
news2025/1/14 1:15:51


Random data generator for MySQL

Many times in my job I need to generate random data for a specific table in order to reproduce an issue.
After writing many random generators for every table, I decided to write a random data generator, able to get the table structure and generate random data for it.
Plase take into consideration that this is the first version and it doesn’t support all field types yet!

This is an early stage project.

Supported fields:

Field typeGenerated values
tinyint0 ~ 0xFF
smallint0 ~ 0XFFFF
mediumint0 ~ 0xFFFFFF
int - integer0 ~ 0xFFFFFFFF
float0 ~ 1e8
decimal(m,n)0 ~ 10^(m-n)
double0 ~ 1000
char(n)up to n random chars
varchar(n)up to n random chars
dateNOW() - 1 year ~ NOW()
datetimeNOW() - 1 year ~ NOW()
timestampNOW() - 1 year ~ NOW()
time00:00:00 ~ 23:59:59
yearCurrent year - 1 ~ current year
tinyblobup to 100 chars random paragraph
tinytextup to 100 chars random paragraph
blobup to 100 chars random paragraph
textup to 100 chars random paragraph
mediumblobup to 100 chars random paragraph
mediumtextup to 100 chars random paragraph
longblobup to 100 chars random paragraph
longtextup to 100 chars random paragraph
varbinaryup to 100 chars random paragraph
enumA random item from the valid items list
setA random item from the valid items list

How strings are generated

  • If field size < 10 the program generates a random “first name”
  • If the field size > 10 and < 30 the program generates a random “full name”
  • If the field size > 30 the program generates a “lorem ipsum” paragraph having up to 100 chars.

The program can detect if a field accepts NULLs and if it does, it will generate NULLs ramdomly (~ 10 % of the values).


mysql_random_data_load <database> <table> <number of rows> [options...]


–bulk-sizeNumber of rows per INSERT statement (Default: 1000)
–debugShow some debug information
–fk-samples-factorPercentage used to get random samples for foreign keys fields. Default 0.3
–hostHost name/ip
–max-fk-samplesMaximum number of samples for fields having foreign keys constarints. Default: 100
–max-retriesMaximum number of rows to retry in case of errors. See duplicated keys. Deafult: 100
–no-progressbarSkip showing the progress bar. Default: false
–portPort number
–PrintPrint queries to the standard output instead of inserting them into the db
–versionShow version and exit

Foreign keys support

If a field has Foreign Keys constraints, random-data-load will get up to --max-fk-samples random samples from the referenced tables in order to insert valid values for the field.
The number of samples to get follows this rules:
1. Get the aproximate number of rows in the referenced table using the rows field in:

EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) FROM <referenced schema>.<referenced table>

1.1 If the number of rows is less than max-fk-samples, all rows are retrieved from the referenced table using this query:

SELECT <referenced field> FROM <referenced schema>.<referenced table>

1.2 If the number of rows is greater than max-fk-samples, samples are retrieved from the referenced table using this query:

SELECT <referenced field> FROM <referenced schema>.<referenced table> WHERE RAND() <= <fk-samples-factor> LIMIT <max-fk-samples>



CREATE TABLE `test`.`t3` (
  `tcol01` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL,
  `tcol02` smallint(6) DEFAULT NULL,
  `tcol03` mediumint(9) DEFAULT NULL,
  `tcol04` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `tcol05` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  `tcol06` float DEFAULT NULL,
  `tcol07` double DEFAULT NULL,
  `tcol08` decimal(10,2) DEFAULT NULL,
  `tcol09` date DEFAULT NULL,
  `tcol10` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
  `tcol12` time DEFAULT NULL,
  `tcol13` year(4) DEFAULT NULL,
  `tcol14` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
  `tcol15` char(2) DEFAULT NULL,
  `tcol16` blob,
  `tcol17` text,
  `tcol18` mediumtext,
  `tcol19` mediumblob,
  `tcol20` longblob,
  `tcol21` longtext,
  `tcol22` mediumtext,
  `tcol23` varchar(3) DEFAULT NULL,
  `tcol24` varbinary(10) DEFAULT NULL,
  `tcol25` enum('a','b','c') DEFAULT NULL,
  `tcol26` set('red','green','blue') DEFAULT NULL,
  `tcol27` float(5,3) DEFAULT NULL,
  `tcol28` double(4,2) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

To generate 100K random rows, just run:

mysql_random_data_load test t3 100000 --user=root --password=root
mysql> select * from t3 limit 1\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
    id: 1
tcol01: 10
tcol02: 173
tcol03: 1700
tcol04: 13498
tcol05: 33239373
tcol06: 44846.4
tcol07: 5300.23
tcol08: 11360967.75
tcol09: 2017-09-04
tcol10: 2016-11-02 23:11:25
tcol11: 2017-03-03 08:11:40
tcol12: 03:19:39
tcol13: 2017
tcol14: repellat maxime nostrum provident maiores ut quo voluptas.
tcol15: Th
tcol16: Walter
tcol17: quo repellat accusamus quidem odi
tcol18: esse laboriosam nobis libero aut dolores e
tcol19: Carlos Willia
tcol20: et nostrum iusto ipsa sunt recusa
tcol21: a accusantium laboriosam voluptas facilis.
tcol22: laudantium quo unde molestiae consequatur magnam.
tcol23: Pet
tcol24: Richard
tcol25: c
tcol26: green
tcol27: 47.430
tcol28: 6.12
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


How to download the precompiled binaries

There are binaries available for each version for Linux and Darwin. You can find compiled binaries for each version in the releases tab:




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