ffmpeg ts 关于av_seek_frame

news2024/10/5 16:29:20

1 ffmpeg命令行

一般对视频文件的裁剪 我们通过一行 ffmpeg命令行即可实现,比如

ffmpeg -ss 0.5 - t 3 - i a.mp4 vcodec copy b.mp4

 其中 -ss 放置较前  开启精准seek定位 对于mp4而言 seek将从moov中相关索引表查找 0.5s时刻附近最近的关键帧 (此描述可能不精确)


1.1 命令行入口



int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int i, ret;
    BenchmarkTimeStamps ti;



    setvbuf(stderr,NULL,_IONBF,0); /* win32 runtime needs this */

    parse_loglevel(argc, argv, options);

    if(argc>1 && !strcmp(argv[1], "-d")){


    show_banner(argc, argv, options);

    /* parse options and open all input/output files */
    ret = ffmpeg_parse_options(argc, argv);
    if (ret < 0)

    if (nb_output_files <= 0 && nb_input_files == 0) {
        av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Use -h to get full help or, even better, run 'man %s'\n", program_name);

    /* file converter / grab */
    if (nb_output_files <= 0) {
        av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_FATAL, "At least one output file must be specified\n");

    for (i = 0; i < nb_output_files; i++) {
        if (strcmp(output_files[i]->ctx->oformat->name, "rtp"))
            want_sdp = 0;

    current_time = ti = get_benchmark_time_stamps();
    if (transcode() < 0)
    if (do_benchmark) {
        int64_t utime, stime, rtime;
        current_time = get_benchmark_time_stamps();
        utime = current_time.user_usec - ti.user_usec;
        stime = current_time.sys_usec  - ti.sys_usec;
        rtime = current_time.real_usec - ti.real_usec;
        av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_INFO,
               "bench: utime=%0.3fs stime=%0.3fs rtime=%0.3fs\n",
               utime / 1000000.0, stime / 1000000.0, rtime / 1000000.0);
    av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "%"PRIu64" frames successfully decoded, %"PRIu64" decoding errors\n",
           decode_error_stat[0], decode_error_stat[1]);
    if ((decode_error_stat[0] + decode_error_stat[1]) * max_error_rate < decode_error_stat[1])

    exit_program(received_nb_signals ? 255 : main_return_code);
    return main_return_code;

1.2 执行流程

代码流程比较清晰 主要流程如下:

1.3 输入上下文设置 


根据之前解析的数据OptionPareseContext作为参数传入,确定好seek点,然后调用 avformat_seek_file 

static int open_input_file(OptionsContext *o, const char *filename)
    InputFile *f;
    AVFormatContext *ic;
    AVInputFormat *file_iformat = NULL;
    int err, i, ret;
    int64_t timestamp;
    AVDictionary *unused_opts = NULL;
    AVDictionaryEntry *e = NULL;
    char *   video_codec_name = NULL;
    char *   audio_codec_name = NULL;
    char *subtitle_codec_name = NULL;
    char *    data_codec_name = NULL;
    int scan_all_pmts_set = 0;

    if (o->stop_time != INT64_MAX && o->recording_time != INT64_MAX) {
        o->stop_time = INT64_MAX;
        av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_WARNING, "-t and -to cannot be used together; using -t.\n");

    if (o->stop_time != INT64_MAX && o->recording_time == INT64_MAX) {
        int64_t start_time = o->start_time == AV_NOPTS_VALUE ? 0 : o->start_time;
        if (o->stop_time <= start_time) {
            av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "-to value smaller than -ss; aborting.\n");
        } else {
            o->recording_time = o->stop_time - start_time;

    if (o->format) {
        if (!(file_iformat = av_find_input_format(o->format))) {
            av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_FATAL, "Unknown input format: '%s'\n", o->format);

    if (!strcmp(filename, "-"))
        filename = "pipe:";

    stdin_interaction &= strncmp(filename, "pipe:", 5) &&
                         strcmp(filename, "/dev/stdin");

