
news2025/1/19 11:28:31


  • 0. 概述
  • 1. duration
    • 1.1 分析
      • std::chrono::duration_cast()
    • 1.2 使用案例
      • std::chrono::duration::count()
    • 1.3 部分源码
  • 2. time_point
    • 2.1 分析
      • std::chrono::time_point_cast()
    • 2.2 使用举例
      • std::chrono::time_point::time_since_epoch()
    • 2.3 部分源码

0. 概述

本篇文章介绍 chrono 模板库,是参考 cplusplus.com 官网做的一篇详解。
chrono 库是可以实现各种时间格式的定义和转化,整体分成三部分。

  1. duration 类
    用作 测量时间跨度,比如:1分钟,2小时,或者10毫秒。
    使用 duration 类模板的对象来表示时,可以将计数表示和周期精度耦合在一起(例如:10表示计数,毫秒表示周期精度)
  2. time_point 类
    用作 表示某一个时间点,比如:日出的时间,某人的纪念日
    使用 time_point 类模板的对象来表示时,需要指定 clock(三种,后面有讲) 和相对于纪元的持续时间来表示这一点
namespace chrono 
	// duration 类
	template <class _Rep, class _Period> class duration;
	// time_point 类
	template <class _Clock, class _Duration = typename _Clock::duration> class time_point;
	// ...
  1. clock 结构体
    1. 系统时钟 system_clock
    2. 稳定时钟 steady_clock
    3. 高精度时钟 high_resolution_clock
namespace chrono 
    struct system_clock { // wraps GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime/GetSystemTimeAsFileTime
        using rep                       = long long;
        using period                    = ratio<1, 10'000'000>; // 100 nanoseconds
        using duration                  = _CHRONO duration<rep, period>;
        using time_point                = _CHRONO time_point<system_clock>;
        static constexpr bool is_steady = false;
	// 获取当前时间
        static time_point now();
	// time_point 类型转化成 time_t
        static __time64_t to_time_t(const time_point& _Time);
	// time_t 类型转化成 time_point
        static time_point from_time_t(__time64_t _Tm);

    struct steady_clock { // wraps QueryPerformanceCounter
        using rep                       = long long;
        using period                    = nano;
        using duration                  = nanoseconds;
        using time_point                = _CHRONO time_point<steady_clock>;
        static constexpr bool is_steady = true;

        static time_point now() noexcept { // get current time
            const long long _Freq = _Query_perf_frequency(); // doesn't change after system boot
            const long long _Ctr  = _Query_perf_counter();
            static_assert(period::num == 1, "This assumes period::num == 1.");
            // 10 MHz is a very common QPC frequency on modern PCs. Optimizing for
            // this specific frequency can double the performance of this function by
            // avoiding the expensive frequency conversion path.
            constexpr long long _TenMHz = 10'000'000;
            if (_Freq == _TenMHz) {
                static_assert(period::den % _TenMHz == 0, "It should never fail.");
                constexpr long long _Multiplier = period::den / _TenMHz;
                return time_point(duration(_Ctr * _Multiplier));
            } else {
                // Instead of just having "(_Ctr * period::den) / _Freq",
                // the algorithm below prevents overflow when _Ctr is sufficiently large.
                // It assumes that _Freq * period::den does not overflow, which is currently true for nano period.
                // It is not realistic for _Ctr to accumulate to large values from zero with this assumption,
                // but the initial value of _Ctr could be large.
                const long long _Whole = (_Ctr / _Freq) * period::den;
                const long long _Part  = (_Ctr % _Freq) * period::den / _Freq;
                return time_point(duration(_Whole + _Part));
    _EXPORT_STD using high_resolution_clock = steady_clock;
} // namespace chrono

1. duration

1.1 分析

template <class _Rep, class _Period> class duration;
  • _Rep 表示一种数值类型,用来表示 _Period 的类型,比如:int, float, double…
  • _Periodratio 类型,表示 用秒表示的时间单位 比如:second, milisecond…

常用的duration<Rep,Period>已经定义好了,在 std::chrono下:

