【ViT(Vision Transformer)】(一) 中英双语

news2024/10/3 10:34:00

ViT(Vision Transformer)

      • 4.1 SETUP
      • 4.4 SCALING STUDY
    • 声明



While the Transformer architecture has become the de-facto standard for natural
language processing tasks, its applications to computer vision remain limited. In
vision, attention is either applied in conjunction with convolutional networks, or
used to replace certain components of convolutional networks while keeping their
overall structure in place. We show that this reliance on CNNs is not necessary
and a pure transformer applied directly to sequences of image patches can perform very well on image classification tasks. When pre-trained on large amounts of data and transferred to multiple mid-sized or small image recognition benchmarks (ImageNet, CIFAR-100, VTAB, etc.), Vision Transformer (ViT) attains excellent results compared to state-of-the-art convolutional networks while requiring substantially fewer computational resources to train.



Self-attention-based architectures, in particular Transformers (Vaswani et al., 2017), have become the model of choice in natural language processing (NLP). The dominant approach is to pre-train on a large text corpus and then fine-tune on a smaller task-specific dataset (Devlin et al., 2019). Thanks to Transformers’ computational efficiency and scalability, it has become possible to train models of
unprecedented size, with over 100B parameters (Brown et al., 2020; Lepikhin et al., 2020). With the models and datasets growing, there is still no sign of saturating performance.

基于自我注意的架构,特别是Transformers(Vaswani et al.,2017),已经成为自然语言处理(NLP)中的首选模型。主要的方法是在大型文本语料库上进行预训练,然后在较小的特定任务数据集上进行微调(Devlin等人,2019)。由于Transformers的计算效率和可扩展性,训练具有超过100B参数的空前规模的模型成为可能(Brown等人,2020;Lepikhin等人,2020)。随着模型和数据集的增长,性能仍然没有饱和的迹象。

In computer vision, however, convolutional architectures remain dominant (LeCun et al., 1989; Krizhevsky et al., 2012; He et al., 2016). Inspired by NLP successes, multiple works try combining CNN-like architectures with self-attention (Wang et al., 2018; Carion et al., 2020), some replacing the convolutions entirely (Ramachandran et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2020a). The latter models, while theoretically efficient, have not yet been scaled effectively on modern hardware accelerators due to the use of specialized attention patterns. Therefore, in large-scale image recognition, classic ResNetlike architectures are still state of the art (Mahajan et al., 2018; Xie et al., 2020; Kolesnikov et al., 2020).


Inspired by the Transformer scaling successes in NLP, we experiment with applying a standard Transformer directly to images, with the fewest possible modifications. To do so, we split an image into patches and provide the sequence of linear embeddings of these patches as an input to a Transformer. Image patches are treated the same way as tokens (words) in an NLP application. We train the model on image classification in supervised fashion.


When trained on mid-sized datasets such as ImageNet without strong regularization, these models yield modest accuracies of a few percentage points below ResNets of comparable size. This seemingly discouraging outcome may be expected: Transformers lack some of the inductive biases inherent to CNNs, such as translation equivariance and locality, and therefore do not generalize well when trained on insufficient amounts of data.


However, the picture changes if the models are trained on larger datasets (14M-300M images). We find that large scale training trumps inductive bias. Our Vision Transformer (ViT) attains excellent results when pre-trained at sufficient scale and transferred to tasks with fewer datapoints. When pre-trained on the public ImageNet-21k dataset or the in-house JFT-300M dataset, ViT approaches
or beats state of the art on multiple image recognition benchmarks. In particular, the best model reaches the accuracy of 88:55% on ImageNet, 90:72% on ImageNet-ReaL, 94:55% on CIFAR-100, and 77:63% on the VTAB suite of 19 tasks.