    /* get default parameters from command line */
    ic = avformat_alloc_context();
    if (!ic) {
        print_error(filename, AVERROR(ENOMEM));
    if (o->nb_audio_sample_rate) {
        av_dict_set_int(&o->g->format_opts, "sample_rate", o->audio_sample_rate[o->nb_audio_sample_rate - 1].u.i, 0);
    if (o->nb_audio_channels) {
        /* because we set audio_channels based on both the "ac" and
         * "channel_layout" options, we need to check that the specified
         * demuxer actually has the "channels" option before setting it */
        if (file_iformat && file_iformat->priv_class &&
            av_opt_find(&file_iformat->priv_class, "channels", NULL, 0,
                        AV_OPT_SEARCH_FAKE_OBJ)) {
            av_dict_set_int(&o->g->format_opts, "channels", o->audio_channels[o->nb_audio_channels - 1].u.i, 0);
    if (o->nb_frame_rates) {
        /* set the format-level framerate option;
         * this is important for video grabbers, e.g. x11 */
        if (file_iformat && file_iformat->priv_class &&
            av_opt_find(&file_iformat->priv_class, "framerate", NULL, 0,
                        AV_OPT_SEARCH_FAKE_OBJ)) {
            av_dict_set(&o->g->format_opts, "framerate",
                        o->frame_rates[o->nb_frame_rates - 1].u.str, 0);
    if (o->nb_frame_sizes) {
        av_dict_set(&o->g->format_opts, "video_size", o->frame_sizes[o->nb_frame_sizes - 1].u.str, 0);
    if (o->nb_frame_pix_fmts)
        av_dict_set(&o->g->format_opts, "pixel_format", o->frame_pix_fmts[o->nb_frame_pix_fmts - 1].u.str, 0);

    MATCH_PER_TYPE_OPT(codec_names, str,    video_codec_name, ic, "v");
    MATCH_PER_TYPE_OPT(codec_names, str,    audio_codec_name, ic, "a");
    MATCH_PER_TYPE_OPT(codec_names, str, subtitle_codec_name, ic, "s");
    MATCH_PER_TYPE_OPT(codec_names, str,     data_codec_name, ic, "d");

    if (video_codec_name)
        ic->video_codec    = find_codec_or_die(video_codec_name   , AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO   , 0);
    if (audio_codec_name)
        ic->audio_codec    = find_codec_or_die(audio_codec_name   , AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO   , 0);
    if (subtitle_codec_name)
        ic->subtitle_codec = find_codec_or_die(subtitle_codec_name, AVMEDIA_TYPE_SUBTITLE, 0);
    if (data_codec_name)
        ic->data_codec     = find_codec_or_die(data_codec_name    , AVMEDIA_TYPE_DATA    , 0);

    ic->video_codec_id     = video_codec_name    ? ic->video_codec->id    : AV_CODEC_ID_NONE;
    ic->audio_codec_id     = audio_codec_name    ? ic->audio_codec->id    : AV_CODEC_ID_NONE;
    ic->subtitle_codec_id  = subtitle_codec_name ? ic->subtitle_codec->id : AV_CODEC_ID_NONE;
    ic->data_codec_id      = data_codec_name     ? ic->data_codec->id     : AV_CODEC_ID_NONE;

    ic->flags |= AVFMT_FLAG_NONBLOCK;
    if (o->bitexact)
        ic->flags |= AVFMT_FLAG_BITEXACT;
    ic->interrupt_callback = int_cb;

    if (!av_dict_get(o->g->format_opts, "scan_all_pmts", NULL, AV_DICT_MATCH_CASE)) {
        av_dict_set(&o->g->format_opts, "scan_all_pmts", "1", AV_DICT_DONT_OVERWRITE);
        scan_all_pmts_set = 1;
    /* open the input file with generic avformat function */
    err = avformat_open_input(&ic, filename, file_iformat, &o->g->format_opts);
    if (err < 0) {
        print_error(filename, err);
        if (err == AVERROR_PROTOCOL_NOT_FOUND)
            av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Did you mean file:%s?\n", filename);
    if (scan_all_pmts_set)
        av_dict_set(&o->g->format_opts, "scan_all_pmts", NULL, AV_DICT_MATCH_CASE);
    remove_avoptions(&o->g->format_opts, o->g->codec_opts);

