Improving Generalization with Domain Convex Game

news2025/2/22 18:34:56


  • Abstract
  • Introduction
    • Contributions
  • Related Work
    • Domain Generalization
    • Convex Game
    • Meta Learning
  • Domain Convex Game



Domain generalization (DG) tends to alleviate the poor generalization capability of deep neural networks by learning model with multiple source domains.


A classical solution to DG is domain augmentation, the common belief of which is that diversifying source domains will be conducive to the out-of-distribution generalization.

DG的通常做法是 领域增强,这种做法认为多样化源域对分布外泛化有益

However, these claims are understood intuitively, rather than mathematically.


Our explorations empirically reveal that the correlation between model generalization and the diversity of domains may be not strictly positive, which limits the effectiveness of domain augmentation



A common belief is that generalizable models would become easier to learn when the training distributions become more diverse, which has been also emphasized by a recent work [47].


Notwithstanding the promising results shown by this strand of approaches, the claims above are vague and lack of theoretical justification, formal analyses of the relation between domain diversity and model generalization are sparse.


Further, the transfer of knowledge may even hurt the performance on target domains in some cases, which is referred to as negative transfer [33, 41].


Thus the relation of domain diversity and model generalization remains unclear. In light of these points, we begin by considering the question: The stronger the domain diversity, will it certainly help to improve the model generalization capability?



The results presented in Fig 1 show that with the increase of domain diversity, the model generalization (measured by the accuracy on unseen target domain) may not necessarily increase, but sometimes decreases instead, as the solid lines show.



On the one hand,this may be because the model does not best utilize the rich information of diversified domains; on the other hand, it may be due to the existence of low-quality samples which contain redundant or noisy information that is unprofitable to generalization [18].



This discovery indicates that there is still room for improvement of the effectiveness of domain augmentation if we enable each domain to be certainly conducive to model generalization as the dash lines in Fig 1.


In this work, we therefore aim to ensure the strictly positive correlation between model generalization and domain diversity to guarantee and further enhance the effectiveness of domain augmentation.h


To do this, we take inspiration from the literature of convex game that requires each player to bring profit to the coalition [4, 13, 40], which is consistent to our key insight, i.e, make each domain bring benefit to model generalization.


This regularization encourages each diversified domain to contribute to improving model generalization, thus enables the model to better exploit the diverse information.


In the meawhile, considering that there may exist samples with unprofitable or even harmful information to generalization, we further construct a sample filter based on the proposed regularization to get rid of the low-quality samples such as noisy or redundant ones, so that their deterioration to model generalization can be avoided.


Thus, the limit of our regularization optimization is actually to achieve a constant marginal contribution, rather than an impracticable increasing marginal contribution.



(i) Exploring the relation of model generalization and source domain diversity, which reveals the limit of previous domain augmentation strand;


(ii) Introducing convex game into DG to guarantee and further enhance the validity of domain augmentation. The proposed framework encourages each domain to conducive to generalization while avoiding the negative impact of low-quality samples, enabling the model to better utilize the information within diversified domains;


(iii) Providing heuristic analysis and intuitive explanations about the rationality. The effectiveness and superiority are verified empirically across extensive real-world datasets.


Related Work

Domain Generalization

Domain Generalization researches out-of-distribution generalization with knowledge only extracted from multiple source domains.


L2AOT [54] creates pseudo-novel domains from source data by maximizing an optimal transport-based divergence measure.


CrossGrad [39] generates samples from fictitious domains via gradient-based domain perturbation while AdvAug [46] achieves so via adversarially perturbing images.

CrossGrad 通过基于梯度的领域扰动从人工领域中生成样本

AdvAug 通过对抗扰动图像 实现相同

MixStyle [56] and FACT [48] mix style information of different instances to synthetic novel domains.

MixStyle 和 FACT 混合不同实例的风格信息到综合的新域中

Instead of enriching domain diversity, another popular solution that learning domain-invariant representations by distribution alignment via kernel-based optimization [8, 30], adversarial learning [22, 29], or using uncertainty modeling [24] demonstrate effectiveness for model generalization.


Convex Game

A game is called convex when it satisfies the condition that the profit obtained by the cooperation of two coalitions plus the profit obtained by their intersection will not be less than the sum of profit obtained by the two respectively (a.k.a. supermodularity) [4, 13, 40].


Co-Mixup [15] formulates the optimal construction of mixup augmentation data while encouraging diversity among them by introducing supermodularity.

co-mixup 支持在混合增强数据中引入超模博弈来制定最优结构

To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first to introduce convex game into DG to enhance generalization capability.


Meta Learning


Domain Convex Game

Domain Convex Game (DCG)


First, we cast DG as a convex game between domains and design a novel regularization term employing the supermodularity, which encourages each domain to benefit model generalization.


Further, we construct a sample filter based on the regularization to exclude bad samples that may cause negative effect on generalization.







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