- badgerdb是lsm tree派系的数据库,put,delete接口都是通过追加写日志的方式来保存的,日志如果一直不清理,会导致读性能越来越差,占用的存储空间也越来越大,badgerdb为了解决这些问题,就有了日志合并,日志的合并的实现方式主要有参考rockdb和pebbledb这两个数据库。
func (s *levelsController) startCompact(lc *z.Closer) {
n := s.kv.opt.NumCompactors//默认是4
lc.AddRunning(n - 1)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
go s.runCompactor(i, lc)//启动4个协程
runOnce := func() bool {
prios := s.pickCompactLevels()//选择压缩的sst
if id == 0 {
// Worker ID zero prefers to compact L0 always.
prios = moveL0toFront(prios)
for _, p := range prios {
if id == 0 && p.level == 0 {
// Allow worker zero to run level 0, irrespective of its adjusted score.
} else if p.adjusted < 1.0 {
if run(p) {
return true
return false
addPriority := func(level int, score float64) {
pri := compactionPriority{
level: level,
score: score,
adjusted: score,
t: t,
prios = append(prios, pri)
// Add L0 priority based on the number of tables.
addPriority(0, float64(s.levels[0].numTables())/float64(s.kv.opt.NumLevelZeroTables))//opt.NumLevelZeroTables默认是5
// All other levels use size to calculate priority.
for i := 1; i < len(s.levels); i++ {
// Don't consider those tables that are already being compacted right now.
delSize := s.cstatus.delSize(i)
l := s.levels[i]
sz := l.getTotalSize() - delSize
addPriority(i, float64(sz)/float64(t.targetSz[i]))//L1->L6层剩余的size
// We pick tables, so we compact older tables first. This is similar to
// kOldestLargestSeqFirst in RocksDB.
s.sortByHeuristic(tables, cd)
for _, t := range tables {
cd.thisSize = t.Size()
cd.thisRange = getKeyRange(t)
// If we're already compacting this range, don't do anything.
if s.cstatus.overlapsWith(cd.thisLevel.level, cd.thisRange) {
cd.top = []*table.Table{t}
left, right := cd.nextLevel.overlappingTables(levelHandlerRLocked{}, cd.thisRange)
cd.bot = make([]*table.Table, right-left)
copy(cd.bot, cd.nextLevel.tables[left:right])
if len(cd.bot) == 0 {
cd.bot = []*table.Table{}
cd.nextRange = cd.thisRange
if !s.cstatus.compareAndAdd(thisAndNextLevelRLocked{}, *cd) {
return true
cd.nextRange = getKeyRange(cd.bot...)
if s.cstatus.overlapsWith(cd.nextLevel.level, cd.nextRange) {
if !s.cstatus.compareAndAdd(thisAndNextLevelRLocked{}, *cd) {
return true
return false
top := cd.thisLevel.tables
if len(top) == 0 {
return false
var out []*table.Table
if len(cd.dropPrefixes) > 0 {//正常业务这里就是0
// Use all tables if drop prefix is set. We don't want to compact only a
// sub-range. We want to compact all the tables.
out = top
} else {
var kr keyRange
// cd.top[0] is the oldest file. So we start from the oldest file first.
for _, t := range top {
dkr := getKeyRange(t)
if kr.overlapsWith(dkr) {
out = append(out, t)
} else {
cd.thisRange = getKeyRange(out...)//L0 层的tables[0]起到没有交集的tables[i]
cd.top = out
left, right := cd.nextLevel.overlappingTables(levelHandlerRLocked{}, cd.thisRange)//找出cd.thisRange.left,cd.thisRange.right在cd.nextLevel.tables中的索引
cd.bot = make([]*table.Table, right-left)
copy(cd.bot, cd.nextLevel.tables[left:right])
if len(cd.bot) == 0 {//cd.thisRange范围在cd.nextLevel的一个Table中
cd.nextRange = cd.thisRange
} else {
cd.nextRange = getKeyRange(cd.bot...)
newIterator := func() []y.Iterator {
// Create iterators across all the tables involved first.
var iters []y.Iterator
switch {
case lev == 0:
iters = append(iters, iteratorsReversed(topTables, table.NOCACHE)...)
case len(topTables) > 0:
y.AssertTrue(len(topTables) == 1)
iters = []y.Iterator{topTables[0].NewIterator(table.NOCACHE)}
// Next level has level>=1 and we can use ConcatIterator as key ranges do not overlap.
return append(iters, table.NewConcatIterator(valid, table.NOCACHE))
addKeys := func(builder *table.Builder) {
timeStart := time.Now()
var numKeys, numSkips uint64
var rangeCheck int
var tableKr keyRange
for ; it.Valid(); it.Next() {
// See if we need to skip the prefix.