    /* apply forced codec ids */
    for (i = 0; i < ic->nb_streams; i++)
        choose_decoder(o, ic, ic->streams[i]);

    if (find_stream_info) {
        AVDictionary **opts = setup_find_stream_info_opts(ic, o->g->codec_opts);
        int orig_nb_streams = ic->nb_streams;

        /* If not enough info to get the stream parameters, we decode the
           first frames to get it. (used in mpeg case for example) */
        ret = avformat_find_stream_info(ic, opts);

        for (i = 0; i < orig_nb_streams; i++)

        if (ret < 0) {
            av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_FATAL, "%s: could not find codec parameters\n", filename);
            if (ic->nb_streams == 0) {

    if (o->start_time != AV_NOPTS_VALUE && o->start_time_eof != AV_NOPTS_VALUE) {
        av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Cannot use -ss and -sseof both, using -ss for %s\n", filename);
        o->start_time_eof = AV_NOPTS_VALUE;

    if (o->start_time_eof != AV_NOPTS_VALUE) {
        if (o->start_time_eof >= 0) {
            av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "-sseof value must be negative; aborting\n");
        if (ic->duration > 0) {
            o->start_time = o->start_time_eof + ic->duration;
            if (o->start_time < 0) {
                av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_WARNING, "-sseof value seeks to before start of file %s; ignored\n", filename);
                o->start_time = AV_NOPTS_VALUE;
        } else
            av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Cannot use -sseof, duration of %s not known\n", filename);
    timestamp = (o->start_time == AV_NOPTS_VALUE) ? 0 : o->start_time;
    /* add the stream start time */
    if (!o->seek_timestamp && ic->start_time != AV_NOPTS_VALUE)
        timestamp += ic->start_time;

    /* if seeking requested, we execute it */
    if (o->start_time != AV_NOPTS_VALUE) {
        int64_t seek_timestamp = timestamp;

        if (!(ic->iformat->flags & AVFMT_SEEK_TO_PTS)) {
            int dts_heuristic = 0;
            for (i=0; i<ic->nb_streams; i++) {
                const AVCodecParameters *par = ic->streams[i]->codecpar;
                if (par->video_delay) {
                    dts_heuristic = 1;
            if (dts_heuristic) {
                seek_timestamp -= 3*AV_TIME_BASE / 23;
        ret = avformat_seek_file(ic, -1, INT64_MIN, seek_timestamp, seek_timestamp, 0);
        if (ret < 0) {
            av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_WARNING, "%s: could not seek to position %0.3f\n",
                   filename, (double)timestamp / AV_TIME_BASE);

    /* update the current parameters so that they match the one of the input stream */
    add_input_streams(o, ic);

    /* dump the file content */
    av_dump_format(ic, nb_input_files, filename, 0);

    GROW_ARRAY(input_files, nb_input_files);
    f = av_mallocz(sizeof(*f));
    if (!f)
    input_files[nb_input_files - 1] = f;

    f->ctx        = ic;
    f->ist_index  = nb_input_streams - ic->nb_streams;
    f->start_time = o->start_time;
    f->recording_time = o->recording_time;
    f->input_ts_offset = o->input_ts_offset;
    f->ts_offset  = o->input_ts_offset - (copy_ts ? (start_at_zero && ic->start_time != AV_NOPTS_VALUE ? ic->start_time : 0) : timestamp);
    f->nb_streams = ic->nb_streams;
    f->rate_emu   = o->rate_emu;
    f->accurate_seek = o->accurate_seek;
    f->loop = o->loop;
    f->duration = 0;
    f->time_base = (AVRational){ 1, 1 };
    f->thread_queue_size = o->thread_queue_size > 0 ? o->thread_queue_size : 8;

