
news2024/10/5 20:22:35



  When it comes to the writing of English Paper,we have to mention reference,which is called quotation in Chinese.In foreign countries,it is very important to make rational and correct use of reference.The protection of intellectual property rights in foreign countries is very strict,and plagiarism is intolerable.Poor academic performance or academic dishonesty is the main reason for students to be expelled.Therefore,plagiarism will not only affect their grades,but also may lead to dismissal.I believe that although people will not intentionally plagiarize,it is easy for you to forget to quote,or do not know how to quote,when you are dizzy with the task of writing multiple papers.How do foreign universities determine plagiarism?What is plagiarism?How to avoid plagiarism?


  In foreign countries,the Turnitin system is mainly used to detect plagiarism.It will compare the homework uploaded by students with the paper in the background database to obtain a similarity ratio and indicate which paper the student's sentence comes from.


  Foreign universities generally allow 10%-30%similarity,while many Chinese students cite a large number of Chinese materials or literature when writing Paper,which may not be found in the Turnitin system,.Relatively speaking,the lower the similarity,the better.

  每个学校的study guidance里面,都会解释抄袭的定义,以及告诉你如何避免这个问题。

  Each school's study guidance will explain the definition of plagiarism and tell you how to avoid this problem.

  以University of Oxford为例,Plagiarism的定义是:Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s work or ideas as your own,with or without their consent,by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement.All published and unpublished material,whether in manu,printed or electronic form,is covered under this definition.


  How can it lead to plagiarism?For example:


  If you use someone else's paper sentence,but do not indicate the source and use quotation marks correctly,it may lead to plagiarism;


  If you summarize other people's paper views without specifying the source,it will also lead to plagiarism;


  If you use the views of others in a large amount without specifying the source,it will also lead to plagiarism;


  If you steal other students'ideas without specifying the source or obtaining others'consent,it will also lead to plagiarism;




  How to avoid plagiarism?Based on personal experience,four important TIPS are summarized:

  Making notes


  When reading other people's literature,learn to take notes,and indicate the author and the year of publication,so that you can quickly look for when writing paper,and do not forget to quote.

  Wikipedia is not a reliable source


  For the rigorous academic paper,we should be careful to use Wikipedia,let alone Baidu Encyclopedia and other such websites.The sources of references must be reliable and professional academic literature.

  Paraphrasing carefully

  其实,在写Paper的时候并不需要你要写出最新的观点,或是提出别人都没有说过的观点,而是要学会critical thinking,学会转述他人的观点,通过自己的理解和整理,最后用自己的语言和表达方式写出来。

  In fact,when writing Paper,you do not need to write the latest ideas,or put forward ideas that others have not said,but learn critical thinking,learn to tell others'views,and finally write them in your own language and expression through your own understanding and sorting.

  Use of Quotations and Cite all sources used


  Pay attention to the use of quotation marks,and correctly use the citations and literature lists in the text.In addition,according to different disciplines,there will be different reference formats.For example,social science,media,and law will have different styles,such as APA,OSCOLA,Harvard,and so on.

  以Harvard system为例:


  Examples(Harvard system)

  The author writes"…plants and localities are also often inter-related with non-local actors"(Eriksson 2009,29).

  "Place specific phenomena can always be seen in relation to other places and geographical levels"(Helgesson 2006,13).

  or directly

  Helgesson(2006,13)states:"Place specific phenomena can always be seen in relation to other places and geographical levels."


  Source with one author

  The structure of the European Union is often described in the shape of three pillars(Tallberg 2004,65).

  You can also reference directly.

  Tallberg(2004,65)describes the structure of the European Union in the shape of three pillars.


  Books with one Author

  Include(if available):author’s last name and first name;title;edition(if not 1st);place of publication and publisher,year of publication.


  Bryman,Alan.Social research methods.3rd ed.Oxford:Oxford university press,2008.

  Use Wtire-N-Cite or Endnote

  学会使用文献管理类软件,Wtire-N-Cite或是Endnote的软件(推荐阅读这篇:EndNote写英文Paper Reference使用方法,学霸都在用!)来帮助自己整理文献和正确引用,这两个都是比较常用的,当你打开word文档完成Paper写作的时候,你就会发现,你需要它们来帮助你完成Bibliography和Reference。软件从哪里可以找,我建议你可以搜索学校网站,或是问问学校图书馆的工作人员,他们应该可以解答你的问题。

  Learn to use document management software,Wtire-N-Site or Endnote software(recommended reading:EndNote writes how to use English PaperReference,and Xueba is using it!)They are commonly used to help you sort out literature and correctly quote.When you open a word document and write a paper,you will find that you need them to help you complete Bibliography and Reference.Where can I find the software?I suggest you search the school website or ask the staff of the school library.They should be able to answer your questions.





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