Tailwind 练手项目 2

news2025/3/1 9:54:51

Tailwind 练手项目 2

这次换了个 up 又滚完了一遍 tailwind,算是拾遗补缺了,之前的笔记:

  • Tailwind CSS 速成
  • Tailwind 练手项目


首先说两点我看完 up 视频,比较喜欢的点:

  1. flex 结构基本上就是用这个模板:flex flex-col m-6 space-y-10 md:flex-row md:space-y-0 md:m-0",这个布局是小屏幕上上下分布,中型屏幕以上左右分布的常规套路。space-<x, y>-<num> 是一个工具类名,用来控制所有子类的 margin,官方文档的例子是: space-y-1 > * + * margin-top: 0.25rem; /* 4px */;

  2. 没有多加无意义的 breakpoints,都是以 mobile first 的设计理念

  3. 终于用了 directives

    我找了一下,除了排版会放在一起之外,加到 @layer 里的 CSS 会对 : 有效,如假设将 btn 加到 @layer components {} 中,那么就可以直接使用状态


    Wrapping any custom CSS with @layer also makes it possible to use modifiers with those rules, like hover: and focus: or responsive modifiers like md: and lg:.

    是说内部可以直接实现移动端 CSS,不需要再用 media-query?那看来直接 override 没办法这么做……?

  4. 状态的嵌套,如:dark:md:hover:bg-fuchsia-600

  5. 介绍了插件,这里在一个项目利用了 line-clamp 这个插件,主要就是当内容太多了可以省略。不过现在的版本,line-clamp 是自带的,不需要使用额外的 plugin

我不太喜欢的一点是会添加额外的 claa 做样式,理论上来说用 pseudo-element,HTML 的结构会更加干净一点,不过这个 up 好喜欢用 group>div+div+div 这样的结构去做样式啊……

案例我就直接丢实现了,都是一些老生常谈的点,之前 responsive+小项目写太多了……

小项目代码 & 对比

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                <span class="text-sm ml-1">100 GB of storage</span>
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              <p class="line-through">$799</p>
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regular proj

这里就放一些 directives 的配置了。


/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
module.exports = {
  content: ['./*.html'],
  theme: {
    screens: {
      sm: '480px',
      md: '768px',
      lg: '976px',
      xl: '1440px',
    extend: {
      colors: {
        strongCyan: 'hsl(171, 66%, 44%)',
        lightBlue: 'hsl(233, 100%, 69%)',
        darkGrayishBlue: 'hsl(210, 10%, 33%)',
        grayishBlue: 'hsl(201, 11%, 66%)',
      fontFamily: {
        sans: ['Bai Jamjuree', 'sans-serif'],
  plugins: [],

实现的 css:

@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

@layer base {
  h3 {
    @apply mb-8 text-4xl font-bold text-darkGrayishBlue md:text-5xl;

  h5 {
    @apply mb-2 text-2xl font-bold text-darkGrayishBlue;

.section-container {
  @apply max-w-6xl mx-auto text-center px-10;

.section-content {
  @apply max-w-3xl mx-auto leading-9 text-center text-grayishBlue;

.button-container {
  @apply flex flex-col justify-center w-full space-y-6 text-xl text-white md:flex-row md:space-y-0 md:space-x-4;

body {
  /* background-image: url('../images/bg-header-desktop.png');
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background-size: contain; */
  @apply bg-[url('../images/bg-header-desktop.png')] bg-no-repeat backim bg-contain;

@media (max-width: 576px) {
  body {
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    @apply bg-[url('../images/bg-header-mobile.png')];

.ficon:hover {
  filter: invert(53%) sepia(68%) saturate(434%) hue-rotate(121deg) brightness(
    ) contrast(94%);


稍微复杂一些的,tailwind 没有实现很多遍的,这种可以在 directive 中声明然后反复用,或者麻烦一点重复写也不是不行,我个人倾向前者。

grid system

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              <p class="opacity-50">Verified Graduate</p>

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          <p class="relative z-10 mt-6 text-xl">
            I received a job offer mid-course, and the subjects I learned were
            current, if not more so, in the company I joined. I honestly feel I
            got every penny's worth.