    /* check if all codec options have been used */
    unused_opts = strip_specifiers(o->g->codec_opts);
    for (i = f->ist_index; i < nb_input_streams; i++) {
        e = NULL;
        while ((e = av_dict_get(input_streams[i]->decoder_opts, "", e,
            av_dict_set(&unused_opts, e->key, NULL, 0);

    e = NULL;
    while ((e = av_dict_get(unused_opts, "", e, AV_DICT_IGNORE_SUFFIX))) {
        const AVClass *class = avcodec_get_class();
        const AVOption *option = av_opt_find(&class, e->key, NULL, 0,
                                             AV_OPT_SEARCH_CHILDREN | AV_OPT_SEARCH_FAKE_OBJ);
        const AVClass *fclass = avformat_get_class();
        const AVOption *foption = av_opt_find(&fclass, e->key, NULL, 0,
                                             AV_OPT_SEARCH_CHILDREN | AV_OPT_SEARCH_FAKE_OBJ);
        if (!option || foption)

        if (!(option->flags & AV_OPT_FLAG_DECODING_PARAM)) {
            av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Codec AVOption %s (%s) specified for "
                   "input file #%d (%s) is not a decoding option.\n", e->key,
                   option->help ? option->help : "", nb_input_files - 1,

        av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Codec AVOption %s (%s) specified for "
               "input file #%d (%s) has not been used for any stream. The most "
               "likely reason is either wrong type (e.g. a video option with "
               "no video streams) or that it is a private option of some decoder "
               "which was not actually used for any stream.\n", e->key,
               option->help ? option->help : "", nb_input_files - 1, filename);

    for (i = 0; i < o->nb_dump_attachment; i++) {
        int j;

        for (j = 0; j < ic->nb_streams; j++) {
            AVStream *st = ic->streams[j];

            if (check_stream_specifier(ic, st, o->dump_attachment[i].specifier) == 1)
                dump_attachment(st, o->dump_attachment[i].u.str);

    input_stream_potentially_available = 1;

    return 0;

1.4 avformat_seek_file

int avformat_seek_file(AVFormatContext *s, int stream_index, int64_t min_ts,
                       int64_t ts, int64_t max_ts, int flags)
    if (min_ts > ts || max_ts < ts)
        return -1;
    if (stream_index < -1 || stream_index >= (int)s->nb_streams)
        return AVERROR(EINVAL);

    if (s->seek2any>0)
        flags |= AVSEEK_FLAG_ANY;

    if (s->iformat->read_seek2) {
        int ret;

        if (stream_index == -1 && s->nb_streams == 1) {
            AVRational time_base = s->streams[0]->time_base;
            ts = av_rescale_q(ts, AV_TIME_BASE_Q, time_base);
            min_ts = av_rescale_rnd(min_ts, time_base.den,
                                    time_base.num * (int64_t)AV_TIME_BASE,
                                    AV_ROUND_UP   | AV_ROUND_PASS_MINMAX);
            max_ts = av_rescale_rnd(max_ts, time_base.den,
                                    time_base.num * (int64_t)AV_TIME_BASE,
                                    AV_ROUND_DOWN | AV_ROUND_PASS_MINMAX);
            stream_index = 0;

        ret = s->iformat->read_seek2(s, stream_index, min_ts,
                                     ts, max_ts, flags);

        if (ret >= 0)
            ret = avformat_queue_attached_pictures(s);
        return ret;

    if (s->iformat->read_timestamp) {
        // try to seek via read_timestamp()