// std::chrono
using nanoseconds	= duration<long long, nano>;
using microseconds	= duration<long long, micro>;
using milliseconds	= duration<long long, milli>;
using seconds		= duration<long long>;
using minutes		= duration<int, ratio<60>>;
using hours			= duration<int, ratio<3600>>;
using days			= duration<int, ratio_multiply<ratio<24>, hours::period>>;
using weeks			= duration<int, ratio_multiply<ratio<7>, days::period>>;
using years			= duration<int, ratio_multiply<ratio<146097, 400>, days::period>>;
using months		= duration<int, ratio_divide<years::period, ratio<12>>>;


由于 duration 的种类繁多,chrono 库提供了duration_cast 类型转换函数模板,在模板参数中填写需要转成的类型如:<std::chrono::seconds / months / days…>,就可以得到想要的结果,std::chrono 下:

// std::chrono
template <class _To, class _Rep, class _Period, enable_if_t<_Is_duration_v<_To>, int> /* = 0 */>
    _To duration_cast(const duration<_Rep, _Period>& _Dur)

1.2 使用案例


// duration constructor
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
int main ()
	typedef std::chrono::duration<int> seconds_type;
	typedef std::chrono::duration<int,std::milli> milliseconds_type;
	typedef std::chrono::duration<int,std::ratio<60*60>> hours_type;
	hours_type h_oneday (24);                  // 24h
	seconds_type s_oneday (60*60*24);          // 86400s
	milliseconds_type ms_oneday (s_oneday);    // 86400000ms
	seconds_type s_onehour (60*60);            // 3600s
	//hours_type h_onehour (s_onehour);          // NOT VALID (type truncates), use:
	hours_type h_onehour (std::chrono::duration_cast<hours_type>(s_onehour));
	milliseconds_type ms_onehour (s_onehour);  // 3600000ms (ok, no type truncation)
	std::cout << ms_onehour.count() << "ms in 1h" << std::endl;
	return 0;
3600000ms in 1h
  • 需要注意的就是,大单位的 duration 可以作为参数构造小单位,反过来就不行了,需要使用 duration_cast 进行强转。


🌰 duration 还有一个成员函数 count() 返回 Rep 类型的 Period 数量:

// duration::count
#include <iostream>     
#include <chrono>       // std::chrono::seconds, std::chrono::milliseconds,std::chrono::duration_cast
using namespace std::chrono;

int main ()
	milliseconds foo (1000); // 1 second,这里的 milliseconds 是库里的,定义见 1.1
	std::cout << "duration (in periods): ";
	std::cout << foo.count() << " milliseconds.\n";
	std::cout << "duration (in seconds): ";
	std::cout << foo.count() * milliseconds::period::num / milliseconds::period::den;
	std::cout << " seconds.\n";
	return 0;
duration (in periods): 60000 milliseconds.
duration (in seconds): 60 seconds.

1.3 部分源码

template <class _Rep, class _Period>
class duration { // represents a time duration
    using rep    = _Rep;
    using period = typename _Period::type;

    template <class _Rep2, enable_if_t<is_convertible_v<const _Rep2&, _Rep> && (treat_as_floating_point_v<_Rep> !treat_as_floating_point_v<_Rep2>), int> = 0>
    duration(const _Rep2& _Val) : _MyRep(static_cast<_Rep>(_Val)) {}
    template <class _Rep2, class _Period2, enable_if_t<treat_as_floating_point_v<_Rep> || (_Ratio_divide_sfinae<_Period2, _Period>::den == 1 && !treat_as_floating_point_v<_Rep2>), int> = 0>
    duration(const duration<_Rep2, _Period2>& _Dur) : _MyRep(_CHRONO duration_cast<duration>(_Dur).count()) {}

    _Rep count() const 
        return _MyRep;

    common_type_t<duration> operator+() const;
    common_type_t<duration> operator-() const;
    duration& operator++();
    duration operator++(int);
    // -- (略)
    duration& operator+=(const duration& _Right);
    duration& operator-=(const duration& _Right);
    // *= /= %= (略)

// 返回为 0 的 duration 类型
    static duration zero();
// 返回相应 _Rep 类型的最小值 的 duration
    static duration(min)();
// 返回相应 _Rep 类型的最大值 的 duration
    static duration(max)();

