup in the {@link #setTargetDataSources targetDataSources} map,
	 * falls back to the specified
	 * {@link #setDefaultTargetDataSource default target DataSource} if necessary.
	 * @see #determineCurrentLookupKey()
	protected DataSource determineTargetDataSource() {
		Assert.notNull(this.resolvedDataSources, "DataSource router not initialized");
		Object lookupKey = determineCurrentLookupKey();
		DataSource dataSource = this.resolvedDataSources.get(lookupKey);
		if (dataSource == null && (this.lenientFallback || lookupKey == null)) {
			dataSource = this.resolvedDefaultDataSource;
		if (dataSource == null) {
			throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot determine target DataSource for lookup key [" + lookupKey + "]");
		return dataSource;

	 * Determine the current lookup key. This will typically be
	 * implemented to check a thread-bound transaction context.
	 * <p>Allows for arbitrary keys. The returned key needs
	 * to match the stored lookup key type, as resolved by the
	 * {@link #resolveSpecifiedLookupKey} method.
	protected abstract Object determineCurrentLookupKey();







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