最近DOTS发布了正式的版本, 我们来分享一下DOTS里面BlobAsset机制,方便大家上手学习掌握Unity DOTS开发。
BlobAsset 概叙
BlobAsset不支持如:数组, string等其它的托管对象(垃圾回收器可以回收的为托管对象),而且运行的时候不允许改变里面的数据内容。BlobAsset为了更快的加载,他只会包含传值的类型,不能包含对内部的引用与内部指针。BlobAsset除了支持标准的值类型(float, int等)以外它还支持三种特殊的类型: BlobArray, BlobPtr, BlobString。如果BlobAsest包含内部指针,编译器会报错。使用BlobAsset主要注意以下几个方面:
A: 创建一个BlobAsset,你需要先生成一个BlobBuilder,来帮助你处理计算每个数据在内存种的偏移;
struct MarketData
public float PriceOranges;
public float PriceApples;
BlobAssetReference<MarketData> CreateMarketData()
// Create a new builder that will use temporary memory to construct the blob asset
var builder = new BlobBuilder(Allocator.Temp);
// Construct the root object for the blob asset. Notice the use of `ref`.
ref MarketData marketData = ref builder.ConstructRoot<MarketData>();
// Now fill the constructed root with the data:
// Apples compare to Oranges in the universally accepted ratio of 2 : 1 .
marketData.PriceApples = 2f;
marketData.PriceOranges = 4f;
// Now copy the data from the builder into its final place, which will
// use the persistent allocator
var result = builder.CreateBlobAssetReference<MarketData>(Allocator.Persistent);
// Make sure to dispose the builder itself so all internal memory is disposed.
return result;
#region CreateBlobAssetWithArray
struct Hobby
public float Excitement;
public int NumOrangesRequired;
struct HobbyPool
public BlobArray<Hobby> Hobbies;
BlobAssetReference<HobbyPool> CreateHobbyPool()
var builder = new BlobBuilder(Allocator.Temp);
ref HobbyPool hobbyPool = ref builder.ConstructRoot<HobbyPool>();
// Allocate enough room for two hobbies in the pool. Use the returned BlobBuilderArray
// to fill in the data.
const int numHobbies = 2;
BlobBuilderArray<Hobby> arrayBuilder = builder.Allocate(
ref hobbyPool.Hobbies,
// Initialize the hobbies.
// An exciting hobby that consumes a lot of oranges.
arrayBuilder[0] = new Hobby
Excitement = 1,
NumOrangesRequired = 7
// A less exciting hobby that conserves oranges.
arrayBuilder[1] = new Hobby
Excitement = 0.2f,
NumOrangesRequired = 2
var result = builder.CreateBlobAssetReference<HobbyPool>(Allocator.Persistent);
return result;
存储string到BlobAsset, 代码如下:
#region CreateBlobAssetWithString
struct CharacterSetup
public float Loveliness;
public BlobString Name;
BlobAssetReference<CharacterSetup> CreateCharacterSetup(string name)
var builder = new BlobBuilder(Allocator.Temp);
ref CharacterSetup character = ref builder.ConstructRoot<CharacterSetup>();
character.Loveliness = 9001; // it's just a very lovely character
// Create a new BlobString and set it to the given name.
builder.AllocateString(ref character.Name, name);
var result = builder.CreateBlobAssetReference<CharacterSetup>(Allocator.Persistent);
return result;
#region CreateBlobAssetWithInternalPointer
struct FriendList
public BlobPtr<BlobString> BestFriend;
public BlobArray<BlobString> Friends;
BlobAssetReference<FriendList> CreateFriendList()
var builder = new BlobBuilder(Allocator.Temp);
ref FriendList friendList = ref builder.ConstructRoot<FriendList>();
const int numFriends = 3;
var arrayBuilder = builder.Allocate(ref friendList.Friends, numFriends);
builder.AllocateString(ref arrayBuilder[0], "Alice");
builder.AllocateString(ref arrayBuilder[1], "Bob");
builder.AllocateString(ref arrayBuilder[2], "Joachim");
// Set the best friend pointer to point to the second array element.
builder.SetPointer(ref friendList.BestFriend, ref arrayBuilder[2]);
var result = builder.CreateBlobAssetReference<FriendList>(Allocator.Persistent);
return result;