然而,如果在较大的数据集(14M-300M图像)上训练模型,则图片会发生变化。我们发现大规模训练胜过归纳偏见。我们的视觉转换器(ViT)在进行足够规模的预训练并转移到数据点较少的任务中时,会取得优异的效果。当在公共ImageNet-21k数据集或内部JFT-300M数据集上进行预训练时,ViT在多个图像识别基准上接近或优于现有技术。特别是,最佳模型在ImageNet上达到88:55%的准确率,在ImageNet-ReaL上达到90:72%,在CIFAR-100上达到94:55%,在VTAB 19个任务套件上达到77:63%。


Transformers were proposed by Vaswani et al. (2017) for machine translation, and have since become the state of the art method in many NLP tasks. Large Transformer-based models are often pre-trained on large corpora and then fine-tuned for the task at hand: BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) uses a denoising self-supervised pre-training task, while the GPT line of work uses language modeling as its pre-training task (Radford et al., 2018; 2019; Brown et al., 2020).


Naive application of self-attention to images would require that each pixel attends to every other pixel. With quadratic cost in the number of pixels, this does not scale to realistic input sizes. Thus, to apply Transformers in the context of image processing, several approximations have been tried in the past. Parmar et al. (2018) applied the self-attention only in local neighborhoods for each query
pixel instead of globally. Such local multi-head dot-product self attention blocks can completely replace convolutions (Hu et al., 2019; Ramachandran et al., 2019; Zhao et al., 2020). In a different line of work, Sparse Transformers (Child et al., 2019) employ scalable approximations to global selfattention in order to be applicable to images. An alternative way to scale attention is to apply it in blocks of varying sizes (Weissenborn et al., 2019), in the extreme case only along individual axes (Ho et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2020a). Many of these specialized attention architectures demonstrate promising results on computer vision tasks, but require complex engineering to be implemented efficiently on hardware accelerators.

将自我关注力机制单纯地应用于图像需要每个像素关注其他像素。在像素数量为二次方成本的情况下,这不会扩展到现实的输入大小。因此,为了将Transformers应用于图像处理,过去已经尝试了几种近似方法。Parmar等人(2018)仅在每个查询像素的局部邻域中应用自关注,而不是全局应用。这种局部多头点-产物自我注意块可以完全取代卷积(Hu et al.,2019;Ramachandran et al.,2017;赵et al.,2020)。在另一项工作中,稀疏变换器(Child等人,2019)对全局自注意采用了可扩展的近似值,以便适用于图像。另一种扩大注意力的方法是将其应用于不同大小的区块(Weissenborn et al.,2019),在极端情况下,仅沿单个轴应用(Ho等人,2019;王等人,2020a)。这些专门的注意力架构中的许多在计算机视觉任务上表现出了有希望的结果,但需要在硬件加速器上有效地实现复杂的工程。

Most related to ours is the model of Cordonnier et al. (2020), which extracts patches of size 2 × 2 from the input image and applies full self-attention on top. This model is very similar to ViT, but our work goes further to demonstrate that large scale pre-training makes vanilla transformers competitive with (or even better than) state-of-the-art CNNs. Moreover, Cordonnier et al. (2020)
use a small patch size of 2 × 2 pixels, which makes the model applicable only to small-resolution images, while we handle medium-resolution images as well.

最相关的是我们的模型的Cordonnier et al. (2020年),其中提取的补丁的大小2×2从输入图像和适用充分自关注的顶上。 这种模式的是非常类似于维生素,但是,我们的工作更进一步,以证明大规模的预培训,使香草变压器的竞争力(或者甚至比)国家的技术CNNs. 此外,Cordonnier et al. (2020年)使用一小片大小为2×2的像素,这使得该模型只适用于小型分辨率的图像,虽然我们处理中等分辨率的图像。

There has also been a lot of interest in combining convolutional neural networks (CNNs) with forms of self-attention, e.g. by augmenting feature maps for image classification (Bello et al., 2019) or by further processing the output of a CNN using self-attention, e.g. for object detection (Hu et al., 2018; Carion et al., 2020), video processing (Wang et al., 2018; Sun et al., 2019), image classification (Wu
et al., 2020), unsupervised object discovery (Locatello et al., 2020), or unified text-vision tasks (Chen et al., 2020c; Lu et al., 2019; Li et al., 2019).