    _Rep _MyRep; // the stored rep

2. time_point

2.1 分析

template <class _Clock, class _Duration = typename _Clock::duration> class time_point;

类型 std::chrono::time_point 表示一个具体时间,鉴于我们使用时间的情景不同,这个 time point 具体到什么程度,由选用的单位决定。模板参数如下:

  • 时钟类型(见 clock 部分)
  • duration 的时间类型,决定了 time_point 的时间类型


由于各种 time_point 表示方式不同,chrono 也提供了相应的转换函数 time_point_cast()。

template <class _To, class _Clock, class _Duration, enable_if_t<_Is_duration_v<_To>, int> = 0>
time_point<_Clock, _To> time_point_cast(const time_point<_Clock, _Duration>& _Time);
	// change the duration type of a time_point; truncate
	return time_point<_Clock, _To>(_CHRONO duration_cast<_To>(_Time.time_since_epoch()));

2.2 使用举例

以 system_clock 这个时钟举例,里面涉及的起始时间,是计算机元年 1970年1月1日8点(后文简称计元)。


// time_point constructors
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
using namespace std::chrono;

int main ()
	// 用时钟 system_clock::time_point 直接声明,其值默认为:纪元时间
	system_clock::time_point tp_epoch;
	std::time_t tt = system_clock::to_time_t(tp_epoch);		// 转成 time_t 后可查

	// 用 time_point 类(tp_seconds 的时间周期是 second)
	time_point<system_clock, duration<int>> tp_seconds(duration<int>(1));	// duration 不传时间精度,就默认是 second
	std::cout << tp_seconds.time_since_epoch().count() << std::endl;

	// 用时钟 system_clock::time_point (time_point) 构造对象,时间周期默认是 1/10000000 s
	system_clock::time_point tp(tp_seconds);
	std::cout << "1 second since system_clock epoch = ";
	std::cout << tp.time_since_epoch().count();
	std::cout << " system_clock periods." << std::endl;

	// 打印
	std::cout << "time_point tp_epoch is: " << ctime(&tt);
	tt = system_clock::to_time_t(tp);
	std::cout << "time_point tp is:       " << ctime(&tt);

	return 0;
1 second since system_clock epoch = 10000000 system_clock periods.
time_point tp_epoch is : Thu Jan  1 08 : 00 : 00 1970
time_point tp is : Thu Jan  1 08 : 00 : 01 1970


time_point 有一个函数 time_since_epoch() 用来获得1970年1月1日到 time_point 时间经过的duration。同样,如果 time_point 以天为单位,函数返回的 duration 就以天为单位。

#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
using namespace std::chrono;

int main()
	typedef duration<int, std::ratio<60 * 60 * 24>> days_type;	// ratio以second为单位,这里的duration时间跨度为1day
	time_point<system_clock, days_type> today = time_point_cast<days_type>(system_clock::now());
	std::cout << today.time_since_epoch().count() << " days since epoch" << std::endl;

	return 0;
19679 days since epoch

2.3 部分源码

template <class _Clock, class _Duration = typename _Clock::duration>
    class time_point { // represents a point in time
        using clock    = _Clock;
        using duration = _Duration;
        using rep      = typename _Duration::rep;
        using period   = typename _Duration::period;

        time_point(const _Duration& _Other): _MyDur(_Other) {}

        template <class _Duration2, enable_if_t<is_convertible_v<_Duration2, _Duration>, int> = 0>
        constexpr time_point(const time_point<_Clock, _Duration2>& _Tp): _MyDur(_Tp.time_since_epoch()) {}

        _Duration time_since_epoch() const
            return _MyDur;

        time_point& operator++() noexcept(is_arithmetic_v<rep>);
        time_point operator++(int) noexcept(is_arithmetic_v<rep>);
        time_point& operator--() noexcept(is_arithmetic_v<rep>);
        time_point operator--(int) noexcept(is_arithmetic_v<rep>);
        time_point& operator+=(const _Duration& _Dur);
        time_point& operator-=(const _Duration& _Dur);
        static time_point(min)();
        static time_point(max)();

        _Duration _MyDur{duration::zero()}; // duration since the epoch





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