LEC 3 A basic abstract model for a biological neuron
1. Weights of connections
Neuron gets fired if it has received from the presynaptic neurons 突触前神经元 a summary impulse 脉冲, which is above a certain threshold.
Signal from a single synapse突触 ma…
在任意的脚本组件中(必须先绑定物体),添加一个公开的 GameObject 类型的变量
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;public class test1 : MonoBehaviour
{public GameObject other;// Start is …
文章目录 4. GNNs for Protein foldingChemical Structures as GraphsProtein Structure PredictionMethods for Protein Structure PredictionOld method: fragment assemblyNew StrategyCo-evolution Analysis Towards An End-to-End Workflow AlphaFold2 architecture补充&a…