We evaluate the representation learning capabilities of ResNet, Vision Transformer (ViT), and the hybrid. To understand the data requirements of each model, we pre-train on datasets of varying size and evaluate many benchmark tasks. When considering the computational cost of pre-training the model, ViT performs very favourably, attaining state of the art on most recognition benchmarks at a lower pre-training cost. Lastly, we perform a small experiment using self-supervision, and show that self-supervised ViT holds promise for the future.

我们评估了ResNet、Vision Transformer(ViT)和hybrid的表示学习能力。为了了解每个模型的数据需求,我们在不同大小的数据集上进行预训练,并评估许多基准任务。当考虑到预训练模型的计算成本时,ViT表现得非常好,以较低的预训练成本在大多数识别基准上达到了最先进的水平。最后,我们使用自我监督进行了一个小实验,并表明自我监督的ViT对未来充满希望。


Datasets. To explore model scalability, we use the ILSVRC-2012 ImageNet dataset with 1k classes and 1.3M images (we refer to it as ImageNet in what follows), its superset ImageNet-21k with 21k classes and 14M images (Deng et al., 2009), and JFT (Sun et al., 2017) with 18k classes and 303M high-resolution images. We de-duplicate the pre-training datasets w.r.t. the test sets of the
downstream tasks following Kolesnikov et al. (2020). We transfer the models trained on these dataset to several benchmark tasks: ImageNet on the original validation labels and the cleaned-up ReaL labels (Beyer et al., 2020), CIFAR-10/100 (Krizhevsky, 2009), Oxford-IIIT Pets (Parkhi et al., 2012), and Oxford Flowers-102 (Nilsback & Zisserman, 2008). For these datasets, pre-processing
follows Kolesnikov et al. (2020).

数据集。为了探索模型的可扩展性,我们使用了ILSVRC-2012 ImageNet数据集,该数据集具有1k个类和1.3M个图像(我们在下文中将其称为ImageNet),其超集ImageNet-21k具有21k个类和14M个图像,(Deng et al.,2009),以及JFT(Sun et al.,2017)具有18k个类和303M个高分辨率图像。在Kolesnikov等人(2020)之后,我们将预训练数据集与下游任务的测试集进行了去重。我们将在这些数据集上训练的模型转移到几个基准任务中:原始验证标签和清理后的ReaL标签上的ImageNet(Beyer等人,2020)、CIFAR-10/100(Krizhevsky,2009)、Oxford IIIT Pets(Parkhi等人,2012)和Oxford Flowers-102(Nilsback&Zisserman,2008)。对于这些数据集,按照Kolesnikov等人(2020)进行预处理。

We also evaluate on the 19-task VTAB classification suite (Zhai et al., 2019b). VTAB evaluates low-data transfer to diverse tasks, using 1 000 training examples per task. The tasks are divided into three groups: Natural – tasks like the above, Pets, CIFAR, etc. Specialized – medical and satellite imagery, and Structured – tasks that require geometric understanding like localization.

我们还对19任务VTAB分类套件进行了评估(Zhai et al.,2019b)。VTAB评估不同任务的低数据传输,每个任务使用1000个训练示例。任务分为三组:自然任务(如上述)、宠物、CIFAR等。专业任务(如医疗和卫星图像)和结构化任务(如定位),需要几何理解。

Model Variants. We base ViT configurations on those used for BERT (Devlin et al., 2019), as summarized in Table 1. The “Base” and “Large” models are directly adopted from BERT and we add the larger “Huge” model. In what follows we use brief notation to indicate the model size and the input patch size: for instance, ViT-L/16 means the “Large” variant with 16×16 input patch size. Note that the Transformer’s sequence length is inversely proportional to the square of the patch size, thus models with smaller patch size are computationally more expensive.


For the baseline CNNs, we use ResNet (He et al., 2016), but replace the Batch Normalization layers (Ioffe & Szegedy, 2015) with Group Normalization (Wu & He, 2018), and used standardized convolutions (Qiao et al., 2019). These modifications improve transfer (Kolesnikov et al., 2020),and we denote the modified model “ResNet (BiT)”. For the hybrids, we feed the intermediate feature maps into ViT with patch size of one “pixel”. To experiment with different sequence lengths,we either (i) take the output of stage 4 of a regular ResNet50 or (ii) remove stage 4, place the samenumber of layers in stage 3 (keeping the total number of layers), and take the output of this extended stage 3. Option (ii) results in a 4x longer sequence length, and a more expensive ViT model.

