<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper
PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
<mapper namespace="MyDog">
<cache-ref namespace=""/>
<parameterMap id="" type="">
<parameter property="" jdbcType="" javaType="" typeHandler=""/>
<sql id=""></sql>
<resultMap id="" type="">
<id property="" column=""/>
<result property="" column="" />
<select id="" resultType="" parameterType=""></select>
<insert id="" parameterType=""></insert>
<delete id=""></delete>
<update id="" parameterType=""></update>
< select >元素的常用属性:
1、使用“${...}”,语法为“like '${...}'”; -->and sName LIKE '%${sName}%'
<select id="query" resultType="student">
SELECT * FROM students
<if test="null != sId and '' != sId">
and sId = #{sId}
<if test="null != sName and '' != sName">
and sName LIKE '%${sName}%'
<if test="null != sAge and '' != sAge">
and sAge = #{sAge}
2、使用“#{...}”,语法为“like '#{...}'”; -->and sName LIKE "%"#{sName}"%"
<select id="query" resultType="student">
SELECT * FROM students
<if test="null != sId and '' != sId">
and sId = #{sId}
<if test="null != sName and '' != sName">
and sName LIKE "%"#{sName}"%"
<if test="null != sAge and '' != sAge">
and sAge = #{sAge}
3、使用[CONCAT]函数连接参数形式,语法为“like CONCAT('%',#{...},'%')”。-->and sName LIKE concat("%",#{sName},"%")
<select id="query" resultType="student">
SELECT * FROM students
<if test="null != sId and '' != sId">
and sId = #{sId}
<if test="null != sName and '' != sName">
and sName LIKE concat("%",#{sName},"%")
<if test="null != sAge and '' != sAge">
and sAge = #{sAge}
4、使用<bind> --><bind name="bindName" value="'%'+sName+'%'" />
<select id="query" resultType="student">
<bind name="bindName" value="'%'+sName+'%'" />
SELECT * FROM students
<if test="null != sId and '' != sId">
and sId = #{sId}
<if test="null != sName and '' != sName">
and sName LIKE #{bindName}
<if test="null != sAge and '' != sAge">
and sAge = #{sAge}