Stephen Wolfram:意义空间和语义运动规律

news2024/10/7 10:24:11

Meaning Space and Semantic Laws of Motion


We discussed above that inside ChatGPT any piece of text is effectively represented by an array of numbers that we can think of as coordinates of a point in some kind of “linguistic feature space”. So when ChatGPT continues a piece of text this corresponds to tracing out a trajectory in linguistic feature space. But now we can ask what makes this trajectory correspond to text we consider meaningful. And might there perhaps be some kind of “semantic laws of motion” that define—or at least constrain—how points in linguistic feature space can move around while preserving “meaningfulness”?

我们在上文中讨论了,在 ChatGPT 内部,任何一段文本实际上都由一组数字表示,我们可以将其看作是某种“语言特征空间”中的一个点的坐标。因此,当 ChatGPT 继续一段文本时,相当于在语言特征空间中描绘出一条轨迹。但现在我们可以问,是什么使这条轨迹对应于我们认为有意义的文本。或者说,是否可能存在某种“语义运动定律”,定义或至少约束着语言特征空间中的点在保持“有意义性”的同时如何移动?

So what is this linguistic feature space like? Here’s an example of how single words (here, common nouns) might get laid out if we project such a feature space down to 2D:



We saw another example above based on words representing plants and animals. But the point in both cases is that “semantically similar words” are placed nearby.


As another example, here’s how words corresponding to different parts of speech get laid out:



Of course, a given word doesn’t in general just have “one meaning” (or necessarily correspond to just one part of speech). And by looking at how sentences containing a word lay out in feature space, one can often “tease apart” different meanings—as in the example here for the word “crane” (bird or machine?):



OK, so it’s at least plausible that we can think of this feature space as placing “words nearby in meaning” close in this space. But what kind of additional structure can we identify in this space? Is there for example some kind of notion of “parallel transport” that would reflect “flatness” in the space? One way to get a handle on that is to look at analogies:



And, yes, even when we project down to 2D, there’s often at least a “hint of flatness”, though it’s certainly not universally seen.


So what about trajectories? We can look at the trajectory that a prompt for ChatGPT follows in feature space—and then we can see how ChatGPT continues that:

那么轨迹呢?我们可以看看 ChatGPT 提示在特征空间中遵循的轨迹,然后我们可以看看 ChatGPT 如何继续这个轨迹:


There’s certainly no “geometrically obvious” law of motion here. And that’s not at all surprising; we fully expect this to be a considerably more complicated story. And, for example, it’s far from obvious that even if there is a “semantic law of motion” to be found, what kind of embedding (or, in effect, what “variables”) it’ll most naturally be stated in.


In the picture above, we’re showing several steps in the “trajectory”—where at each step we’re picking the word that ChatGPT considers the most probable (the “zero temperature” case). But we can also ask what words can “come next” with what probabilities at a given point:

在上图中,我们展示了“轨迹”的几个步骤,在每个步骤中,我们都选择了 ChatGPT 认为最可能出现的单词(“零温度”情况)。但我们也可以问,在给定点,哪些词语可能“接下来出现”,以及它们出现的概率是多少:


And what we see in this case is that there’s a “fan” of high-probability words that seems to go in a more or less definite direction in feature space. What happens if we go further? Here are the successive “fans” that appear as we “move along” the trajectory:



Here’s a 3D representation, going for a total of 40 steps:

这是一个三维表示,总共进行了 40 个步骤:


And, yes, this seems like a mess—and doesn’t do anything to particularly encourage the idea that one can expect to identify “mathematical-physics-like” “semantic laws of motion” by empirically studying “what ChatGPT is doing inside”. But perhaps we’re just looking at the “wrong variables” (or wrong coordinate system) and if only we looked at the right one, we’d immediately see that ChatGPT is doing something “mathematical-physics-simple” like following geodesics. But as of now, we’re not ready to “empirically decode” from its “internal behavior” what ChatGPT has “discovered” about how human language is “put together”.

是的,这看起来很混乱,并且并未特别鼓励人们期待通过实证研究“ChatGPT 在内部做什么”来识别类似“数学物理”的“语义运动定律”。但也许我们只是在看“错误的变量”(或错误的坐标系统),如果我们只观察正确的变量,我们会立即发现 ChatGPT 正在做一些类似于沿测地线运动的“数学物理简单”事情。但到目前为止,我们尚未准备好从其“内部行为”中“实证解码”出 ChatGPT 已经“发现”了关于人类语言是如何“组合”的知识。







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