          <!-- Small Text -->
          <p class="mt-6 opacity-50 line-clamp-6">
            "I was an EMT for many years before I joined the bootcamp. I've been
            looking to make a transition and have heard some people who had an
            amazing experience here. I signed up for the free intro course and
            found it incredibly fun! I enrolled shortly thereafter. The next 12
            weeks was the best - and most grueling - time of my life. Since
            completing the course, I've successfully switched careers, working
            as a Software Engineer at a VR startup. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
            consectetur adipisicing elit. Ratione vero repudiandae, quasi atque
            officiis eum consectetur odio amet dolorem deleniti repellat
            expedita aut sunt laudantium cum itaque nam voluptatum quod! Quo
            totam sequi omnis deserunt? Sit nam molestiae excepturi,
            perspiciatis labore deleniti eum, eligendi quisquam quod sed nobis
            exercitationem tempora! "

        <!-- Box 2 -->
        <div class="p-10 rounded-xl bg-gray-600 md:col-span-1 lg:row-start-1">
          <!-- Box Header -->
          <div class="flex space-x-4">
              class="w-10 h-10 rounded-full ring-2 ring-purple-300"
            <div class="text-sm">
              <h4 class="opacity-90">Jonathan Walters</h4>
              <p class="opacity-50">Verified Graduate</p>

          <!-- Large Text -->
          <p class="mt-6 text-xl">
            The team was very supportive and kept me motivated

          <!-- Small Text -->
          <p class="mt-6 opacity-50 line-clamp-5">
            "I started as a total newbie with virtually no coding skills. I now
            work as a mobile engineer for a big company. This was one of the
            best investments I've made in myself. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
            consectetur adipisicing elit. Atque ipsam veritatis natus illum
            ullam ab, nesciunt rerum nobis, quibusdam ad voluptatum rem
            necessitatibus facere nihil deleniti assumenda vel velit neque quia,
            nisi ipsum laudantium impedit eveniet iste. Pariatur, exercitationem
            consequuntur praesentium a est eum velit quos maiores ipsum facere
            tempora! "

        <!-- Box 3 -->
          class="hidden p-10 rounded-xl text-gray-900 bg-white md:block md:col-span-2 lg:col-span-1 lg:row-span-2"
          <!-- Box Header -->
          <div class="flex space-x-4">
              class="w-10 h-10 rounded-full ring-2 ring-purple-300"
            <div class="text-sm">
              <h4 class="opacity-90">Kira Whittle</h4>
              <p class="opacity-50">Verified Graduate</p>

          <!-- Large Text -->
          <p class="mt-6 text-xl">
            Such a life-changing experience. Highly recommended!

          <!-- Small Text -->
          <p class="mt-6 opacity-50">
            "Before joining the bootcamp, I've never written a line of code. I
            needed some structure from professionals who can help me learn
            programming step by step. I was encouraged to enroll by a former
            student of theirs who can only say wonderful things about the
            program. The entire curriculum and staff did not disappoint. They
            were very hands-on and I never had to wait long for assistance. The
            agile team project, in particular, was outstanding. It took my
            learning to the next level in a way that no tutorial could ever
            have. In fact, I've often referred to it during interviews as an
            example of my developent experience. It certainly helped me land a
            job as a full-stack developer after receiving multiple offers. 100%

        <!-- Box 4 -->
          class="p-10 rounded-xl text-gray-900 bg-white md:col-span-1 md:row-start-2 md:col-start-2 lg:col-start-1"
          <!-- Box Header -->
          <div class="flex space-x-4">
              class="w-10 h-10 rounded-full ring-2 ring-purple-300"
            <div class="text-sm">
              <h4 class="opacity-90">Jeanette Harmon</h4>
              <p class="opacity-50">Verified Graduate</p>

          <!-- Large Text -->
          <p class="mt-6 text-xl">
            An overall wonderful and rewarding experience

          <!-- Small Text -->
          <p class="mt-6 opacity-50">
            "Thank you for the wonderful experience! I now have a job I really
            enjoy, and make a good living while doing something I love."