对于基线细胞神经网络,我们使用ResNet(He et al.,2016),但用组归一化(Wu&He,2018)代替批归一化层(Ioffe&Szegedy,2015),并使用标准化卷积(Qiao et al.,2019)。这些修改改善了转移(Kolesnikov等人,2020),我们将修改后的模型称为“ResNet(BiT)”。对于混合体,我们将中间特征图输入到ViT中,补丁大小为一个“像素”。为了用不同的序列长度进行实验,我们要么(i)取常规ResNet50的第4阶段的输出,要么(ii)去除第4阶段,在第3阶段中放置相同数量的层(保持层的总数),并取该扩展的第3阶段的输出。选项(ii)导致4倍长的序列长度和更昂贵的ViT模型。

Training & Fine-tuning. We train all models, including ResNets, using Adam (Kingma & Ba,2015) with β1 = 0:9, β2 = 0:999, a batch size of 4096 and apply a high weight decay of 0:1, which we found to be useful for transfer of all models (Appendix D.1 shows that, in contrast to common practices, Adam works slightly better than SGD for ResNets in our setting). We use a linear learning rate warmup and decay, see Appendix B.1 for details. For fine-tuning we use SGD with momentum, batch size 512, for all models, see Appendix B.1.1. For ImageNet results in Table 2, we fine-tuned at higher resolution: 512 for ViT-L/16 and 518 for ViT-H/14, and also used Polyak & Juditsky (1992) averaging with a factor of 0:9999 (Ramachandran et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2020b).


Metrics. We report results on downstream datasets either through few-shot or fine-tuning accuracy. Fine-tuning accuracies capture the performance of each model after fine-tuning it on the respective dataset. Few-shot accuracies are obtained by solving a regularized least-squares regression problem that maps the (frozen) representation of a subset of training images to f−1; 1gK target vectors. This formulation allows us to recover the exact solution in closed form. Though we mainly focus on fine-tuning performance, we sometimes use linear few-shot accuracies for fast on-the-fly evaluatio where fine-tuning would be too costly.



We first compare our largest models – ViT-H/14 and ViT-L/16 – to state-of-the-art CNNs from the literature. The first comparison point is Big Transfer (BiT) (Kolesnikov et al., 2020), which performs supervised transfer learning with large ResNets. The second is Noisy Student (Xie et al.,2020), which is a large EfficientNet trained using semi-supervised learning on ImageNet and JFT-
300M with the labels removed. Currently, Noisy Student is the state of the art on ImageNet and BiT-L on the other datasets reported here. All models were trained on TPUv3 hardware, and we report the number of TPUv3-core-days taken to pre-train each of them, that is, the number of TPU v3 cores (2 per chip) used for training multiplied by the training time in days.

我们首先将我们最大的模型——ViT-H/14和ViT-L/16——与文献中最先进的细胞神经网络进行比较。第一个比较点是大迁移(BiT)(Kolesnikov et al.,2020),它使用大型ResNets执行监督迁移学习。第二个是Noisy Student(Xie et al.,2020),这是一个在ImageNet和JFT-300M上使用半监督学习进行训练的大型高效网络,去掉了标签。目前,Noisy Student在ImageNet和BiT-L的其他数据集上是最先进的。所有模型都在TPUv3硬件上进行了训练,我们报告了预训练每个模型所需的TPUv3核心天数,即用于训练的TPU v3核心数量(每个芯片2个)乘以训练时间(天)。

Table 2 shows the results. The smaller ViT-L/16 model pre-trained on JFT-300M outperforms BiT-L (which is pre-trained on the same dataset) on all tasks, while requiring substantially less computational resources to train. The larger model, ViT-H/14, further improves the performance, especially on the more challenging datasets – ImageNet, CIFAR-100, and the VTAB suite. Interestingly, this Table 2: Comparison with state of the art on popular image classification benchmarks. We report mean and standard deviation of the accuracies, averaged over three fine-tuning runs. VisionTransformer models pre-trained on the JFT-300M dataset outperform ResNet-based baselines on all datasets, while taking substantially less computational resources to pre-train. ViT pre-trained on the smaller public ImageNet-21k dataset performs well too. ∗Slightly improved 88:5% result reported in Touvron et al. (2020).

