- 1. 羟qiǎng基(hydroxyl)
- 2. 羧suō基(carboxyl)
- 3. 氨基(amino)
- 4. 磷酸盐(phosphate)
- 5. 巯基(sulfhydryl)
1. 羟qiǎng基(hydroxyl)
其化学式为 -OH \text{-OH} -OH
Compound and example: 酒精 / 乙醇(alcohol / ethanol)化学式如下
Properties: Polar. H-bonds with water. Linked to molecules by condensation.
2. 羧suō基(carboxyl)
其化学式为 -COOH \text{-COOH} -COOH
Compound and example: 羧酸 / 乙酸,醋酸(carboxylic acid / acetic acid)化学式如下
Properties: Acidic and gives up H + \text{H}^\text{+} H+ to negatively charged. Linked to alcohols and amines by condensation.
3. 氨基(amino)
其化学式为 -NH 2 \text{-NH}_\text{2} -NH2
Compound and example: 胺 / 甲胺(amine / methyl amine)化学式如下
Properties: Basic and takes up H + \text{H}^\text{+} H+ to positively charged. Linked to carboxylic acids by condensation.
4. 磷酸盐(phosphate)
其化学式为 PO 4 3- \text{PO}_\text{4}^\text{3-} PO43-
Compound and example: 有机磷酸酯 / 3-磷酸甘油酸盐(organic phosphate / 3-phosphoglycerate)化学式如下
Properties: Acidic and gives up H + \text{H}^\text{+} H+ to negatively charged. Linked to alcohols by condensation. Form high energy bonds with other phosphates.
5. 巯基(sulfhydryl)
其化学式为 − SH -\text{SH} −SH
Compound and example: 硫醇 / 巯基乙醇(thiol / mercaptoethanol)化学式如下
Properties: Polar. Linked to other thiols to form disulfides. Important in proteins (cysteine)