    // Fall back on old API if new is not implemented but old is.
    // Note the old API has somewhat different semantics.
    if (s->iformat->read_seek || 1) {
        int dir = (ts - (uint64_t)min_ts > (uint64_t)max_ts - ts ? AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD : 0);
        int ret = av_seek_frame(s, stream_index, ts, flags | dir);
        if (ret<0 && ts != min_ts && max_ts != ts) {
            ret = av_seek_frame(s, stream_index, dir ? max_ts : min_ts, flags | dir);
            if (ret >= 0)
                ret = av_seek_frame(s, stream_index, ts, flags | (dir^AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD));
        return ret;

    // try some generic seek like seek_frame_generic() but with new ts semantics
    return -1; //unreachable

ffmpeg中大部分fromat都定义实现了read_seek ,一般情况下都会调用av_seek_frame,因为输入文件是mp4格式 .format对应 mov ,

av_ssek_frame->seek_frame_internal-> read_seek ->mov_read_seek

AVInputFormat ff_mov_demuxer = {
    .name           = "mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2",
    .long_name      = NULL_IF_CONFIG_SMALL("QuickTime / MOV"),
    .priv_class     = &mov_class,
    .priv_data_size = sizeof(MOVContext),
    .extensions     = "mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2",
    .read_probe     = mov_probe,
    .read_header    = mov_read_header,
    .read_packet    = mov_read_packet,
    .read_close     = mov_read_close,
    .read_seek      = mov_read_seek,
    .flags          = AVFMT_NO_BYTE_SEEK | AVFMT_SEEK_TO_PTS,

真正确定seek位置代码函数 ff_index_search_timestamp flags不同 查询规则有所不同

int ff_index_search_timestamp(const AVIndexEntry *entries, int nb_entries,
                              int64_t wanted_timestamp, int flags)
    int a, b, m;
    int64_t timestamp;

    a = -1;
    b = nb_entries;

    // Optimize appending index entries at the end.
    if (b && entries[b - 1].timestamp < wanted_timestamp)
        a = b - 1;

    while (b - a > 1) {
        m         = (a + b) >> 1;

        // Search for the next non-discarded packet.
        while ((entries[m].flags & AVINDEX_DISCARD_FRAME) && m < b && m < nb_entries - 1) {
            if (m == b && entries[m].timestamp >= wanted_timestamp) {
                m = b - 1;

        timestamp = entries[m].timestamp;
        if (timestamp >= wanted_timestamp)
            b = m;
        if (timestamp <= wanted_timestamp)
            a = m;
    m = (flags & AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD) ? a : b;

    if (!(flags & AVSEEK_FLAG_ANY))
        while (m >= 0 && m < nb_entries &&
               !(entries[m].flags & AVINDEX_KEYFRAME))
            m += (flags & AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD) ? -1 : 1;

    if (m == nb_entries)
        return -1;
    return m;


#define AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKGROUND 1              ///<<Seek Background 往后移,

#define AVSEEK_FALG_BYTE         ///<<<seeking based on position in bytes 让时间戳
变成一个 byte, 按照文件的大小位置跳到那个位置

#define AVSEEK_FLAG_ANY         ///<<<seek to any frame, even non-keyframes // 移动到任意帧的位置,不去找前面的关键帧,

#define AVSEEK_FLAG_FRAME        ///<<<seeking based on frame number // 找关键帧,一般与 AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKGROUND 一起使用

2  TS 

对于ts切割格式采用同样的方式分析  mpegts.c , 并未定义 read_seek

AVInputFormat ff_mpegts_demuxer = {
    .name           = "mpegts",
    .long_name      = NULL_IF_CONFIG_SMALL("MPEG-TS (MPEG-2 Transport Stream)"),
    .priv_data_size = sizeof(MpegTSContext),
    .read_probe     = mpegts_probe,
    .read_header    = mpegts_read_header,
    .read_packet    = mpegts_read_packet,
    .read_close     = mpegts_read_close,
    .read_timestamp = mpegts_get_dts,
    .flags          = AVFMT_SHOW_IDS | AVFMT_TS_DISCONT,
    .priv_class     = &mpegts_class,