结果如表2所示。在JFT-300M上预训练的较小的ViT-L/16模型在所有任务上都优于BiT-L(在同一数据集上预训练),同时训练所需的计算资源要少得多。更大的模型ViT-H/14进一步提高了性能,尤其是在更具挑战性的数据集上——ImageNet、CIFAR-100和VTAB套件。有趣的是,这个表2:与流行图像分类基准上的最新技术进行比较。我们报告了精度的平均值和标准偏差,三次微调的平均值。在JFT-300M数据集上预训练的Vision Transformer模型在所有数据集上都优于基于ResNet的基线,同时预训练所需的计算资源要少得多。在较小的公共ImageNet-21k数据集上预训练的ViT也表现良好。*Touvron等人报告的结果略有改善88:5%。(2020)。

model still took substantially less compute to pre-train than prior state of the art. However, we note that pre-training efficiency may be affected not only by the architecture choice, but also other parameters, such as training schedule, optimizer, weight decay, etc. We provide a controlled study of performance vs. compute for different architectures in Section 4.4. Finally, the ViT-L/16 model
pre-trained on the public ImageNet-21k dataset performs well on most datasets too, while taking fewer resources to pre-train: it could be trained using a standard cloud TPUv3 with 8 cores in approximately 30 days.

与现有技术相比,模型预训练所需的计算量仍然大大减少。 然而,我们注意到,预训练效率不仅可能受到架构选择的影响,还可能受到其他参数的影响,如训练计划、优化器、权重衰减等。我们在第4.4节中提供了不同架构的性能与计算的对照研究。最后,在公共ImageNet-21k数据集上预训练的ViT-L/16模型在大多数数据集上也表现良好,同时预训练所需资源较少:它可以在大约30天内使用8种颜色的标准云TPU3进行训练。

Figure 2 decomposes the VTAB tasks into their respective groups, and compares to previous SOTA methods on this benchmark: BiT, VIVI – a ResNet co-trained on ImageNet and Youtube (Tschannen et al., 2020), and S4L – supervised plus semi-supervised learning on ImageNet (Zhai et al., 2019a). ViT-H/14 outperforms BiT-R152x4, and other methods, on the Natural and Structured tasks. On the Specialized the performance of the top two models is similar.

图2将VTAB任务分解为各自的组,并与该基准上以前的SOTA方法进行比较:BiT、VIVI——在ImageNet和Youtube上共同训练的ResNet(Tschannen et al.,2020),以及S4L——在ImageNet上监督加半监督学习(Zhai et al.,2019a)。ViT-H/14在自然和结构化任务上优于BiT-R152x4和其他方法。在Specialized上,前两款车型的性能相似。


The Vision Transformer performs well when pre-trained on a large JFT-300M dataset. With fewer inductive biases for vision than ResNets, how crucial is the dataset size? We perform two series of experiments.


First, we pre-train ViT models on datasets of increasing size: ImageNet, ImageNet-21k, and JFT-300M. To boost the performance on the smaller datasets, we optimize three basic regularization parameters – weight decay, dropout, and label smoothing. Figure 3 shows the results after finetuning to ImageNet (results on other datasets are shown in Table 5)2. When pre-trained on the smallest dataset, ImageNet, ViT-Large models underperform compared to ViT-Base models, despite (moderate) regularization. With ImageNet-21k pre-training, their performances are similar. Only with JFT-300M, do we see the full benefit of larger models. Figure 3 also shows the performance region spanned by BiT models of different sizes. The BiT CNNs outperform ViT on ImageNet, but
with the larger datasets, ViT overtakes.