        <!-- Box 5 -->
        <div class="p-10 rounded-xl bg-gray-900 md:col-span-2">
          <!-- Box Header -->
          <div class="flex space-x-4">
              class="w-10 h-10 rounded-full ring-2 ring-purple-300"
            <div class="text-sm">
              <h4 class="opacity-90">Patrick Abrams</h4>
              <p class="opacity-50">Verified Graduate</p>

          <!-- Large Text -->
          <p class="mt-6 text-xl">
            Awesome teaching support from TAs who did the bootcamp themselves.
            Getting guidance from them and learning from their experiences was

          <!-- Small Text -->
          <p class="mt-6 opacity-50">
            "The staff seem genuinely concerned about my progress which I find
            really refreshing. The program gave me the confidence necessary to
            be able to go out in the world and present myself as a capable
            junior developer. The standard is above the rest. You will get the
            personal attention you need from an incredible community of smart
            and amazing people."

        <!-- Box 6 -->
        <div class="p-10 rounded-xl text-gray-900 bg-white md:hidden">
          <!-- Box Header -->
          <div class="flex space-x-4">
              class="w-10 h-10 rounded-full ring-2 ring-purple-300"
            <div class="text-sm">
              <h4 class="opacity-90">Kira Whittle</h4>
              <p class="opacity-50">Verified Graduate</p>

          <!-- Large Text -->
          <p class="mt-6 text-xl">
            Such a life-changing experience. Highly recommended!

          <!-- Small Text -->
          <p class="mt-6 opacity-50">
            "Before joining the bootcamp, I've never written a line of code. I
            needed some structure from professionals who can help me learn
            programming step by step. I was encouraged to enroll by a former
            student of theirs who can only say wonderful things about the
            program. The entire curriculum and staff did not disappoint. They
            were very hands-on and I never had to wait long for assistance. The
            agile team project, in particular, was outstanding. It took my
            learning to the next level in a way that no tutorial could ever
            have. In fact, I've often referred to it during interviews as an
            example of my developent experience. It certainly helped me land a
            job as a full-stack developer after receiving multiple offers. 100%
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              class="w-10 h-10 rounded-full ring-2 ring-purple-300"
            <div class="text-sm">
              <h4 class="opacity-90">Daniel Clifford</h4>
              <p class="opacity-50">Verified Graduate</p>

          <!-- Large Text -->
          <p class="relative z-10 mt-6 text-xl">
            I received a job offer mid-course, and the subjects I learned were
            current, if not more so, in the company I joined. I honestly feel I
            got every penny's worth.

          <!-- Small Text -->
          <p class="mt-6 opacity-50 line-clamp-6">
            "I was an EMT for many years before I joined the bootcamp. I've been
            looking to make a transition and have heard some people who had an
            amazing experience here. I signed up for the free intro course and
            found it incredibly fun! I enrolled shortly thereafter. The next 12
            weeks was the best - and most grueling - time of my life. Since
            completing the course, I've successfully switched careers, working
            as a Software Engineer at a VR startup. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
            consectetur adipisicing elit. Ratione vero repudiandae, quasi atque
            officiis eum consectetur odio amet dolorem deleniti repellat
            expedita aut sunt laudantium cum itaque nam voluptatum quod! Quo
            totam sequi omnis deserunt? Sit nam molestiae excepturi,
            perspiciatis labore deleniti eum, eligendi quisquam quod sed nobis
            exercitationem tempora! "

        <!-- Box 2 -->
        <div class="p-10 rounded-xl bg-gray-600 md:col-span-1 lg:row-start-1">
          <!-- Box Header -->
          <div class="flex space-x-4">
              class="w-10 h-10 rounded-full ring-2 ring-purple-300"
            <div class="text-sm">
              <h4 class="opacity-90">Jonathan Walters</h4>
              <p class="opacity-50">Verified Graduate</p>

          <!-- Large Text -->
          <p class="mt-6 text-xl">
            The team was very supportive and kept me motivated

          <!-- Small Text -->
          <p class="mt-6 opacity-50 line-clamp-5">
            "I started as a total newbie with virtually no coding skills. I now
            work as a mobile engineer for a big company. This was one of the
            best investments I've made in myself. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
            consectetur adipisicing elit. Atque ipsam veritatis natus illum
            ullam ab, nesciunt rerum nobis, quibusdam ad voluptatum rem
            necessitatibus facere nihil deleniti assumenda vel velit neque quia,
            nisi ipsum laudantium impedit eveniet iste. Pariatur, exercitationem
            consequuntur praesentium a est eum velit quos maiores ipsum facere
            tempora! "

