【SAP MII学习】Day01--Overview, Security Services, and Workbench

news2025/2/25 9:19:41

1. Module 1: Overview

1.1 问题存在的原因


  • Shop Floor Automation and Control Systems (SFAC):collect data from the PLCs and sensors that are connected to the machinery on the factory or plant floor. SFACs usually connect to Historians and SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems as repositories to store these voluminous data on a real-time basis, and also drive feedback control at the machine level.
  • Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES):tracks all customer orders, schedules, labor, resources, and inventory across the production line by shift.
  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): plan and record transaction data to measure variance against set performance targets.


  • 企业花费大量资金雇佣员工将MES系统中的数据导入到ERP系统。浪费了大量的人力物力,并且采用人工录入的方式极有可能产生一些录入错误
  • 录入的数据是已经过时的数据,因此无法得到快速和实时的生产进度从而无法比较和既定目标之间的差距,导致错过发货时间。
  • 此外,尽管在大多数工厂收纳柜SFAC系统和MES之间的连接不存在问题,但是不同生产商,不同平台的系统也有可能导致连接不稳定,从而导致更大的问题。

The key point to make in this slide is that the business implication of any exception or the ability to compare actual manufacturing performance against set targets is not evident until MES data and exceptions from the factory floor hit the ERP system. ERP in essence, if integrated seamlessly with the factory MES layer, provides the business context for manufacturing transactions, exceptions and issues captured on the factory floor.


1.2 SAP MII简介

从下图可以看出,SAP MII就是连接了MES系统和ERP系统的一个中间层。
SAP MII提供了一个灵活的组合平台,用于开发制造组合应用程序,通常可以解决制造集成领域的两个最大挑战:

  • 与工厂和企业业务系统实时灵活集成
  • 对多个不同来源的工厂数据进行实时可见性和分析


总的来说,SAP MII系统主要提供了两大类的功能,分别是:

  • Integration

    • Data Services: provides connectors and data queries to connect and manipulate data from external systems.
    • Message Services: receive, buffer and process incoming XML messages from external systems
    • Business Logic Services: provides a graphical modeling framework for business logic development and execution.
  • Intelligence

    • Visualization Services: provides the display templates, animated graphics for custom analytics
    • Analytic Services: real-time process parameter monitoring and analytics engine for SPC/SQC and statistical analysis

All logic (programs) developed in SAP MII are automatically exposed as web services which can be accessed by external systems.

1.3 SAP MII系统架构


1.4 小结

  • One of the major challenges of manufacturing companies is disconnection between enterprise planning system and execution systems leading to lack of visibility and responsiveness
  • The vision for manufacturing companies is to electronically linking the enterprise business process and master data with plant manufacturing processes to run from a “single version of the truth”
  • SAP MII enables the adaptive manufacturing vision and perfect plant by providing easy integration, visualization, and composition as a platform between ERP and manufacturing execution and automation systems
  • SAP MII provides integration services to ERP and manufacturing systems by message services, business logic services, data services and Plant Connectivity
  • It also provides alert, notification, data persistency and visualization services to provide intelligent reports and dashboards for manufacturing process monitoring and decision making
  • SAP MII acts as the integration platform between SAP ME and SAP ERP for bi-directional data exchange

2. Module 2: Security Services

这一部分主要介绍了权限管理。个人感觉不常用,只记录一下如何查看自己的权限。在Security Service菜单中找到User Management,进入后输入自己的账号即可看到自己账户所拥有的权限。

3. Module 3: Administration, Workbench, and Content Management

3.1 System Properties


  • Name identifies the base system configuration.
  • Description (Optional) describes the system configuration.
  • Language sets the default system language. Logon accounts have a language setting that overrides the system setting.
  • BinarySizeLimit specifies the maximum number of kilobytes that can be posted to a transaction as input
  • SessionTimeOut defines the amount of time in minutes the system uses to automatically close inactive sessions.
  • TransactionCacheDuration defines how many hours a transaction is kept in the system cache.
  • BypassList defines a comma-separated list of servers and URLs that bypass the proxy server. You can include a wildcard character, such as wdf.sap.*.
  • ProxyBypassLocal indicates whether the local intranet servers bypass the proxy server.
  • Host defines the local proxy server. The system uses this value to access virtual servers in other locations.
  • Port identifies the port of the internet proxy server that the MII system uses to communicate while accessing external URL.
  • UserName identifies the user name for authentication.
  • UserPassword defines the password for authentication. The password value is encoded.
  • ResolveMachineName enhances the login information. If you select the checkbox, the system finds the source machine name through the configured machine’s domain name system for each request to the server. If you deselect the checkbox, the system records the IP address of the request machine.
  • WSDLGenSecurityEnabled is a checkbox option. If the checkbox is selected, the system requires you to log on before you can access the WSDLGen service. If the checkbox is not selected, any user can call the service to generate WSDL for a transaction; however, you must still have permission to run the transaction.
  • MDO Data Source defines the MDO Connector configuration by specifying the server


3.2 Transaction Manager

在这里界面里面可以监控所有的BLS Transaction的执行情况。

3.3 Scheduler

在这里可以添加定时任务,让任务自动的执行。时间表达式应该和Spring Task框架中的时间表达式一致。

3.4 Custom Attributes


3.5 Custom Attribute Mapping



3.6 Configurations


3.7 Workbench


The content you develop using the SAP MII workbench can be assigned read or write permissions based on the role of the user. Users who have been granted read access can view and execute development objects such as query templates, display templates, BLS transactions, and animated objects, either from the workbench or from a Web application using SAP MII applets. A user, who has write access can modify these objects, in addition to viewing and executing them.
The only exception to this security model is the web content, which cannot be assigned any security roles because it runs on the server and thus is not solely under the purview of SAP MII content security.





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