Second, we train our models on random subsets of 9M, 30M, and 90M as well as the full JFT-300M dataset. We do not perform additional regularization on the smaller subsets and use the same hyper-parameters for all settings. This way, we assess the intrinsic model properties, and not the effect of regularization. We do, however, use early-stopping, and report the best validation accuracy
achieved during training. To save compute, we report few-shot linear accuracy instead of full finetuning accuracy. Figure 4 contains the results. Vision Transformers overfit more than ResNets with comparable computational cost on smaller datasets. For example, ViT-B/32 is slightly faster than ResNet50; it performs much worse on the 9M subset, but better on 90M+ subsets. The same is true for ResNet152x2 and ViT-L/16. This result reinforces the intuition that the convolutional inductive bias is useful for smaller datasets, but for larger ones, learning the relevant patterns directly from data is sufficient, even beneficial.


Overall, the few-shot results on ImageNet (Figure 4), as well as the low-data results on VTAB(Table 2) seem promising for very low-data transfer. Further analysis of few-shot properties of ViT is an exciting direction of future work.



We have explored the direct application of Transformers to image recognition. Unlike prior works using self-attention in computer vision, we do not introduce image-specific inductive biases into the architecture apart from the initial patch extraction step. Instead, we interpret an image as a sequence of patches and process it by a standard Transformer encoder as used in NLP. This simple,
yet scalable, strategy works surprisingly well when coupled with pre-training on large datasets.Thus, Vision Transformer matches or exceeds the state of the art on many image classification datasets, whilst being relatively cheap to pre-train.


While these initial results are encouraging, many challenges remain. One is to apply ViT to other computer vision tasks, such as detection and segmentation. Our results, coupled with those in Carion et al. (2020), indicate the promise of this approach. Another challenge is to continue exploring selfsupervised pre-training methods. Our initial experiments show improvement from self-supervised
pre-training, but there is still large gap between self-supervised and large-scale supervised pretraining. Finally, further scaling of ViT would likely lead to improved performance.



We perform a controlled scaling study of different models by evaluating transfer performance from JFT-300M. In this setting data size does not bottleneck the models’ performances, and we assess performance versus pre-training cost of each model. The model set includes: 7 ResNets, R50x1, R50x2 R101x1, R152x1, R152x2, pre-trained for 7 epochs, plus R152x2 and R200x3 pre-trained
for 14 epochs; 6 Vision Transformers, ViT-B/32, B/16, L/32, L/16, pre-trained for 7 epochs, plus L/16 and H/14 pre-trained for 14 epochs; and 5 hybrids, R50+ViT-B/32, B/16, L/32, L/16 pretrained for 7 epochs, plus R50+ViT-L/16 pre-trained for 14 epochs (for hybrids, the number at the end of the model name stands not for the patch size, but for the total dowsampling ratio in the ResNet backbone).

我们通过评估JFT-300M的传输性能,对不同模型进行了受控缩放研究。在这种情况下,数据大小不会成为模型性能的瓶颈,我们评估每个模型的性能和预训练成本。模型集包括:7个ResNets,R50x1,R50x2 R101x1,R152x1,R152x2,预训练7个时期,加上R152x2和R200x3预训练14个时期;6个视觉转换器,ViT-B/32,B/16,L/32,L/16,预训练7个时期,加上L/16和H/14预训练14个时期;和5个杂交种,R50+ViT-B/32,B/16,L/32,L/16预训练7个时期,加上R50+ViT-L/16预培训14个时期(对于杂交种,模型名称末尾的数字不是代表补丁大小,而是代表ResNet主干中的总下采样率)。

Figure 5 contains the transfer performance versus total pre-training compute (see Appendix D.5 for details on computational costs). Detailed results per model are provided in Table 6 in the Appendix. A few patterns can be observed. First, Vision Transformers dominate ResNets on the performance/compute trade-off. ViT uses approximately 2 − 4× less compute to attain the same performance (average over 5 datasets). Second, hybrids slightly outperform ViT at small computational budgets, but the difference vanishes for larger models. This result is somewhat surprising, since one might expect convolutional local feature processing to assist ViT at any size. Third, Vision Transformers appear not to saturate within the range tried, motivating future scaling efforts.