        <!-- Box 3 -->
          class="hidden p-10 rounded-xl text-gray-900 bg-white md:block md:col-span-2 lg:col-span-1 lg:row-span-2"
          <!-- Box Header -->
          <div class="flex space-x-4">
              class="w-10 h-10 rounded-full ring-2 ring-purple-300"
            <div class="text-sm">
              <h4 class="opacity-90">Kira Whittle</h4>
              <p class="opacity-50">Verified Graduate</p>

          <!-- Large Text -->
          <p class="mt-6 text-xl">
            Such a life-changing experience. Highly recommended!

          <!-- Small Text -->
          <p class="mt-6 opacity-50">
            "Before joining the bootcamp, I've never written a line of code. I
            needed some structure from professionals who can help me learn
            programming step by step. I was encouraged to enroll by a former
            student of theirs who can only say wonderful things about the
            program. The entire curriculum and staff did not disappoint. They
            were very hands-on and I never had to wait long for assistance. The
            agile team project, in particular, was outstanding. It took my
            learning to the next level in a way that no tutorial could ever
            have. In fact, I've often referred to it during interviews as an
            example of my developent experience. It certainly helped me land a
            job as a full-stack developer after receiving multiple offers. 100%

        <!-- Box 4 -->
          class="p-10 rounded-xl text-gray-900 bg-white md:col-span-1 md:row-start-2 md:col-start-2 lg:col-start-1"
          <!-- Box Header -->
          <div class="flex space-x-4">
              class="w-10 h-10 rounded-full ring-2 ring-purple-300"
            <div class="text-sm">
              <h4 class="opacity-90">Jeanette Harmon</h4>
              <p class="opacity-50">Verified Graduate</p>

          <!-- Large Text -->
          <p class="mt-6 text-xl">
            An overall wonderful and rewarding experience

          <!-- Small Text -->
          <p class="mt-6 opacity-50">
            "Thank you for the wonderful experience! I now have a job I really
            enjoy, and make a good living while doing something I love."

        <!-- Box 5 -->
        <div class="p-10 rounded-xl bg-gray-900 md:col-span-2">
          <!-- Box Header -->
          <div class="flex space-x-4">
              class="w-10 h-10 rounded-full ring-2 ring-purple-300"
            <div class="text-sm">
              <h4 class="opacity-90">Patrick Abrams</h4>
              <p class="opacity-50">Verified Graduate</p>

          <!-- Large Text -->
          <p class="mt-6 text-xl">
            Awesome teaching support from TAs who did the bootcamp themselves.
            Getting guidance from them and learning from their experiences was

          <!-- Small Text -->
          <p class="mt-6 opacity-50">
            "The staff seem genuinely concerned about my progress which I find
            really refreshing. The program gave me the confidence necessary to
            be able to go out in the world and present myself as a capable
            junior developer. The standard is above the rest. You will get the
            personal attention you need from an incredible community of smart
            and amazing people."

        <!-- Box 6 -->
        <div class="p-10 rounded-xl text-gray-900 bg-white md:hidden">
          <!-- Box Header -->
          <div class="flex space-x-4">
              class="w-10 h-10 rounded-full ring-2 ring-purple-300"
            <div class="text-sm">
              <h4 class="opacity-90">Kira Whittle</h4>
              <p class="opacity-50">Verified Graduate</p>

          <!-- Large Text -->
          <p class="mt-6 text-xl">
            Such a life-changing experience. Highly recommended!

          <!-- Small Text -->
          <p class="mt-6 opacity-50">
            "Before joining the bootcamp, I've never written a line of code. I
            needed some structure from professionals who can help me learn
            programming step by step. I was encouraged to enroll by a former
            student of theirs who can only say wonderful things about the
            program. The entire curriculum and staff did not disappoint. They
            were very hands-on and I never had to wait long for assistance. The
            agile team project, in particular, was outstanding. It took my
            learning to the next level in a way that no tutorial could ever
            have. In fact, I've often referred to it during interviews as an
            example of my developent experience. It certainly helped me land a
            job as a full-stack developer after receiving multiple offers. 100%





