
news2025/3/4 12:35:34


0 前言

1 sudo and su

1.1 su: 切换用户

1.2 sudo: 切换用户 

2 权限设置:chmod, chown

2.1 chmod:访问权限设置

2.2 chown:设置文件或目录的主人

2.3 chgrp:设计文件或者目录属于哪个组

2.4 查询组成员

2.5 查询某用户属于哪个(哪些)组 

3 磁盘空间状况查询:df, du

3.1 df

3.2 du (Disk Usage)

4 进程状态查询管理:ps, top, kill, job

4.1 ps

4.2 top

4.3 kill command

4.5  jobs command

6 用户加入和删除:useradd, userdel

7 修改密码

10 查询系统版本信息

11 安装软件

12 系统状态查看管理

13 group管理

13.1 创建一个组

13.2 删除一个组

13.3 追加用户到组

13.4 从组中删除用户

13.5 改变用户的primary group

13.6 创建一个新用户并同时追加到用户组中

13.7 显示用户的组信息

14  系统信息文件

0 前言


1 sudo and su

sudo: short for “SuperUser Do”, this command enables you to perform tasks that require administrative or root permissions. However, it is not advisable to use this command for daily use because it might be easy for an error to occur if you did something wrong.

1.1 su: 切换用户

su username  # 切换到指定用户名,当然会要求输入密码

su                   # 不带参数的话,表示要求切换为root user


su -c command username 


su -c chmod +w /Downloads testuser


1.2 sudo: 切换用户 


sudo -u username

sudo -u username command

sudo -u testuser chmod 777 /Documents


2 权限设置:chmod, chown

2.1 chmod:访问权限设置

        chmod is used to change the read, write, and execute permissions of files and directories. As this command is rather complicated, you can read the full tutorial in order to execute it properly.



chmod -R 777 /Path/To/Folder

2.2 chown:设置文件或目录的主人

        In Linux, all files are owned by a specific user. The chown command enables you to change or transfer the ownership of a file to the specified username. For instance, chown linuxuser2 file.ext will make linuxuser2 as the owner of the file.ext.


2.3 chgrp:设计文件或者目录属于哪个组

        chgrp groupname file/folder


2.4 查询组成员

        getent group groupname

2.5 查询某用户属于哪个(哪些)组 

        groups username

3 磁盘空间状况查询:df, du

3.1 df

        Use df command to get a report on the system’s disk space usage, shown in percentage and KBs. If you want to see the report in megabytes, type df -m.





3.2 du (Disk Usage)


du -h --max-depth=k

du -h -d k

du -sh /path/to/folder   # s: summary, 报告指定目录总的size


"-d k" 或者“--max-depth=k”是指生成几级深度的信息,0表示仅生成当前目录的总的空间大小,1表示同时回到第1级子目录的信息,以下依此类推。。。当然如果不用该参数的话会缺省把所有层次信息都给出来,这样反而会很难看。




du -sh . 


du -sh * 

4 进程状态查询管理:ps, top, kill, job

4.1 ps


ps -aux 



ps aux | grep -v `whoami`

4.2 top

As a terminal equivalent to Task Manager in Windows, the top command will display a list of running processes and how much CPU each process uses. It’s very useful to monitor system resource usage, especially knowing which process needs to be terminated because it consumes too many resources.

4.3 kill command


If you have an unresponsive program, you can terminate it manually by using the kill command. It will send a certain signal to the misbehaving app and instructs the app to terminate itself.

There is a total of sixty-four signals that you can use, but people usually only use two signals:

SIGTERM (15) — requests a program to stop running and gives it some time to save all of its progress. If you don’t specify the signal when entering the kill command, this signal will be used.
SIGKILL (9) — forces programs to stop immediately. Unsaved progress will be lost.
Besides knowing the signals, you also need to know the process identification number (PID) of the program you want to kill. If you don’t know the PID, simply run the command ps ux.

After knowing what signal you want to use and the PID of the program, enter the following syntax:

kill [signal option] PID

4.5  jobs command

jobs command will display all current jobs along with their statuses. A job is basically a process that is started by the shell.

