paper link:
- Overview
- What problem is addressed in the paper?
- What is the key to the solution?
- What is the main contribution?
- Potential fundamental flaws; how this work can be improved?
- Content
- 关于 classifier guidance :
- classifier-free guidance
- 背景
- Guidance
- classifier guidance
- classifier-free guidance
- Experiments
- Discussion
- Conclusion
What problem is addressed in the paper?
It also raises the question of whether guidance can be performed without a classifier: in what we call classifier-free guidance
What is the key to the solution?
we jointly train a conditional and an unconditional diffusion model, and we combine the resulting conditional and unconditional score estimates to attain a trade-off between sample quality and diversity similar to that obtained using classifier guidance
What is the main contribution?
We have presented classifier-free guidance, a method to increase sample quality while decreasing sample diversity in diffusion models.
Potential fundamental flaws; how this work can be improved?
- A potential disadvantage of classifier-free guidance is sampling speed.
- The necessity to run multiple passes of the diffusion model might be mitigated by changing the architecture to inject conditioning late in the network, but we leave this exploration for future work.
- It would be an interesting avenue of future work to try to boost sample quality while maintaining sample diversity.
关于 classifier guidance :
Classifier guidance is a recently introduced method to trade off mode coverage and sample fidelity in conditional diffusion models post training, in the same spirit as low temperature sampling or truncation in other types of generative models.
classifier guidance的不足:
- Classifier guidance combines the score estimate of a diffusion model with the gradient of an image classifier and thereby requires training an image classifier separate from the diffusion model.
- It also raises the question of whether guidance can be performed without a classifier.
- classifier-guided diffusion sampling can be interpreted as attempting to confuse an image classifier with a gradient-based adversarial attack.
classifier-free guidance
- our guidance method which avoids any classifier entirely. Rather than sampling in the direction of the gradient of an image classifier, classifier-free guidance instead mixes the score estimates of a conditional diffusion model and a jointly trained unconditional diffusion model.
Our classifier-free guidance results demonstrate that pure generative diffusion models are capable of synthesizing extremely high fidelity samples possible with other types of generative models.
forward process:
forward process runs in the direction of decreasing λ。
reverse process start from :
在conditional generative建模的情况下,数据x与条件信息c(即用于类条件图像生成的类标签)一起绘制。对模型的唯一修改是逆过程函数逼近器接收c作为输入,
classifier guidance
(这个概念的主要工作是Diffusion models beat GANs on image synthesis,简称beat-gan)
其中diffusion score 被修改如下:其中w是控制分类器引导强度的参数。
其效果是对分类器所针对的数据的概率进行加权。 beat-gan发现,通过设定w>0, 他们可以提高其扩散模型的Inception score,但代价是样本的多样性降低。
figure2: guidance对三个高斯混合体的影响
- 每个混合体成分代表一个类的条件数据。最左边的图是non-guided边缘密度。从左到右是归一化guided conditionals的混合密度,guidance strength增加。 随着引导强度的增加,每个条件质量都将概率质量放置在远离其他类别的位置,并朝向Logistic回归给出的高置信度方向,并且大多数质量变得集中在较小的区域。这种行为可以被看作是在ImageNet模型中增加分类器指导强度时发生的Inception score增加和样本多样性减少的简化表现。
将权重w+1的分类器指导应用于无条件模型理论上将导致与将权重w的分类器指导应用于条件模型相同的结果, 因为:,就分数而言:
classifier-free guidance
Classifier-free guidance is an alternative method of modifying to have the same effect as classifier guidance, but without a classifier.
算法1和算法2详细描述了classifier-free guidance下的训练和采样
我们使用单个神经网络来参数化这两个模型,对于无条件模型,我们可以在预测分数时简单地为类标识符 c 输入空标记 ∅,也就是说。我们联合训练unconditional 和conditional models 以一定的概率将 c 随机设置为无条件类标识符 ∅。
we show empirically that classifier-free guidance is able to trade off FID and IS in the same way as classifier guidance.
- 在这里,我们通过实验验证了本文的主要主张:无分类器指导能够以分类器引导或 GAN 截断等方式权衡 IS 和 FID。
- 增加无分类器引导强度具有减少样本种类(FID)和增加单个样本保真度的预期效果(IS)。
- 为了产生对样本质量有效的无分类器引导分数,扩散模型中只有相对较小的模型容量需要用于无条件生成任务。
最后,任何以牺牲多样性为代价来提高样本保真度的guidance方法都必须面对减少多样性是否可接受的问题。 在已部署的模型中可能会有负面影响,因为在某些数据部分在其他数据上下文中没有得到充分表示的应用程序中,样本多样性对于维护应用程序非常重要。在保持样本多样性的同时,提高样本质量将是未来工作的一个有趣途径。