跟着播客学英语-Why I use vim ? part one.

news2024/10/6 22:20:10





大部分都是和 IT 相关的内容,所以一些关键词还能听懂,同时也是自己的感兴趣的内容,如果是一次听不懂我就会反复收听。

今天来听第一期内容,这位作者是一位资深工程师,讲述他为什么使用 Vim 的过程。https://www.healthyhacker.com/2014/07/29/why-i-use-vim/



Healthy hacker episode one. Welcome to the healthy hacker, where we talk about programming, puzzles, memory, fitness, diet, and everything else that you a healthy hacker , find Interesting. I'm Chris Hunt, and on the very first episode episode one, I'm going to answer a question? I get all the time, every conference I go to, every time I start a new job, every time I pair with somebody new. And that is: Chris, why do you use Vim? At of all the text editor on the planet, why do you choose to use Vim?

作者在各种会议和新同事的接触中都会被问到这个问题:为什么你会使用 vim

It's so old it looks like crap. Why do you do it? So I'm totally going to tell you I have many various reasons why I love using Vim really excited about it, going to answer that question before we do though, we are going to talk about the workout of the week , all right. The workout of the week is a section that, uh, basically, I'm just going to take a workout I've done recently, and tell you about it, and hopefully you find the time this week to try it yourself, because every single one of these workouts you can do, I promise you.


Okay, so this week's workout is a workout that I've been doing for several years. You need barely no equipment. All you need is a floor. I do it at least once, when I travel, sometimes twice, sometimes three times. I think there was a point in my life where I was doing this. Work out, like three or four times a day. This is the only thing I was doing. I don't recommend that, but you should totally give it a shot at least once this week and let me know how you do, because I'm curious,


so let's get right into it this is  A ten rep pyramid, and I'll I'll explain what that means. Basically, you want to do each exercise, one time, then two times, then three times, then four times, all the way up to ten, the top of the pyramid ten times, and then you go back down again to one, so nine, a seven until you finally end with one rep of each exercise, so the two exercises are going to do for this workout is a pushup and a shoulder press with no weight on each of these, you're just doing body weight.

做一个递增组和递减组,从每组一个动作增加到每组 10 个动作,再由十个动作一组减少到一个动作一组;每组做两个动作,俯卧撑,和坐姿推肩,都不用负重,只需要自重即可。

So I'm sure, everybody knows what a pushup is. If you don't check out the show notes, or just do a Google image search, shoulder press you may or may not be as familiar with, but it's just like it sounds. You take your hands, put them by your shoulders, and then press your hands up into the air again, just to Google. Im in search, you'll totally get what this is. So the workout is one pushup. One shoulder press, then two pushups, two shoulder presses, then three pushups, then three shoulder presses,

应该都知道俯卧撑怎么做,如果推肩不知道怎么做的话可以去 Google,都是比较简单动作;所以这个训练是一次俯卧撑,一次推肩为一个动作;然后增加到两个俯卧撑+推肩+然后是三个俯卧撑+三个推肩。

then four, five, six, seven, eight 910, and then go back down again, nine, eight, seven, six, and you finish with one push up, one shoulder, press. Now. The goal with this is to go as fast as you possibly can, but take breaks as necessary. I definitely can't do this without stopping, especially on the pushups part. So do as fast as you can. When I did this this morning, I did it in seven minutes and 28 seconds, so let me know how you do. I'm super curious if you've never done this before, it's going to seem crazy hard,

以此类推做到十次,再递减到 1 一次,目标是尽可能的快速完成。休息也是非常有必要的,我无法做到不休息全部完成,特别是在俯卧撑这个部分。非常好奇你做完的感受,如果你从来没做过的话,还是比较困难的。

but I know you can do it. By the time you finished this workout, you will have done 100 pushups and 100 shoulder presses. If it really Really Really is out of your reach, even with breaks, then you can scale this workout, decreasing your pyramid. So instead of doing a ten rep pyramid, do like a six rep pyramid or a Five Rep Pyramid, but with brakes, I know that everybody can do 100 pushups in 100 shoulder presses. It might take you a while, but you can do it, so give it a shot. All right.


So now it's time to answer that question: why do I use Vim? Well, for starters, if you're going to learn any editor vim is a pretty good investment. It's been around for a long time over 20 years. It's open source, it runs on everything it's not like there's, a company vested in its future you know it doesn't cost you money, it's for as long as I'm programming, vim is going to be around, so if I'm going to waste time trying to master a text editor, vim is probably a good choice because it's not going anywhere

I'm not going to have to forget everything I've learned and start learning a different text editor. I can use vim for the rest of my life for all my text editor so it's a good investment of your time. Now if you do a Google search, you start looking for books for Vim, you might see Vi and Vi is actually an older editor that Vim is based on Vim stands for Vi improved, and most of them's functionality comes from Vi, so most of us, don't use Vi, some of the things I really like about vim, that Vi doesn't have is improved syntax,

highlighting for the languages I like to use mostly Ruby and Javascript. Nowadays, they're spell-checking, so when you use it for typing an emails or typing up a poll request that comes in handy, there's splits, so you can view maybe your test and your code at the same time, without having to go back and forth, you have multiple levels of undo and redo them can do diffs, or, as vi can't do diff, so you can open up two of the same files that are edited at different points of time, and see that diff in red and green it's pretty nice,

学习 vim 是一个很好的投资,它是开源的免费的,值得花时间去学习。vi 是 vim 的前身,vim 在此基础上进行了改进,比如语法高亮、输入检测等。vim 还可以分屏,可视化对比等

and then you also have scripting Vim script itself, which is, the native script language for Vim is not pretty, but you can also do scripting with other languages, like Perl, Ruby, python and Vim also has a really awesome help system with which vi does not have there's also some improvements that Vim ads that I don't really care about, I mean I took notes, obviously because I don't have all this stuff memorized, and I've titled this section dumb stuff, because it's kind of du I don't care linefolding is one editing of compressed files I don't really care about that.

Vim 还内置了脚本语言 vimscript,很好用的帮助系统,这些 vi 都没有。

You can edit files over network connections like ssh ftp http. I could say how that would be useful, but I've never wanted or had to do that, and then them also provides a graphical user interface. Usually you open this up using Gvim for graphical Vim, and that provides mouse integration, again, things I don't care about. One of the main reasons I use Vim is for speed, and not having to touch the mouse, so it's kind of silly to for me to get excited about that kind of stuff, okay So so that's the kind of the differences between Vim and Vi and why everybody uses Vim most computers now.

vim 可以通过网络连接来编辑文件,同时也提供了 GUI 界面,可以使用鼠标来操作。不过我对这个并不感兴趣,使用 vim 的主要原因就是因为速度,不需要在去触摸鼠标了(这确实也是大部分人使用 vim 的原因)


It's so old it looks like crap:  它已经很老了,看起来是垃圾。crap:44343976f4a8da6f2a41c44e3cb2ac84.png

if you're going to learn any editor, vim is a pretty good investment:如果你想学习一个编辑器,Vim 是一个不错的投资。investment:80f683e6c8fd5567f5310c2b2071b059.png

definitely can't do this without stopping 我绝对不能不停下来definitely:7b56861d2ef6fe766fe26cd08fe3fa13.png

let me know how you do, because I'm curious: 告诉我你是怎么做的,我很好奇。curious65245355aaac87bb9b74852cc81cb2ae.png

You need barely no equipment. 你几乎不需要设备barely64d3a78457baa91ee2828f966b42476d.png

I don't have all this stuff memorized: 我没有记住所有这些东西stuff2941d8f5d293d25f627327526c58c042.png



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