从而进入 ff_seek_frame_binary 方法,由于是实时流没有index_entry 调用ff_gen_search 生成seek pos  gen_seek

int ff_seek_frame_binary(AVFormatContext *s, int stream_index,
                         int64_t target_ts, int flags)
    const AVInputFormat *avif = s->iformat;
    int64_t av_uninit(pos_min), av_uninit(pos_max), pos, pos_limit;
    int64_t ts_min, ts_max, ts;
    int index;
    int64_t ret;
    AVStream *st;

    if (stream_index < 0)
        return -1;

    av_log(s, AV_LOG_TRACE, "read_seek: %d %s\n", stream_index, av_ts2str(target_ts));

    ts_max =
    ts_min = AV_NOPTS_VALUE;
    pos_limit = -1; // GCC falsely says it may be uninitialized.

    st = s->streams[stream_index];
    if (st->index_entries) {
        AVIndexEntry *e;

        /* FIXME: Whole function must be checked for non-keyframe entries in
         * index case, especially read_timestamp(). */
        index = av_index_search_timestamp(st, target_ts,
                                          flags | AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD);
        index = FFMAX(index, 0);
        e     = &st->index_entries[index];

        if (e->timestamp <= target_ts || e->pos == e->min_distance) {
            pos_min = e->pos;
            ts_min  = e->timestamp;
            av_log(s, AV_LOG_TRACE, "using cached pos_min=0x%"PRIx64" dts_min=%s\n",
                    pos_min, av_ts2str(ts_min));
        } else {
            av_assert1(index == 0);

        index = av_index_search_timestamp(st, target_ts,
                                          flags & ~AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD);
        av_assert0(index < st->nb_index_entries);
        if (index >= 0) {
            e = &st->index_entries[index];
            av_assert1(e->timestamp >= target_ts);
            pos_max   = e->pos;
            ts_max    = e->timestamp;
            pos_limit = pos_max - e->min_distance;
            av_log(s, AV_LOG_TRACE, "using cached pos_max=0x%"PRIx64" pos_limit=0x%"PRIx64
                    " dts_max=%s\n", pos_max, pos_limit, av_ts2str(ts_max));

    pos = ff_gen_search(s, stream_index, target_ts, pos_min, pos_max, pos_limit,
                        ts_min, ts_max, flags, &ts, avif->read_timestamp);
    if (pos < 0)
        return -1;

    /* do the seek */
    if ((ret = avio_seek(s->pb, pos, SEEK_SET)) < 0)
        return ret;

    ff_update_cur_dts(s, st, ts);

    return 0;

注意avid->read_timestamap  mpegts 将通过mpegts_get_dts 通过时间戳查询pos

AVInputFormat ff_mpegts_demuxer = {
    .name           = "mpegts",
    .long_name      = NULL_IF_CONFIG_SMALL("MPEG-TS (MPEG-2 Transport Stream)"),
    .priv_data_size = sizeof(MpegTSContext),
    .read_probe     = mpegts_probe,
    .read_header    = mpegts_read_header,
    .read_packet    = mpegts_read_packet,
    .read_close     = mpegts_read_close,
    .read_timestamp = mpegts_get_dts,
    .flags          = AVFMT_SHOW_IDS | AVFMT_TS_DISCONT,
    .priv_class     = &mpegts_class,
static int64_t mpegts_get_dts(AVFormatContext *s, int stream_index,
                              int64_t *ppos, int64_t pos_limit)
    MpegTSContext *ts = s->priv_data;
    int64_t pos;
    int pos47 = ts->pos47_full % ts->raw_packet_size;
    pos = ((*ppos  + ts->raw_packet_size - 1 - pos47) / ts->raw_packet_size) * ts->raw_packet_size + pos47;
    if (avio_seek(s->pb, pos, SEEK_SET) < 0)
        return AV_NOPTS_VALUE;
    while(pos < pos_limit) {
        int ret;
        AVPacket pkt;
        ret = av_read_frame(s, &pkt);
        if (ret < 0)
            return AV_NOPTS_VALUE;
        if (pkt.dts != AV_NOPTS_VALUE && pkt.pos >= 0) {
            ff_reduce_index(s, pkt.stream_index);
            av_add_index_entry(s->streams[pkt.stream_index], pkt.pos, pkt.dts, 0, 0, AVINDEX_KEYFRAME /* FIXME keyframe? */);
            if (pkt.stream_index == stream_index && pkt.pos >= *ppos) {
                int64_t dts = pkt.dts;
                *ppos = pkt.pos;
                return dts;
        pos = pkt.pos;