6 用户加入和删除:useradd, userdel

ref: How to Create Users in Linux (useradd Command) | Linuxize

Since Linux is a multi-user system, this means more than one person can interact with the same system at the same time. useradd is used to create a new user, while passwd is adding a password to that user’s account.

追加一个名为John的用户账号(当然需要管理员权限。如果你有sudo权限,则可以在一下命令之前加上sudo ):

useradd John 


passwd John

You will be prompted to enter and confirm the password. Make sure you use a strong password. 

Changing password for user username.
New password:
Retype new password:
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully. 

To remove a user is very similar to adding a new user. To delete the users account type:

userdel UserName

7 修改密码

#passwd 修改密码,再次确认,区分大小写

#whoami 就是一条查看自己用户名的命令

#users/who/w 就是查看当前在线用户

SYntax: passwd [-k] [-l] [-u [-f]] [-d] [-S] [username]

-d 删除密码
-f 强迫用户下次登录时必须修改口令
-w 口令要到期提前警告的天数
-k 更新只能发送在过期之后
-l 停止账号使用
-S 显示密码信息
-u 启用已被停止的账户
-x 指定口令最长存活期
-g 修改群组密码
-i 口令过期后多少天停用账户
--help 显示帮助信息
--version 显示版本信息

# passwd -S john

john PS 2020-07-02 0 99999 7 -1 (Password set, MD5 crypt.)


# passwd -d lx138

passwd: password expiry information changed.

10 查询系统版本信息

uname -a


Linux server8 3.10.0-1160.76.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Aug 10 16:21:17 UTC 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

 lsb_release -a


LSB Version:    :core-4.1-amd64:core-4.1-ia32:core-4.1-noarch
Distributor ID:    n/a
Description:    NAME="Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server"
Release:    n/a
Codename:    n/a 

11 安装软件



12 系统状态查看管理

12.1 uptime

12.2 w command

12.3 users command

12.4 who command

12.5 whoami

12.6 crontab

12.6 ssh (secure shell)

12.7 systemctl

12.8 free

12.9 last

13 group管理

Linux groups are organization units that are used to organize and administer user accounts in Linux. The primary purpose of groups is to define a set of privileges such as reading, writing, or executing permission for a given resource that can be shared among the users within the group.

There are two types of groups in Linux operating systems:

The Primary group – When a user creates a file, the file’s group is set to the user’s primary group. Usually, the name of the group is the same as the name of the user. The information about the user’s primary group is stored in the /etc/passwd file.

Secondary or supplementary group - Useful when you want to grant certain file permissions to a set of users who are members of the group. For example, if you add a specific user to the docker group, the user will inherit the group’s access rights and be able to run docker commands.

Each user can belong to exactly one primary group and zero or more secondary groups.

Only root or users with sudo access can add a user to a group.

13.1 创建一个组

To create a new group , use the groupadd command followed by the group name: 

sudo groupadd groupname

13.2 删除一个组

To delete an existing group, use the groupdel command followed by the group name: 

sudo groupdel groupname 

13.3 追加用户到组

sudo usermod -a -G groupname username 

Always use the -a (append) option when adding a user to a new group. If you omit the -a option, the user will be removed from any groups not listed after the -G option.

On success, the usermod command does not display any output. It warns you only if the user or group doesn’t exist.


sudo usermod -a -G group1,group2 username

13.4 从组中删除用户


sudo gpasswd -d username groupname

13.5 改变用户的primary group

To change a user primary group, use the usermod command followed by the -g option:

sudo usermod -g groupname username 

13.6 创建一个新用户并同时追加到用户组中

The following useradd command creates a new user named new_user with primary group group1 and secondary groups group2 and group3.

 sudo useradd -g group1 -G group2, group3 new_user

13.7 显示用户的组信息


id username



groups chenxy 


14  系统信息文件

/etc/passwd  User account information.
/etc/shadow  Secure user account information.  
/etc/group Group account information.
/etc/gshadow  Secure group account information.
/etc/default/useradd Default values for account creation.
/etc/skel Directory containing default files.
/etc/login.defs  Shadow password suite configuration.

ref1: 30 Useful Linux Commands for System Administrators (




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