1 主要内容
2 部分代码
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1 主要内容
该程序复现《A Modified Binary PSO to solve the Thermal Unit Commitment Problem》第五章内容,主要做的是一个考虑需求响应的机组组合问题,首先构建了机组组合问题的基本模型,在此基础上,进一步考虑负荷侧管理,也就是需求响应,在调控过程中通过补偿引导负荷侧积极进行需求响应,在模型的求解上,采用了一种基于改进二进制粒子群算法的求解方法,相较于传统的粒子群算法,更加创新,而且求解的效果更好,代码出图效果非常好。该程序函数比较多,主函数为Swarm_generator,运行结果已经保存在Graphs文件夹内部,可以通过运行Graphs.m直接得到出图结果。程序采用matlab编程,注释为英文,适合具有编程经验的同学下载学习!
2 部分代码
N=size(I,1); %%%Number of TGU's T=24; %%%Study period duration %%%%fmincon.m solver options for F_LIM_ED OPTS = optimoptions('fmincon','Algorithm','sqp','display','off','ConstraintTolerance',1e-2,'OptimalityTolerance',1.0000e-02,'MaxIterations',100, 'StepTolerance',1e-2,'MaxFunctionEvaluations',100); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%UNIT DATA%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%Generator limits PGI_MAX=I(:,1); %%%Upper generation limit for each generator PGI_MIN=I(:,2); %%%Lower generation limit for each generator %%%I/O curve for each generator is modeled by a smooth quadratic function %%%i.e C(Pgi)=ai*Pgi^2+bi*Pgi+ci ai=I(:,3); bi=I(:,4); ci=I(:,5); [I_C_SORT_EXS,IDX_EXS,I_C_SORT_INS,IDX_INS] = AFLC(ai,bi,ci,PGI_MAX); %%%Unit priority list assuming same fuel cost for every unit %%MINIMUM TIME DATA MUT=I(:,6); %%%Minimum up-time for each generator MDT=I(:,7); %%%Minimum down-time for each generator %%START-UP AND SHUT-DOWN COSTS SU_H=I(:,8); SU_C=I(:,9); CSH=I(:,10); init_status=I(:,11); %%%%OTHER CONSTRAINTS M_R=I(:,13); %%MR units U_N=I(:,14); %%Unavailable units %%%% MR & UN hours & units %%Hr begin Hr end MR=[ 10 15 ]; UN=[ ]; %%%% Prohibitive operative zones (POZ) %%%Unit %%%POZ POZ=[ [1 150 165; 1 448,453] [2 90 110; 2 240 250] [8 20 30; 8 40 45] [10 12 17; 10 35 45]]; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%MAIN LOOP%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%Initiaize solution (NxT) schedule solution as an empty array Init_SOL=zeros(N,T); complete=ones(1,T); %%%Nth unit operation schedule is ON for all t sum_Pgi_max=sum(PGI_MAX); %%%%%Define swarm size (Either particle or bee) SWARM_SZ=20; PART_BEE=0; YES_CNT=0; NO_CNT=0; population=zeros(SWARM_SZ,N*T); total_COST=zeros(SWARM_SZ,1); while PART_BEE0); %%%Find the exception indices for must run units UN_idx=find(U_N>0); %%%Find the exception indices for unavailable units %%%%%%%%%%%%Determine initial status of units %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Tdiff_UP=zeros(N,3);%%%Exception indices for coupling constraints Tdiff_UP Tdiff_DW=zeros(N,3);%%%Exception indices for coupling constraints Tdiff_DW for k=1:N Tdiff_UP(k,1)=k; Tdiff_DW(k,1)=k; if ismember(k,MR_idx) || ismember(k,UN_idx) %%%If must run or unavailable unit, continue schedule repair without modifying INIT_SOL continue else P=1+(PGI_MAX(k)/sum_Pgi_max); if init_status(k)>0 %%Unit Online for ti=init_status hours Tdiff_U=init_status(k)-MUT(k); if Tdiff_U<0 Tdiff_UP(k,2)=abs(Tdiff_U); Tdiff_UP(k,3)=1; Init_SOL(k,1:Tdiff_UP(k,2))=1; else Tdiff_UP(k,2)=0; Tdiff_UP(k,3)=0; end for j=Tdiff_UP(k,2)+1:T X=-1+(P-(-1))*rand; if X>=0 Init_SOL(k,j)=1; else Init_SOL(k,j)=0; end end else %%Unit is offline for ti=init_status hours Tdiff_D=MDT(k)+init_status(k); if Tdiff_D>0 Tdiff_DW(k,2)=abs(Tdiff_D); Init_SOL(k,1:Tdiff_D)=0; Tdiff_DW(k,3)=1; else Tdiff_DW(k,2)=0; Tdiff_DW(k,3)=0; end for j=Tdiff_DW(k,2)+1:T X=-1+(P-(-1))*rand; if X>=0 Init_SOL(k,j)=1; else Init_SOL(k,j)=0; end end end end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Check & Repair Coupling constraints %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%Decompose commitment schedule into T single-hour unit combinations Exs_On_cap=zeros(3,T); %%Excess online capacity Ins_On_cap=zeros(3,T); %%Insufficient online capacity f_unit_ins_all=zeros(N,T); %%%This unit is not part of the exceptions MR,UN,Initialization free_unit_ins=zeros(N,T); %%%These units are offline and available to be turned off %%Check Excess online capacity first for full commitment check_full_exs=ones(1,N)*PGI_MIN; %%%Check if system has excess online capacity for a complete commitment check_1=find(check_full_exs>P_D); if isempty(check_1) clear excp_exs f_unit_exs_all free_unit_exs Exs_On_cap else %%%Excess online capacity schedule repair for t=1:T u_t=Init_SOL(:,t); %%Decompose into T single hour unit combinations Exs_On_cap(1,t)=u_t'*PGI_MIN; Exs_On_cap(2,t)=P_D(t); if Exs_On_cap(1,t)>P_D(t) Exs_On_cap(3,t)=1; format_exs='Excess capacity at hour %u. Repairing schedule...\n'; fprintf(format_ins,t); end end end status_e=0; status_f=0; status_g=0; status=[status_e,status_f,status_g]; trials=0; max_trials=15; while ~all(status) trials=trials+1; if trials>max_trials break end if trials==1 %%%Insufficient online capacity initial schedule repair for t=1:T u_t=Init_SOL(:,t); %%Decompose into T single hour unit combinations Ins_On_cap(1,t)=u_t'*PGI_MAX; Ins_On_cap(2,t)=P_D(t)+SRREQ(t); if Ins_On_cap(1,t)
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