To begin to understand how the Vision Transformer processes image data, we analyze its internal representations. The first layer ofthe Vision Transformer linearly projects the flattened patches into a lower-dimensional space (Eq. 1). Figure 7 (left) shows the top principal components of the the learned embedding filters. The components resemble plausible basis functions for a low-dimensional
representation of the fine structure within each patch.



After the projection, a learned position embedding is added to the patch representations. Figure 7 (center) shows that the model learns to encode distance within the image in the similarity of position embeddings, i.e. closer patches tend to have more similar position embeddings. Further, the row-column structure appears; patches in the same row/column have similar embeddings. Finally, a sinusoidal structure is sometimes apparent for larger grids (Appendix D). That the position embeddings learn to represent 2D image topology explains why hand-crafted 2D-aware embedding variants do not yield improvements (Appendix D.4).


Self-attention allows ViT to integrate information across the entire image even in the lowest layers. We investigate to what degree the network makes use of this capability. Specifically, we compute the average distance in image space across which information is integrated, based on the attention weights (Figure 7, right). This “attention distance” is analogous to receptive field size in CNNs.


We find that some heads attend to most of the image already in the lowest layers, showing that the ability to integrate information globally is indeed used by the model. Other attention heads have consistently small attention distances in the low layers. This highly localized attention is less pronounced in hybrid models that apply a ResNet before the Transformer (Figure 7, right), suggesting that it may serve a similar function as early convolutional layers in CNNs. Further, the
attention distance increases with network depth. Globally, we find that the model attends to image regions that are semantically relevant for classification (Figure 6).


Transformers show impressive performance on NLP tasks. However, much of their success stems not only from their excellent scalability but also from large scale self-supervised pre-training (Devlinet al., 2019; Radford et al., 2018). We also perform a preliminary exploration on masked patch prediction for self-supervision, mimicking the masked language modeling task used in BERT. With
self-supervised pre-training, our smaller ViT-B/16 model achieves 79.9% accuracy on ImageNet, a significant improvement of 2% to training from scratch, but still 4% behind supervised pre-training. Appendix B.1.2 contains further details. We leave exploration of contrastive pre-training (Chen et al., 2020b; He et al., 2020; Bachman et al., 2019; Henaff et al., 2020) to future work.

Transformers显示的令人印象深刻的业绩,在自然语言的任务。 然而,从他们的成功源不仅仅从它们的优良的可伸缩性,也来自于大规模的自我监督的预训练(Devlinet al., 2019年;拉德福et al., 2018年). 我们还执行一个初步的勘探上贴片掩盖预测的自我监督,模仿的掩蔽的语言模特任务中使用的伯特。 与自监督下的预培训、我们的小型维生素B/16型,实现了79.9%的精确度上ImageNet,显着改善的2%,以培训从头开始,但仍有4%的背后监督的预培训。 附录B.1.2包含进一步的细节。 我们离开的探索对比前培训(Chen等人, 2020b;他et al., 2020年;Bachman et al., 2019年;Henaff et al., 2020年)以来的工作。



We have explored the direct application of Transformers to image recognition. Unlike prior works using self-attention in computer vision, we do not introduce image-specific inductive biases into the architecture apart from the initial patch extraction step. Instead, we interpret an image as a sequence of patches and process it by a standard Transformer encoder as used in NLP. This simple,
yet scalable, strategy works surprisingly well when coupled with pre-training on large datasets. Thus, Vision Transformer matches or exceeds the state of the art on many image classification datasets, whilst being relatively cheap to pre-train.


While these initial results are encouraging, many challenges remain. One is to apply ViT to other computer vision tasks, such as detection and segmentation. Our results, coupled with those in Carion et al. (2020), indicate the promise of this approach. Another challenge is to continue exploring selfsupervised pre-training methods. Our initial experiments show improvement from self-supervised
pre-training, but there is still large gap between self-supervised and large-scale supervised pretraining. Finally, further scaling of ViT would likely lead to improved performance.



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