unity2019.4.40f1c1,使用Unity官网FPS Microgame(如下图)。原本想从游戏源码启动流程开始学习,但Unity核心代码没有开源,就还是先理解游戏逻辑。
游戏分成 5个Scene,我们关注MainScene,其中有个GameManager,从Inspector看挂有许多Scripts,我们先一个个分析。
GameFlowManager,引用using UnityEngine.SceneManagement,定义类GameFlowManager前半部分是在自定义Eidtor界面,这里float timeRatio = 1 - (m_TimeLoadEndGameScene - Time.time) / endSceneLoadDelay;不是很理解,待续
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
public class GameFlowManager : MonoBehaviour
[Tooltip("Duration of the fade-to-black at the end of the game")]
public float endSceneLoadDelay = 3f;
[Tooltip("The canvas group of the fade-to-black screen")]
public CanvasGroup endGameFadeCanvasGroup;
[Tooltip("This string has to be the name of the scene you want to load when winning")]
public string winSceneName = "WinScene";
[Tooltip("Duration of delay before the fade-to-black, if winning")]
public float delayBeforeFadeToBlack = 4f;
[Tooltip("Duration of delay before the win message")]
public float delayBeforeWinMessage = 2f;
[Tooltip("Sound played on win")]
public AudioClip victorySound;
[Tooltip("Prefab for the win game message")]
public GameObject WinGameMessagePrefab;
[Tooltip("This string has to be the name of the scene you want to load when losing")]
public string loseSceneName = "LoseScene";
public bool gameIsEnding { get; private set; }
PlayerCharacterController m_Player;
NotificationHUDManager m_NotificationHUDManager;
ObjectiveManager m_ObjectiveManager;
float m_TimeLoadEndGameScene;
string m_SceneToLoad;
void Start()
Debug.Log("Start Game: " + m_Player);
m_Player = FindObjectOfType<PlayerCharacterController>();
DebugUtility.HandleErrorIfNullFindObject<PlayerCharacterController, GameFlowManager>(m_Player, this);
m_ObjectiveManager = FindObjectOfType<ObjectiveManager>();
DebugUtility.HandleErrorIfNullFindObject<ObjectiveManager, GameFlowManager>(m_ObjectiveManager, this);
void Update()
if (gameIsEnding)
Debug.Log("m_TimeLoadEndGameScene: " + m_TimeLoadEndGameScene);
Debug.Log("Time.time: " + Time.time);
Debug.Log("endSceneLoadDelay: " + endSceneLoadDelay);
float timeRatio = 1 - (m_TimeLoadEndGameScene - Time.time) / endSceneLoadDelay;
Debug.Log("timeRatio: " + timeRatio);
endGameFadeCanvasGroup.alpha = timeRatio;
AudioUtility.SetMasterVolume(1 - timeRatio);
// See if it's time to load the (after the delay)
if (Time.time >= m_TimeLoadEndGameScene)
Debug.Log("Scene loading: " + m_SceneToLoad);
gameIsEnding = false;
if (m_ObjectiveManager.AreAllObjectivesCompleted())
// Test if player died
if (m_Player.isDead)
void EndGame(bool win)
// unlocks the cursor before leaving the scene, to be able to click buttons
Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.None;
Cursor.visible = true;
// Remember that we need to load the appropriate end scene after a delay
gameIsEnding = true;
if (win)
m_SceneToLoad = winSceneName;
m_TimeLoadEndGameScene = Time.time + endSceneLoadDelay + delayBeforeFadeToBlack;
// play a sound on win
var audioSource = gameObject.AddComponent<AudioSource>();
audioSource.clip = victorySound;
audioSource.playOnAwake = false;
audioSource.outputAudioMixerGroup = AudioUtility.GetAudioGroup(AudioUtility.AudioGroups.HUDVictory);
audioSource.PlayScheduled(AudioSettings.dspTime + delayBeforeWinMessage);
// create a game message
var message = Instantiate(WinGameMessagePrefab).GetComponent<DisplayMessage>();
if (message)
message.delayBeforeShowing = delayBeforeWinMessage;
m_SceneToLoad = loseSceneName;
m_TimeLoadEndGameScene = Time.time + endSceneLoadDelay;