原本就直接从 col-1 跳到了 col-4,但是 md 上我觉得一些卡片留白太多了

不需要 JS 的特效


这个特效是通过一个叫做 group:focus 的特效做的:

<div class="py-1 border-b outline-none group" tabindex="4">
  <!-- Tab Flex Container -->
    class="flex items-center justify-between py-3 text-gray-500 transition duration-500 cursor-pointer group ease"
    <!-- Tab Title -->
    <div class="transition duration-500 ease group-hover:text-red-500">
      What about other Chromium browsers
    <!-- Arrow -->
      class="transition duration-500 ease group-focus:-rotate-180 group-focus:text-red-500"
      <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="18" height="12">
          d="M1 1l8 8 8-8"

  <!-- Tab Inner Content -->
    class="overflow-hidden transition duration-500 group-focus:max-h-screen max-h-0 ease"
    <p class="py-2 text-justify text-gray-400">
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Fugiat, repellat
      amet doloribus consequuntur eos similique provident tempora voluptates
      iure quia fuga dicta voluptatibus culpa mollitia recusandae delectus id
      suscipit labore?

我本来还以为是通过 JS 实现的……妙啊……





Python不仅用于网站开发&#xff0c;数据分析&#xff0c;图像处理&#xff0c;也常用于爬虫技术方向&#xff0c;最近学习了解下&#xff0c;爬虫技术入门一般先使用bs4库&#xff0c;爬取天气预报简单尝试下。 第一步&#xff1a;首先选定目标网站地址 网上查询&#xff0c…


依赖注入底层原理流程图: Spring中Bean的依赖注入原理| ProcessOn免费在线作图,在线流程图,在线思维导图 Spring中到底有几种依赖注入的方式? 首先分两种: 手动注入自动注入手动注入 在XML中定义Bean时,就是手动注入,因为是程序员手动给某个属性指定了值。 <bean n…


lab2 系统内存的探测 参考博客 主要涉及操作系统的物理内存管理。 操作系统为了使用内存&#xff0c;还需高效地管理内存资源。 这里我们会了解并且自己动手完成一个简单的物理内存管理系统。实验目的 理解基于段页式内存地址的转换机制 理解页表的建立和使用方法 理解物理内…


一、什么是线程 线程(Thread)特点: 线程(Thread)是操作系统能够进行运算调度的最小单位。它被包含在进程之中,是进程中的实际运作单位线程是程序执行的最小单位,而进程是操作系统分配资源的最小单位;一个进程由一个或多个线程组成,线程是一个进程中代码的不同执行路线;…


目录 1. 基本语法格式 2. 引入方式 2.1 内部样式 2.2 内联样式 2.3 外部样式 3. 基础选择器 3.1 标签选择器 3.2 类选择器 3.3 ID选择器 4. 复合选择器 4.1 后代选择器 4.2 子选择器 4.3 并集选择器 4.4 伪类选择器 1. 基本语法格式 选择器若干属性声明 2. 引入…


模拟实现strncat 代码&#xff1a; #include<stdio.h> #include<assert.h> char* my_strncat(char* dest, const char* src, size_t num) {assert(dest ! NULL && src ! NULL);char* ret dest;while (num--) {*dest *src;}return ret; } int main() {ch…


进程间通信 前言正式开始理解进程间通信一些标准管道原理管道演示匿名管道代码演示原理进程池管道大小 命名管道演示代码分配消息例子 systemV共享内存共享内存流程获取key值shm的创建shm的删除关联去关联完整流程演示开始通信 systemV 消息队列基于对共享内存的理解几个概念 前…


创建索引 CREATE [ UNIQUE | FULLTEXT ] INDEX index_name ON table_name ( index_col_name,... ) ; 普通索引 name字段为姓名字段&#xff0c;该字段的值可能会重复&#xff0c;为该字段创建索引。 CREATE INDEX idx_user_name ON tb_user(name); 唯一索引 phone手机…


2014 年,我开始在东京寻找软件工程工作。 但我不想要任何旧工作。我想要一个——因为没有更好的术语——实际上很好的。 因为我听说过一些关于日本科技行业的可怕事情。过度劳累的故事。低工资。令人畏惧的日本“黑公司”。 但尽管有这些故事,我相信也有优秀的科技公司。于…