if len(cd.dropPrefixes) > 0 && hasAnyPrefixes(it.Key(), cd.dropPrefixes) {
// See if we need to skip this key.
if len(skipKey) > 0 {
if y.SameKey(it.Key(), skipKey) {
} else {
skipKey = skipKey[:0]
if !y.SameKey(it.Key(), lastKey) {
firstKeyHasDiscardSet = false
if len(kr.right) > 0 && y.CompareKeys(it.Key(), kr.right) >= 0 {
if builder.ReachedCapacity() {
// Only break if we are on a different key, and have reached capacity. We want
// to ensure that all versions of the key are stored in the same sstable, and
// not divided across multiple tables at the same level.
lastKey = y.SafeCopy(lastKey, it.Key())
numVersions = 0
firstKeyHasDiscardSet = it.Value().Meta&BitDiscardEarlierVersions > 0
if len(tableKr.left) == 0 {
tableKr.left = y.SafeCopy(tableKr.left, it.Key())
tableKr.right = lastKey
if rangeCheck%5000 == 0 {
// This table's range exceeds the allowed range overlap with the level after
// next. So, we stop writing to this table. If we don't do this, then we end up
// doing very expensive compactions involving too many tables. To amortize the
// cost of this check, we do it only every N keys.
if exceedsAllowedOverlap(tableKr) {
// s.kv.opt.Debugf("L%d -> L%d Breaking due to exceedsAllowedOverlap with
// kr: %s\n", cd.thisLevel.level, cd.nextLevel.level, tableKr)
vs := it.Value()
version := y.ParseTs(it.Key())
isExpired := isDeletedOrExpired(vs.Meta, vs.ExpiresAt)
// Do not discard entries inserted by merge operator. These entries will be
// discarded once they're merged
if version <= discardTs && vs.Meta&bitMergeEntry == 0 {
// Keep track of the number of versions encountered for this key. Only consider the
// versions which are below the minReadTs, otherwise, we might end up discarding the
// only valid version for a running transaction.
// Keep the current version and discard all the next versions if
// - The `discardEarlierVersions` bit is set OR
// - We've already processed `NumVersionsToKeep` number of versions
// (including the current item being processed)
lastValidVersion := vs.Meta&BitDiscardEarlierVersions > 0 ||
numVersions == s.kv.opt.NumVersionsToKeep
if isExpired || lastValidVersion {
// If this version of the key is deleted or expired, skip all the rest of the
// versions. Ensure that we're only removing versions below readTs.
skipKey = y.SafeCopy(skipKey, it.Key())
switch {
// Add the key to the table only if it has not expired.
// We don't want to add the deleted/expired keys.
case !isExpired && lastValidVersion:
// Add this key. We have set skipKey, so the following key versions
// would be skipped.
case hasOverlap:
// If this key range has overlap with lower levels, then keep the deletion
// marker with the latest version, discarding the rest. We have set skipKey,
// so the following key versions would be skipped.
// If no overlap, we can skip all the versions, by continuing here.
continue // Skip adding this key.
var vp valuePointer
if vs.Meta&bitValuePointer > 0 {
switch {
case firstKeyHasDiscardSet:
// This key is same as the last key which had "DiscardEarlierVersions" set. The
// the next compactions will drop this key if its ts >
// discardTs (of the next compaction).
builder.AddStaleKey(it.Key(), vs, vp.Len)
case isExpired:
// If the key is expired, the next compaction will drop it if
// its ts > discardTs (of the next compaction).
builder.AddStaleKey(it.Key(), vs, vp.Len)
builder.Add(it.Key(), vs, vp.Len)
合并后需要删除sst文件和创建新的sst,删除和创建需要原子性操作,要记录到mainfest文件里面。删除上层top的sst和下层bot的sst,再加上nextlevel层的sst 文件
func buildChangeSet(cd *compactDef, newTables []*table.Table) pb.ManifestChangeSet {
changes := []*pb.ManifestChange{}
for _, table := range newTables {
changes = append(changes,
newCreateChange(table.ID(), cd.nextLevel.level, table.KeyID(), table.CompressionType()))
for _, table := range cd.top {
// Add a delete change only if the table is not in memory.
if !table.IsInmemory {
changes = append(changes, newDeleteChange(table.ID()))
for _, table := range cd.bot {
changes = append(changes, newDeleteChange(table.ID()))
return pb.ManifestChangeSet{Changes: changes}
https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/wiki/Leveled-CompactionLSM Tree-Based存储引擎的compaction策略(feat. RocksDB)_LittleMagics的博客-CSDN博客