    return AV_NOPTS_VALUE;






方式一&#xff08;centos7&#xff09; [Service] ExecStart"/usr/bin/sh test.sh >> info.log 2>&1"方式二&#xff08;centos8&#xff09; StandardOutput 和 StandardError&#xff0c;用于重定向标准输出和标准错误输出 [Service] StandardOut…

k8s containerd查看镜像

直接查看crictl image会报错&#xff1a; 1) crictl config runtime-endpoint unix:///run/containerd/containerd.sock 2) vi /etc/crictl.yaml 3) systemctl daemon-reload 此时&#xff0c;再查看image:


在连接数据库页面填写完成后点击“测试” 报错信息&#xff1a; 错误连接数据库 [ETLqiangzi] : org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleDatabaseException: Error occurred while trying to connect to the databaseDriver class org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver could not be found…

nssm nginx window 部署和开机启动服务

部署 去到Nginx官网&#xff1a;nginx news &#xff0c;然后点击“download” 在nginx的配置文件是conf目录下的nginx.conf nginx.exe http://localhost 在cmd命令窗口里面输入nginx命令(快速停止nginx) &#xff1a; nginx -s stop 或者使用(完整有序的停止nginx)命…


一、深度分页方式from size es 默认采用的分页方式是 from size 的形式&#xff0c;在深度分页的情况下&#xff0c;这种使用方式效率是非常低的&#xff0c;比如我们执行如下查询 1 GET /student/student/_search 2 { 3 "query":{ 4 "match_all":…


航拍人群越来越越多&#xff0c;一款靠谱的装备往往能达到预期效果&#xff0c;随着互联网信息传播度加深&#xff0c;也吸引了大批同样的爱好者加入航拍序列。 对航拍飞行器企业/经营商来说&#xff0c;市场增幅下也带来了不少商机&#xff0c;然在实际销售及客户赋能方面还是…


-网友&#xff1a;这什么破封装&#xff0c;这么难焊&#xff01; -工程师&#xff1a;你才焊过几种芯片封装呀&#xff0c;SOT封装都觉得难&#xff1f; 我们常见的芯片封装&#xff1a; 第一种&#xff0c;DIP封装&#xff0c;DIP即双列直插式封装&#xff0c;引脚从芯片两…


一、文章内容概括 1.指令补充 指令修饰符v-bind对样式增强的操作v-model应用于其他表单元素 2.computed计算属性 基础语法计算属性vs方法计算属性的完整写法成绩案例 3.watch侦听器 基础写法完整写法 4.综合案例 &#xff08;演示&#xff09; 渲染 / 删除 / 修改数量 …


1&#xff0c;安装服务器&#xff0c;使用 Apache免费提供的服务器TomCat&#xff0c;注意JDK版本。 TomCat官方站点 文件解压目录。 启动服务器&#xff1a;bin目录下点击startup.bat&#xff0c;出现小黑框&#xff0c;浏览器默认访问http:// 关闭服务器&…