3DM游戏运行库合集离线安装包&#xff08;1G&#xff09; - 『精品软件区』 - 吾爱破解 - LCG - LSG |安卓破解|病毒分析|www.52pojie.cnhttps://www.52pojie.cn/thread-1308401-1-1.html新的电脑系统上,运行一个软件,报缺少.dll,不是少了.net 就是少了 directx,vc runtime,下载…


1.在day3&#xff0c;上传图片时候&#xff0c;有一个错误&#xff0c;我完成代码逻辑后&#xff0c;启动进行上传时&#xff0c;发现报错了&#xff0c;报的是空指针异常 开始我认为微服务之间使用threadlocal是无法进行数据共享的&#xff0c;但是我有顺着老师讲的思路走了一…

Navicat15 /16 已连接数据库密码解密

前言 相信你会遇到使用navicat忘记已连接数据密码的问题吧&#xff01;实在是&#xff0c;密码太多容易忘记&#xff01;&#xff01;&#xff01; 感谢大佬as_dmy的文章如何查看navicat已连接数据库密码&#xff0c;然后才有了此文&#xff01; 1.0版本需要手动查看导出的co…

GET 和 POST请求的区别是什么

GET和POST是HTTP请求的两种基本方法&#xff0c;要说它们的区别&#xff0c;接触过WEB开发的人都能说出一二。 最直观的区别就是GET把参数包含在URL中&#xff0c;POST通过request body传递参数。 你轻轻松松的给出了一个“标准答案”&#xff1a; GET在浏览器回退时是无害的…


互联网已经和我们的生活密不可分&#xff0c;我们每天都穿梭在网络的世界里&#xff0c;感受着信息的洪流&#xff0c;但同时也感受到了贫富差距的日益拉大。然而&#xff0c;互联网的蓬勃发展也为我们提供了一个机会——通过在线平台赚取真实的收入。 尽管在这个领域中存在着许…


目录 一&#xff1a;RTT解释 二&#xff1a;QUIC 1-RTT连接 三&#xff1a;QUIC 0-RTT连接 一&#xff1a;RTT解释 在介绍QUIC协议的连接之前先科普一下什么是RTT。RTT是Round-Trip Time的英文缩写&#xff0c;翻译过来就是一趟来回的时间即往返时延。时间计算即从发送方发送…

工作每天都在用的 DNS 协议,你真的了解么?

♥ 前 言 我们经常访问一些网址的时候&#xff0c;浏览器里输入类似于 www.baidu.com 这样的地址&#xff0c;那么在浏览器里输入这个地址---> 百度服务器给我们返回这个百度的页面&#xff0c;中间的过程是什么样的呢&#xff1f; 带着这个问题&#xff0c;我们一起来解…


一款专门为练题开发的题库答题考试模拟小程序&#xff0c;适用于多种用户群体&#xff0c;驾照考题、各种职业考试、英语四六级等等。接入流量主功能&#xff0c;运营方可以更灵活的配置收益方式。 小程序核心功能介绍&#xff1a; 1、多题型支持&#xff0c;判断题、单选题…


近日有个项目用到了Nacos做注册中心。运行一段时间发现Nacos服务的线程数达到了1k。这肯定是不正常的。 环境&#xff1a; Nacos-server 2.2.3docker-compose编排部署 nacos:image: "nacos/nacos-server:latest"environment:- JAVA_OPTS-XX:MetaspaceSize128m -XX:…


在PLC-Recorder在线软件里&#xff0c;大家可以在曲线上找到变量的编号&#xff08;由通道编号、变量类型、同类型序号组成&#xff09;。这个编号也是各软件识别变量的唯一标识。在变量和PLC很多时&#xff0c;可以方便地找到对应的PLC&#xff0c;如下&#xff1a; 有朋友问&…


目录 一、从Openstreetmap获取路网数据 1.1 根据城市名获取对应ID 1.2 根据城市ID获取路网数据 二、下载安装QGIS 2.1 下载QGIS 2.2 安装QGIS 2.3 页面语言设置 三、将获取到的osm文件拖入QGIS 一、从Openstreetmap获取路网数据 在大多数研究中&#xff0c;经常使用到的…