C# 通过winmm枚举音频设备

文章目录 前言一、如何实现&#xff1f;1、DllImport接口&#xff08;1&#xff09;、方法&#xff08;2&#xff09;、结构体2、定义实体3、实现枚举 二、完整代码三、使用示例总结 前言 使用C#做音频录制时需要获取音频设备信息&#xff0c;比如使用ffmpeg进行录制需要先获取…


我觉得最主要的就是需要打造属于自己的学习计划&#xff0c;因为每个人的学习能力是不一样的&#xff0c;没有好的学习方法&#xff0c;就会导致学习不好&#xff0c;最终获不得成绩&#xff0c;拿不下证书。 所以接下来就说一下我自己的一些学习方法&#xff0c;如对你有用的…


家政预约小程序开发&#xff0c;简单易用家政服务公司小程序&#xff0c;客户&#xff0b;员工&#xff0b;派单&#xff0b;合同&#xff0b;财务&#xff0b;营销获客一键搞定&#xff01; 那么家政小程序都有什么功能&#xff0c;今天我就给大家介绍下&#xff1b; 1、地理…

自学(黑客)技术方法 必看 ——网络安全

如果你想自学网络安全&#xff0c;首先你必须了解什么是网络安全&#xff01;&#xff0c;什么是黑客&#xff01;&#xff01; 1.无论网络、Web、移动、桌面、云等哪个领域&#xff0c;都有攻与防两面性&#xff0c;例如 Web 安全技术&#xff0c;既有 Web 渗透2.也有 Web 防…


当人们一提到智能视频监控时&#xff0c;就会想起高清摄像头、人脸识别等技术。其实不然&#xff0c;真正智能视频监控不仅仅是这些技术算法&#xff0c;更重要的是如何将这些算法融入到应用场景中&#xff0c;更好地去服务大众、起到降本增效的作用。 首先&#xff0c;智能视…


整理了一些网上的资料&#xff0c;这里记录一下&#xff0c;供大家参考 什么是SNI&#xff1f; 传统的应用场景中&#xff0c;一台服务器对应一个IP地址&#xff0c;一个域名&#xff0c;使用一张包含了域名信息的证书。随着云计算技术的普及&#xff0c;在云中的虚拟机有了一…


效果&#xff1a; 可拖动拉伸 ui&#xff1a;设计如下 样式表&#xff1a;在ui CustomDialog 里设置的 #widget_title{background: #E6F1EB;border-top-left-radius: 20px;border-top-right-radius: 20px;}#widget_client{background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);border-bottom…


游乐园是众多儿童喜欢的场所&#xff0c;尤其大城市&#xff0c;场所多且规模大&#xff0c;成年人也会前往&#xff0c;对园方来说自然是好的&#xff0c;然而在实际经营中&#xff0c;也会面临一些痛点。 通过【雨科】平台制作游乐园商城&#xff0c;电脑手机端小程序端打造品…


先说授权方式&#xff0c;可以使用”巨量推文“进行授权 申请授权后怎么获取收益呢 小说推文分为cpa拉新和cps推广的形式 cpa拉新的价格大概未4-10多块钱一个固定价格&#xff0c;cps则按充值比例进行分成&#xff0c;cps的充值分成比例大概60%-90%左右 短剧推广也是一样分…


万物互联的时代&#xff0c;现代人已普遍接受电视、音箱等电器设备具备智能化能力&#xff0c;也是在这个趋势下&#xff0c;我们身边越来越多的 iot 设备联网和交互成为刚需。 但 iot 设备也面临到一些非常显著的痛点&#xff0c;例如iot设备的内存、处理器等核心元件无法与手…

【单元测试】如何使用 JUnit5 框架?

JUnit5 单元测试框架使用教程 一、Junit5 是什么&#xff1f; Junit5是一个用于在Java平台上进行单元测试的框架。JUnit 5 框架主要由三部分组成&#xff1a;JUnit Platform、JUnit Jupiter 和 JUnit Vintage。 JUnit Platform&#xff1a;定义了测试引擎的 API&#xff0c;是…